Bernard S Township Sewerage Authority s5
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CALL TO ORDER The chairperson called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Those assembled saluted the flag and the chairperson read the open public meeting statement in accordance with the law.
ROLL CALL Present: Bianchi, Carpenter, Gaziano, Malay Absent: Pavlini Also Present: Director Timko, Attorney Belardo, Mott MacDonald Consultant Wohlleb
Motion Carpenter, second Gaziano to excuse Pavlini, stuck in traffic. All in favor; motion carried.
CLOSED SESSION – RESOLUTION #1748 Motion Carpenter, second Gaziano to temporarily adjourn to closed session at 6:31 PM. All in favor; motion carried.
Motion Carpenter, second Gaziano to resume in open session at 6:44 PM. All in favor; motion carried.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Bianchi, second Carpenter to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of April 11, 2017. All in favor; motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE Mt. View Corporate Center
ACTION/DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Discussion – Bill Schroeder of the firm Nisivoccia – FYE 2016 The Authority members had been given the 2016 audit for their review. Mr. Schroeder advised there were no comments or recommendations that the authority is in great financial condition.
The synopsis of the audit will be posted on the website. b. Discussion – Michael Flett – SREC Market Mr. Flett presented the members with information regarding Authority SREC needs and New Jersey SREC market conditions and selling options.
The consensus of the discussion was to enter into a 3-year contract lock. c. Resolution #1749 – FYE 2016 Audit – NJSA Compliance Motion Gaziano, second Carpenter to approve Resolution #1749. ROLL CALL Aye: Bianchi, Carpenter, Gaziano, Malay Nay: Motion Carried d. Resolution #1750 – Annual Audit Group Certification – FYE 2016 Motion Gaziano, second Carpenter to approve Resolution #1750. ROLL CALL Aye: Bianchi, Carpenter, Gaziano, Malay Nay: Motion Carried e. Resolution #1751 – CO #1 – Mott MacDonald – Sewer Repairs - $48,304.50 Motion Carpenter, second Gaziano to approve Resolution #1751. ROLL CALL Aye: Bianchi, Carpenter, Gaziano, Malay Nay: Motion Carried f. Resolution #1752 – CO #1 – Fred Devens Construction – HB STP Flow Metering Improvements - $0.00 Net Change Motion Carpenter, second Bianchi to approve Resolution #1752. ROLL CALL Aye: Bianchi, Carpenter, Gaziano, Malay Nay: Motion Carried g. Resolution #1753 – Time Extension – Mott MacDonald – 1.5 Meter Belt Press and Building Refurbishment Project Motion Carpenter, Second Bianchi to approve Resolution #1753. ROLL CALL Aye: Bianchi, Carpenter, Gaziano, Malay Nay: Motion Carried h. Discussion – Change Order – Flow Meters
Nancy Wohlleb of Mott MacDonald described the requested change order which will add a new dog manhole downstream of the chlorine contact chamber to house the new effluent meter. CO +$5,700 i. Discussion – Monarch Circle Pump Station
2 Nancy Wohlleb of Mott MacDonald described the considerable amount of unforeseen time dealing with the contractor’s many incomplete submittals and the need for additional money in Mott’s contract. CO +$78,096.22
j. Discussion – Mountain View Corporate Center TWA-Closed Session
10. Consulting Engineer’s Report
Fellowship Village We await construction start, shop drawing submission and site inspection anticipated for June.
Monarch Circle (Crown Court) Pump Station The new wet well foundation has been installed. The new manholes are in the process of being installed along with the valve chamber and meter chamber. Mechanical and electrical work will proceed immediately afterwards. Final completion is anticipated for September 2017.
Harrison Brook STP Flow Metering Improvements Mott MacDonald awaits authorization from BTSA to approve the recommended change to the effluent meter installation which involves the addition of a new manhole to house the meter. It is anticipated that the SCADA integration work for the new equipment will be performed in May along with the final topsoil and seeding work. Sidewalk restoration was completed.
Committed Flow Report The committed flow report for the 1st quarter of 2017 was prepared in April.
Harrison Brook STP-RAS/WAS Rehabilitation Mott MacDonald is currently performing the “BIM” modeling that will generate the Contract Plans for this project. The process and H&V work design are completed. The electrical design is underway and will be completed in May. Specifications are nearly completed. The project is scheduled to be bid in the spring. Draft bid documents will be ready at the end of May.
OPERATOR’S REPORT May 2017 Meeting April 2017 Report
FLOWS Total Flow 70,561,000 Gallons Average Flow 2,352,000 Gallons Maximum Flow 4,696,000 Gallons Minimum Flow 1,489,000 Gallons
OPERATION Suspended Solids Dry Weight NJDEP Limit
Influent 1491 Kg Effluent 47 Kg 280 Kg/Day Net 1444 Kg 96.0 % Removed 85% Suspended Solids in Effluent 5.4 Mg/l 30 Mg/l
CBOD Dry Weight NJDEP Limit
Influent 816 Kg Effluent 27 Kg 75.7 Kg/Day Net 789 Kg 95.0 % Removed 85% CBOD in Effluent 2.90 Mg/l 8 Mg/l
Phosphorus Dry Weight NJDEP Limit
Influent 18.0 Kg Effluent 1.19 Kg Phosphorus in Effluent 0.17 Mg/l 5.0 Mg/l
Remarks Hypochlorite Used: 1012.5 Gals. Sulfur Dioxide Used: 606 Lbs. Alum Used: 5,820 Gals. Caustic Used: 1,190 Gals. Total Precipitation 3.45 Inches
Comments Pontoon aerator electric installation in progress. Construction continues at Monarch Circle (Crown Court Pump Station). Coppolla continues work on inlet job. Painted piping in Digester #2. New plantings at admin building. Graded and seed plow damage around plant. Bob, Paul and Johnny successfully completed Back Flow inspector training. Checked syphons. Changed carbon at Juniper and Madisonville Road. Checked Barons. Exercised plant and station generators. Monthly storm drain inspections. Exercised sluice gates. Assembled and installed Valley Road. Grinder (installation performed in house by plant personnel saving BTSA approx. $1200.00). Routine work and samples completed.
4 We continue to meet permit parameters without any problems.
TV inspection: Fairview Drive East, Nancy Lane, 33 Knollcroft Road (blockage found to be within Township service footage. Curcio plumbing was called out to clear line. Customer was very grateful. See attached email of appreciation. 17 Autumn Drive (road stone in line within Township service footage, Alward was called in to make repair). Kinnan Way, Flintlock Court, Concord Lane, Wayne Terrace, 74 Crest Drive, Newell Drive, Lyons Road, Goltra Drive, Lafayette Lane, Lyons Road.
Jetted: Conkling Street, Conkling Street Extension, Courter Street, William Street, Beachwood Road, Kinnan Way, Flintlock Court
Manhole inspections: Behind 107 Culberson.
SAFETY Monthly safety inspections were completed. Conducted weekly storm drain inspections. Completed all monthly checks on fire extinguishers, lights, emergency lighting, exit signs, emergency showers and eye wash stations. Attended JIF Safety Meeting at Rockaway Valley Sewage Authority on 4/20 for AED usage training. On 4/24 James Dolan of Team Life Corp. provided a demonstration of their AED unit. Our AED was deemed unsafe to use and taken out of service while Team Life works on providing BTSA with pricing on a new unit, service plan and CPR/AED training for our crew members. On 4/26 Chris Lalicato, Chris Peterson, Matt Hutchinson, and MS attended Lock Out/Tag Out Training in Edison, follow up session for the remaining crew members is scheduled for 7/13. Lost time no accidents 325 days.
I&I: TV Inspections continue. Grit Unit Upgrade: Coppolla continues construction. Monarch Circle: Construction Continues. Plant Flow Meters: Effluent meter still being calibrated. New influent meter readings being compared with old meter readings. Plant Paving: Work on punch list in the spring. Cyber Security: Working with contractors.
12. Resolution 1754 - Approval of Bill List Dated: May 9, 2017 Motion Carpenter, second Bianchi to approve Resolution #1754-Bill List Dated May 9, 2017 - $519,988.39 ROLL CALL Aye: Bianchi, Carpenter, Gaziano, Malay Nay: Abstain: Motion Carried 13. Member/Staff Comments None
14. ADJOURNMENT Motion Gaziano, second Bianchi, to adjourn at 7:29 PM. All in flavor; motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Lorraine J DeGrande