Canterbury Tale’s Pilgrim Poster (25pts.)

DIRECTIONS: You will create a mini poster to display your two pilgrims. On your poster, you should include:

1) A Title/Pilgrim’s name 2) An accurate illustration from his/her description. 3) A brief paragraph description of you character. a. (Ex. actions, likes/dislikes, appearance, friends/companions, etc.) 4) A quote from the text that you think is significant to your character. 5) Who would play them in a movie version of Canterbury Tales.

My pilgrims are: ______& ______

Canterbury Tale’s Pilgrim Poster

DIRECTIONS: With your partner, create a mini poster to display your two pilgrims. On your poster, you should include: 6) A Title/Pilgrim’s name 7) An accurate illustration from his/her description. 8) A brief paragraph description of you character. a. (Ex. actions, likes/dislikes, appearance, friends/companions, etc.) 9) A quote from the text that you think is significant to your character. 10) Who would play them in a movie version of Canterbury Tales.

My pilgrims are: ______& ______