Office of Academic Advising Degree Audit Checklist: Garland Hall, Suite 3A / 3400 N. Charles St. Baltimore MD 21218 410-516-8216 [email protected] History of Science, Medicine, and Technology Major

Expected graduation date: May December Year:

Name: Hopkins ID: Last Name, First Name, MI

Email address: Phone#: ( ) -

Additional major or minor:

Use the reference table below for examples on how to complete the checklist:

ACCEPTABLE CODES Instructions Course Number Course Title Use Method of Credit Completed In Progress To Be Done If course taken at JHU format to fill in Fill in

JHU Grade A, A-, B+, etc. If course taken outside of JHU Leave Blank Fill in

AP or IB credit AP or IB X X If course not yet taken or enrolled in Leave Blank Leave Blank Transfer credit TR Note: Language waivers and study abroad credit must appear on your Study abroad credit SA transcript before you indicate that the requirement is completed

Course No. and Title Credits Completed In Progress To be Done

110.106 or 108 Calculus I is strongly recommended

Science Courses (N) 30 credits total – lab classes are acceptable

Nine credits of (N) above the 100-level:




History of Science, Medicine and Technology Major Updated 06/30/10 1 Course No. and Title Credits Completed In Progress To be Done

Twenty-one credits of (N) at any level:










History of Science Courses (24 total credits)

Eight courses in the department, at least four of which are above the 100-level









Optional Senior Thesis (and possible Departmental Honors): Students who demonstrate excellence in coursework may be eligible to write an honors thesis. Please consult with the department to determine eligibility.

140.411 Senior Research Seminar

140.412 Senior Research Seminar

NOTE: Faculty advisor must sign here to confirm the student’s eligibility to pursue the thesis option:

Signature: ______

Advisor’s phone number: ______

History of Science, Medicine and Technology Major Updated 06/30/10 2 Course No. and Title Credits Completed In Progress To be Done

H and S Courses OUTSIDE the department (15 credits required for Class of 2005)

Requirement eliminated Class of 2006 or later

Other Departmental Requirements: A minimum grade of C- is necessary in all courses applied toward the requirements of the major. No departmental requirements may be taken satisfactory/unsatisfactory. In exceptional cases, outstanding undergraduates may be admitted to a graduate course in the department in their senior year.

Please initial here to indicate you have read and understand these requirements: ______

Honors in Your Major

To graduate with honors in your major, you must complete an HONORS CLEARANCE CHECKLIST by April 1st in the year you expect to graduate in May. Most commonly, this means by April 1st of your senior year. Failure to submit this checklist by this date will mean that you will not receive honors in your major. You cannot complete the checklist before February 1st of the same year. Please note that these requirements are not related to “General University Honors.” General University Honors are automatically assigned to all students who graduate with a 3.5 or higher.

To receive Honors in History of Science. Medicine and Technology, you must have met the following criteria:  Have a GPA in your major requirements of a 3.5 or higher.  Complete Senior Thesis

To notify us that you are eligible for honors, you must: 1. Obtain an honors checklist by either downloading it from or by picking one up in the Office of Academic Advising. 2. Complete the checklist after February 1st of your senior year and take it to: Dr. Stuart Leslie. 3. Return the signed checklist to the Office of Academic Advising by April 1st. You do not need to make an appointment to return the checklist, but it must be signed by the correct representative from your department or it will not be processed.

Distribution Requirements for Majors: (Not applicable for graduating Class of 2005)

6 credits of H or S courses NOT in the department:



6 credits of H, S, E, or Q:



History of Science, Medicine and Technology Major Updated 06/30/10 3 University Requirements: Completed In Progress To be Done

120 total credits

60 credits at Johns Hopkins

4 semesters at Johns Hopkins

12 credits writing intensive courses

No more than 18 D credits

No more than 4 Carey Business School and School of Education courses

C average or better in your major

No more than 12 transfer credits


Language Elements Courses: Students who take the first semester of an elementary language course in French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Modern Hebrew, Portuguese or Spanish must complete the second semester course as well or lose the credit for the first term.


Student’s Statement: I have reviewed my progress toward meeting the graduation requirements for my major. I understand which requirements have been completed and which remain to be completed, including those that are in progress, if any. I agree to notify the Office of Academic Advising if I make any changes to my plan of study.

______Student’s Signature Date

Advisor’s Statement: I have reviewed progress toward meeting the graduation requirements for the major with the student. We have marked which requirements have been completed and which remain to be completed, including those that are in progress, if any. I have indicated by initialing or submitting a supporting memo any exceptions to departmental requirements that have been approved for this particular student.

______Faculty Advisor’s Name Signature Date

______Academic Advisor’s Name Signature Date

History of Science, Medicine and Technology Major Updated 06/30/10 4