THe risky visions of Press kit BArBArA HAMMER american experimental filmaker 12/06 – 01/07/2012 / CINema de Barbara Hammer, 1995 de Barbara Hammer, Tender Fictions, Tender 1, PLACe De LA CONCOrDe · PARIS 8e · M° CONCO rDe WWW.JeUDePAUMe.OrG ❙ curators Barbara Hammer and Danièle Hibon ❙ partners produced with the assistance of simone de Beauvoir audiovisual center. Jeu de paume receives a subsidy from the ministry of Culture and Communication. it gratefully acknowledges support from Neuflize Vie, its global partner. ❙ MEDIA PARTNERS OUÏ FM, tÊTU. ❙ information rate: 3 euros / free with entry ticket to the exhibitions and for subscribers. 01 47 03 13 31 /
[email protected] ❙ contacts Press relations: Carole Brianchon +33 (0)1 47 03 13 22 /
[email protected] Communication: Anne Racine +33 (0)1 47 03 13 29 /
[email protected] BarBara hammer Cinéma THe risky visions of BArBArA HAMMER american experimental filmaker 12/06 – 01/07/2012 / CINema since the early 1970s, Barbara Hammer has claimed the double identity of feminist and lesbian activist. Pioneer of queer cinema, she has gained an international reputation in the field of American experimental cinema. from her earliest films (X, Dyketactics, Superdyke), her boldness is evident in the enthusiastic and lyrical exploration of sexuality and women’s pleasure, previously terra incognita in the geography of cinema. for this, it invents new formal representations of flower and plant outbursts (Women I Love) to a symbolic vocabulary close to surrealism, revealing its proximity with maya Deren, and claude cahun (I Was / Am I, Psychosynthesis) and two recent works (Maya Deren’s Sink and Lover Other: Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore).