Bibliography for Service Learning

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Bibliography for Service Learning

BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR SERVICE LEARNING Compiled Fall 2010 by Janis L. Krugh Department of Languages, University of Dayton


Albaneso, V. “Volunteerism and Community Service Redefine Leadership.” Perspectives (Summer 1993): 4-6.

Albert, Gail. “Intensive Service-Learning Experiences.” 182-207 in Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

--- (ed.). Service-Learning Reader: Reflections and Perspectives on Service. Raleigh, NC: National Society for Experiential Education, 1994.

Astin, A.W., and L.J. Sax. “Long Term Effects of Volunteerism during the Undergraduate Years.” The Review of Higher Education 22.2 (1999): 187-202.

Batchelder, T.H., and S. Root. “Effects of an Undergraduate Program to Integrate Academic Learning and Service: Cognitive, Prosocial Cognitive and Identity Outcomes.” Journal of Adolescence Identifier 17 (1994): 341-55.

Battistoni, R. M. Civic Engagement Across the Curriculum: A Resource Book for Service-Learning Faculty in All Disciplines. RI Campus Compact, 2002.

Benchmarks for Campus/Community Partnerships. RI Campus Compact, 2000.

Berger, J.B., and J.F. Milem. “The Impact of Community Service Involvement on Three Measures of Undergraduate Self-Concept.” NASPA 40.1 (Fall 2002): 85-103.

Billig, S. and A. Furco, eds. Service-Learning: The Essence of the Pedagogy. Greenwich, RI: Information Age Publishing, 2002.

Bok, D. Beyond the Ivory Tower: Social Responsibilities of the Modern University. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982.

Boss, J. “The Effect of Community Service Work on the Moral Development of College Students.” Journal of Moral Education 23.2 (1994): 183-98.

Bringle, R. G., R. Games, and E.A. Malloy (eds.). Colleges and Universities as Citizens. Needham, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 1999.

Brockbank, Anne, and Ian McGill. Facilitating Reflective Learning in Higher Education. 2nd ed. McGraw- Hill, Society for Research into Higher Education and Open University Press, 2007. Bucco, Diana A., and Julie A. Busch. “Starting a Service-Learning Program.” 231-45 in Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

Campus Compact. Mapping the Geography of Service on a College Campus: Strategic Questions about the Institution, Stakeholders, Philosophies and Community Relationships. Providence, RI: Campus Compact, 1994.

Carver, R. L. “Theoretical Underpinnings of Service Learning.” Theory into Practice 36.3 (1997 or 2001?): 143-49.

Cha, S., and M. Rothman. Service Matters: A Sourcebook for Community Service in Higher Education. Providence, RI: Campus Compact, 1994.

Coles, R. The Call of Service: A Witness to Idealism. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1993.

Connell, Martin, S.J.; and Christiane Connors (eds.). Whatsoever You Do: Helping Students Think Deeply about Service Experiences. Washington, DC: National Catholic Education Association, 2009.

Delve, C.I., S.D. Mintz, and G.M. Stewart (eds.). Community Service as Values Education. New Directions for Student Services, no. 50. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1990.

England, Ande, and John Spence. Reflection: A Guide to Effective Service Learning. Clemson, SC: National Dropout Prevention Center, 1999.

Enos, Sandra L., and Marie L. Troppe. “Service-Learning in the Curriculum.” 156-181 in Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass, 1996.

Establishing and Sustaining an Office of Community Service. RI Campus Compact, 2000.

Eyler, Janet. “Reflection: Linking Service and Learning – Linking Students and Communities.” Journal of Social Issues 58.3 (2002): 517-34.

---, and Dwight E. Giles. Where’s the Learning in Service-Learning? San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1999.

---, Dwight E. Giles, and A. Schmeide. A Practitioner’s Guide to Reflection in Service-Learning: Student Voices and Reflections. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University, 1996.

Eyler, Janet, Dwight E. Giles, C. M. Stenson, and C. J. Gray. At a Glance: What We Know About the Effects of Service-Learning on College Students, Faculty, Institutions, and Communities, 1993-2000. 3rd ed. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University, 2001.

Falbo, Mark C. Serving to Learn: Faculty Guide to Service Learning. Ohio Campus Compact, [s.l.: s.n., 199-?]. Fisher, Irene S. “Integrating Service-Learning Experiences into Postcollege Choices.” 208-28 in Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

Gallini, S.M., and B.E. Moely. “Service Learning and Engagement, Academic Challenge, and Retention.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 10.1 (2003): 5-14.

Gelmon, S. B., B. A. Holland, A. Driscoll, A. Spring, and S. Kerrigan. Assessing Service-Learning and Civic Engagement: Principles and Techniques. Rev. 3rd ed. RI Campus Compact, 2001.

Giles, Dwight E., and Janet Eyler. “Theoretical Roots of Service Learning in John Dewey: Toward a Theory of Service Learning.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (Fall 1994): 77-85.

---, E. Porter Honnet, and S. Migliore. Research Agenda for Combining Service and Learning in the 1990s. Raleigh, NC: National Society for Experiential Education, 1991.

Gugerty, Catherine R., and Erin D. Swezey. “Developing Campus-Community Relationships.” 92-108 in Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

Hackney, S. “The Roles and Responsibilities of Urban Universities in Their Communities: Five University Presidents Call for Action.” Universities and Community Schools 1-2 (1994): 9-11.

Hatcher, Julie A., and Robert G. Bringle (eds.). Service-Learning Tip Sheets: A Faculty Resource Guide. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana Campus Compact, [2005?].

Holland, B. “Factors and Strategies that Influence Faculty Involvement in Public Service.” Journal of Public Service and Outreach 4.1 (1999): 37-43.

Honnet, E. Porter, and S.J. Poulsen. Principles of Good Practice in Combining Service and Learning. Wingspread Special Report. Racine, WI: The Johnson Foundation, 1989.

Howard, Jeffrey. Service-Learning Course Design Workbook. Spec. issue of Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (2001): 1-63.

--- (ed.). Praxis I: A Faculty Casebook on Community Service Learning. Ann Arbor, MI: OCSL Press, 1993.

Hutchings, P., and A. Wutzdorff (eds.). Knowing and Doing: Learning through Experience. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, no. 35. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1988.

Jacoby, Barbara. Building Partnerships for Service-Learning. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2003.

---. “Securing the Future of Service-Learning in Higher Education: A Mandate for Action.” 317-35 in Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996. ---. “Service Learning in Today’s Higher Education.” 3-25 in Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Service- Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

---, and Associates. Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

Jackson, K. (ed.). Redesigning Curricula: Models of Service Learning Syllabi. Providence, RI: Campus Compact, 1994.

Jones, Susan R. “The Underside of Service Learning.” About Campus 7 (2002): 10-15.

Kendall, J.C. (ed.). Combining Service and Learning: A Resource Book for Community and Public Service. Raleigh, NC: National Society for Experiential Education, 1990.

Kezar, A.J., A.C. Chambers, and J.C. Burkhardt (eds.). Higher Education for the Public Good: Emerging Voices from a National Movement. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2005.

Kolb, D.A. Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1984.

Kraft, R., and M. Swadener (eds.). Building Community Service Learning in the Academic Disciplines. Denver, CO: Colorado Campus Compact, 1994.

Kretzmann, J.P., and J.L. McKnight. Building Communities from the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing a Community’s Assets. Evanston, IL: Center for Urban Affairs and Policy Research, Northwestern University, 1993.

Kupiec, T.Y. (ed.). Rethinking Tradition: Integrating Service with Academic Study on College Campuses. Providence, RI: Campus Compact, 1993.

Leiderman, Sally, Andrew Furco, Jennifer Zapf, and Megan Goss. Building Partnerships with College Campuses: Community Perspectives. The Council of Independent Colleges, 2003. 22 September, 2010. .

Liu, G. “Knowledge, Foundations, and Discourse: Philosophical Support for Service Learning.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (Fall 1995): 5-18.

Markus, G., J. Howard, and D.C. King. “Integrating Community Service and Classroom Instruction Enhances Learning: Results from an Experiment.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 15.4 (1993): 410-19.

Mattson, K. “Can Service-Learning Transform the Modern University? A Lesson from History.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 5 (Fall 1998): 108-13.

Maurrasse, D.J. Beyond the Campus: How Colleges and Universities Form Partnerships with Their Communities. New York: Routledge, 2001. McCarthy, Mark D. “One-Time and Short-Term Service-Learning Experiences.” 113-34 in Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass, 1996.

McEwen, Marylu K. “Enhancing Student Learning and Development through Service-Learning.” 53-91 in Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

Miller, J. “Linking Traditional and Service Learning Courses: Outcome Evaluations Utilizing Two Pedagogically Distinct Models.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 1.1 (1994): 29-36.

Mills, Steven D. “Electronic Journaling: Using the Web-Based, Group Journal for Service Learning Reflection.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 8.1 (Fall 2001): 27-35.

Mintz, Suzanné D., and Garry W. Hesser. “Principles of Good Practice in Service-Learning.” 26-52 in Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

Morton, Keith. “The Irony of Service: Charity, Project and Social Change in Service Learning.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 2.1 (1995): 19-32.

---. “Issues Related to Integrating Service-Learning into the Curriculum.” 276-96 in Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

Neal, M., et al. Evaluation: The Key to Improving Service-Learning Programs. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, Center for Experiential Education and Service Learning, 1994.

Olney, C., and S. Grande. “Validation of a Scale to Measure Development of Social Responsibility.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 2 (Fall 1995): 43-53.

Parsons, Cynthia. Serving to Learn, Learning to Serve: Civics and Service from A to Z. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press/Sage Publications, 1996.

Rubin, Sharon. “Institutionalizing Service-Learning.” 297-316 in Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Service- Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

Rue, Penny. “Administering Successful Service-Learning Programs.” 246-75 in Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

Scheuermann, Cesie Delve. “Ongoing Cocurricular Service-Learning.” 135-55 in Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996. Serow, R.C. “Students and Volunteerism: Looking into the Motives of Community Service Participants.” American Educational Research Journal 28.3 (1991): 543-56.

Shumer, R., and T. Berkas. Doing Self-Directed Study for Service-Learning. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, Center for Experiential Learning and Service Learning, 1992.

Sigmon, Robert L. Linking Service with Learning. Washington, DC: Council of Independent Colleges, 1994.

Smith, M.W. “Issues in Integrating Service-Learning into the Higher Education Curriculum.” In Effective Learning, Effective Teaching, Effective Service. Washington, DC: Youth Service America, 1994.

Stanton, T. Integrating Public Service with Academic Study: The Faculty Role. Providence, RI: Campus Compact, 1990.

Stanton, T.K., D.E. Giles, Jr., and N.I. Cruz. Service-Learning: A Movement’s Pioneers Reflect on Its Origins, Practice, and Future. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1999.

Strait, Jean, and Marybeth Lima (eds.). The Future of Service Learning: New Solutions for Sustaining and Improving Practice. Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2009.

Troppe, M. (ed.). Connecting Cognition and Action: Evaluation of Student Performance in Service Learning Courses. Providence, RI: Campus Compact, 1995.

---. Participatory Action Research: Merging the Community and Scholarly Agendas. Providence, RI: Campus Compact, 1994.

Winniford, J.C., D.S. Carpenter, and C. Grider. “An Analysis of the Traits and Motivations of College Students Involved in Service.” Journal of College Student Development 36.1 (1995): 27-38.

Zlotkowski, Edward. Academic Service Learning. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1998.

--- (ed.). Successful Service-Learning Programs: New Models of Excellence in Higher Education. Boston, MA: Anker Publishing, 1998.

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