ULT Board Members
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The United Learning Trust is a not for profit subsidiary of the Church Schools Company involved in the development of Academies in Manchester, Lambeth and Northampton. ULT's objective is to manage schools which 'offer students a high quality education based on Christian principles of service and tolerance'
The Church Schools Company was founded as an educational charity in 1883 with the principal objective of creating schools that would offer pupils a good academic education based on Christian principles. The Church Schools Company set up the subsidiary United Learning Trust, which shares its head office address, specifically to manage Academies.
The Church Schools Company was recently renamed United Church Schools Trust (UCST). UCST employs in the region of 1200 people, of whom 650 are teachers. UCST currently owns and manages twelve schools across the country. All are governed by the Governing Council of the Company, supported by a local governing body at each school with the exception of Caterham, which is governed by a separate body of Trustees, the majority of whom are appointed by the United Church Schools Trust.
United Learning Trust Board Members
Sir Ewan Harper is Chief Executive of both the United Church Schools Trust and the United Learning Trust. He was knighted in 2003 for services to the Church of England.
He is very much the public face of both organisations. He was an oral witness to the House of Commons and Lords Joint Committee on the Draft Charities Bill – arguing for maintenance of charitable status for independent schools. The full minutes of his evidence are available to download from http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/jt200304/jtselect/jtchar/167/4063008.htm
Sir Ewan Harper appears to have no other outside interests, unlike other members of the ULT Board. The only other reference to activity by him is his attendance at an event in 2003 in support of the Entertainment Software Charity, at which Tony Blair launched the proposed expansion of the Academies programme. Founded in 2000, ESC was created ”to use the popularity of gaming to help give back to those less fortunate. The not-for- profit charity was established by prominent members of the gaming community to create a dedicated initiative programme to advance young people through play, training and education.“ there does not appear to be an formal involvement between Sir Ewan and ESC however.
Mr John Beardwell TD MA FSI is also Deputy Chairman of the United Church Schools Trust.
John Beardwell holds a Securities and Investment Institute Fellowship, which is described as “the pinnacle of membership, demonstrating an outstanding commitment to the financial services industry. “ A former senior Compliance Officer in the private client field, having worked for a number of firms as a private client investment adviser, he specialised in the area of compliance with Carr Sheppards Crosthwaite Ltd, retiring recently as their Compliance Officer.
ULT BOARD MEMBERS_LC 1 09 April 2018 Carr Sheppards Crosthwaite Ltd was the result of the amalgamation of three London Stock Exchange businesses. Since 1997 the companies have been owned by Investec, the international specialist banking group.
CSC is a private client stock broking firm which provides discretionary, non-discretionary and advisory services to private clients and charities. About two thirds of CSC's business is discretionary, and about one third of its business is advisory. The firm employs over 300 employees in four regional offices.
Its website claims “We have over 70 years’ experience of helping charities and currently look after more than 400 with investments totalling over £800 million. We identified the need for an investment vehicle specifically designed for charities allowing them access to professional property investment but avoiding the time and expense of property administration.”
The result of this work with charities was the Charities Property Fund, the first Common Investment Fund which enabled all charities under English law to invest in the commercial property market. Carr Sheppards Crosthwaite handles more than 30 properties ranging in size from £3 million to £12 million on behalf of charities: it is unclear, however, whether this includes those owned by ULT.
In May 2004, the Financial Services Authority fined Carr Sheppards Crosthwaite £500,000 for serious failings in its compliance function, leading to breaches of the FSA Principles and Rules. The failings arose because CSC failed to keep fully up to date with regulatory developments after the creation of the FSA. Most of the failings were identified by the FSA during the course of visits in July and August 2003.
John Beardwell has served on several specialist committees for the Securities and Futures Authority (SFA), the Securities Institute and the Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers as well as acting as a practitioner member for SFA Disciplinary and Authorisation Tribunals and the SFA Consumer Arbitration Scheme.
The Rt Rev and Rt Hon The Lord Carey of Clifton is the former Archbishop of Canterbury.
Geoffrey Davies is a former partner of law firm Lewis Silkin, which he joined in September 2000, merging his own practice, which focussed on corporate and commercial advice to clients ranging from large publishing houses to software development and industrial companies with the larger company. He set up his own practice in January 1991, having worked as a partner for 16 years at Titmuss Sainer (now Dechert) where he headed one of the firm’s two corporate finance teams.
Lewis Silkin is a 30-partner commercial law firm based in central London. The firm delivers its services through ten divisions: Construction, Corporate Services, Defamation, Employment, Housing and project finance, Litigation and dispute resolution, Marketing services, Property, Sport and Technology and communications. Its clients range from large corporations and PLCs to entrepreneurs and come from a wide range of sectors, including advertising, social housing and property, government agencies and corporate financiers. It is a signatory to Liberty’s statement for justice and security.
ULT BOARD MEMBERS_LC 2 09 April 2018 Rt Hon Frank Field MP is the Labour MP for Birkenhead. He voted against an amendment opposing the creation of foundation hospitals in 2003 and against an amendment to require faith schools to take 25 per cent of pupils from other backgrounds in 2002.
He has been a member of the public accounts committee since 2001 and was Minister of State, Department of Social Security from 1997 – 1998. He holds one remunerated directorships, for Medicash Health Benefits Ltd. His previous occupations include company director; author/writer; and teacher
On 18 Nov 2004 he asked the following Parliamentary question:
“To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills whether schools which (a) have already gained specialist status and (b) are involved in private finance initiative projects may apply for academy status.”
Whether he asked this question on behalf of ULT is unclear.
Fiona Gilmore is the founding partner and Chief Executive of Acanchi, a London based independent consultancy which specialises in strategy development for country brands. She was formerly head of brand and corporate identity design consultancy Springpoint.
She has advised on communications, strategy, brand positioning, architecture, innovation, migration, internal communication and identity for companies such as Vodafone, Unilever, and Armani, as well as a selection of countries such as Hong Kong, England, Lebanon and Zambia. She has had extensive experience working in China and the region where, she has advised the Hong Kong government on how to develop a brand strategy for the country, post handover. The company advised the UK Government on the reorganization of the Commonwealth Development Committee in 2003.
Acanchi is a Soho-based private limited company with partners in Beijing and Moscow and was launched during the summer of 2003. According to its website, Acanchi “believes that motivational energies, whether in a collective, a company or a country can be released and channelled, if cultural, political, social and psychological barriers are broken down and if the cultural values are attuned closely with the business plan; our term for this is corporate acupuncture….It believes in trying to influence the way business is done. Social responsibility is central to that. We practise what we preach: for example, ten per cent of our profits will be committed to a chosen charity. Next year, that will be WaterAid. We like to work with partners who share our enthusiasm for social responsibility, for example, 20% of our time will be dedicated to non-profit making business, focusing on developing countries in Africa. “
Edward Gould was formerly master of Marlborough College and chairman of the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference from 2002-2000. He was educated at Oxford and taught at Harrow School from 1967-1983 before becoming head teacher of Felsted School in Essex until 1993 when he became master of Marlborough. He is on the governing council of the Independent Schools Council, founded the Boarding Education Alliance and is a member of the Secondary Heads Association. He is also a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a fellow of the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA). He was appointed to the board of the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in December 2002.
ULT BOARD MEMBERS_LC 3 09 April 2018 He is perhaps best known for being among the first to protest about "bizarre" A-level results in 2002, also alleging that the QCA had pressurised exam boards to downgrade students, claims which led the Government to set up an independent inquiry.
Alan Millward is Chair of Governors at Manchester Academy. It is to be ascertained unclear whether he is also an academic at the University of Newcastle, who has written extensively on special needs education, who shares the same name.
John O' Farrell is Chair of Governors at Lambeth Academy. He is also an author and local parent (his child attends the school). He was previously a school governor at his child’s primary school in Battersea.
John O'Farrell was Labour candidate for Maidenhead in the 2001 election and is a Guardian columnist. He is the author of several popular books, including “Things Can Only Get Better”. John was one of the founding members of the campaign for a new secondary school in Clapham.
Rt Hon Dame Angela Rumbold (Chair) is a Conservative politician and former Deputy Chair of the party. She was Minister of Education from 1986 to 1990. She lost her Mitcham and Morden seat in 1997.
'I am really rather fed up with people who complain about a rather modest increase. ... If pensioners were working 90 hours a week, as I am, maybe there would be more sympathy for your case.' reply to an OAP's letter concerning MPs' £9,000 pay increase when Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party.
Mr Richard Tice is Joint Chief Executive of the Sunley Group, a Board member of Uppingham School in Rutland, an independent boarding school which charges £7,102 per term and Chair of Governors at Northampton Academy. According to his company’s website, “he has over eighteen years experience in both commercial and residential property markets, in the UK, US and France and has been a director of Sunley companies since 1992. He previously cut his teeth as a development surveyor with London & Metropolitan Plc from 1987 to 1991.”
Bernard Sunley founded the Sunley Group in the 1920's as a landscaping design and contracting business. Since then the company has diversified into all areas of property, including house building, commercial property, investment, trading and development, real estate equity and mezzanine finance and venture and development capital. Sunley Holdings plc is the group parent of a number of subsidiaries and has 65 employees. Sunley’s headquarters are based in Berkeley Square, Mayfair, London, and its house building subsidiary, Sunley 'Homes for Living', is based in Horsham, West Sussex. Projects are throughout the UK, although residential development is concentrated in the South. The group Chairman is Mr John Sunley. His son James and nephew Richard Tice share the Chief Executive's role.
Richard Tice is a National Council member of the “No Euro” campaign, a cross-party organisation that believes Britain should remain a member of the European Union and keep the pound. According to the group’s website, “We are an alliance of economists, diplomats, parliamentarians, leading figures in the arts and media and many of the most successful entrepreneurs and business leaders in Britain. We are internationalists and come from all political backgrounds.” He also loaned his offices as a campaign
ULT BOARD MEMBERS_LC 4 09 April 2018 headquarters to David Davis, during his campaign to become Conservative leader in 2003.
The Bernard Sunley Foundation gives grants to charitable institutions within the UK. The majority of grants go towards community projects, the disadvantaged and where there is a focus on environmental issues
Extract from the Central Register of Charities maintained by the Charity Commission for England and Wales Group Of Charities 1016538 Click link for more details THE UNITED CHURCH SCHOOLS TRUST Old Names THE CHURCH SCHOOLS COMPANY CHURCH SCHOOLS COMPANY Charity Correspondent MR JAMES ADAM NICHOLSON ACA CHURCH SCHOOLS HOUSE TITCHMARSH KETTERING NORTHANTS NN14 3DA Telephone 01832 730320 Fax 01832 734760 Email Address [email protected] Website Address www.church-schools.com Governing Document MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED 18 JANUARY 1993.AS AMENDED BY SPECIAL RESOLUTION 17 MARCH 1994 To view the Governing Documents click here Click Here for Help Objects TO PROVIDE IN ENGLAND AND WALES, BY THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF SCHOOLS, A LIBERAL, PRACTICAL, AND GENERAL EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS OF ALL AGES AND BOTH SEXES AND OTHERWISE TO PROMOTE THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF SCHOOLS CONDUCTED, OR TO BE CONDUCTED, BY ANY CHARITABLE INSTITUTION Area of Benefit NOT DEFINED Area of Operation Charity Operates in locations in England and Wales LINCOLNSHIRE SURREY TYNE AND WEAR Registration History 21 Jan 1993 Registered Classification What Education/Training Who Children/Young people How Provides services(eg care/counselling)
To view account documents click here Click Here for Help
ULT BOARD MEMBERS_LC 5 09 April 2018 Mailing & Mailing Financial Year Annual Return Accounts Submissions Cycle Start End Issued Received Received 06 Nov 19 Aug 19 Aug AR7 01 Sep 1997 31 Aug 1998 1998 1999 1999 22 Dec 06 Jul 06 Jul AR8 01 Sep 1998 31 Aug 1999 1999 2000 2000 21 Jul 09 Aug 09 Jul AR00 01 Sep 1999 31 Aug 2000 2001 2001 2001 24 Nov 20 Jun 20 Jun AR01 01 Sep 2000 31 Aug 2001 2001 2002 2002 07 Oct 24 Jun 24 Jun AR02 01 Sep 2001 31 Aug 2002 2002 2003 2003 17 Oct 30 Jun 30 Jun AR03 01 Sep 2002 31 Aug 2003 2003 2004 2004 01 Sep 31 Aug 21 Sep AR04 2003(estimated) 2004(estimated) 2004
Financial Financial Year Financial Year Gross Total History Start End Income Expenditure 01 Sep 1997 31 Aug 1998 £17,040,597 £15,921,800 01 Sep 1998 31 Aug 1999 £18,331,103 £17,373,066 01 Sep 1999 31 Aug 2000 £22,527,760 £20,819,442 01 Sep 2000 31 Aug 2001 £24,867,483 £22,732,666 01 Sep 2001 31 Aug 2002 £28,744,439 £28,779,020 01 Sep 2002 31 Aug 2003 £33,546,619 £35,461,825
http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/registeredcharities/showcharity.asp? chyno=1016538
ULT BOARD MEMBERS_LC 6 09 April 2018