Hull City Council s1

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Hull City Council s1

HULL CITY COUNCIL City of Hull Proceedings of April 10th, 2017

Mayor Roger Buys called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm. In attendance were Councilpersons Mike Broek, Joel Leusink, Les Van Roekel, and Kim Wielenga. Also present was City Administrator Aaron Kooiker and Lonni Westphal. Absent was Eric Rankin

A motion was made by Broek and supported Leusink to approve the agenda for the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.

A motion was made by Van Roekel and supported by Wielenga to approve the consent agenda which consisted of the minutes from March 27th, 2017, April Computer Checks #1, April Financial Reports and March Manual Checks. Motion carried 4-0

Councilman Leusink made a motion to support Resolution #04102017 accepting the 2016 Locust Street Improvements. Councilman Broek supported that motion. A roll call vote was held, Ayes: Broek, Leusink, Van Roekel, and Wielenga, Nays: none. Resolution passed 4-0

Councilman Van Roekel made a motion to support resolution #04102017A Ordering preparation of Final plat and schedule of assessments for the 2016 Locust Street Improvements. Councilwoman Wielenga supported that motion. A roll call vote was held, Ayes: Broek, Leusink, Van Roekel and Wielenga Nays: none. Resolution passed 4-0

Councilman Broek made a motion to support resolution #04102017B adopting and levying final schedule of assessments, and providing for the payment thereof for the 2016 Locust Street Improvements. Councilman Leusink supported that motion. A roll call vote was held, Ayes: Broek, Leusink, Van Roekel and Wielenga Nays: none. Resolution passed 4-0

Public Correspondence- A complaint was received in the office regarding Dogs off of their leashes running free and then leaving dog waste in other people’s yards. According to City Ordinance is a violation to let you dog run into other people’s private property and to leave waste on other people’s property. The complainant was advised to contact the sheriff’s office for further enforcement and Kooiker will contact the Index to have a note put in the paper advising of the same.

Administrator’s report- Kooiker advised that he had been in contact with RVRW and had a good discussion regarding interest payment. Mayor Buys requested the council to allow himself and Kooiker to set up a meeting with RVRW Board President and Director Buyert to negotiate Interest payment. Council gave unanimous consent to get the issue resolved.

Kooiker informed council on the Mayor and his trip to Des Moines to lobby for Lewis and Clark funding. They meet with 13 different legislators and staff members discussing funding.

Kooiker advised that Ben Noble had accepted the position of Recreation Director and Loren Te Grotenhuis had accepted a position as parks maintenance worker.

Kooiker also stated he will be looking into more information regarding trailer courts and how best to keep them kept up and looking presentable.

Finance – No Report

Streets & Storm sewer – No Report Building, Equipment & Grounds- No Report

Parks, Pool, Recreation- No Report

Public Safety – Sheriff’s contract was mailed out to the City office. Kooiker will set up a meeting with Sheriff to present to the council.

City Utilities- Council Congratulated Lonni Westphal on a good report from DNR. Council did request him to look into cost for a leak detection program.

Economic Development-No Report

Other Business- None

Next Council Meeting- April 24th, 2017

Being no further business a motion was made by Leusink and supported by Wielenga to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 P.M. Motion passed 4-0.

______Aaron Kooiker Roger Buys City Clerk Mayor

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