Board of Director Meeting held Friday March 2, 2007

Present at call to order: Lyle McNair, Adrian Lahey, Cathe Lovell, Uta Kayser, Kevin Hern, Andreas Krause and Evelyn McCarthy.

Absent at call to order: Marleen Castellan with notice and Kim King.

President Lyle McNair called the meeting to order at 9:27 a.m. Lynne Dennison was the recording secretary

Approval of the Consent Agenda

MOTION: It was duly moved and seconded to approve the consent agenda as written and distributed. CARRIED

Approval of the Agenda

MOTION: It was duly moved and seconded to approve the agenda as written and distributed with the following additions: 6 e) Membership Petition 6 f) CREA Financial Ratio Report 6 g) Dispatch 2007-01 6 h) Ontario Place Tickets 6 i) Leave of Absence – Joe Vogelsberg 6 j) Lunch & Learn 6 k) GPI Breakfast 7 k) MTC Tech News CARRIED

In Camera Session

The directors are to supply input to Lyle to assist with Lynne’s performance evaluation. We need to develop a succession plan.

By-law Committee Report

MOTION: It was duly moved and seconded to approve the proposed by-law amendments from the By-law Committee meeting of February 14, 2007. CARRIED – NONE OPPOSED

1 Finance Committee Report

MOTION: It was duly moved and seconded that the Board adopt Corporate Creditor and Personally Approved Payments as additional options for the membership to pay their board fees and eliminate VISA by April 30, 2007. CARRIED

MOTION: It was duly moved and seconded that Lynne, Barb and Kevin are to interview Nancy Williamson for the bookkeeper/accountant position. CARRIED – 1 OPPOSED

MOTION: It was duly moved and seconded to accept the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting of February 19, 2007. CARRIED

Building Task Force Report

Lyle gave a verbal report. There may be other parties interested in being part of the building. Meetings will be held with each interested party in the next month or so.

REALTORS® Community Care Report

The Board of Directors would like the Finance Committee to consider donating $1.00 per member per month to the OREA Foundation commencing October 1, 2007, which would be separate from the funding for REALTORS® Community Care.

MOTION: It was duly moved and seconded to accept the February 16, 2007 minutes from the REALTORS® Community Care Committee meeting. CARRIED

MLS & Tech Committee Report

MOTION: It was duly moved and seconded to accept the minutes of the February 7th, 2007 MLS & Tech Committee meeting with the following exceptions: 1. photos will be mandatory for Res listings, the IC&I Committee will be asked for recommendations regarding IC&I listings. 2. The REALTORS® sign for the property may take up only 10% of the photo. CARRIED

Publicity Task Force Report

MOTION: It was duly moved and seconded to accept the minutes of the February 9th, 2007 Publicity Task Force meeting.


A letter will be sent to the Mercury asking them to make sure they use the CREA trademarks correctly.

Golf Task Force Report

MOTION: It was duly moved to accept the Feb 20, 2007 minutes from the Golf Task Force meeting. CARRIED

Andreas Krause left at 11:45 p.m.

Membership Meeting – March 28, 2007

The directors approved the revised agenda.

False and Misleading Advertising

This was for information purposes only.

GuelphQuest Workshop Invitation

Lyle and Cathe will attend the workshop on March 29, 2007.

Gifts for Directors

The idea for gifts will be put on the agenda for the next Volunteer Recognition Committee meeting.

MOTION: It was duly moved and seconded to add Kevin Hern to the Volunteer Recognition Task Force. CARRIED

Addition of Articles for Fast Fines

MOTION: It was duly moved and seconded that the following be added to the Basic MLS Rules available for Fast Fines under Article 9 of the Board By-laws: Article 2 2.07 Article 2 2.08 CARRIED

Membership Petition

This matter has been added to the agenda for the March 28, 2007 Membership meeting.

3 Adrian Lahey left at 12:31 p.m.

CREA Financial Ratio Report

MOTION: It was duly moved and seconded to send the GDREB’s financial statement to CREA for the purpose of amalgamating our data into the national accounting ratio analysis. CARRIED

Dispatch 2007-01

MOTION: It was duly moved and seconded that Lyle’s revised letter will be sent to CREA. CARRIED

Ontario Place Tickets

Lynne will place a consignment ticket order with Ontario Place; the tickets will be available for members to purchase at the Board Office.

Leave of Absence – Joe Vogelsberg

MOTION: It was duly moved and seconded to approve a leave of absence for Joe Vogelsberg for nine months beginning January 1, 2007. CARRIED

Lunch and Learn

Adrian and Lyle will attend on behalf of the board.

GPI Breakfast

Adrian and Lyle will attend on behalf of the board.

MOTION: It was duly moved and seconded to approve the minutes as written. CARRIED

The meeting was adjourned at 12:48 p.m.