Combination Action Daughterboard 1. ( ) The holes for the 24 Vector Pins need to be enlarged a little. Use a 1/16” drill in a drill press. Let the drill clear each hole and tilt the board both ways in order to produce a slight slot to make the pins easier to insert.

2. ( ) Insert the 24 Vector Pins at the edge of the board. DO NOT SOLDER THESE PINS YET – the rectifier holes tend to get filled with solder if the Vector Pins are soldered first.

3. ( ) Install the 16 1N4002 rectifiers near the vector pins. The barred end (cathode) is closest to the vector pins. The other end goes to the common bus.

4. ( ) Solder the Vector Pins. Do NOT trim the bottoms of these pins.

5. ( ) Install the 32 220 ohm resistors. These resistors are in a single row between the 8-pin IC sockets and the 1N4002 rectifiers. It doesn’t matter what direction they are mounted, however the color bands should all have the same orientation just for neatness.

6. ( ) Install the two 16-pin IC sockets. With the Vector Pin edge of the board facing up, the notch of the sockets should point to the right.

7. ( ) Install the 24 1N4148 diodes. See the layout drawing for their positions and orientations.

8. ( ) Install the eight 8-pin IC sockets. There will be some type of position indicator on one end of the socket such as a notch or possibly a white mark. This notched end points away from the Vector Pin edge of the board. While it doesn’t make any difference as far as the socket is concerned, it does help orient the IC when installed, Do not try to trim the tips of the socket pins after soldering all 8 pins.

9. ( ) Install the 40-pin IC socket. With the Vector Pin edge of the board facing up, the notch of this socket should point to the left.

10. ( ) Install the 28-pin IC socket. With the Vector Pin edge of the board facing up, the notch of this socket should also point to the left.

11. ( ) Install the four 10K resistors.

12. ( ) Install the 1-Megohm 10-pin SIP resistor next to the 28-pin IC socket.The dotted end of the SIP package should point to the right with the Vector Pins at the top.

13. ( ) Install the two 2.7K 8-pin SIP resistors next to the 16-pin IC sockets.The dotted end of the SIP package should point to the right with the Vector Pins at the top. You need to trim off pins 3, 5 and 7 first (The dotted end is pin 1).

14. ( ) Install three 0.1 uF disk ceramic capacitors. 15. ( ) Install the 24 transistor sockets.

16. ( ) Install the 10-Pin socket at the bottom left of the board..

17. ( ) Install the 9-Pin socket at the bottom right of the board..

18. ( ) Install eight 75452 IC’s in the 8-pin sockets. Each IC should have a dot or similar indicator of pin 1. This dot goes near the notch in the IC Socket.

19. ( ) Install the programmed PIC (16F887) in the 40-pin socket.

20. ( ) Install the memory IC in the 28-pin socket.

21. ( ) Install 16 - 2N4403 Transistors in their sockets in the direction the printed case outline indicates. The center lead (base) must be pulled slightly towards the flat face to insert the transistor.These transistors are directly below the row of 1N4002 rectifiers.

221-6 StopBoard Layout Mouser Number each total 1 PCB 1 M48Z58 8Kx8 SRAM 511-M48Z58Y70PC1 10.40 $10.40 1 PIC 16F887 579-PIC16F887-I/P 2.64 $2.64 2 4-Ch Opto Coupler 551-PS2501-4-A 1.76 $3.52 8 75452 595-SN75452BP .55 $4.40 16 2N4403 512-2N4403TA .05 $.80 16 Diode 1N4002 512-1N4002 .07 $1.12 24 Diode, 1N4148 512-1N4148TR .03 $.72 32 220 ohm 1/4W 291-220-RC .04 $1.28 4 10K ohm 1/4W 291-10K-RC .04 $.16 1 10 Pin SIP 1Mohm 652-4610X-1LF-1M .25 $.25 2 8 Pin SIP 2.7K 652-4608X-1LF-2.7K .21 $.42 3 0.1uF Disk Ceramic 581-AR155C104K4R .28 $.84 Capacitor, 50 V 1 10 Pin .156” Socket 538-09-52-3101 1.21 $1.21 1 9 Pin .156 Socket 538-09-52-3091 1.11 $1.11 1 Socket 40 Pin DIP 571-1-390262-5 .39 $.39 1 Socket 28 Pin DIP 571-1-390262-2 .25 $.25 2 Socket-16 Pin DIP 571-1-390261-4 .20 $.40 8 Socket-8 Pin DIP 571-1-390261-2 .13 $1.04 16 Socket-Transistor STR-92 ($.25 ea) 24 Vector Pins 574-T28/C 10.97/100 $2.75 Combination Action Stop Board Combination Action Stop Board

√ √ 1 PCB 1 PCB 1 M48Z58 8Kx8 SRAM 1 M48Z58 8Kx8 SRAM 1 PIC 16F887 1 PIC 16F887 2 4-Ch Opto Coupler 2 4-Ch Opto Coupler 8 75452 8 75452 16 2N4403 16 2N4403 16 Diode 1N4002 16 Diode 1N4002 24 Diode, 1N4148 24 Diode, 1N4148 32 220 ohm 1/4W 32 220 ohm 1/4W 4 10K ohm 1/4W 4 10K ohm 1/4W 1 10 Pin SIP 1M 1 10 Pin SIP 1M 2 8 Pin SIP 2.7K 2 8 Pin SIP 2.7K 3 0.1uF Disk Ceramic 3 0.1uF Disk Ceramic Capacitor, 50 V Capacitor, 50 V 1 10 Pin .156” Socket 1 10 Pin .156” Socket 1 9 Pin .156 Socket 1 9 Pin .156 Socket 1 Socket 40 Pin DIP 1 Socket 40 Pin DIP 1 Socket 28 Pin DIP 1 Socket 28 Pin DIP 2 Socket-16 Pin DIP 2 Socket-16 Pin DIP 8 Socket-8 Pin DIP 8 Socket-8 Pin DIP 16 Socket-Transistor 16 Socket-Transistor 24 Vector Pins 24 Vector Pins Combination Action Combination Action

Stop Board Stop Board

Board # Board #


Output Output ______