Ridgeland Hardeeviille High School
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RIDGELAND HARDEEVIILLE HIGH SCHOOL 250 JAGUAR TRAIL, UNIT #101 RIDGELAND, SC 29936 Tel: (843) 489-8844 Fax: (843) 717-3275 http://rhs.jcsd.net/ COURSE SYLLABUS Course Name English IV / English IV (H)
COURSE NAME Mrs. LaWanda Dixon INSTRUCTOR EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected]
Phone: (843) 489-8844 ext. 4902 Please leave your telephone number and a brief message with the TELEPHONE school receptionist. Your request for a call back will be forwarded CONTACT to the teacher by the end of each school day, and your call returned within 24 hours. COURSE What content is expected to be learned through this course? DESCRIPTION It is my commitment to provide a classroom environment conducive to learning: clean, respectful, and literacy rich. It is my goal to teach you the required South Carolina Standards for English Language Arts and equip you with the strategies and skills to be successful in this course and beyond. I have high expectations for you as a student learner. I will do my best to communicate with you and your parent/guardian to help you achieve your academic goals.
“Excellence; No Exceptions, No Excuses.” Major Concepts/Content. The purpose of this course is to provide integrated educational experiences in the language arts strands of reading, writing, listening, viewing, speaking, language, and literature.
The content should include, but not be limited to, the following: - using reading strategies to construct meaning from informative, technical, and literary texts - acquiring an extensive vocabulary through reading, discussion, listening, and systematic word study - using process writing strategies, student inquiry, and self-monitoring techniques - using speaking, listening, and viewing strategies in formal presentations and informal discussions - understanding and responding to a variety of literary forms - understanding and using language successfully to impact readers, writers, listeners, speakers, and viewers.
The link to the South Carolina College and Career Readiness Standards for English Language Arts can be found on the South Carolina Department of Education website. http://ed.sc.gov/agency/programs- services/59/documents/ELA2015SCCCRStandards.pdf REQUIRED COURSE TEXTBOOK(S) Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt Collections, Grade 12 RESOURCES . 3 Subject, spiral-bound Notebook . College Rule Notebook paper MATERIALS . Blue/Black Ink pens . Highlighters (in several different colors) . USB drive The following items will assist us in maintaining a clean learning environment and completing various assignments/projects throughout the year: . hand sanitizer . facial tissue Donations . glue . crayons . color markers . dry erase markers, etc. Donations are accepted all year long. Thank you very much. www.bibme.org –bibliography site www.blogger.com –free weblog site www.goodreads.com –share book recommendations with friends www.pop.greenwood.com –Pop Culture Universe WEBSITES www.prezi.com – Zooming Presentation Editor www.wordle.net – Create Word Clouds www.shelfari.com - site for books and readers www.yournextread.com – find your next book recommendations . Beowulf (In HMH Textbook) . The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer (In HMH Textbook) . Fences . One Additional Novel TBA if time allows Read at least 30 minutes in class daily. (SSR – Sustained Silent REQUIRED Reading) READINGS *Novels of literary merit are highly suggested *Literary merit is a quality of written work, generally applied to the genre of literary fiction. A work is said to have literary merit (to be a work of art) if it is a work of quality, that is if it has some aesthetic (crititcal reflection on art, culture and nature." ) value. COURSE/SCHOOL All Ridgeland Hardeeville High School teachers expect students to adhere to the BEHAVIORAL Jasper County Schools Attendance Policy and Student Code of Conduct, the EXPECTATIONS Ridgeland Hardeeville High School dress code, and conditions of academic integrity which include cheating and plagiarism. These policies can be found on the Jasper County Schools website at http://jaspercountyschools.schoolinsites.com/, the Ridgeland Hardeeville High School website at http://rhs.jcsd.net/, and in the agenda book distributed to each student. DISCIPLINE POLICY In order to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment, the teacher will utilize the following interventions for “minor infractions” prior to writing a disciplinary referral: . 1st Minor Infraction- Verbal Warning . 2nd Minor Infraction- Conference with the student . 3rd Minor Infraction- Parent Call After 3rd Minor Infraction, the student will receive a disciplinary referral. *Major verbal/physical behavior infractions will result in an automatic disciplinary referral. GRADING POLICY How and to what extent are assignments weighted toward determining the quarterly grade in your class? POINTS PER TYPE OF ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT 30% Tests 30% Class Participation/Projects 20% Quizzes Writing Assignments/ Formative 10% Assessments 10% Summative Assessments Student classroom performance can be accessed through an on-line “Parent Portal”. This on-line grade reporting service is updated by the teacher weekly. To use this convenient feature, the student number and a password are required. See the appropriate grade level counselor for this information. GRADING SCALE In accordance with the Jasper County School District Board policy, 9-week grades will be assigned as described below. NUMERICAL MEANING OF GRADE LETTER GRADE GRADE A 90 – 100 Student displays mastery of course content. B 80 – 89 Student has a good understanding of course content. There is room for student improvement. C 70 – 79 Student is successful with most assignments. Gaps may exist in the understanding of difficult topics. Tutorials and/or attention to good study habits may be necessary. D 69 – 60 Student is having difficulty with course content, assistance is necessary for student improvement. F 0 – 59 Student has major difficulty with course content. Immediate intervention is necessary.
HOMEWORK How often and to what extent should students expect homework? How is homework checked? Intensive Reading students are highly encouraged to read for 30 minutes each day and keep a reading log. Additional homework will be assigned 1-3 times weekly based on the needs of the students, and there will be regularly recurring assignments such as vocabulary study notebooks and reading reflections that will be explained, including a grading rubric, within the first few weeks of school. MAKE-UP WORK Jasper County School District Policy allows students to make up work within three (3) days PROCEDURE after returning to school following an excused absence. What procedure do students use when making up assignments due to an excused absence? How is the process different if the student was “Pre-Excused” from school? **Please Note**It is the student’s responsibility to obtain any make-up work/test upon return from an excused absence. With a documented excuse, a student may complete his/her make-up work or test without penalty. The student is allowed one day for each day absent to complete make-up work/test. Do not place assignments on or around my desk, in my office mailbox, or under my door. Place it in my hand. LATE WORK POLICY What are the consequences for submitting work late? Unless previously arranged with instructor, late work will be accepted one day late only with a 10-point deduction prior to grading. After one day late, work will no longer be accepted barring extreme or previously arranged circumstances.
ASSIGNMENT RE- What procedures are in place that will allow students to re-do work? DO Students may choose to re-do two assessments per nine weeks grading period on POLICY/PROCEDURE which he/she received a score of 70/C or below. The “re-do” assessment must be completed within 5 school days of receipt of the original graded assessment. Re-do assessments are to be scheduled in advance and completed under teacher supervision. EXTRA HELP When can struggling students receive teacher assistance outside of class time? OPPORTUNITIES During tutorial: During lunch or BY APPOINTMENT after school