Application Help Guidelines

All application files will reside on . Following are the steps to creating application help:  Create the /apps//help directory where the application directory will be named by the application owner (e.g. apps/ae/help for Achieving Excellence).  Copy template files (/apps/template/help/*) to new directory  Rename template files to naming convention: appid: the application id used for error messages, security, etc. role: the audience for the help files i.e. deere, supplier, etc. E.G. to create the deere user ae help index you should rename appid_role_helpindex.htm file to ae_deere_helpindex.htm.  Make a copy the header file (appid_role_header.htm) in /config/help for your application. In the AE example make a copy of appid_role_header.htm and rename it to ae_deere_header.htm. Modify the new header file so the links on the top green section match other help files (faq, glossary, etc.) Basically you will need to replace the appid_role on the button links with the name and role for your application.  Modify the on the Help Index, FAQ, Glossary and Contact Us screens to refer to the appropriate header file e.g.  Modify the page title to reflect the app e.g. Achieving Excellence Help  Add the application specific information to the Help Index, FAQ, Glossary and Contact Us files with

Main help files: /apps//help/appid_role_helpindex.htm /apps//help/appid_role _faq.htm /apps//help/appid_role _glossary.htm /apps//help/appid_role _contact_us.htm

Configuration files: /config/help/appid_role _header.htm /config/help/sm_help_footer.htm /config/help/sm_help_contact_us.htm

JavaScript: /images/resources/sm_help_script.js

Images: /images/resources/*

Application Doc Guidelines All application files are to be stored on . Creating help files for an application involves creating an application directory /apps//docs (apps/ae/docs for Achieving Excellence). After that it will involve creating a help document that has contains the links to all external documents i.e. word, excel and pdf files. This infrastructure will need to be readdressed once document management is implemented.