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English 12 Curriculum Guide 2015 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Introduction
The English Curriculum Guide serves as a guide for teachers when planning instruction and assessment. It defines the content knowledge, skills, and understandings that are measured by the Standards of Learning assessment. It provides additional guidance to teachers as they develop an instructional program appropriate for their students. It also assists teachers in their lesson planning by identifying essential understandings, defining essential content knowledge, and describing the intellectual skills students need to use. This Guide delineates in greater specificity the content that all teachers should teach and all students should learn.
The format of the Curriculum Guide facilitates teacher planning by identifying the key concepts, knowledge, and skills that should be the focus of instruction for each objective. The Curriculum Guide is divided into sections: Curriculum Information, Essential Knowledge and Skills, Key Vocabulary, Essential Questions and Understandings, Teacher Notes and Elaborations, Resources, and Sample Instructional Strategies and Activities. The purpose of each section is explained below.
Curriculum Information: This section includes the objective and SOL Reporting Category, focus or topic, and in some, not all, foundational objectives that are being built upon.
Essential Knowledge and Skills with Bloom’s Taxonomy: Each objective is expanded in this section. What each student should know and be able to do in each objective is outlined. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list nor a list that limits what is taught in the classroom. This section is helpful to teachers when planning classroom assessments as it is a guide to the knowledge and skills that define the objective.
Key Vocabulary: This section includes vocabulary that is key to the objective and many times the first introduction for the student to new concepts and skills.
Essential Questions and Understandings: This section delineates the key concepts, ideas and mathematical relationships that all students should grasp to demonstrate an understanding of the objectives.
Teacher Notes and Elaborations: This section includes background information for the teacher. It contains content that is necessary for teaching this objective and may extend the teachers’ knowledge of the objective beyond the current grade level. It may also contain definitions of key vocabulary to help facilitate student learning.
Resources: This section lists various resources that teachers may use when planning instruction. Teachers are not limited to only these resources.
Sample Instructional Strategies and Activities: This section lists ideas and suggestions that teachers may use when planning instruction. 1 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS The following chart is the “quick glance” pacing guide for the Alleghany County English 12 Curriculum. The chart outlines standards that must be taught within the given marking period. The chart works in descending order, not in terms of order of importance. SOLs and objectives may overlap and run concurrently. More detailed instruction is given later in the guide for each SOL/Objective 1 st Six Weeks
English 12 SOL/Objectives
Writing: Editing 12.7- The student will write, revise, and edit. 12.6 – The student will develop expository and informational, analyses, and Writing: Narrative & Expository persuasive/argumentative writings. Reading: Nonfiction 12.5 – The student will read and analyze a variety of nonfiction texts. 12.4 – The student will read, comprehend, and analyze the development of British Reading: British Lit. literature and literature of other countries. 12.3 – The student will apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, and figurative Reading: Language language to extend vocabulary development in authentic texts. 12.2 – The student will examine how values and points of view are included or excluded Communication and how media influences beliefs and behaviors. 2 nd Six Weeks
English 12 SOL/Objectives
Writing: Research 12.8 – The student will write documented research papers.
Writing: Editing 12.7 - The student will write, revise, and edit. 12.6 - The student will develop expository and informational, analyses, and Writing: Persuasive w/ doc. persuasive/argumentative writings. Reading: Nonfiction 12.5 - The student will read and analyze a variety of nonfiction texts. 12.4 - The student will read, comprehend, and analyze the development of British Reading: British lit. literature and literature of other countries. 12.3 - The student will apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, and figurative Reading: Language language to extend vocabulary development in authentic texts. 12.2 - The student will examine how values and points of view are included or excluded Communication and how media influences beliefs and behaviors.
3 rd Six Weeks
English 12 SOL/Objectives
Writing: Editing 12.7 - The student will write, revise, and edit. 12. 6 - The student will develop expository and informational, analyses, and Writing: Persuasive w/ doc. persuasive/argumentative writings. Reading: Nonfiction 12.5 - The student will read and analyze a variety of nonfiction texts. 12.4 - The student will read, comprehend, and analyze the development of British Reading: British lit. literature and literature of other countries. 12.2 - The student will examine how values and points of view are included or excluded Communication and how media influences beliefs and behaviors. Communication 12.1 – The student will make formal oral presentations in a group or individually.
EOC Writing Test Blueprint Summary
Reporting Category Component 9th Grade Standards Research, plan, compose, and revise for a variety of Composing/Written n/a purposes. Expression Edit for correct use of language, capitalization, punctuation, Usage/Mechanics n/a and spelling
EOC Reading Test Blueprint Summary
Reporting Category 9th Grade Standards Use word analysis strategies and word reference materials n/a Demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts n/a Demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts n/a
3 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 12 th Grade English Cover Sheet
Websites for teachers & students Information to Keep in Mind
Purdue OWL for MLA formatting * Vocabulary lists are based on the literature currently being read *Department or teacher-created benchmark tests will be utilized two times Full text of Hamlet online a year county-wide for benchmark testing. *Literature-based tests, quizzes, etc. created to use throughout the year. Full text of Beowulf online *There is not time built into the pacing guide to review for benchmark tests. Full text of The Canterbury Tales online *Much of the curriculum for twelfth grade is fluid and based on what the includes both a middle English and a modern English version students need to prepare them for their next stage in life. The actual texts chosen beyond the core will depend upon the individual class. VDOE English 12 Standards of Learning *The culmination of senior English is the final portfolio. This counts as f the final exam.
*Team collaboration is expected and necessary to communicate what works and what does not work. The twelfth grade curriculum is dynamic and relies on teamwork to keep it effective and relevant to the students’ needs.
Benchmark Test #1 – first six weeks Benchmark Test #3 – third six weeks
Curriculum Information Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes Essential Questions and Understandings with Bloom’s Alignment Teacher Notes and Elaborations
4 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SOL Reporting Category Essential Questions To be successful with this standard, Research What is the relationship between society and literature? students are expected to: How are people of today and people in history/literature similar? Topics identify and narrow a topic for research How are the themes universal from today and in history/literature? 1. Use technology as a tool to through a variety of strategies, such as How do students select valid sources? research, organize, evaluate, and mapping, listing, brainstorming, webbing, How do students select “the best” information? communicate information. and using an Internet search engine. How do students cite appropriately to avoid plagiarism? 2. Frame, analyze, and synthesize (evaluate) information to solve problems, Essential Understandings answer questions, and generate new utilize technology to conduct research, knowledge. organize information, and develop writing. 3. Critically evaluate the accuracy, (evaluate) understand how to gather information and analyze it to organize and begin the writing quality, and validity of the process. collect, evaluate, analyze and information. synthesize relevant information, using a understand the ethical issues and responsibility of documentation in research writings. 4. Synthesize information to support variety of primary and secondary print and the thesis and present information in a electronic sources. (evaluate) Teacher Notes and Elaborations logical manner. 5. Cite sources for both quoted and evaluate collected information from paraphrased ideas using a standard print and electronic sources by: (evaluate) Students will research topics and develop documented papers that support a thesis. A method of documentation, such as determining its validity, accuracy, documented paper is the result of following a process leading to discovery of information that of the Modern Language credibility, reliability, consistency, that is then synthesized to support a focus on a particular topic through content, style, Association (MLA) or the American strengths and limitations; and structure, and presentation. Psychological Association (APA). formulating a reason/focus to Students will recognize consequences of plagiarism according to the guidelines 6. Revise writing for clarity, depth of represent findings. established by school divisions or post-secondary schools. information, and technique of presentation. record and organize information into a 7. Edit writing for language, spelling, draft by: (create) Teacher Resources & Instructional Strategies punctuation, capitalization, syntax, prioritizing and synthesizing and paragraphing as appropriate for information; MLA handbook or MLA electronic sources (dianahacker or Purdue OWL) standard English. summarizing and/or paraphrasing Elements of Language – textbook series information; and Elements of Style – Strunk & White (Linsin) 8. Define the meaning and th consequences of plagiarism and selecting direct quotations. 12 grade novels (dept) follow ethical and legal guidelines Pearson Literature series – textbook cite print or electronic sources of forgathering and using information. Bedford Reader/Models – textbook series (Beirne/Huff) information to avoid plagiarism when Virginia SOL 12.8 paraphrasing, summarizing, quoting, or The student will write documented inserting graphics, using MLA or APA research papers. style. (create) edit writing for correct use of English 12 Pacing language, capitalization, punctuation, 2nd six weeks and spelling. (evaluate) demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the ethics of writing by: (evaluate) 5 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS understanding that plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else’s ideas as one’s own; recognizing that one must correctly cite sources to give credit to the author of an original work; recognizing that sources of information must be cited even when the information has been paraphrased; and using quotation marks when someone else’s exact words are quoted.
Key Vocabulary
Plagiarism Direct Quotation Paraphrase Citation Dropped Quote Integrating Quotes
6 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Curriculum Information Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes Essential Questions and Understandings with Bloom’s Alignment Teacher Notes and Elaborations SOL Reporting Category Essential Questions To be successful with this standard, Writing: Editing What form of editing works for each student? students are expected to: How does the audience affect what students write? Tone? Style? Format? Organization? Topics assess and strengthen the quality of How do students revise their own writing? 1. Edit, proofread, and prepare writing through revision. (evaluate) writing for intended audience and use a variety of strategies (e.g., reading purpose. Essential Understandings 2. Apply grammatical conventions to the draft aloud; peer feedback; using a edit writing for correct use of rubric; reading the draft from the use grammatical conventions to adjust sentence and paragraph structures for a variety language, spelling, punctuation, and perspective of the intended audience) to of purposes and audiences. evaluate whether the draft is effectively capitalization. observe hyphenation rules. 3. Use a style manual, such as that of supported and adequately developed. the Modern Language Association (evaluate) understand the difference between revising and editing. (MLA) or the American edit both one’s own and others’ work Psychological Association (APA), to for grammar, style and tone appropriate to Teacher Notes and Elaborations apply rules for punctuation and audience, purpose and context. (evaluate) Students will understand and apply mechanics, usage, and grammar conventions to formatting of direct quotations. apply MLA or APA style for prepare writing for intended audiences. punctuation conventions and formatting Students will understand that usage is a matter of convention, can change over time, Virginia SOL 12.7 direct quotations, particularly for in-text and is sometimes contested. The student will write, revise, and citation in documented papers. (create) edit. Students will use a style manual, such as MLA or APA, to apply punctuation rules and Key Vocabulary the formatting of quotations in documented papers. English 12 Pacing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd six weeks MLA format Teacher Resources & Instructional Strategies Word choice (connotation) Perspective (theory) Elements of Language – textbook series Audience effect Purdue OWL – online source Teacher-generated rubrics
7 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Curriculum Information Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes Essential Questions and Understandings with Bloom’s Alignment Teacher Notes and Elaborations SOL Reporting Category Essential Questions To be successful with this standard, Writing What skills do students need to survive in the work place? students are expected to: How do students develop technical writings? Topics How do students practice self-assessment? 1. Generate, gather, and organize develop expository writings that: ideas for writing to address a specific (create) audience and purpose. explain their ideas through a clear Essential Understandings 2. Produce arguments in writing that general statement of the writer’s develop a thesis to demonstrate understand that writing is a process. point (thesis); knowledgeable judgments, address use specific evidence and locate and select appropriate information that clearly supports a definite purpose and counterclaims, and provide effective position. conclusions. illustrations; and 3. Clarify and defend a position with provide concise and accurate understand that format (structure) determines the sequence of a writing. precise and relevant evidence. information. understand that vocabulary is used to develop voice and tone for a specific audience, 4. Adapt content, vocabulary, voice, develop technical writings (e.g., personal purpose, or situation. and tone to audience, purpose, and data sheet, résumé, job description, situation. questionnaire, job application, or Teacher Notes and Elaborations 5. Use a variety of rhetorical business communication) that address strategies to accomplish a specific a clearly identified audience and have purpose. a clearly identified purpose. (create) The intent of this standard is that students will develop skill in creating expository, 6. Create arguments free of errors in technical, and persuasive/argumentative writings. logic and externally supported. complete employment forms through 7. Revise writing for clarity of simulations and real-life opportunities. Persuasive techniques are defined under SOL 12.5. content, depth of information and (create) Students should have practice writing for shorter time frames as well as extended time technique of presentation. complete applications, essays, and frames. 8. Use computer technology to plan, résumés for college admission through draft, revise, edit, and publish writing. Teacher Resources & Instructional Strategies simulations and real-life opportunities. Virginia SOL 12.6 (create) Teacher-generated rubrics The student will develop expository develop analytical essays that do one or Exit portfolio (Beirne/Linsin) and informational, analyses, and more of the following: (create) Samples of technical writing – online (Career Service at Virginia Tech) persuasive/argumentative writings. examine a process; VA Employment Commission – online make a comparison; English 12 Pacing Key Vocabulary 1st, 2nd, and 3rd six weeks propose solutions; classify; Exit Portfolio define; Resume show cause and effect; Memorandum illustrate problems; and Bio blurb evaluate. Reflection essay construct arguments that: (create) Exit essay introduce precise, substantive
8 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS claims; Self assessment establish the significance of the Ambiguity claims;
distinguish them from opposing claims; and sequence information logically (e.g., problem-solution, cause and effect).
use a range of strategies to elaborate and persuade, such as: (create) descriptions; anecdotes,; case studies, analogies; and illustrations.
develop claim(s) and counterclaims thoroughly, supplying the most relevant data and evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both. (create) provide a clear and effective conclusion. (create) develop a thesis that demonstrates clear and knowledgeable judgments. (create) clarify and defend positions with precise and relevant evidence, including facts, expert opinions, quotations and/logical reasoning. (create) focus paragraphs by using a variety of techniques. (create) use transition words and phrases to signal progression of ideas within and between paragraphs, and use appropriate words and phrases to signal organizational patterns (e.g., description, question-answer, 9 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS compare-contrast, problem-solution, cause and effect). (create) use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text. create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims. (create) elaborate for clarity and accuracy developing the topic fully with significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, and important quotations. (create) develop ideas in a logical sequence. (create) establish and maintain a style and tone. (create) apply persuasive rhetorical devices and techniques including rhetorical questioning, parallel structuring, metaphor, imagery, figures of speech, alliterative expressions, etc., when appropriate. (create) recognize and avoid common logical fallacies or false premises. (evaluate) revise writing to provide depth of information and to adhere to presentation format. (evaluate) use computer technology as available to edit writing before submitting the final copy. (evaluate)
10 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Curriculum Information Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes Essential Questions and Understandings with Bloom’s Alignment Teacher Notes and Elaborations SOL Reporting Category Essential Questions To be successful with this standard, Reading: Nonfiction What is the difference between print and web-based information? students are expected to: How do students determine the reliability of sources? Topics How does structure/format affect a text? 1. Generate and respond logically to before, during, and after reading texts, literal, inferential, evaluative, generate and respond to a variety of synthesizing, and critical thinking critical thinking questions to activate prior knowledge, engage actively with Essential Understandings questions before, during, and after understand formats common to information resources. reading texts. learning new information, and reflect on new learning or fresh insights. (evaluate) 2. Analyze and synthesize Teacher Notes and Elaborations information in order to solve analyze printed and Web-based problems, answer questions, and informational and technical texts. (analyze) Students will develop skill in analyzing, evaluating, and applying the format generate new knowledge. (structure) and content of a variety of informational and technical texts. Such informational 3. Analyze two or more texts examine the format (structure) of an and technical texts include statements of fact and essential information needed for making addressing the same topic to identify informational or technical text as an aid to consumer choices and other important decisions. authors’ purpose and determine how determining and analyzing its content. Students should recognize persuasive techniques, such as: authors reach similar or different (evaluate) conclusions. ad hominem – means “to the man” does not argue the issue, instead it argues the recognize and apply specialized person; 4. Recognize and analyze use of vocabulary. (apply) ambiguity, contradiction, paradox, red herring – is a deliberate attempt to divert attention; irony, overstatement, and analyze how two or more texts develop straw man – creates the illusion of having refuted a proposition by substituting a understatement in text. and treat the same idea. (evaluate) similar yet weaker proposition (the "straw man"); and 5. Identify false premises in begging the question – assumes the conclusion is true without proving it; circular determine an author’s point of view or persuasive writing. argument. purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is 6. Draw conclusions and make particularly effective, (analyze) inferences on explicit and implied Analyze and identify false premises in arguments and evaluate their role in the information using textual support. make frequent references to texts in argument. order to verify conclusions and support Virginia SOL 12.5 logical inferences. (evaluate) Students will use a variety of reading strategies such as text annotation, QAR (Question- The student will read and analyze a Answer, Relationship), thinking aloud, etc. variety of nonfiction texts. Key Vocabulary Teacher Resources & Instructional Strategies English 12 Pacing Rhetoric 1st, 2nd, and 3rd six weeks. Synthesis Kelly (article of the week/day) Paradox Newspaper editorials Verification Ambiguity Annotation
11 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Curriculum Information Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes Essential Questions and Understandings with Bloom’s Alignment Teacher Notes and Elaborations SOL Reporting Category Essential Questions To be successful with this standard, Reading: British Lit. What are the major eras in British literature? students are expected to: How does time and place affect literature? Topics How does British literature compare and contrast to literature from other countries? 1. Compare and contrast the use reading strategies to improve How does a play differ from other forms of literature? development of British literature in its comprehension and to achieve the purposes historical context. for reading: predicting and adjusting Essential Understandings 2. Recognize major literary forms predictions; questioning the text; restating and their elements. recognize literary forms employed in major literary eras. main ideas and summarizing supporting 3. Recognize the characteristics of details; and close reading. (analyze) recognize the literary characteristics of the major chronological eras. major chronological eras. 4. Relate literary works and authors analyze texts to identify the author’s understand how a writer’s choice of words reveals the content of a poem and the to major themes and issues of their attitudes, viewpoints, and beliefs and speaker’s attitude regarding the content of the poem. eras. critique how these relate to larger historical, understand how the subject and mood of the poem are supported or reinforced through 5. Analyze the social and cultural social, and cultural contexts. (analyze) the use of sound structures. function of British literature. analyze the representation of a subject or 6. Explain how the sound of a poem understand a reader’s response to poetry is manipulated by imagery and figures of a key scene in two different media. (rhyme, rhythm, onomatopoeia, speech. repetition, alliteration, assonance, and (analyze) understand traditional and contemporary dramatic works of authors from a variety of parallelism) supports the subject, identify the literary characteristics of cultures. mood, and theme. specific eras, such as: (understand) 7. Compare and contrast traditional Anglo-Saxon/Medieval period; identify and understand the most effective elements of a selected play. and contemporary poems from many Tudor/Renaissance period; cultures. Neoclassical period; Teacher Notes and Elaborations 8. Analyze how dramatic conventions Restoration Age; including character, scene, dialogue, Students will understand how British literature has influenced and has been influenced Romantic and Victorian periods; and staging contribute to the theme by the literature of other cultures. and and effect. Modern and Postmodern periods. Students will trace and examine the development of British literature and the literature 9. Compare and contrast dramatic of other cultures by recognizing characteristics of chronological periods and literary elements of plays from American, recognize major themes and issues techniques. Students will relate literary works and their authors to major themes and issues. British, and other cultures. related to: (understand) religious diversity; Students will understand that critical evaluation is the process of judging the merit or Virginia SOL 12.4 value of a piece of literature and that the process includes evaluating the author’s political struggles; The student will read, comprehend, effectiveness in integrating component parts to create a whole. and analyze the development of ethnic and cultural mores and British literature and literature of traditions; and A complete list of literary devices is found in Essential Knowledge, Skills, and other countries. individual rights, gender equity, Processes column for SOL 9.4. and civil rights. Close reading entails close observation of the text, including annotating, determining English 12 Pacing all word meanings including connotations, syntax, and structure. It also involves paying 1st, 2nd, and 3rd six weeks distinguish between what is directly stated in a text from what is intended or close attention to figures of speech, and other features that contribute to a writer’s style. implied because of the use of satire, Close reading also involves reflecting on deeper meanings of text including considering sarcasm, irony, or understatement. relationships to other texts or social or cultural history. 12 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS (understand) Students will use a variety of reading strategies such as text annotation, QAR analyze how British literature has (Question-Answer Relationship), thinking aloud, etc. provided social commentary on various cultural developments including religious Teacher Resources & Instructional Strategies and political struggles, changing mores and traditions, etc. (analyze) Hamlet explain how the choice of words in a Macbeth poem creates tone. (evaluate) Canterbury Tales Beowulf explain how the reader’s response to the All Quiet on the Western Front poem is manipulated by imagery, figures of 1984 speech, and diction (word choice). A Doll’s House (evaluate) Frankenstein Documentaries from time period (Linsin) compare and contrast traditional and Other novels in the English dept. (Beirne/Linsin) contemporary poetry and drama from many cultures. (analyze) explain how a dramatist uses dialogue to reveal the theme of a drama. (evaluate) compare and contrast the use of exposition/initiating event, rising action, complication/conflict, climax or crisis, falling action, and resolution/denouement among plays from various cultures. (evaluate)
Key Vocabulary
See list provided above of literary terms.
Curriculum Information Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes Essential Questions and Understandings with Bloom’s Alignment Teacher Notes and Elaborations
13 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SOL Reporting Category Essential Questions To be successful with this standard, Reading: Language What are allusions? students are expected to: How is English, as a language, a melting pot of other languages? Topics use roots or affixes to determine or How does place impact language? 1. Use structural analysis of roots, clarify the meaning of words. (apply) affixes, synonyms, antonyms, and cognates to understand complex demonstrate an understanding of Essential Understandings words. idioms. (understand) 2. Use context, structure, and use word structure to analyze and relate words. use prior reading knowledge and other connotations to determine meanings study to identify the meaning of literary and recognize that words have nuances of meaning and that understanding the of words and phrases. classical allusions. (understand) connotations may be necessary to determine the appropriate meaning. 3. Discriminate between connotative and denotative meanings and interpret interpret figures of speech (e.g., recognize how figurative language enriches text. the connotation. euphemism, oxymoron, hyperbole, paradox) 4. Identify the meaning of common in context and analyze their role in the text. Teacher Notes and Elaborations idioms, literary and classical allusions (analyze) The intent of this standard is that students will increase their independence as learners in text. of vocabulary. 5. Expand general and specialized analyze connotations of words with vocabulary through speaking, reading, similar denotations. (analyze) Students will be exposed to affixes, including prefixes and suffixes, roots, derivations, and writing. use context (e.g., the overall meaning of and inflections of polysyllabic words and understand that words with similar parts may be 6. Use knowledge of the evolution, a sentence, paragraph, or text; a word’s related to each other in meaning and origin. diversity, and effects of language to position or function in a sentence) as a clue Teachers should use a study of cognates, words from the same linguistic family, to comprehend and elaborate the to the meaning of a word or phrase. enhance vocabulary instruction. Cognates can occur within the same language or across meaning of texts. (analyze) languages, e.g., night (English), nuit (French), Nacht (German), nacht (Dutch), nicht identify and correctly use patterns of (Scots), natt (Swedish, Norwegian), nat (Danish), raat (Urdu), nátt (Faroese), nótt Virginia SOL 12.3 word changes that indicate different (Icelandic), noc (Czech, Slovak, Polish). The student will apply knowledge of meanings or parts of speech (e.g., Students will evaluate the use of figurative language and analogies in text. word origins, derivations, and conceive, conception, conceivable). figurative language to extend (analyze) Students will use context and connotations to help determine the meaning of vocabulary development in authentic synonymous words and appreciate an author’s choices of words and images. texts. consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, Connotation is subjective, cultural, and emotional. A stubborn person may be glossaries, thesauruses), both print and described as being either strong-willed or pig-headed. They have the same literal meaning English 12 Pacing (i.e., stubborn). Strong-willed connotes admiration for the level of someone's will, while 1st and 2nd six weeks digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning, pig-headed connotes frustration in dealing with someone. its part of speech, its etymology, or its Denotation is a dictionary definition of a word. standard usage. (analyze) Idiom is an expression peculiar to a particular language or group of people that means demonstrate understanding of figurative something different from the dictionary definition (e.g., blessing in disguise, chip on your language, word relationships, and shoulder). connotations in word meanings. (apply) Key Vocabulary An allusion is an indirect reference to a person, place, event, or thing – real or fictional. J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye is an allusion to a poem by Robert Burns. Allusion Stephen Vincent Benet's story By the Waters of Babylon alludes to Psalm 137 in the
14 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Idiom Bible . Etymology Double entendre Teacher Resources & Instructional Strategies
Words derived from class readings: Hamlet, Macbeth, Canterbury Tales, etc. “Friday Five” (Beirne)
15 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Curriculum Information Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes Essential Questions and Understandings with Bloom’s Alignment Teacher Notes and Elaborations SOL Reporting Category Essential Questions To be successful with this standard, Communication: Speaking, Listening, What is the author’s purpose? students are expected to: and Media Literacy How is the author’s purpose reflected in the media? organize knowledge and display Topics learning using visual images, text, graphics, 1. Evaluate sources including and/or music to create media messages with Essential Understandings advertisements, editorials, blogs, Web visual, audio, and graphic effects. (create) sites, and other media for recognize that media messages express points of view and contain values to influence relationships between intent, factual evaluate visual and verbal media the beliefs and behaviors of the intended audience. content, and opinion. messages for content (word choice and understand the difference between objectivity, or fact, and subjectivity, or bias, in 2. Determine the author’s purpose choice of information), intent (persuasive media messages. and intended effect on the audience techniques), impact (public opinion trends), for media messages. and effectiveness (effect on the audience). realize the purposeful use of persuasive language and word connotations to convey (evaluate) viewpoint and bias. Virginia SOL 12.2 The student will examine how values determine author’s purpose and and points of view are included or distinguish factual content from opinion and Teacher Notes and Elaborations excluded and how media influences possible bias. (analyze) Students will continue to develop media literacy by examining how media messages influence people’s beliefs and behaviors. beliefs and behaviors. analyze and critique how media reach the targeted audience for specific purposes Teacher Resources & Instructional Strategies English 12 Pacing (to persuade, to entertain, to push to action, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd six weeks to appeal to ethics or beliefs, etc.). Research and Literacy DVD series (evaluate) Advertisements – print and online identify fact and opinion in media Editorials – print and online messages and how those elements relate to purpose and audience. (evaluate)
Key Vocabulary
Verbal vision connection Editorial
16 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Curriculum Information Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes Essential Questions and Understandings with Bloom’s Alignment Teacher Notes and Elaborations SOL Reporting Category Essential Questions To be successful with this standard, Communication: Speaking, Listening, What does eye contact provide to a presentation? students are expected to: and Media Literacy How do students peer and self evaluate? How does body language affect a presentation? Topics make a 5-10 minute oral presentation How does tone affect a presentation? 1. Choose the purpose of the alone and/or as part of a group. presentation. (create) Essential Understandings 2. Choose vocabulary, language, and tone appropriate to the audience, organize and develop a speech, using topic, and purpose. steps in the process such as: (create) recognize that the major purposes of speeches include exposition, persuasion, 3. Use details, illustrations, statistics, selection of a topic related to inspiration, entertainment, or recognition of special occasions (e.g., acceptance, welcome, comparisons, and analogies to support audience and situation; or thank-you speeches). the presentation. determination of purpose; understand that semantics involves words and word order specifically chosen for the 4. Use media, visual literacy, and research; meaning intended. technology skills to create and development of an outline, support the presentation. including introduction, body, and recognize rhetoric as the art of persuasion, especially using devices such as repetition, 5. Use grammatically correct conclusion; parallelism, and rhetorical question. language, including vocabulary practice; and Teacher Notes and Elaborations appropriate to the topic, audience, and presentation. purpose. 6. Collaborate and report on small choose appropriate vocabulary, Students will develop skills in preparing and delivering formal oral presentations. To group learning activities. language, and tone for the selected this end, they will develop skills in identifying a purpose, researching topics, developing 7. Evaluate formal presentations topic, purpose, context, and audience. content, and delivering presentations. including personal, digital, visual, (apply) textual, and technological. develop content through inclusion of: Teacher Resources & Instructional Strategies 8. Use a variety of listening strategies (create) to analyze relationships among a combination of facts and/or Teacher-generated rubrics purpose, audience, and content of statistics; Student-generated rubrics presentations. examples; Sample speeches – JFK speeches; Churchill speeches; etc. (Internet) 9. Critique effectiveness of presentations. illustrations; anecdotes and narratives; Virginia SOL 12.1 reference to experts; The student will make formal oral quotations; presentations in a group or analogies and comparisons; and individually. logical argumentation of their reasoning. English 12 Pacing 3rd six weeks use effective delivery created through a combination of: (apply) clear purpose; organization and development of content; 17 English 12 CURRICULUM GUIDE (Spring 2015) ALLEGHANY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS semantics; rhetoric; visual aids; voice modulation and strength; gestures, stance, and eye contact; and sufficient practice of delivery. use appropriate and effective visual aids and/or technology to support presentations. (apply) use grammatically correct language and appropriate vocabulary. (apply) work together to establish group goals, define individual roles, and report on learning activities. (create) evaluate a formal presentation by analyzing and critiquing the effectiveness of the speaker’s demeanor, voice, language, gestures, clarity of thought, organization of evidence, relevance, and delivery. (evaluate) monitor audience feedback, engagement, and understanding, to adjust delivery and content. (evaluate) analyze and critique the effectiveness of purpose and content of a presentation with respect to how the audience responds. (evaluate)
Key Vocabulary
Voice modulation Audience engagement Demeanor Poise