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Research and Development s10

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD CSG 15 Research and Development Final Project Report (Not to be used for LINK projects)

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Project title Updating the Ammonia Emissions Inventory for the UK for 1999

MAFF project code AM0108

Contractor organisation Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research and location North Wyke Okehampton Devon EX20 2SB

Total MAFF project costs £ 25,827

Project start date 01/07/00 Project end date 31/03/01

Executive summary (maximum 2 sides A4)

This project continued the annual update of the inventory of ammonia emissions from UK agriculture, as conducted under project WA0630, for the year 1999 and included an updated estimate of non-agricultural emissions. These data are required by MAFF in relation to international agreements (UNECE protocol on abatement and the EU National Ceilings Directive) and for national policy purposes. The estimate of total ammonia emissions from UK sources for the year 1999 was 302.6 kt N. This comprised 245.2 kt N (81 %) from agricultural sources and 57.4 kt N (19 %) from non-agricultural sources. The inventory of ammonia emissions from UK agriculture for 1998 was updated using 1999 specific data for livestock numbers and fertiliser use and any additional data on emission factors or other input data which had become available since the 1998 version. Inclusion of losses from hard standings (unroofed concrete yards used by livestock) added significantly (16.7 kt N) to the inventory total, with estimated emissions from hard standings accounting for 9 % of total emission from agriculture. The estimate of total emission from UK agriculture for 1999 was 245 kt NH 3-N, an increase of 17 kt from the 1998 estimate of 228 kt NH3-N. The majority of the hard standings emissions derive from cattle, therefore emissions from cattle have increased in importance, now accounting for 56 % total emission from UK agriculture. Estimates based on retrospective calculations, using the 1999 inventory structure, showed a small (c. 1 kt N) increase in emission between 1998 and 1999, and a 9 % decrease in emission since 1990. The estimate of emission from hard standings is subject to review, therefore an estimate for 1999 based on an activity update of the 1998 inventory was also conducted, which showed a 1 kt N increase to 229 kt NH3-N. Of the agricultural sources, cattle accounted for 56 %, poultry for 16 %, pigs for 11 %, sheep for 7 % and fertiliser applications to conserved grassland and tillage for 5 % each. Expressed as components of farm management, animal housing accounted for 34 %, land spreading of manures for 30 %, hard standings for 9 %, grazing animals and outdoor pigs and poultry for 12 %, fertiliser applications for 10 % and manure storage for 5 %. The inventory of non-agricultural ammonia emissions for the UK based on Sutton et al. (2000) was updated with new information. The latest source population and activity statistics were used in order to revise previous estimates for 1996 to 1999. Where available, new research findings on source strength were included as well, especially regarding road transport.

CSG 15 (Rev. 12/99) 1 Project Updating the Ammonia Emissions Inventory for the UK MAFF AM0108 title for 1999 project code

Overall, the best estimate for 1999 amounts to 57.4 kt NH3-N, an increase of 3.6 kt (7%), compared with the 1996 inventory. The differences can mainly be attributed to a large increase in the estimated number of horses due to the availability of new, more reliable statistics, and the increase in the number of cars fitted with catalytic converters over the last few years. Other major changes were estimated for industrial ammonia sources: emissions summarised from the Environment Agency's Pollution Inventory have decreased by 3 kt NH3-N to 6.8 kt NH3-N. These estimates appear to be highly uncertain, with large fluctuations in emissions between years. In an attempt to account for this uncertainty, the averages of the estimates for the last 2 years (1998/1999) were taken. Emission estimates from the landspreading of sewage sludge have also decreased, due to new information available on the extent of sewage sludge applied to land.

The main sources of non-agricultural NH3 emissions are road transport (23%), horses (19%), industrial sources (12%), cats & dogs (9%), wild animals & seabirds (9%), landspreading of sewage sludge (7%), and landfill (7%). Compared with the 1996 inventory, road transport and horse emissions have increased in relative importance, with the other sources decreasing. Some key areas where further work is required to improve the robustness of the inventory estimate are:  a reassessment of the emission factors for landspreading manures, making use of the large amount of new data now available  emissions from cattle which are part-housed during the spring, summer and autumn period  emissions from field track-ways used by dairy cattle when returning to the farm for milking  emissions from cut grass and crops  a more detailed investigation of industrial sources  a revision of the estimate for landspread sewage sludge as restrictions on dumping at sea come into force  better estimates of emission factors for many of the non-agricultural sources, particularly wild animals and sea birds, horses and pets, sewage works, biomass burning and landfill.

CSG 15 (1/00) 2 Project Updating the Ammonia Emissions Inventory for the UK MAFF AM0108 title for 1999 project code

Scientific report (maximum 20 sides A4)

CSG 15 (1/00) 3 Part 1. Inventory of Ammonia Emissions from UK Agriculture - 1999


The inventory of ammonia emissions from UK agriculture for 1998 was updated using 1999- specific data for livestock numbers and fertiliser use and any additional data on emission factors or other input data which had become available since the 1998 version. Inclusion of losses from hard standings used by livestock added significantly (17 kt N) to the inventory total, with estimated emissions from hard standings accounting for 9 % of total emission. The estimate of total emission from UK agriculture for 1999 was 245 kt NH3-N, an increase of 17 kt from the 1998 estimate of 228 kt NH3-N. The majority of the hard standings emissions derive from cattle, therefore emissions from cattle have increased in importance, now accounting for 56 % total emission from UK agriculture.

Construction of the inventory

The construction of the inventory was as in previous inventories, using the same computer spreadsheet (Excel 7.0). Some small changes were made to the inventory structure to incorporate emissions from hard standings and to revise poultry housing classes. The input sheet simplifies data entry (the individual worksheets for cattle, pigs, poultry etc. refer to the input sheet for the emission calculations; no data are entered directly to these sheets) as well as ensuring that linked data (e.g. emission factors estimated from other emission factors) are updated automatically. The spreadsheet is ‘Read-only’ to safeguard against unintentional changes being made. Alterations can be made but must be saved under a different file name. Copies of the spreadsheet can be obtained from [email protected]. The main agricultural sources of ammonia emission are shown in Fig. 1. Derivations of emission factors and sources of activity data used in the inventory are detailed in Appendix 1.

Major changes between 1998 and 1999 inventories

Table 1 shows the sequential effect on the inventory total of the changes made updating the inventory for 1998 with 1999 year-specific activity data and revisions to emission factors as new data became available. Major changes were due to the inclusion of losses from hard standings, changes to the emission factors for cattle slurry storage, poultry housing and landspreading poultry manure, changes in animal numbers and fertiliser use. These changes are discussed below.

Animal numbers Between 1998 and 1999 there was a small decrease in total cattle numbers for the UK (-0.6 %) and small increases in sheep and poultry numbers (+0.6 and +0.5 %, respectively). There was a much larger reduction in pig numbers (-10.3 %), reflecting the unfavourable economics of pig farming for the period.

CSG 15 (Rev. 12/99) 4 Project MAFF title project code

Figure 1. Main sources included in the inventory of ammonia emissions from UK agriculture.

NH Emission Inventory for UK Agriculture 3

Livestock N Fertilisers

Type Cattle Sheep Pigs Poultry

Grassland Arable

Outdoors Housing Manure

Pigs Grazing Type Period

Poultry Hard standing

Land Storage

Manure Storage Period Land Manure Application Type Type Usage Type method

5 Project MAFF title project code

Table 1. Effect of sequential updates to the 1998 Inventory of Ammonia Emission from UK Agriculture on estimate of total emission (kt NH3-N)

Factor being updated Change in emission 1998 Total 228.2 Animal numbers -3.59 Fertilizer use +3.99 Housing types (poultry) -2.80 Poultry litter incineration +0.78 Animal weights -2.93 Hard standings +16.72 Inclusion of a link between storage area and holding -0.98 numbers Emission factor for outdoor pigs +0.28 Emission factor for land spreading cattle/pig FYM +1.42 Emission factor for land spreading poultry manure +5.64 Abatement factor for slurry injection -0.01 Emission factor for cattle housing (slurry) -2.78 Emission factor for cattle housing (straw) +2.62 Emission factor for pig housing (slurry) -0.27 Emission factor for pig housing (straw) -2.10 Emission factor for poultry housing -5.71 Emission factor for cattle slurry storage +6.66 Emission factor for cattle FYM storage - Emission factor for pig slurry storage +0.19 Emission factor for pig FYM storage -0.02 Emission factor for poultry manure storage -0.12 1999 Total 245.2

Fertiliser use Total fertiliser N use increased compared with 1998 ( by c. 9 %), with a proportionally larger increase to grassland than tillage. Overall urea use decreased, but the amount used on grassland increased which, as the emission factor for urea fertiliser to grassland is double that to tillage, more than offset the decrease on tillage.

Hard standings Many livestock farms have unroofed concrete areas which become fouled with livestock excreta; such areas are collectively referred to here as hard standings. One such area, dairy cow collecting yards, was included in the 1998 inventory with an estimate of 7.4 kt NH3-N based on measurements made in MAFF project WA0628. Further measurements were made in MAFF project WA0516, covering a range of hard standings, including dairy cow collecting yards, dairy cow feeding yards, beef cattle feeding yards, sheep handling areas and pig loading areas. Based on these measurements, together with data from a survey of farm hard standings (WA0523) on area allocations and usage nationally, the estimate of emissions from hard standings used by livestock was 46 kt NH3-N. As this estimate was so large, the data were reviewed and also checked against estimates of the likely TAN deposited to such areas. This revealed that emissions appeared to have been overestimated, particularly for dairy cow feeding yards. There were two reasons for this overestimation. Firstly, one or two very high emission measurements had been included in the estimates which were later deemed to be invalid due to sampler saturation. Secondly, emission measurements were expressed on a per area basis and scaled up using survey values for area per animal. However, there were some large discrepancies between the survey data and the area per animal allowances at the measurement sites. For this reason, emission factors were converted to a per animal basis, and scaled up accordingly. The

6 Project MAFF title project code revised estimate for emissions from hard standings is 22 kt NH3-N, of which 20 kt derives from areas used by cattle, although this may be subject to further review and future updating.

Cattle slurry storage Previously, data yielding emission factors for cattle slurry stores were thought to have been derived from non-crusted stores, with the emission factor for crusted stores reduced by 50 %. It is now apparent that previous, and new, data actually derive from cattle stores which were crusted. Therefore the emission factor (revised with new data) previously applied to non-crusted stores is now applied to crusted stores, and is doubled to derive the emission factor for non-crusted stores. This resulted in a large increase in the estimated emission for this source.

Poultry housing There was a large decrease in the estimate of emissions from poultry housing. This was due in part to a change in the categorisation of housing systems for layers, with distinction now being made between layers in cages on deep-pit (traditional) or belt-cleaned (with a lower emission factor) systems. New housing emission data resulted in lower emission factors, particularly for ‘other poultry’ which had a significant impact on the emission total.

Landspreading of solid manure New data from WA0633 resulted in a large increase in the emission factor for landspreading poultry manure and a small increase for landspreading cattle and pig FYM.

The influence of these changes in the estimates of emission from each category of livestock and from each component of farm management are shown in Fig. 2. Tables 2 and 3 give a summary of the 1999 inventory calculated as a full update (including hard standings and all new emission factors) and as an activity update only (i.e. animal numbers, fertiliser use and tonnage of poultry litter incinerated updated from 1998 to 1999 values), respectively. The total for 1998 in Table 3 is slightly different from that reported last year due to the introduction of a link between total manure storage area and numbers of agricultural holdings. Estimates for 1990 and 1998, calculated retrospectively from the respective 1999 inventories, are provided for comparison. The trend in total emission from UK agriculture between 1990 and 1999 is given in Figs. 3 and 4, based on the full update and activity update, respectively, showing an approximate 9 % decrease in total emission over the period. Changes over the period were largely influenced by changes in fertiliser use, particularly urea.

Mean emission factors per animal type, expressed as % total N excretion, have been calculated and are given in Table 4. Such data may be useful for making comparisons either between animal types or with estimates from other countries. Details of specific emission factors, together with their derivation and a list of other data sources are given in Appendix 1.

7 Project MAFF title project code

Figure 2. Contributions of a) different livestock types and b) different components of farm management to the total emission from UK agriculture for 1999 (full update)

a) Tillage Crops 5%

Cons. Grass 5% Cattle 56%

Poultry 16%

Pigs 11%

Sheep 7%

b) Fertilizer 10% Outdoor 12%

Storage 5%

Hard-standing 9%

Land-spreading 30%

Housing 34%

8 Project MAFF title project code

Table 2. Inventory of ammonia emissions from the UK for 1990, 1998 and 1999 (full update)

Source kt NH3-N 1990 1998 1999 Cattle Grazing 15.59 14.52 15.22 Landspreading 52.78 49.25 49.22 Housing 44.20 41.58 41.58 Hard standing 21.71 19.92 19.92 Storage 11.73 11.03 10.88 TOTAL CATTLE 146.00 136.31 136.81 Sheep Upland grazing 2.72 2.77 2.80 Lowland grazing 9.66 9.83 9.91 Landspreading 0.88 0.89 0.90 Housing 1.66 1.69 1.71 Hard standing 2.24 2.27 2.28 Storage 0.06 0.06 0.06 TOTAL SHEEP 17.22 17.52 17.66 Pigs Outdoor pigs 0.67 1.14 1.02 Landspreading 7.96 7.04 6.28 Housing 18.51 20.08 17.86 Hard standing 0.04 0.04 0.04 Storage 2.06 1.81 1.62 TOTAL PIGS 29.24 30.12 26.82 Poultry Outdoor poultry 1.22 1.32 1.25 Landspreading 16.19 17.17 18.05 Housing 17.58 19.51 19.21 Storage 0.10 0.08 0.07 TOTAL POULTRY 35.08 38.07 38.59 CONSERVED GRASSLAND 19.42 8.98 12.29 TILLAGE 21.81 13.06 13.02

TOTAL UK AGRICULTURE 268.76 244.05 245.19

9 Project MAFF title project code

Table 3. Inventory of ammonia emissions from the UK for 1990, 1998 and 1999 (activity update only)

Source kt NH3-N 1990 1998 1999 Cattle Grazing 15.59 14.52 15.22 Landspreading 54.14 47.99 47.97 Housing 55.41 49.29 49.33 Storage 4.97 4.67 4.61 TOTAL CATTLE 130.11 116.47 117.12 Sheep Upland grazing 2.72 2.77 2.80 Lowland grazing 9.66 9.83 9.91 Landspreading 0.83 0.85 0.86 Housing 1.47 1.50 1.51 Storage 0.06 0.06 0.06 TOTAL SHEEP 14.74 15.00 15.14 Pigs Outdoor pigs 0.53 0.90 0.80 Landspreading 7.82 6.91 6.17 Housing 20.51 22.94 20.41 Storage 1.88 1.66 1.48 TOTAL PIGS 30.75 32.41 28.86 Poultry Outdoor poultry 0.67 0.76 0.72 Landspreading 11.59 12.28 12.91 Housing 21.72 28.66 28.50 Storage 0.22 0.18 0.17 TOTAL POULTRY 34.20 41.88 42.30 CONSERVED GRASSLAND 19.42 8.98 12.29 TILLAGE 21.81 13.06 13.02

TOTAL UK AGRICULTURE 251.02 227.80 228.73

10 Project MAFF title project code

Figure 3. Trend in emissions from UK agriculture between 1990 and 1999 based on a) full update and b) activity update only.

a) Cattle Sheep Pigs Poultry Fertiliser 300 250 200 N - 3

H 150 N

t k 100 50 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

b) 300


200 N - 3 H 150 N

t k 100


0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

11 -1 -1 Table 4. N excretion and mean annual emission factors (kg NH3-N animal year ) for livestock types and sources.

Livestock type N excretion Housing Hard standing Store Land spreading Grazing Total As % of N excretion -1 -1 kg NH3-N animal year Dairy cow 106 7.3 4.6 2.7 9.2 3.2 27.0 26 Dairy heifer 75 4.7 4.6 2.7 4.9 2.4 19.2 26 Beef cow 75 3.6 1.2 0.3 3.9 0.9 9.9 13 Fattening beef >2 y 75 3.6 1.2 0.3 3.9 0.9 9.9 13 1 – 2 y 59 3.6 1.2 0.3 3.2 0.9 9.2 16 <1 y 15 0.5 - 0.3 1.5 0.4 2.7 18

Sheep 11.5 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.6 5 Lamb 2.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 8

Sow 18 2.8 0.0 0.2 2.4 - (3.7) 5.4 (3.7) 30 (20) Boar 18 3.1 0.0 0.2 2.2 - (4.6) 5.5 (4.6) 31 (26) Fattener >20 kg 10 3.5 0.0 0.2 0.8 - (1.4) 4.5 (1.4) 45 (14) <20 kg 4 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.8 - (0.5) 1.5 (0.5) 39 (13) -1 -1 kg NH3-N 1000 birds year Layer (indoors) 736 190 - 0.6 181 - 372 51 Broiler 619 71 - 0.6 81 - 153 25

CSG 15 (Rev. 12/99) 12 Uncertainty

A discussion of the uncertainty within the estimate of total emission from UK agriculture is given in the Final Report of project WA0704. At that time, uncertainty limits were estimated to be +/- 25 % of the inventory total. Some of the emission factors in the updated inventory will be more robust where new data have become available. However, the inclusion of the large emission from hard standings may increase uncertainty, where there was uncertainty both in measured emission factors and in estimates of usage.

Future updates

Other items for consideration in future updates include:

Emissions from cut grass - recent measurements (WA0703) suggest that there are ammonia emissions from conserved grassland in addition to direct emissions from any applied fertiliser, although great uncertainty still exists as to the magnitude of such emissions. Most measurements were restricted to a period of a few days immediately prior to and following silage cutting. Mean daily emission rates for this period varied between –34 and +45 mg -2 -1 NH3-N m d , with no clear trend for either an increase or decrease in emission post cutting. While there was a relationship between emission rate and fertiliser application rate (applied 8 weeks previously) for some experiments, this was not consistently observed. Taking these -2 -1 results together with previously published values (-0.5 to +2.0 mg NH3-N m d , Sutton -2 -1 -2 -1 1993; 32 mg NH3-N m d Whitehead and Lockyer 1989; -2.6 to +9.6 mg NH3-N m d -2 -1 Harrison et al. 1989) a working mean value of 10 mg NH3-N m d might be used for scaling up purposes. Ammonia concentration measurements at 2 heights above a grass sward over a season (WA0703) indicated that there were periods of net emission directly after fertiliser application and again for a period of 10 – 20 d around the time of cutting, with periods of deposition or zero net emission in between. Assuming that 10 % of UK grassland is cut only, 40 % is cut and then grazed and 50 % grazed only (as assumed in the nitrous oxide emissions inventory), total annual emission from conserved grassland in the UK would be approximately 3 – 7 kt NH3-N. Obviously this value is subject to great uncertainty and further work is required to establish any relationships between emission and plant nutrient status, developmental stage and climatic factors, but it is suggested that at least an estimate of emission from this source is included in future updates of the inventory.

Emissions from arable crops at anthesis and senescence.

A revision of all land spreading data (of which much now exists) to assess whether the currently used dry matter relationship could be improved. In particular, do differences exist for applications to arable and grassland and for different times of year?

Emissions from dairy cattle housing which is partly occupied in the summer. Further information is required on both current practice, in terms of proportion of housing used in summer, the duration of occupancy and the frequency of cleaning, and summer emission factors, which are likely to be higher per unit floor area than in winter.


Harrison, R. M., Rapsomanikis, S. and Turnbull, A. (1989). Land-surface exchange in a chemically-reactive system; surface fluxes of HNO3, HCl and NH3. Atmospheric Environment 23, 1795-1800.

CSG 15 (Rev. 12/99) 13 Project MAFF title project code

Sutton, M. A., Fowler, D., Moncrieff, J. B. and Storetonwest, R. L. (1993). The exchange of atmospheric ammonia with vegetated surfaces. 2. Fertilized vegetation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 119, 1047-1070. Whitehead, D. C. and Lockyer, D. R. (1989). Decomposing grass herbage as a source of ammonia in the atmosphere. Atmospheric Environment 23, 1867-1869.

For details of data sources used in the inventory refer to Appendix 1.

14 Project MAFF title project code

Part 2. Inventory of Ammonia Emissions from Non-Agricultural Sources in the UK - 1999

Summary The inventory of non-agricultural ammonia emissions for the UK based on Sutton et al. (2000) was updated with new information. The latest source population and activity statistics were used in order to revise previous estimates for 1996 to 1999 (Table 1). Where available, new research findings on source strength were included as well, especially regarding road transport.

Overall, the best estimate for 1999 amounts to 57.4 kt NH3-N, an increase of 3.6 kt (7%), compared with the 1996 inventory. The differences can mainly be attributed to a large increase in the estimated number of horses due to the availability of new, more reliable statistics, and the increase in the number of cars fitted with catalytic converters over the last few years. Other major changes were estimated for industrial ammonia sources: emissions summarised from the Environment Agency's Pollution Inventory have decreased by 3 kt NH3-N to 6.8 kt NH3-N. These estimates appear to be highly uncertain, with large fluctuations in emissions between years. In an attempt to account for this uncertainty, the averages of the estimates for the last 2 years (1998/1999) were taken. Emission estimates from the landspreading of sewage sludge have also decreased, due to new information available on the extent of sewage sludge applied to land.

The main sources of non-agricultural NH3 emissions are road transport (23%), horses (19%), industrial sources (12%), cats & dogs (9%), wild animals & seabirds (9%), landspreading of sewage sludge (7%), and landfill (7%). This is illustrated in Figure 1. Compared with the 1996 inventory, road transport and horse emissions have increased in relative importance, with the other sources decreasing (Figure 2 and Table 2). Figure 3 shows how the different source categories are ranked and how estimates have changed between 1996 and 1999, and includes the uncertainty limits.

Major changes between the 1996 and 1999 inventories

Horses Horse numbers as estimated by the British Horse Society (BHS, pers. comm.) almost doubled since 1996, due to improved accuracy in their data collection and estimates. According to the BHS, the total number of horses (including competition and race horses) is estimated at 900,000 for 1999, compared with 565,000 for 1996. New data are also available for the number of competition and race horses (British Equestrian Federation and Jockey Club, pers. comm.). These new data result in an increase of ammonia emissions from horses from 7.5 kt NH3-N (1996) to 10.7 kt NH3-N for 1999.

Landspreading of sewage sludge The amount of sewage sludge produced in the UK has been recalculated recently, due to conversion factors between dry weight/wet weight (DETR 2000). The proportion of the total sludge produced that is spread onto agricultural land is estimated to be 48% (DETR 2000). The resulting emission estimate for 1998/99 has been updated to 4.7 kt NH3-N, a reduction of 1.9 kt from the 6.6 kt estimate by Sutton et al. (2000).

15 Project MAFF title project code

Sea disposal of sewage sludge still amounted to 14% of the total sludge produced for 1998, with this disposal method being phased out at the end of 1998. It is not known at present whether this has increased the amount of sludge spread to agricultural land, or whether other methods are being used to replace dumping at sea (e.g. leading to increases in incineration and landfill).

Industrial sources The Environment Agency’s Pollution Inventory (succeeding the Chemical Release Inventory) shows large inter-annual fluctuations in NH3 emissions from industrial sources. UK estimates derived from this database amount to 4.7 kt NH3-N in 1997, 7.7 kt NH3-N in 1998, and 4.2 kt NH3-N in 1999. The causes of these fluctuations are still being investigated by the authors of this report. For the time being, an average figure for 1998 and 1999 has been taken as a best estimate, at 5.9 kt NH3-N.

Transport The 1996 estimates of Sutton et al. (2000) have been updated with 1999 road usage statistics (DETR 2000), which show an increasing trend. The proportion of petrol cars fitted with catalytic converters has also increased, which is the main source of ammonia emissions from vehicles. For 1999 it is estimated that approximately 55% of petrol cars were fitted with catalytic converters (DETR 1999). New papers by Kean et al. (2000), Baum et al. (2000) and Fraser and Cass (1998) have been used to derive emission source strength estimates, which confirm the previous estimates of Sutton et al. (2000). The previous estimate of NH3-N emission from cars fitted with catalytic converters used by Sutton et al. (2000) was 70.3 mg km-1, based on results from Volkswagen AG (1989). Here an average of this and the three new studies is applied, which gives 68.0 19 mg km-1 (sample standard deviation). This shows that despite the recent press reports (particularly in response to the work of Baum et al. 2000) of greatly increased NH3 emissions from catalytic converters, taken as a whole the new findings do not lead to a larger NH3 emission factor than that already estimated by Volkswagen AG (1989) and Sutton et al. (2000).

Overall, emissions from road transport are estimated to have increased from 8.9 kt NH3-N in 1996 to 13.2 kt NH3-N in 1999. This is mainly due to the increase in the proportion of cars fitted with catalytic converters. Over 96% of the total NH3 emissions from road transport are due to this vehicle category, compared with only 2% from a similar number of petrol cars without catalytic converters, and the rest from other vehicles (diesel cars, motorcycles, HGVs & LGVs).

Minor changes Ammonia emissions from humans (breath, sweat, smoking, children’s nappies) have been updated with new population numbers and activity (e.g. % smokers, number of cigarettes, exercise habits) statistics (e.g. ONS 1998, ONS 2000 and government databases such as These changes have resulted in only very minor increases of NH3 emissions from human sources (see Table 2).

Emissions from pets (cats and dogs) have decreased by 0.3 kt NH3-N since 1996, due to new animal numbers available (PFMA 2000). Emissions from wild animals have increased very slightly since the previous estimate, due to some very minor changes in the estimated population of wild animals (The Stationery Office 1998).

16 Project MAFF title project code

Emissions from landfill sites have increased by 0.6 kt NH3-N compared with the 1996 estimate of Sutton et al. (2000). This is due to an increasing trend in the volume of household waste (DETR 1998, 1999), which was incorporated into the calculations. Ammonia emissions from coal combustion, both domestic and industrial, has declined further (DTI 2000, 2000b), resulting in an estimated decrease of 0.1 kt NH3-N from 1996 to 1999.

Unchanged sources

No changes have been made to the estimates of NH3 emission from biomass burning, sewage works, appliances & household products, non-agricultural fertilisers, due to no new information being available.


Overall, the low and high estimates for the 1999 inventory are 31.2 kt NH3-N and 109.7 kt NH3-N, respectively. The uncertainty limits given in Tables 1 and 2 propagate reasonable limits in the input data rather than provide a formal measure of statistical precision (Sutton et al. 1995). The range of uncertainty is estimated to have decreased slightly, mainly due to increased confidence in the source strength estimates from road transport.

Future work Key areas where further attention is required are: . More detailed investigation of industrial sources, considering the extent to which polluting sectors are fully accounted for in the EA Pollution Inventory, as well as to explain the large apparent inter-annual variation. . Revision of emissions from the land spreading of sewage sludge, as information/statistics on the changing fate of the sludge becomes available, due to the limitation of sludge dumping at sea. . Although activity statistics are in many cases reasonably reliable, ammonia emission factors for many sectors are still very uncertain. In particular, experimental studies would be warranted to improve emission estimates for wild animals and seabirds, horses and pets, sewage works, biomass burning and landfill.

17 Project MAFF title project code

Non-agricultural am m onia em issions 1999 (% contribution to total)

h o u s e h o l d a p p l i a n c e s & w a s t e i n c i n e r a t i o n p r o d u c t s h u m a n s ( b r e a t h , s w e a t , 1 % 2 % s m o k i n g , i n f a n t s ) c o a l c o m b u s t i o n ( d o m e s t i c & 2 % i n d u s t r i a l ) 4 % h o r s e s 1 9 %

t r a n s p o r t 2 3 % c a t s & d o g s 9 %

w i l d a n i m a l s & s e a b i r d s 9 %

i n d u s t r i a l s o u r c e s b i o m a s s b u r n i n g 1 2 % 3 %

s e w a g e w o r k s l a n d f i l l s e w a g e s p r e a d i n g 2 % 7 % 7 %

Figure 1: Relative importance of the summarised source categories of non-agricultural ammonia emissions in the UK 1999.

Non-agricultural ammonia emissions 1996 (% contribution to total)

household appliances & w aste incineration products humans (breath, sw eat, 2% 2% smoking, infants) coal combustion (domestic 2% & industrial) horses 4% 14%

transport 16% cats & dogs 10%

w ild animals & seabirds 10%

industrial sources biomass burning 19% 3%

sew age w orks 2% landfill sew age spreading 6% 10%

Figure 2: Relative importance of the summarised source categories of non-agricultural ammonia emissions in the UK 1996.

18 Figure 3: Comparison of emission estimates from the main non-agricultural sources 1996 - 1999

Non-agricultural emissions

25.0 1996 1999 20.0

15.0 N - 3 H N

t k 10.0


- , l t , l g s g n n l h s r s & & i a s t k g


e n f d i o o i g o e r i i l i e a s r n s s t t g d & i s t l ) t n s p o o o d e c l e e r s r a k a n c t s a r ) s d d r h a c a c w r

o u i u r i s o a u u s n u w b i t e l e m r t e n h b b i & ( a r d d t e o s a b e s m

n a n r n s i i o n s p g s m e w s s a s s u t l i a r

t c a s u f a s o , n o e p

m p t a n d c a n s i a h p w d i o c a l l n i i a e m d m e a ( s w o u i o w h c b s

CSG 15 (Rev. 12/99) 19 Project MAFF title project code

Table 1: Ammonia emissions inventory from UK non-agricultural sources 1999 (kt NH3-N) Values for 1999 Values for 1999

emission estimates per source number of sources UK emissions (kt NH3-N yr-1)

source categories best estimate low high units as NH3-N best estimate Low high units best estimate low high human breath 3.0 1.0 7.7 g person-1 yr-1 59,500,900 - - persons 0.18 0.06 0.46 human sweat 14.0 2.1 74.9 g person-1 yr-1 59,500,900 - - persons 0.84 0.12 4.46 infants emissions < 1yr 11.7 2.4 54.2 g infant-1 yr-1 715,000 - - children <1 yr 0.01 0.00 0.04 infants emissions 1-3 yrs 14.6 3.0 67.8 g infant-1 yr-1 1,455,000 - - children 1-3 yr 0.02 0.00 0.10 cigarette smoking 17.8 8.9 39.1 g smoker-1 yr-1 12,794,490 - - smokers 0.23 0.12 0.51 race horses 32.6 15.0 40.0 kg animal-1 yr-1 54,900 - - animals 1.79 0.82 2.20 other horses 10.6 5.0 20.0 kg animal-1 yr-1 845,100 - - animals 8.93 4.23 16.90 dogs 0.6 0.3 0.9 kg animal-1 yr-1 6,700,000 6,030,000 7,370,000 animals 4.11 1.79 6.85 cats 0.1 0.1 0.2 kg animal-1 yr-1 7,700,000 6,930,000 8,470,000 animals 0.85 0.36 1.38 wild deer (large) 1.2 0.6 2.5 kg animal-1 yr-1 471,000 - - animals 0.58 0.29 1.15 wild deer (small) 0.5 0.2 1.0 kg animal-1 yr-1 540,650 - - animals 0.26 0.13 0.53 other major wild animals - - - - 40,555,404 20,320,610 60,790,198 - 0.91 0.23 2.55 large seabirds 2.2 0.9 3.6 kg bird-1 yr-1 647,644 - - birds 1.39 0.61 2.33 other seabirds 0.2 0.1 0.6 kg bird-1 yr-1 8,449,279 - - birds 2.05 0.62 4.68 biomass burning ------1.60 0.20 6.60 ecosystems ------sewage works ------1.20 0.70 4.90 sewage spreading ------4.27 1.22 8.08 landfill ------3.86 1.93 7.72 agro-industrial (fertilizer production) ------4.22 4.22 6.32 sugarbeet processing 0.1 0.1 0.1 kg t-1 fresh beet 10,491,766 - - t beet yr-1 0.92 0.64 1.20 other industrial sources ------1.71 1.71 2.56 transport ------13.22 9.45 17.04 domestic coal combustion 0.8 0.4 1.6 kg t-1 coal burned 4,300,000 - - t coal yr-1 2.14 1.07 4.28 industrial coal combustion 0.2 0.0 4.1 g t-1 coal burned 52,700,000 - - t coal yr-1 0.01 0.00 0.22 waste incineration ------0.83 0.33 2.09 appliances &household products ------1.02 0.30 4.13 non-agricultural fertilizers ------0.23 0.08 0.48 TOTAL ------57.4 31.2 109.7

20 Project MAFF title project code

Table 2: Comparison of the 1996 and 1999 inventories of ammonia emissions (kt NH3-N) from UK non-agricultural sources Values for 1999 Compare with 1996 values Comments UK emissions (kt NH3-N yr-1) UK emissions (kt NH3-N yr-1) Source categories best estimate low high best estimate low high human breath 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.5 new population data human sweat 0.8 0.1 4.5 0.8 0.1 4.4 new population data & activity statistics infants emissions < 1yr 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 new population data infants emissions 1-3 yrs 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 new population data cigarette smoking 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.4 new population data & activity statistics race horses 1.8 0.8 2.2 2.2 1.0 2.7 new est. of population other horses 8.9 4.2 16.9 5.3 2.5 9.9 new est. of horse population, significantly higher dogs 4.1 1.8 6.8 4.4 2.1 7.0 new population data cats 0.9 0.4 1.4 0.9 0.4 1.3 new population data wild deer (large) 0.6 0.3 1.2 0.6 0.3 1.2 wild deer (small) 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.5 other major wild animals 0.9 0.2 2.6 0.9 0.2 2.5 new population data large seabirds 1.4 0.6 2.3 1.4 0.6 2.3 other seabirds 2.0 0.6 4.7 2.0 0.6 4.7 biomass burning 1.6 0.2 6.6 1.6 0.2 6.6 ecosystems ------sewage works 1.2 0.7 4.9 1.2 0.7 4.9 sewage spreading 4.3 1.2 8.1 5.4 1.5 10.2 new activity statistics landfill 3.9 1.9 7.7 3.3 1.6 6.6 new activity statistics agro-industrial (fertilizer production) 4.2 4.2 6.3 3.3 3.3 5.0 new activity statistics sugarbeet processing 0.9 0.6 1.2 0.9 0.6 1.2 other industrial sources 1.7 1.7 2.6 5.6 5.6 8.4 new activity statistics transport 13.2 9.5 17.0 8.9 3.3 14.5 new activity statistics and source strength data domestic coal combustion 2.1 1.1 4.3 2.2 1.1 4.4 new activity statistics industrial coal combustion 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.3 new activity statistics waste incineration 0.8 0.3 2.1 0.9 0.3 2.1 appliances &household products 1.0 0.3 4.1 1.0 0.3 4.1 non-agricultural fertilizers 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.5 TOTAL 57.4 31.2 109.7 53.8 26.9 106.4

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