Kirkwood Newsletter Fall 2014
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– Andre Alexandre
Neighbors, our board has been reflecting on our immediate objectives and the reality is not all that great. Compared to nearby subdivisions, our dues are by far the lowest. We haven’t had an increase in many years, and due to the lack of funds many projects (such as further entry beautification, lighting) are being put on hold.
The new signs were a great addition to improve the look, but there is a lot more to be done.
Listed below are some topics that we are working on during the next few months; any help from other members of our sub is very much welcomed.
*We are pursuing increasing our home owner’s association dues this summer for 2017. We haven’t raised the dues since 2010 and our maintenance fees have continued to rise over the years.
*We are looking to make deed restriction modifications so we can better serve you and our subdivision. The current deed was poorly written in 1960 and needs substantial modifications. We will need your support in this effort and will be collecting signatures at our social events and upcoming meetings
We still have several homes that have not paid their dues; and like in the past few years, we will be enforcing that collection by putting liens in the households that don’t pay on time.
Zika virus:
Folks, we don’t want to make a big deal about this, but it would be irresponsible to simply ignore mosquito proliferation. As I’m sure many of you have heard, there is a possibility that Michigan will be affected with the mosquito that causes Zika. Please be vigilant during this summer and help eliminate the sources of mosquito proliferation (i.e. don’t allow standing water in your yards, empty buckets, etc.). Some of us will be spraying our yards during the summer months. If you are interested, there are a large number of companies in our region that specialize in this type of service.
Ok, if you are still reading this you are probably asking yourself if I have any good news. We have many great new neighbors moving into Kirkwood that were able to attend the holiday party – come out and enjoy your neighbors!!!
*Newsletter Compliments of Emily Day
Deb Mestdagh Dear Homeowner,
Thank you to everyone who has paid their annual maintenance and membership dues! For those homeowners who have not yet paid and are PAST DUE, we will attempt to contact you to arrange payment. Any homeowner whose dues remain PAST DUE may be subject to having a lien processed on their property for all delinquent dues. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Sue Bernstein Because things have become so contentious at the Township Governmental offices, we now have contenders vying for each Township position-a first in the forty years I have lived here. Because of this the League of Woman Voters is holding a candidate forum on Tuesday evening, June 28, at the Twp. Auditorium. Please plan to attend because you get what you vote for!
Did you know……… Bloomfield Township ordinance
In residential districts, all off-street parking shall consist of parking strip, bay, driveway, garage or combination thereof. What we interpret this to mean is that there should be an area designated to be a parking area. Grass is not a parking "space." But anything flat on the ground, with asphalt, brick, gravel, etc., that makes it obvious to allow for a vehicle to be parked, is not a violation.
*Newsletter Compliments of Emily Day
Jean Fay and Sue Bernstein
Our contractors are all scheduled, fertilizing has begun – weeds in the common areas are being sprayed as we speak, grass is being cut, garden maintenance is planned the week of May 9th. We try to keep up on all the maintenance issues of the subdivision, but if you have a particular concern – example you see a light out, or growth of weeds out of control, please contact either Sue Bernstein, [email protected] (248-626-1408) or Jean Fay, [email protected] (248-737—0359).
Pam Dolan and Stefanie Suehrer
Feeling social? Wanting to get to know your neighbors better, while having fun? Well we have the solution! The social committee has some great activities planned this year, so mark your calendars! ** Kirkwood will host a 4th of July picnic with the Lake Association ** Oktoberfest like last year on September 30th ** The family Halloween party on October 30th. ** Our Holiday party is planned for Saturday, December 10th. We are always looking for homes to host our events. If you are interested in hosting the event or planning/assisting with the event, please contact either Pam or Stefanie.
We look forward to seeing you at these events!
Susan Abraham maintains a list of teen services for the subdivision – if you have a child that can babysit, dog sit, water plants – please give her a call and if you are in need of any of the services, please feel free to call her. 248-538-0858
*Newsletter Compliments of Emily Day
In case you haven’t already noticed, there has been a little more action in the real estate market lately. This activity is common during the spring and summer months. After all, summer is an ideal time to make a move. If you have any questions about what’s going on in the real estate market – please give me a call, I’d be glad to help.
If you are thinking about a move, remember to plan ahead regarding getting your home ready. “A picture means 1000 words” In the world of Real Estate, a picture means everything. If you have clutter, too much furniture, boxes you haven’t looked in for years, you might not be ready. Buyers need to see open spaces, open floors, tidy closets and spotless kitchens.
95% of the buyers start with the internet and the photographs of your home. If you are not presenting a “pretty picture” you might not get the traffic or the buyer you will need to sell your home. I have helped many, many families “get ready” to sell. Be happy to help yours
Emily Day I can be reached by cell 248-229-0147 or [email protected]
The below data is from the MLS and represents the activity from 1-1-16 through present:
Beds Sqft Stat Address Price Total Baths Total PEND 5738 PEBBLESHIRE Road $1,900 4 2.1 2,368 PEND 5623 KINGSMILL Drive $339,900 4 3 3,049 PEND 5640 WOODWIND $509,900 4 3.1 3,000
SOLD 5631 WOODWIND Drive $2,575 4 2.1 2,525 SOLD 5895 RAVEN Road $215,000 4 2.1 3,039 SOLD 5546 Kingsmill Drive $250,000 5 2.1 2,548 SOLD 4770 HEDGEWOOD Drive $345,000 4 2.1 2,559 SOLD 5699 RAVEN Road $425,000 5 3.1 3,317
Active Listings Beds Sqft Address Price Total Baths Total 5846 RAVEN Road $275,000 4 2.1 2,739 5860 PENTLAND $320,000 3 2.1 2,192 6150 FRANKLIN Road $349,000 3 3 2,023 5629 PRIORY Lane $360,000 4 2.2 2,569 5698 RAVEN Road $384,900 5 2.1 2,754 5802 SUTTERS Lane $629,000 4 2.3 3,333
Reminder for all neighbors who are updating their homes – please get approval for all updates from the plan and restrictions representative, Bill Fay. He can be reached at 248-737-0359.
Liza Katzman & Team
Our hospitality committee has been out and about meeting our new neighbors. If they missed you – please contact Liza at 248-855-4942.
Welcome to: Janelle and Justin Barnes 5811 Raven Jessica and Joe Bohlin 5699 Raven Rebecca Burns and Sharukh Bhaunagri 5733 Raven Cynthia Butler 5876 Raven Rick and Barbara Albert 5700 Kingsmill Jodie and Jerry Hisala 5677 Kingsmill Rick and Shannon Shebib 5856 Sutters Lane
Our neighbors/former neighbors who have recently passed. Our prayers go out to their families. Betty Cranmer
President: Andre Alexandre Vice President: Sue Bernstein Secretary: Jean Fay Treasurer: Deb Mestdagh Social: Pam Dolan & Stefanie Suehrer Hospitality: Lisa Relle Restrictions and Plans: Bill Fay Website: Susan Abraham *Newsletter Compliments of Emily Day