Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 11-7-2002 Arbiter, November 7 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at
[email protected]. Local' woman assists student -acfors with dlalecis - - ~---- --- --- ----------- ----Raffgei-'Ch-a:lfen-ge-Team does --- Page 11 , battle in Big Sky country Page 10· • Boise State University iter Thursday, November 7, 2002 ' VoL'U, Issue:2:': First Copy Free Meet the ASBSU candidates - Page 6 Newbillproposeselectionsignapproval~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proposal cou Id admit that a change in the bill you're giving the power fa," election material to prevent vent candidates from hang- that there might be censor- will be necessary. Beechler said. them from being posted in ing signs and handing out ship with this new bill. It's a be used to If passed in current form, ASBSU Senators Winnie classrooms and other flyers before they are certain very early stage and we have Bill #13 would require elec- Tong and Jerilyn Grow co- unwanted places. Policy vio- that they meet code. the opportunity to look at restrict free tion chair or chief of staff sponsored the bilI in last lations could result in dis- H they didn't meet code - those things," Grow said.