BIOLOGY – 2012/2013

Instructor: Ms Kirstin Csik Contact Number: (408) 354-2730 x332 E-mail: [email protected]

Course Learning Outcomes: Biology is a laboratory course with two major aims. The first is to ensure that students become acquainted with biological facts and with the concepts that are built on them. The second is to understand what science is and to appreciate its methods and recognize its dimensions and limitations. Specific areas covered include ecology, cells, biochemistry, genetics, evolution, biotechnology, reproduction, development, plant and animal structure and function, and the five kingdoms of organisms.

Course Materials: What you need to have with you EVERY DAY

☼ NOTEBOOK (3-ring) with dividers or folders labeled as follows: o HW Due o Notes o Work in Progress o Completed Work o Extras ☼ Something to take notes on and keep in an organized fashion. o I recommend college-ruled binder paper, kept in your “Notes” section. ☼ Bound lab notebook, preferably a “Comp book”. It does not need to be graph paper. o Please DO NOT use binders or folders as a lab notebook. ONLY bound notebooks. This is to prevent removing and inserting pages. ☼ 2 pen(s) for lab reports. No pencils will be allowed for lab write-up or data collection. ☼ Scientific calculator (graphing is nice, but not necessary) ☼ Students may wish to have colored pencils available, but these are not required

General Classroom Rules:  Respect (Yourself, Others, and Our classroom learning environment)  Stay Safe (Read instructions first, LISTEN, follow safety protocol)  Keep your cell phone in your backpack/pocket/at home at ALL TIMES

Disciplinary Action: Any action requiring documented discipline, in accordance with the school-wide policy, will be discussed with the student privately. Students will be expected to sign a discipline plan, and parents will be contacted when outside adult support of enforcement is required.

Academic Integrity: The Los Gatos High School academic integrity policy will be enforced in all cases of cheating, plagiarism and deliberate deception. Refer to the student handbook for details. Expectations: Of Students: 1. Complete coursework on time. Keep ALL completed work in your notebook or classroom file. All work WILL be collected as a unit packet and receive a grade. 2. Attendance at all classes on time with required materials and preparation, permitting medical absence or family emergency. Notify Ms. Csik in advance if absence will be necessary in order to arrange make-up lab work or notes. 3. Work cooperatively in lab groups and with lab partners. No horse-play in lab, safety precautions should be accorded by at all times. Profane or inappropriate language or behavior will NOT be tolerated. 4. Perform labs safely: dispose of chemicals in proper waste bins, wash equipment as instructed, and notify Ms. Csik of any spills or broken equipment immediately. 5. Use common sense. If you know you have permission to speak freely, do so; otherwise, raise a silent hand. If you do not understand or need assistance, ask someone. If you are questioning if your words or deeds are inappropriate, they most likely are. Make sound choices and be respectful of all people and animals. Of Instructor: 1. All grading will be completed in a timely manner and by proper standards. 2. Adequate preparation of labs and instruction in advance of class period. 3. Available by e-mail Monday-Friday until approximately 4pm. 4. Any severe changes to the class schedule or syllabus will be submitted to parents and students a minimum of one week prior to enacting. 5. Sample student work and lab reports will be provided to establish expectations of students whenever possible.

A bit about Grading: Grading will be broken down into three categories. The breakdown of grading for these categories is as follows, along with a grading scale*:

A: 90-100% % of Grade Category B: 80-89.9% 50% Tests and Quizzes C: 69-79.9% 25% Lab Work and Reports D: 58-68.9% 15% Homework F: Below 58% 10% Class Participation Make-up and Late Work Late work will be docked at 10% per day late, unless otherwise discussed. If a student has a valid reason for missing class, he or she will have the ability to make up missed points without penalty. Students may come in during tutorial to perform a make-up lab, ask questions, or go over missed work. If a student who was present chooses to assist others with make-up labs during tutorial, they may receive extra credit on that lab.

Students are highly encouraged to use tutorial sessions to come in, ask questions, work in a peer-to-peer tutoring environment, and make up or revise any work necessary in order to better understand the material and to improve their grade. *A plus/minus score will be given when scores are within 2% points of the minimum/maximum values, respectively. Return this portion to Ms. Csik by Wednesday, 8/22

Please read the attached green sheet with your parents or guardians, provide them the letter from Ms. Csik, and detach the bottom half of this page to keep as a supplies list. Your parents or guardians, and you, must sign below to indicate that you have read and understand what is enclosed in this green sheet.

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______

Student Signature ______Date ______

Student Name ______Period ______

Please keep the green sheet in your notebook as a reference guide throughout the year. I recommend keeping it in the “Extras” portion of your notebook, as the last page.

Supplies List: These items are due in class by Friday, 8/24

Please bring $10 cash or check (made out to LGHS) donation for the lab supplies and breakage fund.

You will need the following supplies with you EVERY DAY:

 NOTEBOOK (3-ring) with dividers or folders labeled as follows: o HW Due o Notes o Work in Progress o Completed Work o Extras  Something to take notes on and keep in an organized fashion. o I recommend college-rule lined binder paper, kept in your “Notes” section.  Bound lab notebook, preferably a “Comp book”. It does not need to be graph paper. o Please DO NOT use binders or folders as a lab notebook. o ONLY bound notebooks. This is to prevent removing and inserting pages.  2 pen(s) for lab reports. No pencils will be allowed for lab write-up or data collection.  Scientific calculator (graphing is nice, but not necessary)  Students may wish to have colored pencils available, but these are not required