City of Sikeston

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City of Sikeston


Date Issued: January 19, 2018 Bid Numbers: 18-11 through 18-34

The City of Sikeston is soliciting bids for the mowing of City owned parks, several right- of-ways, medians, Sikeston Industrial Park, City Cemetery, Sikeston Municipal Airport, and emergency mowing situations. The sealed bids will be subject to the terms and conditions listed below and any special conditions set forth therein. The sealed bids will be received at the Office of the City Clerk, 105 E. Center Street, Sikeston, Missouri 63801, until 2:00 p.m. CST, Tuesday, February 20, 2018. Bids should have the vendor’s name and the bid numbers located on the outside of the envelope. A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held in the Council Chambers located at Sikeston City Hall, 105 E Center Street, Sikeston, Missouri, on Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. CST.


1. Bidder must use the attached Bid Return Sheet for submission of bids. Return Sheet must be signed and notarized. Retain One (1) copy of the bid form for your files. Bidder must use the attached specifications in preparing the bid. By signing, the bidder acknowledges his full knowledge of, and agreement with the general specifications, conditions and requirements of this request for proposal.

2. The following items must be returned and included with the sealed bid:  signed and notarized bid return sheet  signed and notarized Non-Kickback and Non-Collusion Affidavit

Bids not containing both items listed above will be deemed unresponsive, will not be read, and will be returned to the bidder.

3. Any act or acts of misrepresentation, collusion or offers of kickback by a vendor will be a basis for disqualification of any proposal submitted. In the event the City enters into an agreement or contract with a vendor who is found to have misrepresented material facts, participated in collusion or offerings of kickbacks, and such conduct is discovered after the execution of an agreement or contract, the City may cancel the agreement or contract without incurring liability, penalty or damages.

4. Any explanation desired by the bidder regarding the meaning or interpretation of the specifications listed in the Invitation for Bid must be submitted to Dustin Care, Parks and Recreation Director, 105 E. Center, Sikeston, Missouri 63801; (573) 475-3775. All inquiries, whether written or oral, shall be submitted within the time limitations specified in the request for proposal.

1 5. The City of Sikeston is exempt from all federal and state excise, sales and use taxes.

6. It is the responsibility of the bidder to deliver his bid on or before the date and time of the bid closing. Bidders must not count on a notary public being available at City Hall. All documents requiring notarization must be notarized by the bid deadline. Otherwise they are incomplete. Amendments to, or withdrawals of proposals received later than the time and date specified as the bid opening will not be operative. Bids received later than the deadline or incomplete bids will be rejected and returned unopened.

7. The City of Sikeston reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, as deemed, in its sole discretion, to be in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to reject any proposal if the vendor is delinquent in the payment of any taxes, fees or licenses owed to the City. In the event a vendor is delinquent in any payment to the City, the City may offset the delinquent amount due against sums owed the vendor.

8. The City of Sikeston may make such investigation as deemed necessary to determine the ability of the vendor to discharge the agreement or contract. The vendor shall furnish the City with all such information and data as may be required for that purpose. The City reserves the right to reject any bid if the vendor fails to satisfactorily convince the City that he is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the agreement or contract, and to satisfactorily complete the work called for herein.

9. When determining the successful vendor, the City reserves the right to apply up to a five percent (5%) local vendor preference for goods and services provided by vendors located within the Corporate City Limits of Sikeston.

Bidders are advised the City of Sikeston has a local vendor preference purchasing policy in the following bid amounts: $ 0.01 - $ 10,000 5% $10,001 - $100,000 2% $100,001+ 1%

10. The City of Sikeston reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to accept the lowest and best bid.

11. The successful bidder shall post all applicable bonds and insurances as required by the City of Sikeston, a certificate of insurance showing proof of liability insurance, proof of workman’s compensation insurance and shall secure the appropriate license.

2 12. The successful bidder shall provide all indemnification and hold harmless agreement to the City of Sikeston.

13. Place the following on the outside of your sealed bid: Mowing BIDS # 18-11/18- 34 and Company Name.

14. E-Verify

Prior to contract award, successful bidder must enroll in the federal E-Verify Program for Employment Verification. This is an on-line program which can be accessed at: The enclosed affidavit must be completed, signed, and notarized. In addition, successful bidders must provide the City of Sikeston a copy of the 2-page Memorandum of Understanding which includes an electronic signature page. These items are required for contract award, but do not have to be submitted with the sealed bid.

Should you have any questions regarding these terms or to arrange a site visit, please contact me at (573) 475-3775.


Dustin Care Director of Parks and Recreation City of Sikeston


I. Insurance:

The successful bidder(s) shall furnish a Certificate of Insurance, with the City of Sikeston listed as an additional insured, to the City Clerk prior to the commencement of any work. This certificate shall contain a provision that liability coverage afforded under the policy will not be canceled unless at least 15 days prior written notice has been given to the City. The limits of coverage shall not be less than $1,000,000 for bodily injury and/or property damage per occurrence, with $1,000,000 aggregate. Successful bidder must also show proof of Workman’s Compensation Insurance.

II. Work Required:

 The contractor will mow the lawn and trim around the playground equipment, picnic tables, curbs, fences, sidewalks, markers, shelters, and any other fixture or amenity within the defined property boundaries.

 Trimming must be completed within 48 hours of the completion of mowing.

 Following mowing and trimming, the Contractor is responsible for removing, with a blower or other means, any and all grass clippings from sidewalks, trails, parking areas, streets, and gutter lines.

 For those properties with curbs, the Contractor will trim grass off the curbs in a defined edge, and then may spray herbicide to reduce trimming not to exceed a 4-inch spray pattern (exceptions to the use of herbicide are noted below for Veterans’ Park and Legion Park).

 The Contractor will also be responsible for trimming and/or spraying vegetation where the edge of the concrete curb/gutter meets the pavement.

 The City of Sikeston reserves the right to withhold payment from any contractor who fails to completely mow and trim any contracted property.

4 II. (Work Required: Continued)

 When mowing and trimming around trees and shrubs, the Contractor will avoid damaging trees and shrubs with trimmers and mowers. (Contractors are encouraged to use a selective herbicide around trees and shrubs with a spray pattern not to exceed the boundaries of the mulch ring.)

 The Contractor will be responsible for the damage to trees and shrubs as the result of careless trimming and mowing practices.

 The Contractor shall pick up trash and litter before each mowing as a part of his work.

 The Contractor will work closely with the Parks and Recreation Director to schedule a time for application of weed sterilent by Park Division personnel one time to help control the growth of weeds in the cemetery.

 Contractors bidding on Veteran’s Park/ Airport and Malone Right-of-Way West (Legion Park) are requested to bid trimming the edges of walkways, trails, and curb lines instead of edging with herbicide sprays.

III. Reporting Accidents or Damage:

The Contractor shall perform his work in a safe manner to avoid accidents and damage to property. If an accident or damage to any property occurs, the Contractors shall immediately inform the Parks and Recreation Director. The Contractor will be responsible for repairing any damage to City or private property that he may have caused.

IV. Contract Time:

All Mowing Contracts for bids #18-11 through 18-34 will be awarded at the March 5, 2018 (tentative date) City Council meeting and will become effective April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2020.


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the Veterans’ Park in the east part of Sikeston, between Campanella Drive and Airport Drive on the west and east, and Linn Street on the south. It will also include the airport property which lies along the north side of the radio station between Industrial Drive and Veterans’ Park. Nothing inside the fence will be included in this contract.

The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids. The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services which include mowing and trimming.

Veterans’ Park Area:

 Contractors will bid the trimming and edging of all walkways, trails and parking areas with trimmers/edgers in the Veterans’ Park instead of edging with a selective herbicide.

 Following mowing and trimming, the Contractor is responsible for removing all grass clippings from sidewalks, trails, parking areas, and street gutter lines with a blower or other means.

 To minimize damage to trees and shrubs, Contractors are encouraged to use a selective herbicide around trees and shrubs with a spray pattern not to exceed the boundaries of the mulch ring.

 The Contractor shall pick up trash and litter before each mowing as part of his work.

Airport Area:

 The Contractor will mow and trim the Airport grass outside of the fence in front of the Terminal Building, around the parking lots, sidewalks, driveway, and the median starting at Industrial Drive.

 The Contractor will mow the lawn and trim around the curbs, fences, drives and the median, etc. Trimming shall be done by edger or string trimmer as required to keep the areas around the drives, curbs, and fences free of vegetation. Trimming must be completed within 48 hours of the mowing.

 The Contractor shall pick up trash and litter before each mowing as part of his work.


II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

 The Contractor will mow and trim the park up to the curb lines on Linn Street, Campanella Drive, and Airport Drive. The northern property limit is the property line between the park and the airport property, to be identified by the Parks and Recreation Director.

 The Contractor will mow and trim the Airport grass outside of the fence in front of the Terminal Building, around the parking lots, sidewalks, driveway, and the median starting at Industrial Drive.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the park and airport following a schedule of once per week, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 The Contractor shall adjust the mowing preparation for the Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day holidays.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give the park and airport an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the median on Allen Blvd. from Salcedo Rd. on the north to Baker Lane on the south.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services including mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

 The Contractor will mow and trim the median from the east curb line of Allen Blvd. to the west curb line of Allen Blvd., from Salcedo Rd. on the north to Baker Lane on the south.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the median following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.  Once the Contractor begins mowing the median, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period to give the median an evenly groomed appearance.  When water is in the median prohibiting access by mowers, the Contractor must finish mowing or trimming the bottom of the median as soon as it is accessible.


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of Armory Park. The Armory Park property lies along the west side of Maple St. between Matthews and Kathleen Avenues. The approximate area to be mowed is 1.76 acres.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job sites to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services, which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

 The Contractor will mow and trim the Armory Park lawn up to the curb lines along Matthews St. on the north, Kathleen St. on the south, and Maple St. on the east. The western limit is the edge of the Armory property.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the parks following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 The Contractor shall adjust the mowing schedule in preparation for the Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day holidays.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing of the park, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give the park an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the median on Broadway between Malone Ave. on the north and Ables Rd. on the south.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services including mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

 The Contractor will mow and trim the median from the east curb line of Broadway to the west curb line of Broadway, from Malone Ave. on the north to Ables Rd. on the south.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the median following a schedule of three times each Month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing the median, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period to give the median an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the Central Park property which lies along the north side of Edmondson St. between Prairie Ave. and Kingshighway. The approximate area to be mowed is 3.75 acres.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services including mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

 The contractor will mow and trim the Central Park lawn up to the curb lines on Edmondson and Prairie Streets on the south and east sides of Central Park. The western and northern limits are the property lines bordering adjacent property owners, and will be identified by the Parks and Recreation Director as needed.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the park following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 The Contractor shall adjust the mowing schedule in preparation for the Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day holidays.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing of the park, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give the park an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the City Cemetery property which lies along the north side of Murray Lane between South Kingshighway and South New Madrid streets. The approximate dimensions of this property are 750 feet by 660 feet.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services, which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The Contractor will mow and trim the cemetery lawn up to the curb lines on the north edge of Murray Lane between Kingshighway and New Madrid streets. The northern limit of mowing is the property line bordering adjacent property which includes the apartment complex and mobile home court.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall follow a schedule to mow and trim the cemetery three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 The Contractor will make plans to mow the Cemetery in preparation for Easter weekend (if applicable), and for the Memorial Day weekend.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing of the cemetery, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give the cemetery an evenly groomed appearance.

IV. Work Required

 The Contractor will mow the lawn and trim around the grave markers, curbs, fences, plot markers, etc.

 Trimming shall be done by edger or string trimmer as required to keep the areas around the markers, curbs, and fences free of vegetation and trimming must be completed within 48 hours of the mowing.


IV. Work Required- Continued

 The Contractor shall pick up trash and litter before each mowing as a part of his work.

 The Contractor will work closely with the Parks and Recreation Director to schedule a time for application of weed sterilent one time to help control the growth of weeds in the cemetery. (The Parks personnel employed by the City will be responsible for applying weed sterilent one-time to the grave and plot markers only. Contractor will be responsible for all other trimming.)


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the Clayton Park property which lies in the southwest part of Sikeston along Butler and Carroll Streets to the curb lines. The approximate area to be mowed is 3.3 acres.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The Contractor will mow and trim the park up to the curb lines on Carroll and Butler Streets. The western property limit is the property line bordering the adjacent property owners and will be identified by the Parks and Recreation Director.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the park following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 The Contractor shall adjust the mowing schedule in preparation for the Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day holidays.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing of the park, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give the park an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General The work in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the median on Davis Blvd. from Salcedo Rd. on the north to Cardinal Dr. on the south.  The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.  The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The Contractor will mow and trim the median from the east curb line on Davis Blvd. to the west curb line on Davis Blvd., and from Salcedo Rd. on the north to Cardinal Dr. on the south.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the median following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing the median, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period to give the median an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the Dudley Park property which lies along the north side of Applegate St. between Lillian Dr. and Sixth St. The approximate area to be mowed is 6.37 acres.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.  The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The Contractor will mow and trim the park lawn up to the north gutter line of Applegate St. The west limit will include the utility easement along the north side of Applegate from Lillian Dr. to the east side of the park including the triangular grassy area immediately south of the ditch at the very east end of the park. Remaining east and west limits are identified by fences and post and cable. The northern limit of mowing is the property line bordering adjacent property owned by the Sikeston Housing Authority, also marked with post and cable.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the park following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 The Contractor shall adjust the mowing schedule in preparation for the Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day holidays.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing the park, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period to give the park an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of three retention basins and surrounding areas. The retention basins are located in the Sikeston Business Education and Technology Park. The first retention basin is located west of Rose Parkway and runs along ZZ Highway. The approximate area to be mowed is 7.9 acres. The second retention basin is located east of Rose Parkway and runs along ZZ Hwy to the railroad tracks. The approximate area to be mowed is 5.8 acres. The third retention basin runs along ZZ Highway between railroad tracks and Hwy. 61. The approximate area to be mowed is 4.4 acres. Contractor shall also bid Hwy 61 right-of-way - the west side- from Hwy ZZ north to the university driveway. This strip is approximately 25 feet wide beginning at the west edge of the shoulder on Hwy 61.

 The bidding contractor must visit the job sites to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all material, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services, which include mowing and trimming.

III. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The contractor will mow and trim the retention basins from the north shoulder line on ZZ highway on the south to the designated property lines to the north. For clarification on boundaries, contact Brian Dial at 573-475-3731. The contractor will also mow and trim the grass area west of the retention basins west of the railroad track from the west side of the gravel railroad bed west to the east side of the gravel road, and from the north shoulder line of ZZ Highway on the south north to the south end of the ditch.

IV. Mowing Schedule

 The contractor shall mow and trim the retention basin areas following a schedule of three times per month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing of the retention basin areas, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give these areas an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of Fairground Park. The park is located at the northeast corner of North Street and Petty Avenue. The approximate area to be mowed is 11 acres.

The bidding contractors must visit the job sites to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services, which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed.

The Contractor will mow and trim the Fairground Park lawn up to the curb lines along North Street on the south, and Petty Avenue on the west. The north and east boundaries are the property lines with the abutting property. Questions regarding the park boundaries should be directed to Dustin Care 573-620-4808 or Chris Hart 573-620-2039.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the parks following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October.

 The Contractor shall adjust the mowing schedule in preparation for the Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day holidays.

Once the Contractor begins mowing of the park, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period to give the park an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the Malone Park property which is located downtown between North Street and West Center Street. The approximate area to be mowed is 2.34 acres.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services, which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The Contractor will mow and trim the park up to the curb lines on Center Street, Stoddard Street, North Street, and Scott Street, these being the south, west, north, and east property limits, respectively.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the park following a schedule of once per week, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 The Contractor shall adjust the mowing schedule in preparation for the Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day holidays.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing the park, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give the park an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the Mary Lou Montgomery Park property which lies in the southeast part of Sikeston between Illinois Avenue and the Lateral C Ditch. The approximate area to be mowed is 5 acres.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The Contractor will mow and trim the park from the edge of the ditch on the east to the edge of Illinois Avenue on the west; and from the old curb line on the south edge of the park to a line just north of the walking track and parallel to the track on the north edge of the park. The north property line will be identified by the Parks and Recreation Director.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the park following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 The Contractor shall adjust the mowing schedule in preparation for the Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day holidays.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing of the park, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give the park an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the North End Park property which lies in a triangular tract in the northwest park of Sikeston, bounded on the east and west by Hawthorn Drive, and by Powers Drive on the north. The approximate area to be mowed is .59 acres.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The Contractor will mow and trim the park up to the curb lines on Hawthorn Drive on the east and west sides of the park, and up to the curb line on Powers Drive on the north.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the park following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing the park, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give the park an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the median on Plantation Blvd. from Auburn on the west to Ingram Rd. on the east.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The Contractor will mow and trim the median from the north curb line on Plantation Blvd. to the south curb line on Plantation Blvd., and from Auburn on the west to Ingram Rd. on the east.

III. Mowing Schedule  The Contractor shall mow and trim the median following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing the median, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period to give the median an evenly groomed appearance.

 When water is in the median prohibiting access by mowers, the Contractor must finish mowing or trimming the bottom of the median as soon as it is accessible.


I. General The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the Roberta Rowe Park property, which lies in the west part of town located between Washington Street and the Missouri Pacific Railroad track. The approximate area to be mowed is 7.82 acres.  The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The Contractor will mow and trim the park up to the curb line on Washington Street to the north as well as the property line of the adjacent property to the north; the curb line on Sunset Drive to the west; the railroad right-of-way gravel bed to the south; and the east property line which will be identified by the Parks and Recreation Director. The John Dancler Field immediately to the west of the park property, on the west side of Sunset Drive is also included in this contract. The contractor will mow to the ditch on the south and west of the ballfield, and to the edge of the Housing Authority property on the north. Contact the Parks and Recreation Director for any clarification on property limits.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the park following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 The Contractor shall adjust the mowing schedule in preparation for the Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day holidays.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing the park, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give the park an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of right of way area along and through Rose Parkway Blvd. Rose Parkway is located in the Sikeston Business Education and Technology Park. Rose Parkway begins on the South end at ZZ Highway and continues north to the dead end. The approximate area to be mowed is 6.7 acres. It should be noted this will include the boulevard ditch.  The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The contractor will mow and trim the Rose Parkway Boulevard area from ZZ Highway on the south to the dead end area to the north. For clarification of boundaries contact Brian Dial at 573-475-3731.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The contractor shall mow and trim Rose Parkway Boulevard area following a schedule of three times per month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing of the retention basin areas, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give these areas an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the Rotary Park property which lies north on Industrial Drive, north and east of the Sikeston Country Club golf course. The approximate area to be mowed is 11.5 acres.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The Contractor will mow and trim the park area beginning at the entrance of the park where the Rotary Park welcome sign is located next to the golf course maintenance shed. The west limits are identified by fences and east limits by the ditch. The north limit of mowing is the north edge of the cleared park area north of the drive. The south limits are identified by the tree line separating the park from the golf course, and the Contractor shall mow or trim the strip between the edge of the pavement and the tree line. The property line will be identified by the Parks and Recreation Director.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the park following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 The Contractor shall adjust the mowing schedule in preparation for the Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day holidays.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing of the park, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give the park an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the R.S. Matthews Park property which lies at the east end of Col. George Day Parkway. The approximate area to be mowed is 13.3 acres.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The Contractor will mow and trim the park lawn from the entrance to the park at Ingram Road east to the edge of the St. John’s ditch; north to the park boundary just north of the walking track; south to the fence line running parallel to U.S. Highway 60; and west to a north-south line just west of the silo.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the park following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 The Contractor shall adjust the mowing schedule in preparation for the Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day holidays.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing of the park, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give the park an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the median on Tanglewood Blvd. from Brushwick on the east and Lindenwood on the west.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The Contractor will mow and trim the median from the north curb line on Tanglewood to the south curb line on Tanglewood, and from Lindenwood on the west to Brushwick on the east.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the park following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing the median, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period to give the median an evenly groomed appearance.

 When water is in the median prohibiting access by mowers, the Contractor must finish mowing or trimming the bottom of the median as soon as it is accessible.


I. General

Right-of- Way:

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the Malone Avenue right-of-way along the north side of Malone Avenue from North Main Street west to the Burlington Northern Railroad track. The work will also include the grassy right-of-way area on the south side of Malone Avenue between the Burlington Northern Railroad track on the east and Handy on the west.

Legion Park:

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the American Legion Park property which is located downtown between Front Street and Malone Avenue; New Madrid and Legion Drive. The approximate area to be mowed is .63 acres. Contractor shall also mow/trim the green spaces immediately west of the park between New Madrid Street and Scott Street at the north edge of the merchants parking lot.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed


The Contractor will mow and trim the right-of-way on the north side of Malone Avenue according to the following:

From N. Main St. west to the east side of Moore Ave., contractor will mow and trim from the north gutter line of Malone Ave. to the south gutter line of Linn St.

From the west side of Moore Ave. to Kingshighway, Contractor will mow and trim from the north gutter line of Malone Ave. north to the utility poles;

28 MALONE AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY WEST/ LEGION PARK (BID# 18-31) II. Limits of Property to be Mowed (Continued)

Right-of-Way: (Continued)

At Kingshighway, Contractor will also mow and trim the green spaces on the east side of Kingshighway between Malone Ave. and the Collins Music building;

From Kingshighway west to the east side of New Madrid St., Contractor will mow and trim from the north gutter line of Malone Ave. north to the Legion Park property;

From the west side of New Madrid St. to the east side of Scott St., Contractor will mow and trim from the north gutter line of Malone Ave. north to the Depot property;

From the west side of Scott St. to the east side of Stoddard St., the Contractor will mow and trim from the north gutter line of Malone Ave. to the tree line;

From the west side of Stoddard St. to the east edge of the gravel bed of the Burlington Northern Railroad, Contractor will mow and trim from the north gutter line of Malone Ave. to the utility poles.

On the south side of Malone Avenue, the Contractor will mow and trim the grassy right- of-way from the south shoulder line of Malone Avenue to the north edge of the Lewis Furniture driveway, and from the west edge of the gravel bed of the Burlington Northern Railroad track to the east curb line of Handy Street.

Legion Park:

The Contractor will mow and trim the park up to the curb lines on North Kingshighway on the east, Front Street on the north, and New Madrid Street on the west, and Malone Avenue to the south.

The contractor will also mow and trim the green strip between New Madrid Street and Scott Street south of Front Street.

III. Mowing Schedule for Malone Avenue Right-of-Way West & Legion Park

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the park following a schedule of once per week, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 The Contractor shall adjust the mowing schedule in preparation for the Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day holidays.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing of the park, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give the park an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of the Malone Avenue right-of-way along the north side of Malone Avenue from Edward Street on the east to North Main Street on the west.  The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The Contractor will mow and trim the right-of-way on the north side of Malone Avenue according to the following: From Edward St. west to the east side of the St. John’s Ditch, Contractor will mow and trim from the north shoulder line of Malone Ave. north to utility poles; From the west side of St. Johns Ditch to the east side of Country Club Dr., From the north shoulder of Malone Ave. to the north side of the Rail Road bed. From Country Club Dr. west to the east side of Selma St., Contractor will mow and trim from the north shoulder line of Malone Ave. north to utility poles;

From the west side of Selma St. west to Pine St., Contractor will mow and trim from the north shoulder line of Malone Ave. to the south gutter line of Linn St. (Does NOT include the ditch along the south side of Linn St.) From the west side of the Home Oil property to N. Main, Contractor will mow and trim from the north shoulder line of Malone Ave. to the south gutter line of Linn Street

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the right-of-way following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 The Contractor shall schedule to mow the right-of-way in preparation for Rodeo Week activities in August.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing the right-of-way, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give the right-of-way an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work included in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of US 61 North Right-of-Way along the west side of US Highway 61.

 The bidding contractors must visit the job site to inspect and evaluate the amount of work to be done before submitting their bids.

 The work to be performed under this contract includes furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide lawn care services which include mowing and trimming.

II. Limits of Property to be Mowed

The contractor will mow and trim the right-of-way on the west side of US Highway 61 North according to the following:

From Semo University’s north property line on the north, to the Missouri Department of Transportation’s south property line on the south, from US Highway 61 North on the east to the field on the west. For clarification on boundaries, contact Brian Dial at 573- 475-3731.

III. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor shall mow and trim the right-of-way following a schedule of three times each month, or approximately 10-day intervals, April through October. However, the City reserves the right to alter this schedule.

 The Contractor shall schedule to mow the right-of-way in preparation for Rodeo Week activities in August.

 Once the Contractor begins mowing the right-of-way, the job will be completed within a reasonable time period, to give the right-of-way an evenly groomed appearance.


I. General

The work in this contract concerns the mowing and trimming of nuisance properties as identified by the City staff and will require immediate attention by the Contractor. Limits of the property to be mowed will vary.

 The bidding contractors will bid an hourly rate that will cover all materials, labor, equipment and supervision required to provide lawn care services including mowing and trimming.

II. Mowing Schedule

 The Contractor will mow and trim in response to a request for “emergency mowing” within two business days of notification of the property location by City staff.

32 CITY OF SIKESTON BID RETURN SHEET (PAGE 1 of 2) BIDS # 18-11 through 18-33

Per Mowing Annual Amount (X 21 except as noted) Bid # 18-11, Airport/ Veterans $ $ (x30) Bid # 18-12, Allen Blvd Median $ $ Bid # 18-13, Armory Park $ $ Bid # 18-14, Broadway Median $ $ Bid # 18-15, Central Park $ $ Bid # 18-16, City Cemetery $ $ Bid # 18-17, Clayton Park $ $ Bid # 18-18, Davis Blvd Median $ $ Bid # 18-19, Dudley Park $ $ Bid # 18-20, Industrial Park Retention Basins $ $ Bid # 18-21, Lincoln Memorial Park $ $ Bid # 18-22, Malone Park $ $ (x30) Bid # 18-23, Mary Lou Montgomery Park $ $ Bid # 18-24, North End Park $ $ Bid # 18-25, Plantation Blvd Median $ $ Bid # 18-26, Roberta Rowe Park $ $ Bid # 18-27, Rose Parkway Blvd Right-of-Way $ $ Bid # 18-28, Rotary Park $ $ Bid # 18-29, R.S. Matthews Park $ $ Bid # 18-30, Tanglewood Blvd Median $ $ Bid # 18-31, Malone Ave ROW West/Legion Park $ $ (x30) Bid # 18-32, Malone Ave ROW East $ $ Bid # 18-33, US 61 Highway North ROW $ $ Bid # 18-34, Emergency Mowing Hourly Rate $



Company Name: ______

Contact Name: ______

Physical Address: ______

Mailing Address: ______

Phone Number: ______

Email: ______

Signature of Bidder: ______

Title: ______

Date: ______

Affix Corporate Seal (if applicable) STATE OF ) )SS COUNTY OF )

On this ____ day of ______, 20_____, before me personally appeared ______, to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the forgoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in ______County, ______, the day and year first above written.


Signature Notary Public My Commission expires:

Bidder’s signature MUST appear on this form. Signature of bidder indicated he/she understands and will comply with the terms and conditions set forth within the Invitation for Bid.

34 Sikeston`s Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan

This pollution prevention plan applies to all work done on these bids.


The sites for these bids are existing road right of ways and parks in the City of Sikeston. These sites have a direct connection to drainage systems that eventually lead to underground piping and then discharged to drainage ditches that collect storm water runoff in Sikeston.


2.1Employee Education

The contractor should inform employees on how to minimize pollution on the work to be performed.


Herbicides and other chemicals should not be applied directly to surface waters, unless the application is approved by label. Herbicides or other chemicals should not be applied if rain is expected. Herbicides or other chemicals should not be mixed or prepared near storm drains. The minimum amount of chemical should be used.


Spills should be cleaned up immediately. Dry methods on spills are to be used if possible. Any spill of petroleum or chemicals greater than 5 gallons which may cause pollution to groundwater must be reported immediately to the City. The City will contact the Department of Natural Resources as required by law.


Collected vegetation should not be disposed in waterways or storm drainage systems. All grass clippings should be blown away from paved surfaces after mowing.


Pursuant to 285.530 RSMo, the bidder must affirm its enrollment and participation in a federal work authorization program with respect to the employees proposed to work in connection with the services requested herein by

 Submitting a completed, notarized copy of EXHIBIT 38, AFFIDAVIT OF WORK AUTHORIZATION and

 Providing documentation affirming the bidder’s enrollment and participation in a federal work authorization program (see below) with respect to the employees proposed to work in connection with the services requested herein. E-verify is an example of a federal work authorization program. Acceptable enrollment and participation documentation consists of the following two pages of the E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): 1) a valid, completed copy of the first page identifying the bidder and 2) a valid copy of the signature page completed and signed by the bidder, the Social Security Administration, and the Department of Homeland Security – Verification Division.


AFFIDAVIT (as required by Section 285.530, Revised Statutes of Missouri)

As used in this Affidavit, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

EMPLOYEE: Any person performing work or services of any kind or character for hire within the State of Missouri.

FEDERAL WORK AUTHORIZATION PROGRAM: Any of the electronic verification of work authorization programs operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security or an equivalent federal work authorization program operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security to verify information of newly hired employees, under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), P.L. 99-603.

KNOWINGLY: A person acts knowingly or with knowledge, (a) with respect to the person’s conduct or that those circumstances when the person is aware of the nature of the person’s conduct or that those circumstances exist; or (b) with respect to a result of the person’s conduct when the person is aware that the person’s conduct is practically certain to cause that result.

UNAUTHORIZED ALIEN: An alien who does not have the legal right or authorization under federal law to work in the United States, as defined in 8 U.S.C. 1324a(h)(3).

BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared , who being duly sworn, states that on his oath or affirmation as follows: 1. My name is and I am currently the President of , (hereinafter “Contractor”), whose business address is , and I am authorized to make this affidavit.

2. I am of sound mind and capable of making this Affidavit and am personally acquainted with the facts stated herein.

3. Contractor is enrolled in an participates in a federal work authorization program with respect to the employees working in connection with the following services contracted between the Contract and the City of Sikeston, Missouri:


4. Contractor does not knowingly employee any person who is an unauthorized alien in connection with the contracted services set forth above.

5. Attached hereto is documentation affirming Contractor’s enrollment and participation in a federal work authorization program with respect to employees working in connection with the contracted services.

Further, Affiant saith not.



Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 2014.

Notary Public, State of Missouri My Commission Expires:

Commission in County

Commission #

PLEASE NOTE: Acceptable enrollment and participation documentation consists of the following 2 pages of the E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding: 1. A valid, completed copy of the first page identifying the Contractor; and 2. A valid copy of the signature page completed and signed by the Contractor, and the Department of Homeland Security – Verification Division.

38 Bidder’s signature MUST appear on this form. Signature of bidder indicated he/she understands and will comply with the terms and conditions set forth within the Invitation for Bid.

City Of Sikeston Non-Kickback and Non-Collusion Affidavit

I, being of lawful age and a duly authorized agent for , regarding the attached bid, proposal, or contract with the City of Sikeston, Missouri for ______, do hereby swear/affirm that this affidavit is true and correct.

Furthermore, I swear/affirm that neither I, nor the firm, company or corporation, or any other employer for whom I am an authorized agent in this matter, has been a party to any collusion, among bidders or other competitors in restraint of freedom of competition by causing or contributing to cause anyone to refrain from bidding, or by being a party to any agreement or understanding among or between any persons, firms, or corporations to bid at a fixed or determinable price.

Furthermore, I swear/affirm that neither I, nor the firm, company or corporation, or any other employer for whom I am an authorized agent have been a party to any collusion with any city official or employee of the City of Sikeston as to quantity, quality, or price in this prospective bid, contract or proposal; or any other terms of said undertaking; nor have I or we been a party to any discussion between other competitors and any official of the City of Sikeston concerning the exchange of money or other things of value for special consideration in the letting of this bid, proposal or contract.

I do hereby swear/affirm that the work, contractual undertaking, services or materials as described by this invoice or other billing claim has been delivered, completed, or supplied in accordance with the specifications, orders, bids, requests, or contract furnished and executed by the City of Sikeston, Missouri for the above mentioned bid.

Furthermore, no consideration, either directly or indirectly, has or will be made to any elected official, officer or employee of the City of Sikeston or any other person, firm or corporation to obtain payment of the claim or to procure the contract or purchase order pursuant to which this claim is made.

Bidder’s Signature

Please type or print name and address of bidder.


Phone Number Non-Kickback and Non-Collusion Affidavit, Page 2


On this ____ day of ______, 20____, before me personally appeared ______, to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the forgoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in ______County, ______, the day and year first above written.

Signature Notary Public My Commission expires:


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