New Mexico Gaming Control Board
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New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS DIVISION New Mexico Nutrition and Dietetic Practice Board Toney Anaya Building ▪ 2550 Cerrillos Road ▪ Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 (505) 476-4622 ▪ Fax (505) 476-4545 ▪
MEETING MINUTES Regular Board Meeting September 30, 2016 @ 1:00 p.m. New Mexico Gaming Control Board 4900 Alameda Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87113
MEMBERS PRESENT: -Carol Turner, Professional Member -Lee Ann Loney, Professional Member -Dr. Jonathan Marinaro, Public Member
STAFF PRESENT: Roberta Perea, Board Administrator Melissa Saiz, Administrative Assistant Audrey Mckee, Assistant Attorney General
OTHERS PRESENT: (See Sign-in sheet)
Roll Call was taken by Ms. Roberta Perea and a quorum was determined present.
Ms. Lee Ann Loney made a MOTION to approve the agenda as written. Dr. Jonathan Marinaro SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.
May 13, 2016 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Ms. Lee Ann Loney made a MOTION to approve the minutes of the May 13, 2016 regular meeting as written. Dr. Jonathan Marinaro SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNAMIMOUS APPROVAL.
a. Administrator’s Report – Ms. Roberta Perea (Attachment A) b. Ratification of Licenses issued by the Board staff between the dates of April 9, 2016 thru September 12, 2016:
1. Licensed Dietitian: Theodora Rudd #LD-1077 Bret Sarnquist #LD-1078 Beth Egan #LD-1079 Cara Larimer #LD-1080 Katie Ferguson #LD-1081 Sarah Quinn #LD-1083 Jena Panebianco #LD-1085 Sara Grandy #LD-1086 Aeron Acott #LD-1087 Kristina Velasques #LD-1088 Diane Hodge #LD-1089 Leah Morris #LD-1090 Julie Erickson #LD-1091 Rebecca Abbatiello #LD-1092 Dailia Suazo #LD- 1093 Nancy Leicht #LD-1094 Natalie Halphen #LD-1095 Kimberly Winger #LD-1096 Sheila Bean #LD-1097 Mary Degnan #LD-1098 Naomi Martin #LD-1100 Adrienne Czarniak #LD-1101 Renee Euler #LD-1102 Sarah Scully #LD-1103 Roberta Duncan #LD-1104 Rebecca Alves #LD-1105 Mary Jenkins #LD-1106 Amber Oberlin #LD-1107 Kimberly Warren #LD-1108 Claire LeGault #LD-1109
2. Licensed Nutritionist: Stephanie Johnston #LN-1082 Joshua Lloyd #LN-1084 Eileen Hanson #LN-1099
Ms. Lee Ann Loney made a MOTION to ratify licenses for Licensed Dietitians and Nutritionists as listed on the agenda. Dr. Jonathan Marinaro SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNAMIMOUS APPROVAL.
c. Appointment of Rules Committee – Ms. Carol Turner Dr. Jonathan Marinaro made a MOTION to appoint Ms. Carol Turner and Ms. Gloria Daughtery to sit on the rules committee. Ms. Lee Ann Loney SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNAMIMOUS APPROVAL.
d. Placing TransPyloric Feeding Tubes – Ms. Gloria Doherty Ms. Gloria Daughtery presented to the board information on placing transpyloric feeding tubes. Ms. Gloria Daughtery will work on proposed rules to bring to the full board for review.
e. Schedule Next Board Meeting - Ms. Carol Turner The next scheduled regular board meeting is set for April 14, 2017 in Albuquerque.
New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department BOARDS AND COMMISSION DIVISION Page 2 of 3
f. Public Comment - None
There being no other business to come before the New Mexico Nutrition and Dietetics Practice Board, Ms. Lee Ann Loney made a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 1:47 p.m. Dr. Jonathan Marinaro SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.
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