Greenup County Board of Education s1
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I. ROLL CALL II. DELEGATIONS Pages …9-21 III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. OLD BUSINESS Pages …22-33 1. GCHS Phase II Renovation Update/Change Order/Payment 2. District Data Assessment Review Pages …34-37 3. Amend Board Order #106-KISTA Bus Purchase
III. NEW BUSINESS/CONSENT Pages …38-57 1. Fund Raising/Building Use Requests 2. Personnel
NONCONSENT AGENDA Pages …103-131 1. Overnight Trip Requests 2. School Nurse / Greenup County Health Dept. Pages …132-175 3. Approval of Section 504 Procedures 4. Approval of Section 504 2010-11 Chairpersons Pages …176-180 5. GC Schools Concussion Management Guidelines Pages …181-184 6. Emergency Certification – Head Start Teachers 7. Surplus School Buses
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BOARD MEETING October 25, 2010 6:00 P.M. G.C.H.S.
TIME:_6:08pm I. ROLL CALL Mr. Hurn _X___ Mrs. Wellman _X__ Mrs. Holt _X__ Mrs. Dillon _X___ Mrs. Adkins __X_
Point of Order: Pace Setter Award – Wurtland Elementary School – Mrs. Barb Cook
II. DELEGATIONS Andrea Daniels – GCHS Band & Chorus & Drama Director- Performance of Dracula next Friday & Saturday at 7pm and Sunday matinee.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Page 9-21 Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, _Holt___ moved to approve the minutes of the meeting held September 20, 2010, and the special meeting held October 4, 2010, as submitted. _Dillon___ seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0_
IV. OLD BUSINESS 1. GCHS PHASE II RENOVATION UPDATE/CHANGE ORDER/PAYMENT – Pages 34-37 Update: Melinda Joseph-Dezarn, Ross-Tarrant Architects, Inc. Special Education Classrooms – Almost complete, Certificate of Occupancy within next 2 weeks. Physical Education Building – Continued progress, needing 10 extra days due to AEP moving underground service. Also a Change Order for sinks to be added to casework.
Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall,___Adkins_____ moved to approve payment to Ross Tarrant Architects, Inc. in the amount of $3,310.51 for services from August 28, 2010 to October 1, 2010, as submitted. __Hurn______seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0_
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Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall,__Adkins_____ moved to approve payment to Trace Creek Construction in the amount of $265,716.90 for General Contract services for GCHS Renovation Phase 2 for period to October 11, 2010, as submitted._Wellman_____seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0_
Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, _Dillon____ moved to approve Change Order #4 for Bid Package #1 of the GCHS Renovation Phase 2 to Trace Creek Construction, Inc. in the amount of $-0- as a no change to the Contract Sum and submit to KDE for approval. _Holt______seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0__
Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, __Hurn_____ moved to approve Change Order #5 for Bid Package #1 of the GCHS Renovation Phase 2 to Trace Creek Construction, Inc. in the amount of $3,133.75 as an increase change to the Contract Sum and submit to KDE for approval. __Adkins___ seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0__
2. DISTRICT DATA ASSESSMENT REVIEW Matt Baker presented information and data concerning assessment, test scores, AYP, and consequences.
3. AMEND BOARD ORDER #106-KISTA BUS PURCHASE- Pages 34-37 Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, __Holt_____ moved to amend Board Order #106-KISTA Bus Purchase to read: purchase 2-66 Passenger Regular Buses for a cost of $161,268.00. __Adkins______seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0__
V. NEW BUSINESS/CONSENT 1. FUND RAISING/BUILDING USE REQUESTS – Pages 38-57 Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, _Adkins_ moved to approve Fund Raising / Building Use Requests as submitted. _Holt______seconded the motion. VOTE _5-0 **Note: Principal Approved Trips/Building Use Requests –review only–
3 Unofficial
Pages 58-102
2. PERSONNEL Personnel for Board Information Only in accordance with KRS 160.390 (2) EMPLOYMENT: John Foster Jr. – Permanent Substitute Bus Driver 4 hrs. per day Joshua Brewer – Permanent Substitute Bus Driver 4 hrs. per day Miranda McGraw – Head Start Instructional Assistant 3.5 hrs. per day Rachel Scott – Spanish Teacher GCHS Stacy Clark – Paraeducator GES 7 hrs. per day Tessa Hunt – Kindergarten Teacher GES Jerri Rubio – Custodian GCHS 8 hrs. per day
Substitute Bus Drivers: Wilma Osborn, Beth Nyderek Substitute Nurse: Tamara Miranda Substitute Paraeducators: Miranda McCulley, Carolyn Rowe, Chris Rister Substitute Teachers: Janie Budig, Clyde Adams, Lucas Stout
Volunteers: Curtis Adkins, Kelly Adkins, Michael C. Adkins, Sheila Adkins, Brenda Angel, Mark Angel, May Arthur, Anne Baker, Brenda Baldridge, Crystal Baldridge, Mishawna Bamforth, Gregory Bays, Monica Bays, Amy Bertram, Cynthia Bertram, Carrie Black, Janet Boggs, Larry Boggs Jr., Leach Brewer, Deanna Brown, Jennifer Brown, Jennifer Brown, Leigh Bryant, Adam Bumbert, Katherine Burke, Amanda Burton, Jessica Bustetter, Amy Byrd, Rose Cantrell, Heather Carter, Steve Carter, Mary Cassidy, Christy Clare, Thomas Clare, Brenda Clary, John Colegrove, Rebecka Colegrove, Michelle Colley, James Conley, Jennifer Cooper, Christopher Cox, Hope Crank, Angela Craycraft, Donald Craycraft, Ginger Crosier, James Crosier, Chris Crum, Genia Cunningham, Connie Dennis, Nancy Didi, Angela Eastham, Jacqueline Felty, Amy Gifford, Russell Gilliam, Tiffany Gilliam, Jennifer Gillum, Kristyn Gillum, Avery Greene, Haley Greene, William Griffith, Dora Grooms, Justin Grooms, Florence Gumbert, Holly Hall, Linda Hall, Donna Hamm, Clarissa Hayden, Connie Hayden, Della Heck, Robert Heck, Teresa Holbrook, Nancy Hordan, James Hornsbury, Jamie Houston, Amanda Howard, Natasha Howell, Carrie Hunt, Sheila Hurst, Lisa Jackson, Sherry Johnson, Sherry Johnson, Rebecca Jordan, Richard Jordan, Monica Keeton, Annette Koerper, Katherine Lagratta, Julianne Lansing, Shawna Lemaster, Minnie Lewis, Russell Lewis, Lynda Litton, Trista Lott, June Lovins, Michael Lovins, Lisa Lumpkins, Kathern Madden, Amber Massie, Robert Massie, Oreta May, Felisha McCord, Shawna McCormick, Cheryl McDaniels, Lisa McFann, Michelle
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Meadows, Brian Meenach, Ruth Meenach, Dawn Miller, Wende Miller, Amber Neal, Carrie Nelson, Patricia Newsome, John Nourse, Kerry Nourse, Becky O’Conner, Christy Osborne, Glenda Osborne, Heather Potter, Amber Quillen, Brian Quillen, Johnny Ramey, Ami Ratliff, Carrie Reffitt, Penny Riggs, Susan Roe, Celeste Rowe, Vallace Rowe, Tonya Salyers, Sarah Scaggs, Beverly Smith, Amy Sparks, Clifford Sparks, Deborah Sparks, Karen Spriggs, Leighann Spriggs, Wendelin Stevens, Michelle Stith, Monica Strickland, Brad Stultz, Leslie Stultz, Mary Thacker, Donny Townsend, Jason Tucker, Stephanie Tucker, Brenda Wells, Daniel Whitt, Josh Whitt, Sierra Whitt, Crystal Wilburn, Kayla Wilburn, Lara Wireman, Michelle Witten, Shanna Wright
Lonnie Horsley –Contract bus driver - suspended until a review of situation has been completed Rhonda Abdon – suspended with pay for a period of 10 working days pending outcome of investigation. 10/12/10-10/25/10 Maternity/FMLA: Courtney Waginger- WMS Teacher 9/18/10-11/29/10 FMLA: Angela Schaeffer – Bus Driver 9/28/10 – 1/6/11 Shannon Mowery – MMS Teacher 9/7/10 – 9/17/10 Susy Bailey – MES Cook/Baker 9/9/10-12/6/10
Resignations: Krista Antis – 21st Century Site Manager- GES Thelma Branim – WMS Academic Coach Shirley Whitt – Substitute Teacher Gloria Gilliam – Cook/Baker MES
NONCONSENT AGENDA 1. OVERNIGHT TRIP REQUESTS – Pages103-131 Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, __Hurn______moved to approve/disapprove MMS - KYA group overnight trip request on November 18- 20, 2010, to Louisville, Kentucky, to attend KYA Conference (using school van and Charter bus). __Adkins__ seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0_
Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, _Hurn______moved to approve/disapprove GCHS Band overnight trip request on October 30-31, 2010, to Louisville, Kentucky, to attend KMEA Finals(using Charter bus). _Dillon_____ seconded the motion.
VOTE __5-0_
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Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, __Hurn______moved to approve/disapprove GCHS Football team overnight trip request on November 4-6, 2010, place TBD for football playoffs (using school bus). ___Holt______seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0_
Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, _Holt______moved to approve/disapprove GCHS Softball team overnight trip request on April 4-8, 2011 to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to participate in tournament (parents transporting). __Wellman_____ seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0_
Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, __Dillon______moved to approve/disapprove GCHS Softball team overnight trip request on April 22-23, 2011, North Laurel High School, London, Kentucky to participate in tournament (parents transporting). _Adkins______seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0_
Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, _Adkins______moved to approve/disapprove GCHS FBLA overnight trip request on November 17-21, 2010 to Washington DC to attend the FBLA National Fall Leadership Conference (using Charter Bus). __Holt______seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0_
Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, _Holt_____ moved to approve GCHS Chorus overnight trip request on November 8-9, 2010, to Morehead State University to attend. __Adkins_____ seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0_
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2. SCHOOL NURSE / GREENUP COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, _Hurn______moved to approve Nurse position through the Greenup County Health Department with Argillite Elementary School being the home school at a cost of $10,000. ___Holt______seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0_
3. APPROVAL OF SECTION 504 PROCEDURES – Pages 132-175 Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, __Holt______moved to approve the Section 504 Procedures as submitted. _Dillon______seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0_
4. APPROVAL OF 2010-11 SECTION 504 CHAIRPERSONS Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, __Hurn______moved to approve the following as Section 504 Chairpersons for 2010-2011 school year: AES Tom Crump, Principal Sherri Nickel, Counselor GCHS Aaron Collier, Asst. Principal Tammy McCown, Counselor GES Jeff Wireman, Principal Jaime Hunt, Counselor MES Tom Kouns, Principal Sandra Cornette, Counselor Donnie Harrison, Asst. Principal MMS Brenda Box, Principal Nancy Hieneman, Counselor WES Barb Cook, Principal Sherry Robinson, Counselor WMS Eric Keeton, Asst. Principal Lawanna Conlin, Counselor
_Wellman______seconded the motion. VOTE _5-0_
5. G.C. SCHOOLS CONCUSSION MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES Pages 176-180 Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, __Dillon______moved to approve the submitted guidelines for review/approval for the Concussion Management Guidelines. __Adkins______seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0_
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6. EMERGENCY CERTIFICATION – HEAD START TEACHERS Pages 181-184 Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, __Holt______moved to grant application for full-time Emergency Certification to Danette L. Blevins and Nicole M. Roberts as Northeast Head Start/Pre-School teachers in the Greenup County school system. __Adkins_____ seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0_
7. SURPLUS SCHOOL BUSES Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, __Adkins_____ moved to declare the following school buses as surplus and subsequently sold:
Bus 16 VIN 1HVBBPLL2PH505500; 52 Passenger International Bus 30 VIN 1HVBBPNNXPH498052; 66 Passenger International Bus 33 VIN 1HVBBAAN5TH393741; 66 Passenger International
_Dillon______seconded the motion. VOTE _5-0_
VI. CLAIMS AND PAYROLL – Pages 185-221 Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, __Holt______moved to approve Claims and Payroll, as submitted and direct Treasurer to pay same. __Adkins____ seconded the motion. VOTE _5-0_
VII. MONTHLY BOARD REPORTS – Pages 222-230 1. Attendance 2. Financial Position 3. Financial Status Memorandum 4. YTD MUNIS Report for General Fund
VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon the recommendation of Superintendent Hall, __Dillon___ moved to go into Executive Session at _7:10_ p.m. in accordance with KRS 61.810 (1)(c)(f) to discuss proposed or pending litigation against or on behalf of the district. ____Adkins______seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0_
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IX. ADJOURNMENT ___Wellman______moved that the meeting adjourn at _7:37 P.M.
___Holt______seconded the motion.
VOTE _5-0_