Regular SBDM Meeting
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Regular SBDM Meeting
Poage Elementary School
Unofficial Minutes
February 23, 2015
3:00 PM
Members in attendance: Mr. Jamie Lester, Mrs. Robin Stanfield, Mrs. Kelli Shytle, and Mrs. Jamie Anderson. Also in attendance: Nick Wilburn, Christy Sallie, and Alli Day.
I. A motion was made by Mrs. Anderson seconded by Mrs. Stanfield to approve the minutes from the regular SBDM meeting held on 1/26/15, as well as approving the agenda for 2/23/15.
II. Mr. Lester discussed the January budget, as well as the Title 1 budget. Mr. Lester stated that the iPad cart is continually being utilized within the classrooms. STAR Reading & Math, IXL, and Moby Max Programs are continuing to be utilized school-wide in all classrooms. Any support programs that help promote remediation in math, reading or test prep are being purchased as requested on any grade level. In addition, all classrooms are continuing to receive RTI services by hired personnel. Mr. Lester stated that the next PTO meeting will be held at Poage on March 10th at 6 PM. This meeting will be to discuss and set up the date for parent SBDM members for the 15-16 school year and the upcoming cookie dough sales which will go to PTO to provide programs and support for our school. There will also time at the meeting to review the Title 1 parent involvement policy, learner compact and Title 1 program evaluation form.
III. Mr. Nick Wilburn presented the PEP Grant Talking Points to SBDM members. Mr. Wilburn reviewed that the grant enabled the district to hire a director as well as two additional PE teachers. In addition, new equipment and pedometers have been purchased for students to utilize with the FitnessGram. Mr. Wilburn reviewed all points with members.
IV. Mr. Lester reported the following fundraisers: PTO will be selling cookie dough in the spring and BETA will be sponsoring the Book Fair in March. A motion was carried by consensus to approve all fundraisers. V. A motion was made by Mrs. Stanfield seconded by Mrs. Anderson to approve the ALP field trips, as well as the 4th grade field trip to COSI in March. Transportation for all trips will be on charter bus with Spring Valley.
VI. Mr. Lester reviewed the 2014-2015 School Improvement Plan with SBDM members. Poage’s Math Camp was added into the SIP. Following state testing results, Poage is no longer rated as Needs Improvement, but is now rated Proficient, being at the 75th percentile. Mr. Lester presented Poage’s SIP at the February Board meeting.
VII. Members agreed to meet for a Special Called SBDM meeting on Monday March 23, 2015 at 3:00 PM in the conference room.
Meeting adjourn at 3:45 PM after a motion made by Mrs. Stanfield seconded by Mrs. Anderson, motion carried.