Title: Checklist for the Critical Area of Mathematics Grades K - 5
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Facilitator’s Guide 6-12 Common Core Connections to Ignite and Inspire
Session Description
This three- hour workshop illustrates the Mathematical Practice and Content Standards through a series of engaging math tasks. Participants will engage in a mathematically rigorous lesson from the Mathematics Assessment Project. The session includes a study of four of the progression documents and an introduction to Common Core assessments.
Goal of the Session
Develop Awareness of CCSS and Key Shifts Encourage Self-Reflection through Lively Discussions with Colleagues Build Knowledge of Mathematical Practice Standards and Content Standards Translate Knowledge into Practice via Cognitively Demanding Projects and Performance Assessments
Poster paper, markers, tape, scissors, internet connection, projector and speakers
Handouts Standards for Mathematical Practice Journey to the Bus Stop, page S1 from http://map.mathshell.org/materials/download.php?fileid=667 For Middle School: Interpreting Distance-Time Graph Sorting Cards, pages S2 - S5 from http://map.mathshell.org/materials/download.php?fileid=667 For High School: Functions and Everyday Situations Sorting Cards, pages S3 - S8 http://map.mathshell.org/materials/download.php?fileid=1259 Four Situations Another Four Situations, pages S1, S2, S9, S10 from http://map.mathshell.org/materials/download.php?fileid=1259 Key Shifts in CCSS Mathematics Grants & Awards for Math Teachers Recommended CCSS Math Resources
Handouts to be shared: Participants will select one of the following progressions to read in hard copy or online. (Jigsaw Activity) o Statistics and Probability Progression Grades 6-8 o Statistics and Probability Progression HS o Expressions and Equations Progression Grades 6-8 o Ratios and Proportional Relationships Progression Grades 6-7 These progressions can be accessed online or downloaded from http://ime.math.arizona.edu/progressions/ Pre-session Preparation
1. Review the Power Point and Facilitator’s Guide. 2. Read through the Mathematics Assessment Project Formative Assessment Lesson: Middle School http://map.mathshell.org/materials/download.php?fileid=667 and/or High School http://map.mathshell.org/materials/download.php?fileid=1259 3. Read the progression documents. 4. Make copies of the Handouts as noted above. You may want to provide copies of the CCSSM. 5. Check Internet capability or pre-load the videos.
5 min Introduction and Objectives Slides 1-2 15 min Problem: How far would you go for cheap gas? Slide 3 Paper, pencils, calculators, Ask participants to work on this problem together. multimedia as Leave the question as open-ended as possible. available Allow participants to apply their own reasoning around the (Cell phones, etc.) problem. Accept all reasonable answers with explanations. This problem is designed to engage participants in the Standards for Mathematical Practice 1 and 3
10 min Which Mathematical Practice Standards did you use? Slide 4 Handout: Hand out the Mathematics Practice Standards Standards for Mathematical Find what math practice standards, if any, you were engaged in, as Practice you worked on the gas problem. Jot down on a piece of paper Share your thinking with a partner. Be ready to share with the large group. Model: Think, Ink, Pair, Share
Discuss with whole group.
6-12 Common Core Connections to Ignite and Inspire TIME CONTENT/ACTIVITIES MATERIALS
10 min Journey to the Bus Stop Problem Slide 5 Handout: Have participants determine if the graph makes sense. Journey to the Bus Stop After independent work, ask for discussion. Task is Interpreting Distance-Time Graphs from the Mathematics Assessment Project http://map.mathshell.org/materials/download.php?fileid=667
20 min Mathematics Assessment Project Activity Slide 6 Poster, Markers, Scissors, Tape, Participants should be seated in grade band groups. (Middle or High School) Handouts: (Single sided) Distribute appropriate sorting cards, tape, markers and poster paper. Interpreting Time and Distance sorting If poster paper is not available participants can arrange matches on cards their tables. or Assign the task. (See the slide) Functions and NOTE: There are two levels of sorting cards. One is more suited to middle Everyday Situations school and one for high school. sorting cards (MS)Middle School: Interpreting Time and Distance sorting cards each have a story, a graph and a data table. http://map.mathshell.org/materials/download.php?fileid=667 (HS)High School: Functions and Everyday Situations sorting cards each have a story, graph and a function. http://map.mathshell.org/materials/download.php?fileid=1259
6-12 Common Core Connections to Ignite and Inspire TIME CONTENT/ACTIVITIES MATERIALS
10 min Gallery Walk Slide 7 Directions for touring: The Concierge Stays at the table to provide information and answer questions Group tours and offers comments at various tables. This Gallery walk procedure can be taught to students in the beginning of the year. It requires the walker to know what his or her table knows and bring back suggestions or ideas to the table. It requires the table concierge to be willing to defend the group’s reasoning to the tourists. You can offer time for students to change their matches once they return to the table after discussion with others.
5 min Where Are We Now? Slide 8 Handout: Introduce the high school pre- and post-assessment sections. This has two Four Situations different groups of card sorting. Another Four The middle school lesson uses the same Journey to the Bus Stop problem as Situations both the pre- and post-assessment.
25 min Progressions Performance Assessment Slide 9 Poster, Markers Participants will choose a progression document and group Handouts: themselves by topic. Expressions and Equations 6-8 Suggest that they break-up the reading but have all group members read the introduction. Ratios and Proportional Participants will create a poster to report their findings. Relationships 6- Discuss the value in the progressions for coherence. 7 Statistics and Probability 6-8 A complete list of progressions are found at Statistics and http://ime.math.arizona.edu/progressions/ Probability 9-12
6-12 Common Core Connections to Ignite and Inspire TIME CONTENT/ACTIVITIES MATERIALS
5 min Key Shifts Slides 10 – 11 Handout: Key Shifts This slide illustrates the Key Shifts in CCSS Mathematics from engageNY.org Discuss the shifts that happen in the Progressions from Gr 6-12: Coherence Discuss the shift needed to make the Mathematical Practices a reality that will result in Deeper Understanding through more Focused lessons. Discuss expected Fluencies and the balance between practice and deep understanding that is discussed in Dual Intensity. ASK: o What kind of Lessons will move us forward? o This leads to the Dan Meyer Video…
20 min Math Class Needs a Makeover Slide 12 – 13 Internet connection, speakers Show Dan Meyer Video (11 minutes and 39 seconds) http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_meyer_math_curriculum_makeover.htm l Discuss the video. How would this look in your classroom? Show Dan Meyer’s Blog. http://blog.mrmeyer.com/ This blog provides multiple resources to create a classroom like the one referenced in the video. There is a Three-Act Math link if you scroll down on the right-hand side under My Curricula. This resource lists videos and lesson ideas that are aligned to the CCSSM.
6-12 Common Core Connections to Ignite and Inspire TIME CONTENT/ACTIVITIES MATERIALS
10 min Got Caffeine? Slide 14 Internet connection, speakers Show Hot Coffee video lesson from Dan Meyer’s Three Acts Show the first act. Let teachers brainstorm questions that students could ask and solve. Show the questions for the problem. Show the second and third act. Ask teachers what would happen if they used video questions to inspire? 5 min Think about Assessment Slide 15 Ask teachers to answer this question independently on a piece of paper. Share with a partner Model Think – Ink – Pair – Share.
6-12 Common Core Connections to Ignite and Inspire TIME CONTENT/ACTIVITIES MATERIALS
5 min What’s Next? Common Assessments Slide 16 TALKING POINTS from parcconling.org While the Common Core State Standards are a critical first step, they alone will not bring about the instructional changes necessary to improve student achievement and attainment. Creating common assessments grounded in common standards is the logical next step and will ensure the new standards truly reach every classroom. I think we will all agree that the current system is broken. Every state develops their own assessments and for that reasons our nation’s assessments: Are of varying quality and rigor and rarely point toward College- and Career-Readiness. Do not provide meaningful, real-time data for our educators, parents and policymakers Cannot be compared from state to state, ensuring that students in Mass. And Miss. are receiving the same foundation. Next generation assessments will:
Provide a more complete picture of student performance against college- and career-ready expectations Use current and future technologies to provide a meaningful assessment and useful data Mitigate Challenges associated with mobility—which is a major challenge in education U.S Department of Education set aside $350 million of Race to the Top funding for awards to consortia of states to design and develop common K- 12 assessment systems aligned to common, college- and career-ready standards. In Sept. 2010, the U.S. Department of Education awarded grants to the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC).
6-12 Common Core Connections to Ignite and Inspire TIME CONTENT/ACTIVITIES MATERIALS
10 PARCC Assessment Design minutes Slide 17-18 TALKING POINTS from parcconling.org Graphic depiction of the assessment system. The system includes a suite of assessments and tools that, taken together, provide a more complete picture of student mastery of standards and progress throughout the year than is currently available on state assessments. Considerations Leading to 2 optional assessments: The cost of the assessments Flexibility on when to administer the optional assessments The amount of testing time needed to administer the assessments Possible disruption to school schedules caused by through-course assessment preparation and administration Constraints the distributed design might have on the flexibility of state and local educators to sequence instruction of the CCSS and to implement their own benchmark and formative assessment initiatives The PARCC assessment system will: • Reflect the sophisticated knowledge and skills found in the English and math Common Core State Standards • Include a mix of item types (e.g., short answer, richer multiple choice, longer open response, performance-based) • Make significant use of technology • Include testing at key points throughout the year to give teachers, parents and students better information about whether students are on track or need additional support in particular areas • Taken together, the PARCC assessment components comprise a comprehensive system of assessments that will provide timely information to teachers throughout the year, and provide students with meaningful information about their progress toward college and career readiness
5 minutes Overwhelmed? Internet Connection, Slide 19 (optional) Speakers Below are two humorous videos from you tube. Review and choose one. When Not Knowing Math Can Cost You $15,000 Math 911 Call
6-12 Common Core Connections to Ignite and Inspire TIME CONTENT/ACTIVITIES MATERIALS
10 Wrap-Up Handouts: minutes Slide 20 – 22 Grants and Awards Distribute Grant and Resources pages Resources Distribute Feedback form and answer any questions Feedback
6-12 Common Core Connections to Ignite and Inspire