Honors American Literature A Prayer for Owen Meany Essay Assignment Choose one of the following as a topic for a formal essay assignment:

1. Address the significance of the following motif as it relates to three of the themes explored in the novel -- Johnny's search for identity, Johnny's search for faith, and America's search for values, leadership and truth. "Nothing bears out in practice what it promises incipiently."

2. When John begins his Masters thesis on Thomas Hardy, Owen, of course, directs John to his focus. First Owen describes Hardy's belief in fate. He explains, "' PEOPLE ARE HELPLESS TO FATE, VICTIMS OF TIME -- THEIR OWN EMOTIONS UNDO THEM, AND SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS OF ALL KINDS FAIL THEM'." Apply Hardy's concept to the lives of three characters in the novel.

Scoring Guide Based on Pennsylvania Writing Assessment Focus (single controlling point with awareness of a specific topic) Up to 20 sharp, distinct focus created through a thesis statement that takes a stand. Each paragraph follows what the thesis dictates. 16 Thesis statement present but lacks parallel structure or doesn't take a stand. 12 Thesis statement doesn't address the prompt or doesn't dictate the focus of the essay 8 No thesis statement Content (ideas developed through facts, examples, details, explanations, integrated passages - not plot summary) Up to 20 Substantial, specific content with sophisticated development 16 Sufficient content with adequate elaboration, some plot summary 12 Ideas are partially developed, raises more questions than answers, too much plot 8 Minimal content, factual errors, and/or mostly plot summary Organization (order developed within & across paragraphs, using transitions, integrating passages) Up to 20 Sophisticated arrangement of paragraphs, developed intro & conclusion, passages integrated, effective transitions 16 Logical order, some transitions, passages not integrated smoothly 12 Some development of intro &/or conclusion, needs transitions, passages not integrated 8 Minimal control of arrangement Style (choice, use and arrangement of words and sentence structure to create a voice) Up to 20 Precise language, varied sentence structure, simple present tense, third person pov 16 Occasionally strays from any of the above 12 Occasionally strays from more than one or frequently from one 8 Minimal variety in word choice and sentence structure, frequently strays Conventions (grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, format) Up to 20 Evident control of grammar, usage, mechanics, MLA style 16 Sufficient control of grammar, usage, mechanics, MLA style 12 Limited control of grammar, usage, mechanics, MLA style 8 Minimal control of grammar, usage, mechanics, MLA style

Remember: Thesis statement as the last sentence of the intro. Mention the title and author in intro. Use specific examples that support your thesis -- don't summarize the plot Use MLA style (heading, page numbers, and parenthetical documentation) Use simple present tense, 3rd person POV, active voice to write about literature