PRINCETON REVIEW: Words 51-100 desecrate (v) to show disrespect to something sacred euphonious (adj) melodious; pleasant sounding cacophonous (adj) harsh sounding guile (n) cunning; deceitfulness immutable (adj) unable to be changed; permanent incessant (adj) non-stop static (adj) unchanging bastion (n) a stronghold; fort benign (adj) kindly; good-natured credulous (adj) gullible disparage (v) to speak poorly of eccentric (adj) odd; out of the ordinary; quirky philanthropist (n) someone who is charitable and benefits mankind squander (v) to waste virulent (adj) harmful zeal (n) enthusiasm; zest acuity (n) (acute –adj) sharpness (keen) affable (adj) friendly; agreeable assuage (v) to reduce pain avarice (n) greed lack of agreement or harmony dissonance (n) listless (adj) without energy or enthusiasm philistine (adj) lacking culture or taste scrupulous (adj) concerned; conscientious; proper tentative (adj) not final; uncertain adulation (n) adoration dogmatic (adj) stubbornly opinionated futile (adj) hopeless; without effect languid (adj) slow and listless pious (adj) (piety-n) religious ponderous (adj) weighty; heavy protracted (adj) drawn out; lengthy deference (n) (to defer-v) a show of respect (to show respect) heretic (n) someone who denies accepted beliefs paucity (n) scarcity profuse (adj) Flowing conciliate (v) to soothe anger contrite (adj) apologetic didactic (adj) instructive diffident (adj) shy; lacking confidence digression (n) straying from a topic dissent (n) disagreement elucidate (v) (lucid-adj) to explain; to make clear (clear) gullible (adj) overly trusting strut (n) a self-assured walk; a swagger denounce (v) to put down laud (v) to praise surreptitious (adj) secretive; sly; sneaky astute (adj) clever; sharp; keen blasphemy (n) an act of great disrespect for religion censure (v) to blame; to criticize pedestrian (adj) commonplace; ordinary