Learn Sheffield Board of Directors Monday 18th September 2017 at 4.00 pm Learn Sheffield Training and Development Hub


Chair: Darren Tidmarsh, FE College Director


Name Service

Mike Allen Co-opted Director and Vice Chair Andy Bainbridge SCC nominated Director Stephen Betts LS Chief Executive Chris French Secondary School Director Christopher Holder Primary School Director Anthony Hughes Co-opted Director Angela Lant Primary School Director Judith Smith Special School Director Morag Somerville LS Strategic Business Director Darren Tidmarsh FE College Director Joel Wirth Secondary School Director

No Item Lead 1. Apologies for Absence VS If you are unable to attend, please notify [email protected] Apologies have been received from Darren Tidmarsh

2. Chair’s opening remarks Chair

3. Minutes of the previous meeting – 6 July 2017 (attached) Chair To approve the confidential and non-confidential minutes

4. Matters Arising (refer to Meeting Notes – to follow) 1 Minute 17/7/03.1: Outcome of CEO’s meetings with SCC 2 Minute 17/7/03.2: Membership – update 3 Minute 17/7/03.3: Finalisation of Lease – update 4 Minute 17/7/03.4: STAT novation

Strategic Matters 5. Standing item - Risk Assessment - update SB

6. Substantive items 6.1 Long term planning – Confidential – ‘A Vision for Education in Sheffield – A 5 year SB Strategy (2018-2023) (paper and presentation attached)

D:\Docs\2018-04-17\0e2d4762ff8adf0dd1d2a939f3e7dea3.doc 6.2 Transfer of Services – Confidential – update (refer to Meeting Notes to follow)

7. Financial 7.1 Confidential Minutes of the F&A Committee meeting held on 23 August 2017 -attached SB/MS 7.1 Final 2017/18 budget (to follow) Chair of i) Cash Flow analysis; F&AC ii) Risks and mitigating action; iii) Scenario planning for 2017/18 year-end

8. Governance – Progress report (Refer to Meeting Notes to follow) SB/VS (LA approval of changes to the Articles of Association; legal advice received regarding proposed changes)

Operational Matters 9. Financial (to follow) 9.1 2016/17 Budget – draft year-end out turn MS 9.2 Monthly Management Accounts – as at the end of July 2017 MS

10. 2017 outcomes update SB To consider a high level report

11. Stakeholder Strategy Event and AGM – verbal update on timing and content SB

12. Schedule of future meetings VS Thursday 19 October 2017 at 4.00 pm Thursday 7 December 2017 at 4.00 pm Thursday 1 February 2018 at 4.00 pm Thursday 15 March 2018 at 4.00 pm Thursday 17 May 2018 at 4.00 pm Thursday 5 July 2018 at 4.00 pm (In addition to the above Board meetings, arrangements will be made for an AGM / Strategy event in late Autumn or Spring term)

13. Any other business All

14. Future Agenda items All Substantive item – Performance Delivery year-end 2016/17 – 19 October 2017

Contact Officer: Val Struggles, Clerk to the Board Date: 8 September 2017
