Annual Report 2020/21 1 Contents Page: 3. From the President 4. From the Chairman 6. From the Chief Executive 9. Governance Statement 10. Financial Performance 12. In Memorium 2 From the President Welcome to the Annual Report for 2020/21. What a year this has been! Sport is one of those things that we can lose ourselves in, set worries aside and forget many things that are not too important. But not so this past season. Firstly, I would like to begin by asking that we all spare a few thoughts for those who have sadly been so affected by this terrible disease, particularly those who have lost friends and loved ones. The top players will be in our thoughts during these uncertain times in trying to regain their strength and their mindset to commence training and competition after such a long break. I hope that one or two may have kept a record of their experiences in returning to play for us to understand how they have coped with such an ordeal that has been thrust upon them. How hard will it be for all of us to move forward into the difficulties that we will all need to address in order to return to some form of normality? We will all need to be patient and help one another. I am sure that by helping one another we can achieve success and bring our great game back to some form of normality. When the lockdown is lifted, this will be the time for everyone to pull together; clubs, counties and Badminton England. I am certain that the badminton family will do that. When life returns to normal let us all work together for badminton to achieve our aims for the game that we all love. We are a strong Association. All of our members love their sport, and this is so much stronger when everyone travels in the same direction so, please help one another to achieve our aims and ambitions for the game, that we all love, and make it even greater after these most unusual times. Remember to keep safe, help each other and spare a thought for the 1000s of people that have lost their loved ones and remember that we are the fortunate ones. Let’s look forward to better times for everyone and hope for a return to normality next season. Diana Troke President 3 Objective Setting & Performance Review 2019/20 From the Chairman With little domestic play possible and a severely restricted international calendar, it has been a seriously difficult (and exhausting) year on which to attempt to report. Review of the Year As I said last year, the Board were planning to complete a review of future strategy, in anticipation of the new funding cycle. Instead, our focus shifted to the suspension of activities, saving cost and protecting the organisation, followed by the preparation and communication of Return to Training and Return to Play guidelines and protocols, in anticipation of (several attempts at) a restart. As Autumn turned to Winter, there was a realisation that ongoing restrictions would continue to prevent much badminton taking place and that our financial position would continue to deteriorate. Our attention necessarily switched to generating funds and making other savings that would help secure the future. The Board was compelled to approve a restructuring of our operations and we were sorry to see a number of staff leave the organisation. On a more positive note, we were pleased to be able to secure additional funding: • Sport England provided both additional direct funding and greater flexibility in the way in which we were able to use their recurrent grant funding • UK Sport confirmed their future support of the GB Olympic and Paralympic programmes for Paris, subject to review post Tokyo and provided some transition funding for the Tokyo games • The Winter Sport Winter Survival package allowed us to stage the Yonex All England Championships behind closed doors in March and this has provided a financial return that will be reinvested back into the game during the coming year • A BWF support package for World Tour events and other partners accepted some renegotiation of contracts that together also benefited the YONEX All England Championships. I would like to thank all of these organisations for their support in these unprecedented times. Governance During the year, Malcolm Smith stepped down from the Board and I would like to thank Malcolm for his enormous contribution to badminton over the years. His commitment to junior competition, in particular, along with his wise counsel and dry wit in the Boardroom, will be missed by us all. Peter Emptage, well known to many as a Masters player, was elected to the Board in his place. In January, Tosin Akinluyi joined the Board as a co-opted director and she will help us, in particular, to formulate our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion strategy. They are both great new additions to the team. 4 Objective Setting & Performance Review 2019/20 The Board is committed to maintaining the highest standards of governance and we remain compliant with the Code for Sports Governance. Consistent with the requirements of the Code, we undertook an independent evaluation of the Board’s performance, and we are now implementing a number of recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the organisation. Looking Ahead Despite the 2020/21 season being pretty much a washout, we have emerged in good shape. We are looking forward to the new season with great anticipation, coupled with some sense of trepidation as to what the landscape will look like, after so much time away. This will be a year of transition, as we seek to support and encourage players, coaches and volunteers back into the game and we collectively start to rebuild the clubs and their places to play, our development pathways and coaching strategy and the competition structure. The Board will now return to strategy, with a view first to rebuilding and then to investing in the game, particularly in player and coach development. During the year, we will submit our application for funding to Sport England, which will enable us to invest further in grassroots development and the funding of our most talented players. Thanks Finally, my thanks to my fellow Directors for their support and guidance, to all of our staff for their huge contribution to keeping us going and for the resilience they have shown and to the many volunteers, sponsors, funding partners and other stakeholders for their support during this incredibly difficult year. Mike Robinson Chair 5 Objective Setting & Performance Review 2019/20 From the Chief Executive During a speech at the Guildhall in 1992, Her Majesty The Queen described a series of events of her past year as her annus horribilis. I would suggest that the past 12 months could be described in a similar way as the world sought to cope with the outbreak of a virus that has had unthinkable consequences for so many people. At this time of the year, I have the privilege of sharing the growth and success of badminton in England when I report on the achievements of the past 12 months, which I had sincerely hoped to have looked back on the successes of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. However, 2020 was far from a typical year and so my report is very different this time. Sport plays a huge part in the lives of so many people but, along with many parts of society, badminton has been hugely affected as Government restrictions closed facilities and brought our sport to a stop while every attempt was made to control, and reduce, the spread of the virus. At such an unprecedented time, it was critical that Badminton England provided leadership across the badminton community and I was immensely proud of our staff, coaches and players who immediately set about checking in with more than 2,000 clubs, coaches, County Badminton Associations, volunteers and officials to offer any immediate help. I was also delighted to see so many players and coaches from across the country keep so many of you entertained with various online challenges and coaching tips – who would have thought ‘Zoom’ training sessions could become so popular! We recognise the affect that the pandemic has had across our sport. Despite the fantastic support we received from Government, Sport England and UK Sport as we sought to get badminton back after the first lockdown, we saw a stop/start recovery at best throughout the year, with many of our clubs and coaches not able to return to badminton at all, and the abandonment of many leagues and competitions. We recognised the challenges faced by many of the badminton community and we were pleased to establish a £100,000 ‘hardship fund’ to offer support to those in immediate need of financial help. Considering the challenges faced by so many of the badminton community this past year, I would like to say a huge thank you to those who were able to continue to pay their membership subscriptions; your support has been invaluable. I am also extremely grateful for the financial support we were able to secure from Government, Sport England and UK Sport. In my report last year, I predicted that the pandemic could cost Badminton England circa £1m in lost income; unfortunately, this was the case and such a ‘hit’ caused great concern to the financial stability of the organisation. But the help of various grant funds, including the Sport Winter Survival Package, established to help sports who are impacted by having to play major events behind closed doors, has not only been a financial lifeline but enabled the YONEX All England Championships 2021 to take place.
Internationale Turniere B-Kategorie Spesenbeitrag Max
A-Kategorie Spesenersatz ÖBV Grundlagen für die Einsatzplanung österr. Schiedsrichter - Internationale Turniere B-Kategorie Spesenbeitrag max. € 200.- Die Beschickung erfolgt grundsätzlich nur durch das Schiedsrichterreferat (SRR) ! R……….Referee C-Kategorie Spesenbeitrag max. € 150.- U……….Umpire bestätigt vorgemerkt abgesagt D-Kategorie kein Spesenbeitrag Basis ist eine vorliegende Einladung für das Turnier, die Kategorie und die Qualifikation des SR`s A……….Assessor E ….. BEC-Event Spesenersatz ÖBV, Beitrag von BEC € 200.- N…national, I…international, BEC…Badminton Europe Confederation a/c, BWF…Badminton World Federation a/c. a…Assessment/Appraisal Participant F ….. BWF-Event Spesenersatz ÖBV (Interkontinental max. 50%) (T)…mögliches Trainingsturnier für Kandidaten zum Intern. SR in Begleitung eines erfahrenen Intern. SR`s C……..Course Instructor G ….. BWF-Event Spesenübernahme BWF Die Kollegen sind höflichst aufgefordert Ihre Einsätzewünsche dem SRR rasch bekannt zu geben. c……..Course Participant JA-JD ….. BEC-Junior Kategorien A-D wie oben beschrieben Die Zahlen geben die letzte Stelle des Jahres an, in dem das Turnier zuletzt besucht wurde (unabhängig von der Funktion). Einsätze die mehr als 10 Jahre zurückliegen werden nicht berücksichtigt. Season Date Tournament Venue Status Invitation Category Requirement Delegation Yes/No Personal Closing Minimum Course Date Level 2021 Assessment Appraisal Schwerin David BWFc-Ref.- BWFc - CejnekBWFa-Ref. Ewald - NemecItric Katarina Michael - BECcSchlieben KlausShahhosseini - BECc SaraWolf - BECcDaniel - BECcBöhm Andreas -Herbst BECa Miriam - KöchelhuberBECa ThomasSteiner - BECaMichael Eckersberger- BECa MarkusKleindienst ClaudioMittermayr LukasPfeffer-Jaoul ClaireRudolf Britta Steurer Fabian Svoboda MichaelWetz Peter Jan-21 11.-16.01.2021 BWF World Junior Team Championships 2020 cancelled Auckland/NZL BWF - Grade 1 G BWF 9 6 12.-17.01.2021 Asia Open 1 new date Bangkok/THA BWF - Super 1000 N G BWF 14.-17.01.2021 Estonia International cancelled Tallinn/EST BEC - Int.
BADMINTON ASSOCIATION OF MALAYSIA ANNUAL REPORT LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2018 1 2 Contents Annual Report 2018 Page Notice of Meeting 5 Minutes of 73rd Annual General Meeting 7 Minutes of the Extra-Ordinary General Meeting 12 Annual Report 16 Sub-Committees Reports • Coaching & Training Committee 28 • Development Committee 44 • Tournament Committee 52 • Technical Officials Committee 60 • Coach Education Panel 66 • Marketing Committee 70 • Media & Communications Committee 78 • Rules, Discipline & Integrity Committee 84 • Building & Facilities Committee 88 • Para-Badminton Committee 98 • Appendices 102 • Audited Accounts 111 3 AFFILIATES Annual Report 2018 PERSATUAN BADMINTON MALAYSIA 4 NOTICE OF MEETING Annual Report 2018 5 NOTICE OF MEETING Annual Report 2018 6 AGM MEETING MINUTES Annual Report 2018 Minit Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Ke-73 Persatuan Badminton Malaysia / Badminton Association of Malaysia Minutes of 73rd Annual General Meeting Tarikh / Date : 28 April 2018 Masa / Time : 1.00pm Tempat / Venue : Auditorium, Akademi Badminton Malaysia HADIR / PRESENT YH. Dato’ Sri Mohamad Norza Zakaria President YBhg. Dato’ Wira Lim Teong Kiat Deputy President YBhg. Tan Sri Datuk Amar (Dr.) Hj Abdul Aziz Hj. Hussain Deputy President YBhg. Datuk Ng Chin Chai Hon. Secretary Mr. Mohd Taupik Hussain Hon. Asst. Secretary YBhg. Datuk V Subramaniam Hon. Treasurer YBhg. Dato’ Teoh Teng Chor Vice President (Kedah) YBhg. Datuk Dr. Khoo Kim Eng Vice President (Melaka) Mr. David Wee Toh Kiong Vice President (N.Sembilan) Mr. Kah Kau Kiak Vice President (Penang) Mr. Mat Rasid bin Jahlil Vice President (Johor) Dr. Naharuddin Hashim Vice President (Kelantan) Mr. A’amar Hashim Vice President (Perlis) YB Senator Dato’ Sri Khairudin bin Samad Vice President (Putrajaya) Mr.
DATE SPORT EVENTO SEDE Date da definire BASKET FEMMINILE Supercoppa Italiana Sede da definire Date da definire BEACH SOCCER Euro Beach Soccer League Varie sedi Data da definire CALCIO Supercoppa Italiana Sede da definire Date da definire FOOTBALL AMERICANO Europei - Fase Finale Sede da definire Date da definire HOCKEY GHIACCIO Euro Ice Hockey Challenge Sedi da definire Date da definire (seconda metà dell'anno) SCACCHI Mondiale: Carlsen vs Vincitore Torneo dei Candidati Sede da definire Date da definire TUFFI GRANDI ALTEZZE Il calendario completo verrà svelato a febbraio 2020 Varie sedi Date da definire (seconda metà dell'anno) VOLLEY MASCHILE Mondiale per Club Sede da definire Date da definire (seconda metà dell'anno) VOLLEY FEMMINILE Mondiale per Club Sede da definire Date da definire (seconda metà dell'anno) VOLLEY MASCHILE Supercoppa Italiana Sede da definire Date da definire (seconda metà dell'anno) VOLLEY FEMMINILE Supercoppa Italiana Sede da definire GENNAIO 12 dicembre - 1 gennaio FRECCETTE Mondiali Londra (Gran Bretagna) 28 dicembre - 5 gennaio SCI DI FONDO Tour de Ski Varie sedi 30 dicembre - 6 gennaio SALTO CON GLI SCI Tournée dei Quattro Trampolini Germania/Austria 1° gennaio CICLOCROSS DVV Verzekeringen - Trofee GP Sven Nys Baal (Belgio) 2-5 gennaio GOLF PGA Tour - Sentry Tournament of Champions Kapalua (USA) 3-5 gennaio BOB/SKELETON Coppa del Mondo Winterberg (Germania) 3-12 gennaio TENNIS ATP Cup Australia 4-5 gennaio SCI ALPINO Coppa del Mondo (slalom maschile e femminile) Zagabria (Croazia) 4-24 gennaio SCACCHI Mondiale
Grundlagen Für Die Einsatzplanung Österr. Tos - Internationale Turniere B-Kategorie Spesenbeitrag Max
A-Kategorie Spesenersatz ÖBV Grundlagen für die Einsatzplanung österr. TOs - Internationale Turniere B-Kategorie Spesenbeitrag max. € 200.- Die Beschickung erfolgt grundsätzlich nur durch die Technical Officials Commission (TOC) ! R……….Referee C-Kategorie Spesenbeitrag max. € 150.- U……….Umpire bestätigt vorgemerkt D-Kategorie kein Spesenbeitrag Basis ist eine vorliegende Einladung für das Turnier, die Kategorie und die Qualifikation des TOs. A……….Assessor E ….. BEC-Event Spesenersatz ÖBV, Beitrag von BEC € 200.- N…national, I…international, BEC…Badminton Europe Confederation a/c, BWF…Badminton World Federation a/c. a…Assessment Participant F ….. BWF-Event Spesenersatz ÖBV (Interkontinental max. 50%) (T)…mögliches Trainingsturnier für Kandidaten zum Intern. Umpire in Begleitung eines erfahrenen Intern. U. C……..Course Instructor G ….. BWF-Event Spesenübernahme BWF Die Kollegen sind höflichst aufgefordert Ihre Einsätzewünsche der TOC rasch bekannt zu geben. c……..Course Participant JA-JD ….. BEC-Junior Kategorien A-D wie oben beschrieben Die Zahlen geben die letzte Stelle des Jahres an, in dem das Turnier zuletzt besucht wurde (unabhängig von der Funktion). Einsätze die mehr als 10 Jahre zurückliegen werden nicht berücksichtigt. Season Date Tournament Venue Status Invitation Category Requirement Delegation Yes/No Personally Minimum Course Standard 2019 Assessment Appraisal Schlieben KlausSchwerin - BWFc David BWFa-Ref.- BWFc - CejnekBWFa-Ref. Ewald - BECcNemecItric Katarina Michael - BECcShahhosseini SaraBöhm - BECc Andreas -Herbst BECa Miriam - SteinerBECa Michael Wolf- BECa Daniel - BECaPfeffer-Jaoul ClaireKöchelhuber ThomasEckersberger MarkusSvoboda MichaelKüzler Christa Halasz Janos Tanczos Zoltan Jan-19 10.-13.01.2019 Estonia International Tallinn/EST BEC - Int. Series Y A I U R 4 5 6 17.-20.01.2019 Swedish Open Lund/SWE BEC - Int. Series Y A I 2 R 2 U U 24.-27.01.2019 Iceland International Reykjavik/ISL BEC - Future Series Y B I U 6 7 U 7 25.-27.01.2019 Swedish Junior Uppsala/SWE BEC - Junior Int.
WORLD SHUTTLOCTOBER - DECEMBER 2018 / EDITION NO.E 24 HSBC IN HEALTH DRIVE In keeping with its status as BWF’s Principal Global Partner and Global Development Partner, HSBC has been promoting active and healthy lifestyles through badminton. Last November, top badminton stars joined HSBC executives at ‘City Badminton’ in Hong Kong for an initiative by HSBC Life. This saw community groups, including the Hong Kong Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability, students from Pui Kiu College, local junior talents, HSBC staff and shoppers at host venue Olympian City two participate in badminton activities such as coaching clinics and play-to- win contests. They were also shown the physical and mental benefits of exercise. More than 3,000 people took part in this venture. Among those involved were HSBC’s Greater China Chief Executive Helen Wong; HSBC Life’s Hong Kong Chief Executive Officer Edward Moncreiffe; multiple Olympic gold medallist and world champion in men’s doubles, Fu Haifeng of China; 2017 men’s singles world champion, Viktor Axelsen of Denmark; and Olympic mixed doubles gold medallist and former World No.1 in men’s and mixed doubles, Lee Yong Dae of Korea. “As a leading life insurer in Hong Kong, helping build a healthier community is one of HSBC Life’s promises, and this is the reason why we have been supporting a number of initiatives through HSBC’s partnership with BWF,” said Moncreiffe. “We hope this can encourage people to lead an active life and start taking control of their wellbeing for both the body and the mind so that they can live longer, fitter and happier.” HSBC’s Greater China Chief Executive Helen Wong (left) on court with Chinese star, Fu Haifeng.
WORLD SHUTTLNOVEMBER 2017 - JANUARY 2018 / EDITIONE NO. 20 Celebrating the new HSBC BWF World Tour with a toast are (from left) BWF Secretary General Thomas Lund; BWF President Poul-Erik Høyer; Deputy Secretary General of Guangzhou City Government, Zhang Jianhua; Chief Executive Greater China of HSBC, Helen Wong; Deputy Director – General of Guangzhou Sports Administration, Lin Yan Fen; Vice Secretary General of the Chinese Badminton Association, Feng Pingshan; and Deputy Director – General of Guangzhou Sports Administration, Wu Min Chun. HIGHLIGHTS HONOUR FOR ‘MINIONS’, CHEN QINGCHEN (PAGE 5) SHUTTLING THROUGH 2017 (PAGES 11 & 12) BIGGERBadminton players are set to cash in big time from DubaiBUCKS to $120,000 and US$126,000 respectively. the Badminton World Federation’s remodelled Runners-up in both singles and doubles will pocket tournament circuit, now boasting almost US$13 US$60,000. million in prize money. KEY DATES The three HSBC BWF World Tour Super 1000 events As the new HSBC BWF World Tour revs up with – YONEX All England Championships, China Open 09-14 January Princess Sirivannavari Thailand Masters (Super 300), Bangkok its first four events in January, players are eyeing and Indonesia Open – are each offering at least 16-21 January Perodua Malaysia Masters (Super 500), Kuala Lumpur larger pay days this year. Collectively, the five-tier US$1 million in prize money. The Indonesia Open 23-28 January Daihatsu Indonesia Masters (Super 500), Jakarta HSBC BWF World Tour boasts US$12 million in is the most lucrative, giving away US$1.25 million, prize money while the 11 events in the sixth tour 30 Jan-04 Feb Yonex-Sunrise Dr.
Badminton savez Srbije_Kalendar događaja_2021 Nedelja Dan Mesec Naziv događaja Mesto Objekat Nivo Kategorija Uzrast Konkurencije 1 03-31. januar Trenažne aktivnosti u Nacionalnom badminton centru Beograd, Srbija Nacionalni badminton centar Nacionalni Bez ograničenja Bez ograničenja Sve konkurencije 5 01-28. februar Trenažne aktivnosti u Nacionalnom badminton centru Beograd, Srbija Nacionalni badminton centar Nacionalni Bez ograničenja Bez ograničenja Sve konkurencije 7 16-20. februar 2021 European Mixed Team Championships Vantaa, Finska Energia Arenaa Međunarodni Evropsko prvenstvo Seniori Sve konkurencije 7 21. februar Testiranje reprezentativaca Beograd, Srbija Nacionalni badminton centar Nacionalni Trenažne aktivnosti Bez ograničenja Sve konkurencije 8 23-26. februar Yonex France U17 Open 2021 - OTKAZANO Aire sur la Lys, Francuska Complexe Sportif Regional Međunarodni BEC U17 U17 MS/WS/MD/WD/XD 8 26-28. februar DECATHLON PERFLY Italian Junior 2021 - OTKAZANO Milan, Italija PalaBadminton Međunarodni Junior Int. Challenge U19 MS/WS/MD/WD/XD 9 01-31. mart Trenažne aktivnosti u Nacionalnom badminton centru Beograd, Srbija Nacionalni badminton centar Nacionalni Bez ograničenja Bez ograničenja Sve konkurencije 9 02-07. mart Yonex Swiss Open 2021 Bazel, Švajcarska St. Jakkobshalle Međunarodni BWF Super 300 Seniori MS/WS/MD/WD/XD 9 03-06. mart FZ Forza Slovak Open 2021 - OTKAZANO Trenčin, Slovačka Športove Centrum M_SPORT Trenčin Međunarodni Fut. Series Seniori MS/WS/MD/WD/XD 9 06. mart Međuškolski badminton turnir - Beograd 2021 Beograd, Srbija Nacionalni badminton centar Nacionalni Školsko takmičenje PU, 1-8. r. OŠ i 1-4. r. SŠ MS / WS 10 09-14. mart Yonex German Open 2021 - OTKAZANO Muelheim an der Ruhr, Nemačka Innogy Sporthalle Međunarodni BWF Super 300 Seniori MS/WS/MD/WD/XD 11 17-21.
COCTALES THE NEWSLETTER OF BWF TECHNICAL OFFICIALS OCTOBER 2020 • EDITION NO. 29 IMPROVING YOUR SOFT SKILLS By Gilles Cavert Chair – BWF Technical Official Commission Next year will definitely be a very exciting and demanding one for technical officials with numerous Grade 1 tournaments on top of our normal HSBC BWF World Tour: ▸ HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2020 (rescheduled) ▸ TOTAL BWF Sudirman Cup Finals 2021 ▸ Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games ▸ Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games ▸ TOTAL BWF Thomas & Uber Cup Finals 2020 (rescheduled) ▸ BWF World Senior Championships 2021 More ▸ BWF World Championships 2021 on Page ▸ BWF World Junior Championships 2021 2 ▸ HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2021 In the meantime, with very few tournaments remaining in 2020, we TOs have more time to work on our soft skills… EXPERIENCE AS A PARA BADMINTON THE RISK OF TECHNICAL DELEGATE CORRUPTION FOR BADMINTON By Günter Klützke TECHNICAL OFFICIALS Para badminton Technical Delegate When did you start getting involved By Chris Trenholme in Para badminton and how? Senior Technical Events Manager and Andy Hines-Randle In 1996, Dortmund, Germany - the town Senior Integrity Unit Manager where I was born and where I am still living – was host of the “Ruhr Olympics”. That was a Over the past several months, competition between youth teams of the cities corrupt activities took place of the Ruhr area including most of the sports More More on Page in a fellow summer Olympic on Page in the Olympic Games, and some others. 8 sport, involving technical 10 officials... PAGE
DOSSIER DE PRESSE EDITO. Le tournoi de Badminton d’Orléans va fêter ses 25 ans ! Que rêver de mieux pour cet anniversaire, qu’une accession dans le top 37 des tournois internationaux. La Badminton World Federation nous a accrédité pour la période 2018-2021 grade 2, level 6. Cela permettra d’accueillir plusieurs joueurs du top 20 mondial et de passer la compétition sur 6 jours. Le comité d’organisation est composé de vingt-deux personnes qui oeuvrent toute l’année pour la réussite de l’événement, à la fois dans l’accueil d’un public toujours plus nombreux, mais également dans celui des délégations de sportifs nationales et internationales. Il concourt, par son engagement, à la réussite d’un grand tournoi internatio- nal. Nous souhaitons que cette compétition laisse un héritage aux générations futures. C’est pour cela que nous nous engageons dans une démarche de développement durable et nous ac- cueillons plus de 2000 scolaires parmi lesquels peut-être les champions de demain. Notre tournoi se veut l’ambassadeur de la ville et plus largement de la Région, au niveau mon- dial. De ce fait, il contribue au rayonnement d’Orléans et de l’ensemble de ses partenaires à travers le monde. Rejoignez nous dans cette belle aventure ! Franck LAURENT, Président CLTO Badminton Event L’Orléans Masters, c’est... 300 joueurs/40 nations 10 000 spectateurs 220 bénévoles 75 000$ de prize-money NOUVEAUTÉS 2018. Orléans dans le top 37 mondial L’Orléans Masters est certifié BWF (Badminton World Federation) pour la période 2018-2021. Il fait ainsi partie des 37 meilleurs tournois du monde.
2019 Major Tournament Winners Men's Singles Women's Singles Men's Doubles Women's Doubles Mixed Doubles World Championships Kento Momota P
⇧ 2020 Back to Badzine Results Page ⇩ 2018 2019 Major Tournament Winners Men's singles Women's singles Men's doubles Women's doubles Mixed doubles World Championships Kento Momota P. V. Sindhu Mohammad Ahsan / Hendra Setiawan Mayu Matsumoto / Wakana Nagahara Zheng Siwei / Huang Yaqiong Level 2-4 (formerly Superseries) Malaysia Masters (Super 500) Son Wan Ho Ratchanok Intanon Marcus Fernaldi Gideon / Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo Yuki Fukushima / Sayaka Hirota Yuta Watanabe / Arisa Higashino Indonesia Masters (Super 500) Anders Antonsen Saina Nehwal Marcus Fernaldi Gideon / Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo Misaki Matsutomo / Ayaka Takahashi Zheng Siwei / Huang Yaqiong All England (Super 1000) Kento Momota Chen Yufei Mohammad Ahsan / Hendra Setiawan Chen Qingchen / Jia Yifan Zheng Siwei / Huang Yaqiong India Open (Super 500) Viktor Axelsen Ratchanok Intanon Lee Yang / Wang Chi Lin Greysia Polii / Apriyani Rahayu Wang Yilü / Huang Dongping Malaysia Open (Super 750) Lin Dan Tai Tzu Ying Li Junhui / Liu Yuchen Chen Qingchen / Jia Yifan Zheng Siwei / Huang Yaqiong Singapore Open (Super 500) Kento Momota Tai Tzu Ying Takeshi Kamura / Keigo Sonoda Mayu Matsumoto / Wakana Nagahara Dechapol Puavaranukroh / Sapsiree Taerattanachai Indonesia Open (Super 1000) Chou Tien Chen Akane Yamaguchi Marcus Fernaldi Gideon / Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo Yuki Fukushima / Sayaka Hirota Zheng Siwei / Huang Yaqiong Japan Open (Super 750) Kento Momota Akane Yamaguchi Marcus Fernaldi Gideon / Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo Kim So Yeong / Kong Hee Yong Wang Yilü / Huang Dongping Thailand Open
2020 Major Tournament Winners Men's Singles Women's Singles Men's Doubles Women's Doubles Mixed Doubles Olympic Games
⇧ 2021 Back to Badzine Results Page ⇩ 2019 2020 Major Tournament Winners Men's singles Women's singles Men's doubles Women's doubles Mixed doubles Olympic Games Level 2-4 (formerly Superseries) Malaysia Masters (Super 500) Kento Momota Chen Yufei Kim Gi Jung / Lee Yong Dae Li Wenmei / Zheng Yu Zheng Siwei / Huang Yaqiong Indonesia Masters (Super 500) Anthony Ginting Ratchanok Intanon Marcus Fernaldi Gideon / Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo Greysia Polii / Apriyani Rahayu Zheng Siwei / Huang Yaqiong All England (Super 1000) India Open (Super 500) Malaysia Open (Super 750) Singapore Open (Super 500) Thailand Open (Super 500) Indonesia Open (Super 1000) Korea Open (Super 500) China Open (Super 1000) Japan Open (Super 750) Denmark Open (Super 750) French Open (Super 750) Fuzhou China Open (Super 750) Hong Kong Open (Super 500) World Tour Finals Super 300 (formerly Grand Prix Gold) Thailand Masters Ng Ka Long Akane Yamaguchi Ong Yew Sin / Teo Ee Yi Chen Qingchen / Jia Yifan Marcus Ellis / Lauren Smith Spain Masters Viktor Axelsen Pornpawee Chochuwong Kim Astrup / Anders Skaarup Rasmussen Greysia Polii / Apriyani Rahayu Kim Sa Rang / Kim Ha Na German Open Swiss Open New Zealand Open Australian Open U.S. Open Chinese Taipei Open Macau Open Syed Modi International Korea Masters Super 100 (formerly Grand Prix) Lingshui China Masters Orleans Masters Canada Open Russian Open Hyderabad Open Japan Masters Vietnam Open Indonesia Masters Super 100 Dutch Open SaarLorLux Open Continental Championships Asian Championships European Championships Pan Am Championships
^HIGHLIGHTS^ THE ATHLETICS •Results of T&F Meets: • 1981 lOK Rankings •Columns by: -Florida • Results of Distance Runs: -W. MacDonald Miller -Philadelphia -National 20K & 50K -Mike Tymn -Orange -24 selected races -Ken Mueller -New Zealand •£ntry Forms for: -Phil Conley -Eastern Regionals •Eastern Regionals -Jim Weed -South Africa -Southwest Regionals •1982 Schedule Update -TFA Nationals -Seattle Sports Festival ^ National Masters News The only national publication devoted exclusively to track &field and long distance running for men and women over age 30 r W 45th Issue May 1982 $1.25 Four U.S. Marks Set 261 Compete Duarte, Thomas in Florida Win National 20K T&FChampionships from BOB LANGENBACH by BILL GENTRY KENT, WA, March 14—FrankDuarte, 40, and Patricia Thomas, 41, won the SARASOTA, Fla., March 13-14— TAC/Penn Mutual National 20 kilo Two hundred sixty-one competitors Irom meter championshipstoday as four U.S. eight states and Puerto Rico combined age-group records fell by the wayside. with sunny 80 degree weather to make Thomas, Clive Davies, Ruth Ander this the finest Florida State Masters son and Patricia Dixon established new meet in several years. U.S. bests for the distance among the Meet director Kent Wiley of host quality field of 110 runners. Manasota Track Club reported 70 meet Seattle's David Hambly immediately records broken. Shirley Smith set an went into the lead on the 2-lap course, American W45 high jump record of followed by Duarte, ofSanta Ana, Cal., 3' 10", bettering the mark of3'8", set by who took overjust before 1Ok (in a fast Irene Obera in July, 1980.