Original Scientific Publications in Peer-Review Journals

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Original Scientific Publications in Peer-Review Journals

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Original scientific publications in peer-review journals

A73. Folkvord A, R. Koedijk, V. Lokøy & A.K. Imsland (2010). Timing and selectivity of mortality in reared Atlantic cod revealed by otolith analysis. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 00: 000-000. A72. Seljeset, O., K.W. Vollset, A. Folkvord & A.J. Geffen (2010). The role of prey concentration and size range in the growth and survival of larval cod. Marine Biology Research, 6: 251-262. A71. Koedijk, R., N.R. le Francois, P.U. Blier, A. Foss, A. Folkvord, D. Ditlacadet, S.G. Lamarre, S.O. Stefansson & A.K. Imsland (2010). Ontogenetic effects of diet during early development on growth performance, myosin mRNA expression and metabolic enzyme activity in Atlantic cod juveniles reared at different salinities. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 156: 102-109. A70. Catalán, I.A., A. Folkvord, I. Palomera, A. Kallianiotis, G. Quílez, A. Tselepides & F. Kallianioti (2010). Inter and intra annual growth and feeding ecology patterns of early life stages of the European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the northeastern Aegean Sea (NE Mediterranean). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 86: 299-312. A69. Koedijk, R., A. Folkvord, A. Foss, K. Pittman, S.O. Stefansson, S. Handeland & A. Imsland (2010). The influence of first feeding diet on the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) phenotype; survival, development and long term consequences for growth. Journal of Fish Biology, 77: 1-19. A68. Hufthammer, A.K., H. Høie, A. Folkvord, A.J. Geffen, C.A. Andersson, & U.S. Ninnemann (2010). Seasonality of human site occupation based on stable oxygen isotope ratios of cod otoliths. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37: 78-83. A67. Bat, N.K., C.T. Vinh, A. Folkvord, A. Johannessen, K. Tsuchiya, S. Segawa, (2009). Age and growth of mitre squid Photololigo chinensis in the Tonkin Gulf of Vietnam based on statolith microstructure. La mer, 47: 57-65. A66. Vollset, K.W., Ø. Fiksen & A. Folkvord, A. (2009). Vertical distribution of larval cod (Gadus morhua) in experimental temperature gradients. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 379: 16-22. A65. Folkvord, A., Ø. Fiksen, H. Høie, A. Johannessen, E. Otterlei & K.W. Vollset (2009). What can size distributions within cohorts tell us about ecological processes in fish larvae? Scientia Marina, 74 (S1): 119-130. A64. Husebø, Å., E.K. Stenevik, A. Slotte, P. Fossum, A. Salthaug, F. Vikebø, S. Aanes & A. Folkvord (2009). Effects of hatching time on year-class strength in Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66: 1710- 1717. A63. Folkvord, A., H. Høie, A. Johannessen & T. Solbakken (2009). Effects of prey density, light regime and parental origin on growth and survival of herring larvae under controlled experimental conditions. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66: 1702-1709. A62. Vollset, K.W., O. Seljeset, Ø. Fiksen & A. Folkvord (2009). A common garden experiment of larval Northeast Arctic and Norwegian coastal cod cohorts in replicated mesocosms. Deep Sea Research II, 56: 1984-1991. A61. Busch, K.E.T., A. Folkvord, H. Otterå, W.F. Hutchinson & T. Svåsand (2009). Effects of female spawning experience and larval size on feeding and growth of cod larvae Gadus morhua L. reared in mesocosms. Marine Biology Research, 5: 286-296. A60. Urtizberea, A., Ø. Fiksen, A. Folkvord & X. Irigoien (2008). Modelling growth of larval anchovies including diel feeding patterns, temperature and body size. Journal of Plankton Research, 30(12): 1369-1383. A59. Li, L., H. Høie, H., A.J. Geffen, E. Heegaard, J. Skadal & A. Folkvord (2008). Back- calculation of previous fish size based on tagged and marked Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 65: 2496-2508. A58. Høie, H., Folkvord, A., Mosegaard, H., Li, L., Clausen L.A., Nordberg, B. and Geffen, A.J., (2008). Reduced feeding influence otolith opacity. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 24: 138-143. A57. Imsland, A.K., Foss, A., Koedijk, R., Folkvord, A., Stefansson, S.O. & Jonassen, T.M. 2007. Persistent growth effects of temperature and photoperiod in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. Journal of Fish Biology, 71: 1371-1382. A56. González-Quirós, R., I. Munuera A. & Folkvord (2007). Cell cycle analysis of brain cells as a growth index in larval cod at different feeding conditions and temperatures. Scientia Marina, 71: 485-497. A55. Tian, T., Fiksen, Ø., Folkvord, A. (2007). Estimating larval fish growth under size- dependent mortality: a numerical analysis of bias. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 64: 554-562. A54. Imsland, A.K., Foss, A., Alvseike, T., Folkvord, A., Stefansson, S.O. and Jonassen, T.M. (2007). Interaction between temperature and photoperiod on growth and feeding of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): possible long term effects. Canadian Journal of Aquatic and Fisheries Science, 64: 239-248. A53. Kristiansen, T., Fiksen, Ø. and Folkvord, A., (2007). Simulating early life history of pelagic fish larvae: model validation and the role of habitat selection. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 64: 136-151. A52. Bang, A., P. Grønkjær & A. Folkvord (2007). Possible fitness costs of high and low metabolic rates for larval herring Clupea harengus as determined by otolith microstructure. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 331: 233-242. A51. Meisfjord, J.,F. Midtøy & A. Folkvord (2006). Validation of daily increment deposition rate in otoliths of Limnothrissa miodon (Clupeidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 69: 1845- 1848. A50. Imsland, A. K., A. Foss, R. Koedijk, A. Folkvord, S.O. Stefansson & T.M. Jonassen (2006). Short- and long-term differences in growth, feed conversion efficiency and deformities in juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) startfed on rotifers and zooplankton. Aquaculture Research, 37: 1015-1027. A49. Caldarone, E.M., C.M. Clemmesen, E. Berdalet, T.J. Miller, A. Folkvord, G.J. Holt, M.P. Pilar & I.M. Suthers (2006). Intercalibration of four spectrofluorometric methods for measuring RNA-DNA ratios in larval and juvenile fish. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 4: 153-163. A48. Simonsen, C.S., P. Munk, A. Folkvord & S.A. Pedersen (2006). Feeding ecology of Greenland halibut and sandeel larvae off West Greenland. Marine Biology, 149: 937- 952. A47. Imsland, A.K., A. Foss, A. Folkvord, S.O. Stefansson, S.O., & T.M. Jonassen (2005). The interrelation between temperature regimes and fish size in juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): effects on growth and feed conversion efficiency. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 31: 347-361. A46. Imsland, A.K., A. Foss, A. Folkvord, S.O. Stefansson & T.M. Jonassen (2005). Genotypic response to photoperiod treatment in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Aquaculture, 250: 525-532. A45. Høie, H. & A. Folkvord (2006). Estimating the timing of growth rings in Atlantic cod otoliths using stable oxygen isotopes. Journal of Fish Biology, 68: 826-837. A44. Imsland A.K., A. Foss, G. Nævdal, T. Johansen, A. Folkvord, S.O. Stefansson & T.M. Jonassen (2005). Variations in growth in haemoglobin genotypes of Atlantic cod. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 30: 47-55. A43. Folkvord, A. (2005). Comparison of size-at-age of larval cod (Gadus morhua L.) from different populations based on size- and temperature-dependent models. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 62:1037-1052. (errata) A42. Folkvord, A., A. Johannessen & E. Moksness, E. (2004). Temperature dependent otolith growth in herring (Clupea harengus) larvae. Sarsia, 89: 297-310. A41. Skajaa K, A. Fernö & A. Folkvord (2004). Ontogenetic- and condition related effects of starvation on reaction rate in herring larvae (Clupea harengus L.) after repeated attacks with a model predator. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 312: 253-269. A40. Høie, H., C.A. Dahl, A. Folkvord & Ø. Karlsen, Ø. (2004). Precision and accuracy of stable isotope signals in otoliths of pen reared cod (Gadus morhua L.) when sampled with high resolution micromill. Marine Biology, 144: 1039-1049. A39. Høie H, E. Otterlei & A. Folkvord (2004). Temperature-dependent fractionation of oxygen isotopes in otoliths of juvenile cod (Gadus morhua L). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 61: 243-251. A38. Fox, C., A. Folkvord, & A.J. Geffen (2003). Otolith micro-increment formation in herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae growing under high and low growth rates. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 264: 83-94. A37. Skajaa K, A. Fernö & A. Folkvord (2003). Swimming, feeding and predator avoidance in cod larvae (Gadus morhua L.): trade-offs between hunger and predation risk. In H. Browman and A.B. Skiftesvik (editors). The Big Fish Bang: Proceedings of the 26th Annual Larval Fish Conference. pp. 105-121. A36. Høie, H., A. Folkvord & E. Otterlei (2003). Effect of somatic and otolith growth rate on stable isotopic composition of early juvenile cod (Gadus morhua L) otoliths. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 289: 41-58. A35. Tytler, P., C. Fox & A. Folkvord (2002). Glycoconjugates in the otolithic membranes of the larvae of herring; a framework for encoding the life history recorder in fish? Journal of Fish Biology, 61: 39-49. A34. Otterlei E., A. Folkvord & G. Nyhammer (2002). Temperature dependent otolith growth of larval and early juvenile cod (Gadus morhua). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 59: 401-410. A33. Johannessen, A., G. Blom, & A. Folkvord (2000). Differences in growth pattern between spring and autumn spawned herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae. Sarsia, 85: 461- 466. A32. Folkvord, A., G. Blom, A. Johannessen, & E. Moksness (2000). Growth dependent age estimation in herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae. Fisheries Research, 46: 91-103. A31. Otterlei, E., G. Nyhammer, A. Folkvord & S.O. Stefansson (1999). Temperature and size dependent growth of larval and juvenile cod (Gadus morhua L.) - a comparative study between Norwegian coastal cod and Northeast Arctic cod. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 56: 2099-2111. A30. Fiksen, Ø. & A. Folkvord (1999). Modelling growth and ingestion processes in herring larvae (Clupea harengus L.). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 184: 273-289. A29. Høie H, A. Folkvord & A. Johannessen (1999). The influence of different parental combinations and incubation temperature on the RNA and DNA content of herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae at hatching: a pilot study. Journal of Fish Biology 55: 110-118. A28. Høie, H., A. Folkvord & A. Johannessen, A. (1999). Maternal, paternal and temperature effects on otolith size of young herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae. Journal of experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 234:167-184. A27. Suneetha, K.B., A. Folkvord & A. Johannessen (1999). Responsiveness of selected condition measures of herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae to starvation, in relation to ontogeny and temperature. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 54:191-204. A26. Imsland, A.K., T. Nilsen & A. Folkvord (1998). Stochastic simulation of size-variation in turbot: possible causes analysed with an individual-based model. Journal of Fish Biology, 53, 237-258. A25. Sunde, L.M., A.K. Imsland, A. Folkvord & S.O. Stefansson (1998). Effects of size grading on growth and survival in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) reared at two temperatures. Aquaculture International, 6: 19-32. A24. Blom, G., A. Folkvord, A. Johannessen & P. Fossum (1997). Interannual variations in condition indices of larval Norwegian spring-spawning herring (Clupea harengus). Journal of Fish Biology, 51 (Suppl. A): 370-384. A23. Folkvord, A., K. Rukan, A. Johannessen & E. Moksness (1997). Early life history of herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae in contrasting feeding environments determined otolith microstructure analysis. Journal of Fish Biology, 51 (Suppl. A): 250-263. A22. Blom, G., & A. Folkvord (1997). A snapshot of intracohort cannibalism in juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in a marine pond. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 13: 177- 182. A21. Imsland, A.K., A. Folkvord, Jónsdóttir, O.D.B. & S.O. Stefansson (1997). Effect of exposure to different photoperiods during the first winter on long-term growth and age at first maturity in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus Rafinesque). Aquaculture, 159: 125-141. A20. Bergstad, O.A. & A. Folkvord (1997). Dispersal of tagged juvenile turbot Scophthalmus maximus on the Norwegian Skagerrak coast. Fisheries Research, 29: 211-215. A19. Imsland, A.K., A. Folkvord, G. Grung, S.O. Stefansson & G.L. Taranger (1997). Sexual dimorphism in growth and maturation of turbot, Scophthalmus maximus Rafinesque. Aquaculture Research, 28: 101-114. A18. Folkvord, A., L. Ystanes, A. Johannessen & E. Moksness (1996). RNA/DNA ratios and growth of herring (Clupea harengus) larvae reared in mesocosms. Marine Biology, 126: 591-602. A17. Imsland, A.K., L.M. Sunde, A. Folkvord & S.O. Stefansson (1996). The interaction of temperature and size on growth of juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus Rafinesque) reared under culture conditions. Journal of Fish Biology, 49: 926-940. A16. Folkvord, A., I.M. Haaland, I.M., O. Grahl-Nielsen & A. Johannessen (1996). Fatty acid composition of herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae off western Norway. Sarsia, 80: 299-305. A15. Stenevik, E.K., P. Fossum, A. Johannessen & A. Folkvord (1996). Identification of larvae of Norwegian spring spawning herring from spawning grounds off south- western Norway applying otolith microstructure analysis. Sarsia, 80: 285-292. A14. Hallaråker, H., A. Folkvord & S.O. Stefansson (1995). Growth of juvenile halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) related to temperature, day length and feeding regime. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 34: 139-147. A13. Imsland, A.K., A. Folkvord & S.O. Stefansson (1995). Growth, oxygen consumption and activity of juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) reared under different temperatures and photoperiods. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 34: 149-159. A12. Folkvord, A. & E. Moksness (1995). RNA/DNA ratios and growth of herring larvae. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 121: 311-312. A11. Folkvord, A., V. Øiestad & P.G. Kvenseth (1994). Growth-patterns of three cohorts of Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua L.) in a mesocosm. ICES Journal of marine Science, 51: 325-336. A10. Folkvord, A., G. Blom, O. Dragesund, A. Johannessen, O. Nakken & G. Nævdal (1994). A conceptual framework for enhancing and stabilizing recruitment of marine fish stocks. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, 25 (suppl. 1): 245-258. A9. Folkvord, A. (1993). Prey recognition in stomachs of cannibalistic juvenile cod (Gadus morhua L.). Sarsia, 78: 97-100. A8. Otterå, H. & A. Folkvord (1993). Allometric growth in juvenile cod (Gadus morhua L.) and possible effects on cannibalism. Journal of Fish Biology, 43: 643-645. A7. Folkvord, A. & H. Otterå (1993). Effects of initial size distribution, day length and feeding frequency on growth, survival and cannibalism in juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). Aquaculture, 114: 243-260. A6. Nævdal, G., A. Folkvord, E. Otterlei & S. Torkhildsen (1992). Growth related to genotype of 0-group cod at three environmental temperatures. Sarsia, 77: 71-73. A5. Booman, C., A. Folkvord & J.R. Hunter (1991). Responsiveness of starved Northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) larvae to predatory attacks by adult anchovy. Fishery Bulletin U.S., 89: 707-711. A4. Folkvord, A. (1991). Growth, survival and cannibalism of cod juveniles (Gadus morhua L.): effects of feed type, starvation and fish size. Aquaculture, 97: 41-59. A3. Øiestad, V., T. Pedersen, A. Folkvord, Å. Bjordal & P.G. Kvenseth (1987). Automatic feeding and harvesting of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) in a pond. Modelling Identification and Control, 8(1): 39-46. A2. Folkvord, A. & J.R. Hunter (1986). Size specific vulnerability of northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, larvae to predation by fishes. Fishery Bulletin U.S., 84: 859-869. A1. Øiestad, V., P.G. Kvenseth & A. Folkvord (1985). Mass production of Atlantic cod juveniles Gadus morhua in a Norwegian saltwater pond. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 114: 590-595.

(other manuscripts not yet accepted are not listed here)

Other scientific publications with original content

B18. Kristiansen, T., Ø. Fiksen & A. Folkvord (2005). Larval cod in ponds and models: the role of habitat selection. Globec International Newsletter, 11(1): 22. B17. Belchier, M., Clemmesen, C., Cortés, D., Doan, A., Folkvord, A., García, A., Geffen, A.J., Høie, H., Johannessen, A., Moksness, E., Pontual, H.de., Rámirez, T., Schnack, D., and Sveinsbø, B. (2004). Recruitment studies: Manual of tools for recruitment studies. ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Science 35 pp. B16. Salvanes A, D. Aksnes, A. Folkvord, M. Hordnes, F. Midtøy, J. Nejstgaard, E. Otterlei, J. Skjæraasen, T. Sørnes & A. Utne-Palm (2003). Environmental influence on fish stocks. IFM Rapport, 21 pp. B15. Høie, H., A. Folkvord & A. Johannessen (2000). A multivariate analysis of condition of herring larvae from different environmental conditions. ICES CM 2000/R:04, 10 pp. B14. Fiksen, Ø., E. Otterlei & A. Folkvord (2000). Experiments and models as reciprocal tools to understand environmental links in recruitment dynamics. ICES CM 2000/R:02, 8 pp. B13. Folkvord A., E. Otterlei & A. Svardal A (1999). Alkylerte fenolers hormonelle virkning på torsk - generasjonseffekter. Vekst, overlevelse og kjønnsdifferensiering. IFM Rapport nr. 15, 11 pp. B12. Fiksen, Ø., & A. Folkvord (1999). Maternal effects and the benefit of yolk supply in cod larvae in different environments - a simulation model. ICES CM 1999/Y:21, 6 pp. B11. Folkvord, A., G. Blom, J.V. Helvik, B.I. Holmqvist, A. Johannessen, E. Otterlei & S.O. Stefansson. (1998). Teori- og eksperimentbasert studie av rekruttering hos marin fisk- Sluttrapport fra del I av Strategisk Program. IFM Rapport, nr. 7, 46 pp. B10. Folkvord, A. & A. Johannessen. (1998). Otolitt mikrostruktur hos sild, presisjon, nøyaktighet og anvendelse. IFM Rapport nr. 1, 19 pp. B9. Moksness, E., K. Rukan, L. Ystanes, A. Folkvord & A. Johannessen (1995). Comparison of somatic and otolith growth in North Sea herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae; evaluation of growth dynamics in mesocosms. In D.H. Secor, S.E. Campana & J.M. Dean (editors), Fish otolith research and application. University of South Carolina Press, pp. 119-134. B8. Johannessen, A., G. Blom, A. Folkvord & H. Svendsen (1995). The effect of local wind on the distribution of Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae. In H.R. Skjoldal, C. Hopkins, K.E. Erikstad and H.P. Leinaas (editors), Ecology of fjords and coastal waters. Elsevier, pp. 365-384. B7. Folkvord, A. (1993). Experimental studies of growth and mortality of larval and juvenile cod (Gadus morhua L.) with special emphasis on cannibalism. Dr. scient. thesis, University of Bergen, 153 pp. ISBN 82-7744-003-0. B6. Folkvord, A. & H. Otterå (1991). Effects of size distribution, feeding and light regime on growth and survival of cod juveniles in tanks. In P. Lavens, P. Sorgeloos, E. Jaspers & F. Ollevier (editors), Larvi '91 - Fish and crustacean larviculture symposium. European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication no. 15, Ghent, Belgium, pp. 299- 300. B5. Folkvord, A. (1989). Growth and cannibalism of cod fry, (Gadus morhua L.) in intensive systems. In N. De Pauw, E. Jaspers, H. Ackefors & N. Wilkins (editors), Aquaculture - A biotechnology in progress. European Aquaculture Society, Bredene, Belgium, pp. 133-138. B4. Øiestad, V., A. Folkvord & P.G. Kvenseth (1985). Growth-patterns of Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua L.) from first feeding to metamorphosis studied in a mesocosm. ICES C.M 1985/Minisymposium/no.9. B3. Folkvord, A., P.G. Kvenseth, T. Pedersen & V. Øiestad (1985). Mass production of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) in a pond: results and new approaches in 1985. ICES C.M.1985/F:63. B2. Folkvord, A. (1985). Size specific vulnerability of northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) larvae to predation by fishes. M.Sc. thesis University of California, San Diego. 92 pp. B1. Øiestad, V., P.G. Kvenseth & A. Folkvord (1983). Mass production of cod fry in a pond in western Norway, with additional feeding post metamorphosis. ICES C.M. 1983/F:5.

Overview papers, reviews, book chapters, synopsis etc.

C6. Mosegaard, H., Folkvord, A., & Wright, P.J. (2002). Chapter V. Some uses of individual age data. Part B. Ecological applications. In J. Panfili, H. Troadec, H. de Pontual & P.J. Wright (editors). Manual of fish sclerochronology. Brest, France. Ifremer-IRD coedition, pp. 167-178. C5. Folkvord, A. & H. Mosegaard (2002). Chapter V. Some uses of individual age data. Part A. Age and growth analysis. In Panfili, J., H. Troadec, H. de Pontual & P.J. Wright (editors). Manual of fish sclerochronology. Brest, France. Ifremer-IRD coedition, pp. 146-166. C4. Wright, P.J., J. Panfili, A. Folkvord, H. Mosegaard & J. Meunier (2002). Chapter IV. Validation methods. Part A. Direct validation. In Panfili, J., H. Troadec, H. de Pontual & P.J. Wright (editors). Manual of fish sclerochronology. Brest, France. Ifremer-IRD coedition, pp. 114-127. C3. Butler, J.L. & A. Folkvord (2000). Editorial. Section 2: Estimation of fish age and growth. Fisheries Research, 46: 51-52. C2. Folkvord, A. (1997). Ontogeny of cannibalism in larval and juvenile fish with special emphasis on cod, Gadus morhua L. In R.C. Chambers. and E.D. Trippel (editors), Early life history and recruitment in fish populations. Chapman and Hall Ltd., London, pp. 251-278. C1. Folkvord, A., H.B. Botnen & P.G. Kvenseth (1991). Erfaringer med oppdrett av torskeyngel i poller i Sør-Norge. In J.C. Holm and T. Svåsand (editors), Håndbok i torskeoppdrett. Havforskningsinstituttets Senter for Havbruk, pp. 82-95. ISBN 82- 7461-025-3.

Popular scientific publications

D13. Folkvord, A. (2005). Gamle øresteiner gir ny kunnskap. Interview in ”På høyden”, 4 nov. D12. Folkvord, A. (199X). Otolitter- fiskens ferdsskriver, Interview by N. Kirkereide in ”Bergens Tidende”, D11. Folkvord, A. m. fl. (1996). Interview in ”Forskning”. Nr. 3. Unike eksperimenter med fiskelarver D11. Folkvord, A. (1993). Kannibalisme hos torsk, Interview in NRK radio programme “Ni- timen” 11 Oct. D10. Folkvord, A. (1990). Produksjon av torskeyngel i Sør-Norge. Foredrag holdt ved konferansen "Teknologiske utfordringer ved oppdrett av marin fisk", Svolvær, 27 s. D9. Folkvord, A. (1990). Oppdrett av torsk - praktiske problemstillinger. Foredrag holdt ved konferansen "Teknologiske utfordringer ved oppdrett av marin fisk", Svolvær, 15 s. D8. Folkvord, A. (1989). Hva trengs for å gjøre yngeloppdrett av torsk og piggvar mindre kostnadskrevende? Foredrag holdt på Ny-Fisk møte i Bergen 8 nov., 9 s. D7. Folkvord, A. (1987). Havbruk – ti millioner torskelarver. Interview by O.G. Herland in ”Teknisk Ukeblad”, nr. 22, pp. 20-21. D6. Folkvord, A. (ed.) (1987). Oppdrett av torsk. En veiledning i torskeoppdrett for kunder av Sea Farm A/S. 37 s. D5. Folkvord, A. (1986). Sjøvannspoller - en ny og viktig ressurskilde for produksjon av marin yngel. 8 s. Fra NITO konferanse om lokalisering av akvakulturanlegg, Stavanger 9-11 juni. D4. Folkvord, A., K.E. Naas, K.Ø. Midling & H. Næss (1986). Torsk uten grenser: utsetting av småtorsk, såkalt kulturbetinget fiske. 7 min video film. D3. Naas, K.E., H. Næss & A. Folkvord (1985). Flatfisk 1985. 10 min video film. D2. Folkvord, A. & H. Næss (1985). The cod takes off. 10 min video film. D1. Fosseidengen, J.E., P.G. Kvenseth & A. Folkvord (1983). The cod is coming! 10 min video film.

Abstract with content not published in other form

E12. Vollset, K.W., A. Folkvord, Ø. Fiksen (2007). Vertical distribution of cod larvae at early life stages: positioning according to thermoclines in experimental columns. Poster at Meeting, Lisboa, Portugal 2007. E11. Morales-Nin, B., R. Millner, A. Lombarte, H. Mosegaard, P. Wright, A. Geffen, A. Folkvord, J. Cabestany (2004). IBACS: Integrated approach to the biological basis of age estimation in commercially important fish species. Poster at Third international symposium on fish otolith research and application, Townsville Australia, 11 – 16 July 2004. E10. Folkvord, A. (2004). Temperature-dependent otolith growth responses in cod larvae– pitfalls and potentials. Poster at Third international symposium on fish otolith research and application, Townsville Australia, 11 – 16 July 2004. E9. Solbakken T., Folkvord A, Høie H., Johannessen A. (2002). Otolith growth of North Sea herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae reared at different day length and prey density. Poster presented at the Larval Fish Conference, July 22-26, Os, Norway. E8. Lokøy, V., A. Folkvord & I. Rønnestad (2002). Energy allocation in larvae of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Poster presented at the World Aquaculture Symposium, April 23-27, Beijing, China. E7. Folkvord, A., E. Otterlei & Ø. Fiksen (2001). Laboratory and field estimates of larval growth of cod: how do they compare? ICES CM 2001/Theme session V (abstract). E6. Flyum, M.H., Ø. Fiksen & A. Folkvord (1999). Length dependent swimming cost and predation risk in herring larvae (Clupea harengus L.). Poster presented at ICES Annual Science conference, Sept. 29- Oct. 2, Stockholm, Sweden. E5. Skajaa, K, A. Fernö & A. Folkvord (1999). Who gets tired first, the hungry or the satiated. Poster presented at NHF meeting, Nov. 3-5, Geilo, Norway. E4. Folkvord, A., A. Johannessen, E. Moksness & P. Fossum (1997). Temperature- dependent otolith growth in herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae. Poster presented at “Ichthyoplankton ecology symposium”, The Fisheries Society of the British Isles Annual International Symposium, July 8-11 1997, Galway, Ireland E3. Grung, G. L., A. Imsland, G.L. Taranger, A. Folkvord & B. Norberg. (1996). Estradiaol-17 (and testosterone in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) during their first maturation cycle. Poster presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology, May 27-31, Hakodate, Japan. E2. Gundersen, G., J. Giske & A. Folkvord. (1996). Impact on birth date on early life growth and survival of Maurolicus muelleri larvae. Poster presented at annual meeting in the American Fisheries Society, New Orleans, USA. E1. Otterlei, E., A. Folkvord & D. Møller (1994). Effects of temperature and density on growth, survival and cannibalism of cod juveniles (Gadus morhua L.). ICES marine Science Symposia, 198: 632. Poster presented at Rekjavik, Iceland. Abstracts with content published in other scientific publications

F20. Jung, K., S. Sundby, A. Thorsen, A. Folkvord, A. & O.S. Kjesbu (2009). Bio-physical properties of Norwegian coastal cod eggs. Poster presented at ICES Annual Science Meeting, September, Berlin, Germany. F19. Folkvord, A., R. Koedijk & V. Lokøy (2009). Use of otolith studies in marine juvenile fish production. Poster presented at the Fourth International Otolith Symposium, August 24-28, Monterey, California. F18. Koedijk, R., Foss, A., Folkvord, A., Stefansson, S.O. & Imsland, A.K. 2008. First feeding diet determines the adaptive response to changess in salinity in Atlantic cod juveniles (Gadus morhua). Poster presented at Tromsø. F17. Vollset, K., O. Seljeset, A. Folkvord & Ø. Fiksen (2007). A comparative study of early life stages of Northeast Arctic cod and Norwegain coastal cod: Growth and survival in replicated common garden mesocosms. Poster presented at EcoNorth, March 12-15, Tromsø, Norway. F16. Hufthammer, A.K., H.I. Høie, C.A. Dahl, A. Folkvord, A.J. Geffen, O.F. Bratbak, L. Jaksland & U.S. Ninnemann (2006). Mesolithic seasonal sea temperatures revealed from stable isotope analysis of cod otoliths. Poster presented at Ocean Science meeting, November 1-3, Oslo, Norway F15. Seljeset, O., K.W. Vollset, A. Folkvord & A.J.Geffen (2006). Importance of prey abundance an size spectra for growth and survival of larval cod. Poster at Larval Fish Conference 2006, Lake Placid, NY, USA. F14. Calderone, E., C. Clemmesen, E. Berdalet, T.J. Miller, A. Folkvord, G.J. Holt, M.P. Olivar & I.M. Suthers (2005). Intercalibration of four spectrofluorometric methods for measuring RNA-DNA ratios in larval and juvenile fish. Poster at the Larval Fish Conference, July 11-14, Barcelona, Spain. F13. Imsland, A.K., A. Foss, G. Nævdal, A. Folkvord, S.O. Stefansson & T.M Jonassen (2004). Variations in growth and optimal temperature for growth in haemoglobin genotypes of Atlantic cod. Poster presented at Aquaculture Europe ’04, Barcelona, Spain, 20-23 October 2004. F12. Geffen, AJ, A. Folkvord, C. Fox (2004). Larval herring otoliths: coping with reality. Poster at Third international symposium on fish otolith research and application, Townsville Australia, 11 – 16 July 2004. F11. Folkvord, A. (2004). Comparison of size-at-age of larval cod (Gadus morhua L.) from different populations based on size- and temperature-dependent models. Poster at ICES Fish and climate symposium, Bergen, Norway, May 11-14 2004. F10. Johannessen, A., G. Blom & A. Folkvord (1998). Differences in otolith and somatic growth between spring and autumn spawned herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae. Poster presented at the Second International Symposium on Fish Otolith Research and Application, June 20-25, Bergen, Norway. F9. Otterlei, E., G. Nyhammer, A. Folkvord & S.O. Stefansson (1997). Temperature and size dependent growth of larval and juvenile cod (Gadus morhua L.) - a comparative study between Arcto-Norwegian and Norwegian coastal cod. Poster presented at The Fisheries Society of the British Isles Annual International Symposium, July 8-11 1997, Galway, Irland F8. Høie, H., A. Folkvord, A. Johannessen & E. Moksness (1996). Genetic and environmental effects on hatch-check size and formation in herring (Clupea harengus L.) otoliths. Poster presented at annual meeting in the American Fisheries Society, New Orleans, USA. F7. Folkvord, A., I.M. Haaland, O. Grahl-Nielsen & A. Johannessen (1994). Fatty acid composition of herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae from two different spawning sites. Poster presented at MareNor symposium, Tromsø, Norway. F6. Stenevik, E.K., P. Fossum, A. Johannessen & A. Folkvord (1994). Identification of larvae of Norwegian spring spawning herring from spawning grounds off south-western Norway applying otolith microstructure analysis. Poster presented at MareNor symposium, Tromsø, Norway. F5. Johannessen, A., G. Blom, A. Folkvord & H. Svendsen (1994). Distribution, prey availability and growth of early Norwegian spring-spawning herring larvae. Poster presented at MareNor symposium, Tromsø, Norway. F4. Sunde, L.M., A. Folkvord, A. Imsland & S.O. Stefansson (1993). Effects of grading on growth of juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) at two temperatures. Poster presented at Early life history symposium, Bergen, Norway F3. Hallaråker, H., A. Folkvord, K. Pittman & S.O. Stefansson (1993). Growth of halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) related to temperature, light period and feeding regime. Poster presented at Early life history symposium, Bergen, Norway F2. Moksness, E., K. Rukan, L. Ystanes, A. Folkvord & A. Johannessen (1993). Comparison of somatic and otolith growth in North Sea herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae; evaluation of growth dynamics in mesocosms. Poster presented at Otolith research and application, Hilton Head, South Carolina, USA. F1. Folkvord, A. & H. Otterå (1991). Effects of size distribution, feeding and light regime on growth and survival of cod juveniles in tanks. Poster presented at Larvi '91, Ghent, Belgium.

Other publications

G10. Meier, S., G. Nyhammer, T.E. Andersen, J. Klungsøyr, A. Folkvord & A. Svardal (2004). Effekter av produksjonsvann på egg- og larveutvikling samt kjønnsdifferensiering hos torsk. Final report for NFR project, 56 pp. G9. Folkvord, A. (2001). Lecture notes for course BFM 337 “Selected topics in recruitment biology in marine fish” (- figures), 12 pp. G8. Moksness, E., M. Belchier, C. Clemmesen, D. Cortés, A. Doan, A. Folkvord, A. García, A.J. Geffen, H. Høie, A. Johannessen, H. de Pontual, T. Rámirez, & D. Schnack (2000). Precision and Accuracy of tools in Recruitment Studies (PARS). Final Report FAIR- CT96-1371. 359 pp. G7. Folkvord, A. & G. Blom (2000). Torskeutredning for SND-2000. Intensiv produksjon av torskeyngel. Delrapport, 7 s. G6. Garcia, A., D.C. Delgado, T.R. Cardenas, A.L. Lara, & A. Folkvord (1997). Daily growth and condition of Mediterranean sardine, Sardinops pilchardus, larvae reared in the laboratory. Large Scale Facilities Report, 9 s. G5. Folkvord, A. (1994). Introductory statistics for Norad students- an evaluation. 9 s. G4. Johannessen, A., G. Blom & A. Folkvord (1993). IFM report. Toktrapport med H. Mosby 14-24 apr. 1993. G3. Folkvord, A. & A. Johannessen (1992). Toktrapport med H. Mosby 4-13 apr. 1992. G2. Sea Farm A/S og A.R. Reinertsen (1988). Rapport til Statoil/Statkraft. Akvakultur. Utnyttelse av spillvarme fra gasskraftverket på Haugsneset (Kårstø). 243 s. Kap. 4,8,9 om yngel- og matfiskproduksjon av piggvar, 47 pp. G1. Folkvord, A., J.C. Holm & M. Milinski (1986). Applied behavioural ecology in Norwegian cod and salmon farming - Questions for basic research. Fisk. Dir. Avd. Akvakultur. Blå serie nr.14, (presented at 1986 Summer Symposium Fisheries Society of the British Isles. The behaviour of fishes. University of Wales. 14-17 juli 1986), 8 pp.

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