Regular/Organizational Meeting Of s1

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Regular/Organizational Meeting Of s1

JULY 2016 AUGUST 2016 S M T W Th F S S M T W Th F S 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 31 CITY OF NOWTHEN PARK AND RECREATION MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2016 7:00 P.M.

Present: Judy Herrala Cassie Reis Joe Glaze Dan Williams Paul Reighard Chris Basset Absent: Peter Carpenter

Herrala opened the meeting at: 7:07 pm

 Approve/Amend Meeting Agenda Herrala would like to add, under old business: D. Disc golf sign E. Heritage Festival Foosball F. Archery update G. Ice updates Herrala - motion to approve Agenda as is  Approve/Amend May 3, 2016, May 9th (Special Meeting Minutes) Herrala has a couple corrections: Spelling on 1st page, 3rd bullet in middle the word “Quorum” is spelled incorrectly, twice in that line. On page 2, under A event permit, 7th line down, take the (s) out of resident. On page 3, 3rd line down, fees is spelled wrong. 5th line down should say that a non-resident not non-residents. Page 4, 3rd line down, at end “t” on the word not, should say No. Herrala moves to accept the Tues. May 3rd minutes as Amended. Seconded by Reis. All in favor - Motion carried

 Special minutes of May 9th Herrala moves to accept as printed. Seconded by Reis. All in favor – motion carries

1). Floor Items None

2). Old Business:

a) Facility Use Permit – application update Herrala received a couple of changes by some Council Members, but is still waiting on other Council Members, that haven’t turned theirs in yet. City of Nowthen July 13, 2016 Page 2 Parks & Rec Meeting

b) Human Foosball Location This is still on the agenda because it never went to Council. The Council never voted on this. Herrala would like to make a motion to move to Council. Lack of 2nd, Motion dies Herrala asks what are we going to do with this now? Williams said that the last time it was voted there were 4 options. Since then, Williams has been to the park many times and asked residents their opinions. Nobody wanted it by the dog owners and said it was too far away, and now with foliage, nobody would see it, plus it would divide families The park is the destination. The foosball is just a component of that destination and it should be where the people are. It would be ideal to have it by the beach, where people can play human foosball, jump in the water, and cool off, play again, etc; which would make the grassy knoll the best place. Glaze and Williams went over and saw that just west of the pavilion. Glaze would put some numbers together to haul in fill in the fall, so we don’t disrupt the grass and the sidewalk. He would rather put it in a location that it will succeed, rather than fail. Williams has been going there for 23 years, he knows the people, he knows the park. The primary place where people lay out to suntan, is the septic hill, not the grassy knoll. Herrala said this was already voted on and now Williams is going ahead and changing the plans without the rest of the committee. Williams insists that nobody wants it where it was voted to go, and it makes no sense to put it away from the beach. Bassett asked that Williams show on the map what location he is recommending. Location #3 on the map is where Williams is where he is recommending. Herrala said there’s a lot of brush where trees have blown down at one point. We have tried to grow new trees in that area. Reighard agreed that the Committee did vote on this, but he had chosen to table it. At that time, he had missed the regular scheduled meeting and didn’t have the minutes. This meant that he didn’t have all the detail in order to properly represent this, as the Park and Recreation Committee Liason, at the City Council Meeting. When the special meeting took place, Williams wanted to discuss it, but it couldn’t be talked about there. And Reighard didn’t think it was time sensitive. Herrala mentioned she was there and could have helped with it, and questioned if it is the Liason’s choice to table things? We have worked hard to get this prepared for the Council 4 to 1 vote and she felt it should have gone to Council. Herrala asked if the group wanted to discuss this further. Reighard said this is not the first time something has been tabled at the Council level and sent back to us. City of Nowthen July 13, 2016 Page 3 Parks & Rec Meeting

Williams would like to have the location be as close to the beach as possible, and insists that this is what the residents want. Williams said that Glaze has agreed that this can happen next year and it will get him time to get the area prepared. Williams said that this Committee is not representing the people like they should be. Reis disagreed with Williams’ comment that the Committee is not representing the people and their opinions do not matter and also struggling with the long term plan of the Twin Lakes Park in general. At the last meeting, other games were brought up too and the human foosball will take up a lot of the park. And Williams is saying that if it’s anywhere other than this very concentrated area, nobody is going to play it. Is this a trend? Which game is a trend, because at some point we are going to run out of park space. We need to make sure we are wisely using our space and making good decisions for our community. Williams said that these areas have been doing nothing for over 20 years. These games would be easy to remove, if a different option comes up. It would be different, if we were putting a building up. Herrala said that we need to figure out what to do with this now - go to Council or table it? Reighard said that his understanding is not that the Park & Recreation Committee thinks it’s a bad idea, it’s the location. In his opinion, he doesn’t like the fact of putting it in between the pavilion and the lake because of the view. Reighard said that he knows Williams has another option of using a different “non used” space, and understands the importance of keeping the games in a central place. Herrala stated that it would be location #2 on the map, so it’s not another option. This was an option in the beginning. Williams said that Glaze and he marked out a new area, but not location #2. Williams would like to make a motion to table it and discuss at the next meeting and suggests that anyone doubting should come to the park and ask questions. Bassett said that looking back at the May 3rd notes, there was a 4th spot noted. The 4th was over by the dog owners. It says that Glaze had suggested it would open up more space for the future. There were 4 locations and it sounds like #2 is where Williams is suggesting. Bassett thinks that the human foosball is a great idea, but that it’s not the most attractive looking game. Bassett feels it is an eye sore that it wouldn’t be a good idea to have it out where it’s visible. He knows the game will get used, but it’s not a pretty sight and feels we could lose the whole asthetic look of the park. Bassett would like to see it by the dog park. We receive many compliments on how beautiful our park is and we don’t want to ruin that. Williams said it wouldn’t block the view of the beach. Williams would like to invite everyone to come down to the park before the next meeting. Reighard stated that it would be very advantageous for City of Nowthen July 13, 2016 Page 4 Parks & Rec Meeting

everyone to know where this location is. Glaze and Williams can put stakes out. Herrala asked if there’s a second to Williams motion to table. Reis seconds to discuss at the next meeting. All in favor of tabling til next meeting. All in favor except Herrala. Motion passes.

c) Park Map Update Reighard forwarded information to Shane, based on what was reviewed and what the cost would be, but hasn’t heard anything back yet. He was told that Shane was on vacation last week so that may be why he hasn’t heard. Herrala said the Lions are working on their 5k and wanted to use that new map. Reighard has a map or can create something on a smaller scale for them. Herrala will work with Reighard on that.

d. Disc golf sign – Reighard is working on a sign, but mentioned that the sign shop is extremely busy right now. He needs to know the exact verbage, size and color. Reighard’s source got a new printer and can get a 3M film with any kind of background film we would want. Glaze recommended a 12 x 12 sign, green in color, saying “Disc Golf” and the words “The City of Nowthen” somewhere on the sign. Glaze mentioned that previous signs have been stolen so if we at least have “The City of Nowthen” on them, it may deter from getting stolen. Glaze said that the Fishing Pier sign got stolen too and it would be nice to get that replaced. Reighard mentioned that he gets them for free so he doesn’t want to ask for too much, but he would see what he could do.

e. Heritage Foosball – The Heritage Festival Committee would like to have foosball at their event again this year. Williams said he is not interested in helping, but mentioned that if it was a permanent foosball area set up, he would. He also said that Gretchen, who has helped in the past, is also not interested this year. Gretchen provided the hay, but now that she’s not interested, we would also need to locate another source for the hay. Herrala said we need to know whether or not we are doing it. Reighard doesn’t have time with the Fire Dept Open House taking place at the same time. Herrala, Bassett, & Ries are also unavailable. The Park & Recreation Committee decided that they will not be doing it this year. City of Nowthen July 13, 2016 Page 5 Parks & Rec Meeting

f. Archery Update – Bassett would like to table it indefinitely. The Committee came to the conclusion that it wouldn’t be used as much as they had thought because Nowthen residents have enough acreage that if they want to do it, they will do it on their own property. Unless anyone has objections to that, It will be removed indefinitely.

g. Ice Updates – Bassett spoke to a Nowthen resident (Perry), that owns a trucking business. He could pick up the end of July or beginning of August for $800.00, which is less than what was originally proposed of $860.00. Bassett would like to suggest to go with Perry to get the boards here. Details still need to be worked out as to where they can be stored until setup. Bassett thinks we still need to work on a to-do list, getting the boards set up and ideas as to what businesses may be willing to donate. The soccer field was a location talked about or possibly the land being leveled behind the fire station. Glaze doesn’t think the soccer field is a good place. Glaze feels the dirt mound area is the best place. In the future a well could get put in to flood it. Glaze also mentioned that on Wednesdays there’s about 125 kids playing soccer and he would not want to disturb that by having the boards up. Reighard said that would only be an issue if the boards were left it up year round, but they are thinking it would come down every season. Reighard would like to bring to the Council a game plan, stating what the short term plan is, the mid-range (2-4) year plan, and what the long term plan would be. Reighard talked to the Elk River Hockey Association, and they mentioned that if they can use the rink, they could open up their volunteer bank to help do anything that needs to be done with it. Their volunteer bank is huge. They have volunteer hours that they have to fill. Herrala wants to make sure that when the plan is created, it includes the option for regular skaters to use it too. Reighard asked Glaze what his best guess is as to when the dirt would be moved. Glaze said that once Council approves, the company purchasing the dirt gets 30 days to remove the dirt. It would be middle of October. And Glaze agrees, that this seems like the best place to put it. The only downfall is that the warming house is not there. Reighard said once the plan is in place, it will be easier to go to the businesses and request help. Bassett asked the Committee, that with the information given tonight, if they should move it to vote on a location? Bassett was told that the City of Zimmerman has the same boards and they leave them up all year round. Williams said that at one time, there was discussion of advertising on the boards as a source of revenue. Glaze said at the baseball fields there was advertising, but they ended up getting vandalized. Reighard was City of Nowthen July 13, 2016 Page 6 Parks & Rec Meeting

approached by businesses that were interested in advertising, and he knows a company that creates advertisements with a wrap or skin. Motion to choose location – Reighard asked if there was any time table on having to know where to put it. Herrala thinks that there may be a reason August 2th is Night to Unite and wanted to ask if we should put a table out, instead of having the meeting, so it would be beneficial to vote at this meeting, otherwise it may get pushed out until September’s Park & Recreation meeting. Bassett feels we are getting crunched on time. We only have two meetings before October and we need time to get the area ready. If everything happens as hoped in the dirt area, this would be our first location, if the dirt doesn’t get moved, Bassett motioned to vote on location for the hockey boards that were just purchased by the City. Bassett makes motion to have Option 1 be the dirt area across from Fire Station and Option 2 be the Soccer Field, knowing the boards would have to come down in the spring. Cassie seconds All in favor, Opposed – none Motion passes Bassett has a contact in Sauk Center that can get liners if we choose to look into that. He will get a quote Once a plan is put together, Williams said he can bring in someone to speak on well design and plans for flooding the rink.

3). New Business – a) Soccer-golf hybrid – Williams said that in the Twin Lakes area there’s a field that has absolutely nothing going on. We could easily go out and map out a course, using plastic buckets. Since there isn’t anyone around us that has soccer-golf- hybrid, we would be innovative. Golf courses are beginning to offer this, since many people are doing this, rather than golfing. Williams can get signage that says “Hole 1”, “Par”, etc. Bassett asked if we would have to purchase flags? Reis mentioned that we would also need a T-off. Herrala thinks that the ground would need to be leveled. Williams doesn’t agree. He stated that just like Frisbee Golf, it is more challenging if it’s not a perfectly flat course - that’s part of the game. The Committee agreed that they need signs. Reighard questioned if there would be enough room for 9 holes on the 1st field on left, and thinks the holes should be segregated. Would they be marked with numbers? Herrela thinks maybe we should go out and look at one. Williams disagrees and thinks that the committee is overthinking this. Reighard City of Nowthen July 13, 2016 Page 7 Parks & Rec Meeting

suggested that it be spread out on the two fields, not just one. Reighard stated that just like it was done in Disc Golf, a plan was printed off and holes were drawn in showing the locations. Herrala asked Williams to map it out and it could get approved.

4). Meeting dates/changes – Next meeting is on the same night as Night to Unite. The Committee was unable to agree on a date in August that works for all members. Herrala makes motion to cancel the August meeting. Seconded – Reis All in favor – Motion carries

5). Adjournment Herrala makes motion to adjourn Seconded by Williams Meeting adjourned at 8:36 pm.

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