Name of Lesson: Food Is Both Nutritious and Delicious!

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Name of Lesson: Food Is Both Nutritious and Delicious!

Student Teacher: Sophie Simonsen Name of Lesson: Food is both nutritious and delicious! Grade level: Age 3 State Standard: Child eats a variety of table foods and eats his/her own food at the table with other children and/or adults. Child can ask for more and name foods that are served. Subject: Tasting and preparing food Period/Time: 20-25 minutes

Goal: Adaptations for a child with a small learning Child will increase knowledge of how to disability: see materials and procedure. prepare food and properly eat it with others. Objectives:  Holds/uses silverware and drink from a cup properly  Sits cooperatively with other children while eating his/her own food  Names different foods that are served  Asks for more food  Eats a variety of table foods

Faith/Values Integration: We will pray together before every meal and have crosses/Christian artwork in the room, too. Some days, we may even prepare “bible-themed” food. Integrated Technology: Smart Board

Materials: Show children with learning disabilities Graphing paper, pencil, printed data sheets pictures. In addition, speak very clearly, giving them simple, step-by-step directions. Procedure for Activity 1: Adapted Procedure for Activity 1: A. Set/Hook: Ask the child, “Would you A. Set/Hook: Ask the child, “Would you like to make a snack?” like to make a snack?” B. Transition: Take the child to the table B. Transition: Take the child to the table with other children and help them with other children and help them grab the right supplies and find a grab the right supplies with much place to sit. guidance, and make sure they find a C. Main Lesson: Strongly guide the place to sit. child to make the snack (ants on a C. Main Lesson: Strongly guide the log), while pointing out the names of child to make the snack (ants on a the foods. Demonstrate by modeling log), while pointing out the names of how the food should be properly the foods. Give child very clear, eaten, and then encourage child to eat simple directions with each step. their own snack that they just made. Demonstrate by modeling how the D. Transition: “What foods did you just food should be properly eaten, and eat?” “Did you think that was a then encourage child to eat their own yummy snack?” snack that they just made. E. Conclusion: “Do you want to make D. Transition: “What foods did you just this snack again another time?” eat?” “Did you think that was a “What other healthy snacks do you yummy snack?” like?” E. Conclusion: “Do you want to make this snack again another time?” “What other healthy snacks do you like?”

Procedure for Activity 2: Adapted Procedure for Activity 2: A. Set/Hook: Ask the child, “What is A. Set/Hook: Show the child some your favorite animal?” pictures of different animals and ask B. Transition: Take the child over to the the child, “Which of these is your food pantry and locate some food favorite animal?” supplies to make the desired snack B. Transition: Take the child over to the for that child. food pantry and strongly guide the C. Main Lesson: Guide the child to child to locate some food supplies to make the animal of their choosing make the desired snack for that child. from the food supplies that they now C. Main Lesson: Guide the child to have. For example, a child may make the animal of their choosing choose to make a lion. In this case from the food supplies that they now they would be supplied with have. For example, a child may clementine sections (mane), a rice choose to make a lion. In this case cake (face), peanut butter (covers they would be supplied with face) , chocolate chips (pupils and clementine sections (mane), a rice nose/mouth), and banana slices cake (face), peanut butter (covers (eyes), and they teacher guides them face) , chocolate chips (pupils and with a lot of support to construct this. nose/mouth), and banana slices The child then can eat their creation. (eyes), and they teacher guides them D. Transition: “What sound does the with a lot of support to construct this. animal you just made make?” “What The child then can eat their creation. was your favorite part of the animal D. Transition: “What sound does the to eat?” animal you just made make?” “What E. Conclusion: “What animal do you was your favorite part of the animal want to make next time?” to eat?” E. Conclusion: Show the child the animal pictures again, and ask, “What animal do you want to make next time?”

Assessment: I will assess the child as he/she sits with their peers and eats their snack, looking for cues as to whether they know the names of what they are eating, if they can sit cooperatively with their peers while eating, if they eat good portions/varieties of foods. Assignment: None. Self-Evaluation: I am going to keep detailed a logbook of things that went well and did not go well, and write down suggestions for myself on how to improve the activity in the future. Comments: None.

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