Malvern Primary Yearly Curriculum Planner
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Malvern Primary School Curriculum Map 2014
Malvern Primary School Curriculum Map 2014
TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 TERM 5 TERM 6 YEAR 1 RESEARCH On The Move Let’s Celebrate Mmm! Delicious Step Into Spring Knights and Fair Holidays PROJECT Maidens MATHS Y1 National Curriculum Y1 National Curriculum Y1 National Curriculum Y1 National Curriculum Y1 National Curriculum Y1 National Curriculum Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths Research Project links: Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links 2D/3D shapes; standard Ordering numbers; length; Comparing words; days, Time and ordering Time and ordering Pictograms; simple and non standard 2D/3D shapes; pattern weeks, months, years; vocabulary; money; vocabulary; comparison fractions; sorting & measures making calculations in role play position/direction; vocabulary; using a ruler to counting; money pictograms; standards & non measure standards units of measurement ENGLISH Y1 National Curriculum Y1 National Curriculum Y1 National Curriculum Y1 National Curriculum Y1 National Curriculum Y1 National Curriculum English English English English English English Research Project Links: Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links fiction & non fiction Halloween theme fiction; Handa’s surprise; The Performance poetry; retelling Fairy tales; labelling a Recounts; non fiction linked to transport; descriptive writing; Enormous Turnip; acting familiar stories and diagram; describing writing; labelling maps; labelling; acrostic poems instructions; letter writing out stories; writing menus sequencing events characters; captions & instructional writing and signs labels; sequencing events SCIENCE Who Am I? Celebrations Polar Adventurers Treasure Island On Safari Holiday Parts of the human Light & Shadow; Naming & comparing Identify and name plants and Identify and name Understanding the body; my senses; Materials; scientific skills animals; properties of animals; scientific skills classifications of animals; properties of materials scientific skills materials; scientific skills scientific skills and their effect on animals; scientific skills RE Harvest Hands Here Comes Christmas New Beginnings Easter Surprise The story of God’s creation Caring for others within Communication and Special times and Forgiveness Characters from the story of of the world our world feelings celebrations Holi artwork Easter Foster an attitude for The importance of Easter caring
PE Gymnastics:Balance, Dance: movements & Dance: movement patterns Team Games Create and perform a Team games to master Agility,Coordination patterns Creating dances to mimic Attacking and Defending dance routine with peers basic movements Games: running, Gymnastics actions Perform Dances jumping, rolling, dribbling & turning COMPUTING Introduction to Using a Digital Camera Game design; sequencing; Programming a Bee-Bot Searching the Internet and How the Web works Algorithms The importance of images computational thinking; Directional language and developing web skills Producing an e-book or Using Apps directional language control Use Thinklink presentation SPECIAL EVENTS / VISITS Visits /Visitors/ Liverpool Museum & Ferry Christmas Production Junior Chef Spring Walk to Court Hey Park Dance students The Beach Events journey (Nativity) Manchester Airport Malvern Primary School Curriculum Map 2014
TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 TERM 5 TERM 6 YEAR 2 RESEARCH Around the Victorian Famous People Upcycling Fuel 4 Life How We Play PROJECT World in 80 Christmas Days MATHS Y2 National Curriculum Y2 National Curriculum Y2 National Curriculum Y2 National Curriculum Y2 National Curriculum Y2 National Curriculum Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Lines of symmetry; 2D/3D shapes; properties Tell the time to nearest 5 Repeating patterns; simple Vocabulary related to Standard & non standards simple fractions; identify of shapes; nets of 3D minutes; compare & order tables & pictograms handling data; collect and methods of measuring; & label shapes shapes numbers; describing sort data; using a creating games involving position; order time events computer database; lists, position & movement; tables, block graphs, creating a times table pictograms game ENGLISH Y2 National Curriculum Y2 National Curriculum Y2 National Curriculum Y2 National Curriculum Y2 National Curriculum Y2 National Curriculum English English English English English English Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Non-chronological Using Standard English; Make a time line; ask Persuasive posters; Acrostic poetry; instruction Instruction writing; lists of reports; descriptive giving descriptions & questions to search for biography writing; poetry writing; non-chronological rules; non chronological writing; retelling a story explanations to develop informations; chronological inspired by recycling theme reports; writing a recipe reports; diary entry understanding; ‘T’was the texts Night Before Christmas’ consider language SCIENCE Healthy Me Materials Monster Mini Worlds Move It Young Gardeners Little Masterchefs Describe importance of Identify & compare Habitats and micro- How solid shapes can be Identify & name variety of Basic needs of humans exercise; eating different suitability of materials; how habitats; how animals changed; scientific skills plants; what plants need to for survival; types of food; foods; hygiene; scientific solid objects can be obtain food; food chain; grow; identify & compare hygiene; how seeds & skills changed; scientific skills sources of food; scientific suitabilityof everyday bulbs grow; scientific skills skills materials; scientific skills RE Hinduism Hanukah What is a Christian? Reflect on reasons that What is ‘Belonging’? What makes a good The Menorah What does ‘special’ mean? make things ‘special’ & Considering people’s friend? Light at Christmas understanding Christianity qualities PE Dance: music from Playground Games Developing movements Team Games Track & Field events Team games from different nations Create a Dance sequence (running, jumping) Basketball Competitive sports different eras COMPUTING Emails Using programming apps Creating a wiki Using ‘Scratch’ to analyse Gathering, investigating Creating animations and Present and share and software Blog production programs and displaying data games; use Garage Band information and other apps SPECIAL EVENTS / VISITS Visits / Visitors/ Liverpool World Museum Cinderella Pantomime at Tate Gallery Council Visit Recycling Team Sports Week/ Day Junior Chef Events Knowsley Leisure & Culture Fire Officer (safety) Christmas Production (Nativity) Malvern Primary School Curriculum Map 2014
TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 TERM 5 TERM 6 YEAR 3 RESEARCH Tour de France Volcano!!! Prehistoric Emerald Isle Who were the River Deep PROJECT Britain Anglo Saxons? Mountain High MATHS National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Recognise fractions and Drawing and presenting Sequence events on a Find lines of symmetry and Use coordinates and Drawing and presenting solve associated word information in bar charts, timeline, read and write design symmetrical art plotting calculate costing and information in bar charts, problems; count to 12 in reading measuring scales numbers up to 100 in coordinates in all four spending within a given using 8 points of a French and using 8 points of a numerals and words quadrants budget compass and capacity compass to find places related activities ENGLISH National Curriculum National Curriculum English National Curriculum English National Curriculum English National Curriculum English National Curriculum English English Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Y3 Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Write a non chronological Write a non chronological Read, compare and contrast Write a character description Create a fact file, use Write a biography and use report and an information report and instructional myths and legends. Write a and create a persuasive descriptive writing to descriptive writing to booklet; create a simile writing. Create a persuasive biography and a newspaper leaflet; retrieve and record describe a setting; write an describe a French setting; poem and a glossary of key advertisement and a diary report and a diary entry information about a acrostic/simile poem and look at French spelling vocabulary extract nonfiction text write an adventure story patterns SCIENCE Earth Rocks Food and Our Bodies Mirror, Mirror How does your garden grow? Opposites Attract We are Astronauts To explore different kinds of To learn about healthy and To describe the reflections when To identify and describe the To observe the forces that To observe and draw the Moon rocks and their properties and balanced diets and to describe light is reflected from surfaces functions of the different parts of magnets produce and to report from real life and secondary to test rocks and to explore the basic parts of the skeletal and how shadows are formed flowering plants and to explore and present findings from sources and to use knowledge different types of rock families system and to look at joints, and exactly what plants need to live enquiries of materials and forces how bones and muscles help us and grow, and how these move requirements vary from plant to plant RE Understanding the Ten Jesus’ care & concern for Sikhism The events of Easter and their What does care and concern Old Testament Characters Commandments and others Origins; Guru Nanak; Holy place in the Christian calendar mean for religious people Rules Christian symbolism Books The Christmas Story PE Competitive Games Dance & Movement Patterns Gymnastics Dance inspired by Irish Develop flexibility, strength, Outdoor Adventurous Attacking & Defending Effects of exercise Achieving Personal Best tradition technique and control within activity Competitive Games athletics Competitive Games (Tennis) COMPUTING Big Robots Blogging My First Pictogram We Love Games Class Democracy We are Publishers Directional language; Understanding Wikis & Creating a computer game Using Gaming Apps Creating an Animation Creating an eBook programming Blogs using Scratch Developing a simple program Using Brushes (illustration algorithms software) SPECIAL EVENTS / VISITS Visits / Visitors/ French speaking staff to talk Anti Bullying Workshops Y3 Peak District Local Irish Dance School Anglo Saxon Living History Day Undertake a “River Walk” Events to the children about life in Irish folk musicians World Museum Liverpool A mountainous region France “Awesome Walls” Climbing Visit a French restaurant centre Malvern Primary School Curriculum Map 2014
TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 TERM 5 TERM 6 YEAR 4 RESEARCH A Cruise Down From Russia With Beats & Bases Mexico Who were the Sea Monsters & PROJECT the Nile Love Romans? Pirates MATHS National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths Y4 National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths Y4 Y4 Y4 Research Project links Y4 Y4 Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Use bar charts/ pie charts to Research Project links Research Project links Produce 3D nets of Compare methods of Collect, record, sort & display data relating to Understand roman Describe positions on a 2D square triangular based multiplication & answer interpret data, read decibel calculating costing; create numerals, measure grid as coordinates in the pyramids; classify currency conversion scales; sort information tessellating Mexican patterns accurately using a rule & first quadrant, plot specified triangles questions; collect data about using a range of diagrams & use symmetry tessellation to points and draw any given climate and compare & charts create roman mosaic polygon solve problems involving distance ENGLISH National Curriculum National Curriculum English National Curriculum English National Curriculum English National Curriculum English National Curriculum English English Y4 Y4 Y4 Y4 Y4 Y4 Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Read traditional Russian folk Create soundscape poetry, Write a persuasive holiday Write a diary extract & a Read and explore stories Write an explanation of tales, write a character read and explore stories, brochure, produce an report presenting findings involving maps, write a the mummification description and a persuasive rhymes and poetry; use information text & organise organising writing in series of clues & process; including letter to ‘Baba Yaga’; read colloquialism, slang & writing into paragraphs; write paragraphs; retell stories instructions; read and write instructions, description ‘Autumn’ by Russian poet African dialect to produce biography aloud character descriptions using and a diary extract of life performance poetry immersion in language and for an Egyptian vocabulary What’s that Sound Living Things Looking at States Teeth & Eating Power it Up Brilliant Bubbles SCIENCE Identify how sounds are Recognise that living things can Compare and group materials Identify different types of teeth in Identify common appliances that Compare materials - gases and made, associating them with be grouped in a variety of ways. together, according to whether humans and their simple functions. run on electricity. Set up a set up simple practical something vibrating and find Explore and use classification they are solids, liquids or gases. Describe the simple functions of simple practical enquiry. Make enquiries, comparative and fair patterns between the volume keys to help group, identify and Observe some materials change the basic parts of the digestive systematic and careful tests. Compare materials - of a sound and the strength of name a variety of living things. state when they are heated. system in humans. observations. Draw simple solids, liquids and gases. the vibrations that produced it. conclusions. RE Understand the Old and Understand importance of Find bible references and Develop religious vocabulary Understand forgiveness and Appreciate what a journey New Testament angels and key religious understand significant in relation to Buddhism relate to everyday life in is and why people make issues events in the bible relation to the Easter Story journeys such as pilgrimages PE Play competitive games Apply suitable attacking and Observe, research and Develop flexibility, technique Play competitive games Take part in outdoor (basketball, hockey) defending skills for a series create dances, compare and control through dance modified where appropriate adventurous activity such of sports performances as orienteering COMPUTING Build a 3D Egyptian world Create a sports report using Create a blog from research Produce a computer game Devise characters, plot and Understand HTML and build iworks and Google docs about different technologies using the software ’Scratch’ storyboard to create a movie basic web page and investors using iMovie SPECIAL EVENTS / VISITS Visits / Liverpool World Museum Anti Bullying Workshops Y4 Janice Hadwin (music Weather Centre – Media City Chester Jolly Good Workshops specialist) Mexican restaurant Grosvenor Museum Visitors/ Living History Day Events Malvern Primary School Curriculum Map 2014
TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 TERM 5 TERM 6 YEAR 5 RESEARCH Clash of The Planet Earth Ancient Greece Liverpool & The Britain & Mexico Risky Business PROJECT Vikings Blitz MATHS National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths Y5 Y5 Y5 Y5 Y5 Y5 Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Understand & approximate Read, write & compare Solve number problems for Use chalk & talk methods to Use reflection & translation Use knowledge of place equivalences of different numbers, sue mathematical any given numbers up to multiply number up to 4 digits to create patterns, explain value and all four measures, use outdoor vocabulary to engage in 1,000,000; recognise and by 1 or 2 digits using written reflection & translation operations to solve a range learning to investigate structured debates based on linear number sequences methods; convert between of problems; deciding the dimension; use all four facts and logic different units of measure most appropriate operations to solve representation such as a problems time line ENGLISH National Curriculum National Curriculum English National Curriculum English National Curriculum English National Curriculum English National Curriculum English English Y5 Y5 Y5 Y5 Y5 Y5 Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Read, listen & enjoy Read, explain and discuss Understand, read & check Write a letter & diary extract Write a narrative & consider Explain& discuss a range of Beowulf and investigate what has been read through writing & discuss using a wide range of devices how an author create texts, including formal alliterative techniques, informal presentations & understanding, meaning & to build cohesion across characters & setting; edit, presentations, debates & learn poetry by heart; debates, write legibly, context of certain words; paragraphs, write legibly, draft and enhance writing interview questions & identify and discuss fluently and with speed; make predictions about fluently and with speed; through organisational and formats; provide reasoned themes within Norse assessing effectiveness of authorial intent participate in discussion presentational devices justifications for their views legends own writing and edit and improve Out of World Material World Circle of Life Let’s get Moving Growing up & Growing old Super Scientists SCIENCE Describe the movement of the Compare and group together Describe the life processes of Explain that unsupported objects Describe the changes humans Compare everyday materials on Earth, and other planets, everyday materials on the basis reproduction in some plants. fall towards the Earth because of develop to old age. Describe the the basis of their properties. relative to the sun in the solar of their properties. Know that Describe the differences in the the force of gravity acting between changes humans develop to old Planning different types of system. Use the idea of the some materials will dissolve in life cycles of an insect and a the Earth and the falling object. age. scientific enquiry to answer Earth’s rotation to explain day liquid to form a solution. frog. Describe the process of Identify the effects of air resistance Record data, report and present questions. and night. reproduction in some animals. that act between moving surfaces. findings. Plan different types of scientific enquiry to answer questions Develop understanding of Learn about Jesus & john the Show development of Understand an increasing To whom am I precious? Why? What was the effect of Jesus on RE Muslim’s Baptist appropriate religious awareness of how people’s How do I know? How is this the lives and behaviour of vocabulary in relation to Islam religious beliefs affect the way in shown? individuals? which they live and the choices they make. Perform dance using a Play competitive games and Take part in outdoor Play competitive outdoor games Perform dances using a range Play competitive games PE range of movement and develop skills, technique and adventurous challenges, of movement; develop and (netball, basketball) patterns control individually & within a team demonstrate improvement Use technology safely & Use new technology such as Use computer binary codes to Plan & create a ‘blitz’ news Use technology to create a Use I Can Animate to create COMPUTING research technologies ‘apptivity’ & investigate understand how a computer report using appropriate detailed 2 player game props & sets to illustrate an effectively; create a website ‘Augmentated Reality’ (AR) functions technology idea or invention using Wordpress SPECIAL EVENTS / VISITS Visits / Liverpool World Museum Court Hey Park Liverpool World Museum Maritime Museum British History Museum Medical staff (Doctor/ Visitors/ U-Boat story Nurse/ Scientist) Events Malvern Primary School Curriculum Map 2014
TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 TERM 5 TERM 6 YEAR 6 RESEARCH Natural disasters Films & Our Place in the Mayan Encounter Food from Around London lights PROJECT Fairgrounds World the world MATHS National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths Y6 National Curriculum Maths National Curriculum Maths Y6 Y6 Y6 Research Project links Y6 Y6 Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Use a range of graphs/ charts Research Project links Research Project links Calculate mean and Confidently use a range of Use a range of graphs & & read, write, order & compare Use knowledge of fractions Role money plays in their average and estimation to measures, use & know angles charts, solve multi step numbers up to 10,000,000; & decimals, confidently use own and others’ lives, solve problems with & draw 2D shapes; recognise, problems & calculate use knowledge of the order of a range of measure; use understanding of the appropriate accuracy; use describe & build 3D shapes average; solve problems the operations to carry our area & volume appropriately financial concepts a range of graphs and Including making nets and using ration, proportion, calculations charts understand the skills that decimals & percentages make someone enterprising ENGLISH National Curriculum National Curriculum English National Curriculum English National Curriculum English National Curriculum English National Curriculum English English Y6 Y6 Y6 Y6 Y6 Y6 Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Research Project links Read a range of genres, Summarise key points from Summarise key points from a Summarise key points from Draft & write appropriate Summarise key points develop character setting & a range of texts, plan & draft range of texts, plan & draft a range of texts, read & text using characters, from a range of texts, plan identify audience for writing to suit purpose; writing to suit purpose; discuss a wide range of creating atmosphere and & draft writing to suit purpose of writing; consider select the most suitable develop character & setting & fiction; plan & draft writing to integrate dialogue to convey purpose; using how characters are grammar, punctuation & use appropriate register & suit purpose character thoughts & appropriate register & developed within vocabulary for effect language feelings language performances/ films Classifying Critters Staying Alive We’re Evolving! Let it Shine Electrifying We are Dinosaur Hunters SCIENCE How living things are Identify and name the main parts Recognise that living things Recognise that light appears to Use recognised symbols when Recognise that living things classified into broad groups of the human circulatory system, produce offspring of the same travel in straight lines. Use the idea representing a simple circuit in a have changed over time and and give reasons for and describe the main functions kind, but normally offspring vary that light travels in straight lines to diagram. Associate the that fossils provide information classifying animals based on of the heart, blood vessels and and are not identical to their explain why shadows have the brightness of a lamp or volume about living things that inhabited specific characteristics and blood and recognise the impact parents and identify how animals same shape as the objects that of a buzzer. Compare the the Earth millions of years ago. based on similarities and of exercise on the way their and plants are adapted to suit cast them. reasons for variations in how Compare everyday materials on differences – including micro- bodies function their environment in different components function. the basis of their properties, organisms. ways. RE Stories of Corrie Ten Boom Knowledge & understanding of What faith was Jesus? Understand & Explain the Easter Our different choices Memories & Reflection and Jackie Pullinger the Christmas Story, Developing deeper knowedge Story What is Temptation? developing empathy with of Judaism characters PE Game skills Swim at least 25m Athletics / Gymnastics Games Athletics: flexibility & control Outdoor adventurous Competitive games Competitive games Develop skills; strength; Dance & Gym: flexibility & Achieving Personal Best challenges flexibility; technique control Achieving Personal Best COMPUTING Using Computer networks Creating a Heroes & Villains Using Computer networks to Design a piece of wearable Create a storyboard & use Understanding the Stock to communicate, collaborate style game using Scratch communicate, collaborate and technology to link with a smart Book Creator to create eBook Market and investigate program investigate about our world phone app including text, illustrations & Analysing data to make audio informed choices SPECIAL EVENTS / VISITS Visits / Red Cross Speaker National Media Museum Liverpool Landmarks World Museum La Tasca Y6 Residential Visit to Weather Centre, Media BBC Tour Media City Liverpool Museum Junior Chef Academy London Visitors/ City Events