Minutes of the Chiddingstone Parish Council Meeting Held On
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Present: Cllr I. Durrant (Chairman) (from 8.45pm), Cllr P. Benton, Cllr P. Cooke, Cllr M. Cottrell, Cllr J. Glendinning, Cllr P. Vicary and Cllr H. Williams Apologies: Cllr Mrs P. Harris, Cllr Mrs D. James and District Cllr Mrs Cook In attendance: Mrs L. Kleinschmidt (Clerk) and County Cllr Lake
In the absence of Cllr Durrant, members agreed that Cllr Cottrell would chair the meeting.
Open Session
Report by County Cllr Peter Lake County Cllr Lake reported that KCC will be launching the Big Society Fund shortly, which will put £2 million into youth projects such as training and apprenticeships. The money will come from Council Tax. £3 million will be devoted to loans to organisations that are trying to set up and establish a business and give employment. KCC is one of only a few councils that is putting money in this direction. KCC is having a tough time, a lot of people are losing their jobs. C.Cllr Lake reported that he has added Chiddingstone to the list of parishes for a share of the government grant to improve broadband in rural areas by upgrading the exchanges. Hever and Cowden are also on the list.
County Cllr Lake left the meeting at 8.15pm.
Closed Session
74. Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr Mrs Harris and Cllr Mrs James and their reasons for absence were accepted by members. Apologies for absence were also received from District Cllr Mrs Cook who is attending a meeting regarding the Big Community Fund at SDC.
75. Declarations of Personal and Prejudicial Interest in respect of matters to be discussed - none
76. The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 19th October, 2011 were approved and duly signed. Proposed by Cllr Benton, seconded by Cllr Vicary and all were in favour.
77. To report on Matters Arising from the Parish Council Meeting held on 19th October, 2011 – none.
78. Planning - to consider planning applications received – none. The Clerk reported that the following notifications of planning approval have been received from SDC: SE/10/03131/FUL – Hoath House, Walnut Tree Cross – change of use of room in the house for weddings, receptions, lectures or conferences and for the temporary erection of marquee in the garden. Approval for use of not more than 35 occasions in one year, and no more than 25 of these shall be wedding functions, and not more than 1 wedding function in any 7 day period. Planning permission is granted for a temporary period of 5 years only from 03.11.11, and no amplified music shall be played outside the house. SE/11/02194/FUL – Keepers Cottage, Ide Hill Road – demolition of all existing structures on site to facilitate erection of new dwelling house and new garage. Details of all materials must be approved by SDC in advance. SE/11/02378/EXTLMT – Nutlea, Ryewell Hill, Chiddingstone Hoath. TN8 7BN – application to extend the time limit of an extant planning permission approved under reference SE/08/03068/FUL: demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of new structure of same dimensions, design and external appearance. Notification of refusal of planning and listed building consent: SE/11/02079/FUL and SE/11/02080/LBCALT – Hoath House, Walnut Tree Cross – conversion of redundant East Barn to residential dwelling. Refused as would have detrimental impact upon historic fabric of structure and represents inappropriate development in Green Belt. Notification of amended proposal description: SE/11/02263/FUL – Slaters Hill, Hever Road, Bough Beech TN8 7NX – erection of a two storey side (southern) extension incorporating a veranda.
28 Notification that a planning application is no longer valid: SE/11/02346/LDCEX – Ryewell House, Ryewell Hill, Chiddingstone Hoath – change of occupancy condition that the property must be lived in by a person employed wholly or mainly in agriculture or forestry, or retired from these professions. The property has not been lived in by someone employed in agriculture or forestry for over 12 years.
79. To report on correspondence received The Clerk reported the lists of correspondence received have been circulated, and drew members’ attention to the following: i. Item 5: SDC – there will be no disruption to Christmas and New Year refuse collections. The Council will run its usual weekly Monday to Friday refuse collection service throughout the festive period, with collections taking place on the bank holidays of Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 December and Monday 2 January. This means that refuse and recycling should be put out on usual collection days by 7am. The Council’s garden waste collection service is also unchanged. Customers should put their green bins and garden waste bags out on their usual day by 7am. ii. Item 7: KCC: Kent Management Partnerships work across Kent and Bexley to help safeguard Kent's extraordinary wildlife habitats and landscapes for the enjoyment of all. They work with community groups, local authorities, landowners and other partners to improve people's access to and understanding of Kent's countryside, as well as enhancing local environments. Volunteers are a vital part of the service and people and places benefit from being involved in CMPs. iii. Item 8: Email from Hannah Bright – British Red Cross Volunteer Co-ordinator West Kent (Gravesham Dartford Sevenoaks). ‘We are currently developing new local volunteer teams to assist communities in times of crisis. At present, we are enhancing our response to local emergencies by forming British Red Cross Community Emergency Response teams in rural locations across West Kent. These Volunteers will be trained to provide practical assistance during the first few hours of an emergency.’ iv. Item 13: KALC: Details of The Chairmanship Conference on 7th January 2012 and The Localism Conference on 28th January 2012 on all aspects and the impact of the Localism Act. Both at Lenham Community Centre. ACRK/CPRE/KALC roadshow events to promote Supporting Communities and Neighbourhood Planning as part of the drive to explore changes in the planning legislation and consolidate the advent of Neighbourhood Planning on Thursday 1st December: Langley Village Hall, and Saturday 3rd December: Harrietsham Village Hall. These half day events will be free but they will be limited in terms of places. v. Item 23: SDC News Release: Chiddingstone Hoath continues to be protected for the future - the heritage of Chiddingstone Hoath will continue to be protected for future generations now an updated planning policy plan has been agreed. The new document, drafted by Sevenoaks District Council, will help preserve and enhance existing buildings and features of merit. It also provides guidance to help the Council assess any future planning proposals put forward in Chiddingstone Hoath. Chiddingstone Hoath was first designated as a Conservation Area in 1993. The existing appraisal was adopted in 2003 and the boundary was extended in 2006. The revised Conservation Area Management Plan will protect its 3.3 hectares and listed buildings. The conservation area lies entirely within the Green Belt land and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Buildings and features earmarked for protection include a 16th Century listed property, the orange/red hand-made plain clay tiles on roofs which are also used as cladding over timber frames. It also offers greater protection to trees, open spaces and items of historic or archaeological interest within the village. vi. Item 26: SLCC Regional Conference, themed ‘Big Society, small details’ at the Felbridge Hotel in East Grinstead on Wednesday 30th November. The conference costs £65 for members, i.e. £32.50 + VAT for each Chiddingstone and Leigh Parish Councils. Members approved the expenditure for the Clerk to attend. vii. Item 29: Kent Police: Residents in the Kent Policing area should call 101 to contact their local officer, make an enquiry and to report non-urgent crimes. The current non emergency number for Kent Police (01622 690 690) is being phased out. Examples are; If your car been stolen, if property has been damaged, if you suspect drug use or dealing, to report a minor traffic collision, to give information about crime or criminals in the local area. Each call will never cost more than 15p. Callers will be put through to the Force Control Room in Kent, and not a national call centre. As always, dial 999 in an emergency - when life is in danger or crime is in progress.
29 80. To hear update regarding the refurbishment of the War Memorial in Chiddingstone The Clerk reported that, despite chasing, she still has not heard from Burslems and the Wells Cathedral Stonemasons. The Parish Council can show that they have tried to obtain three quotes. The Clerk suggested that the Parish Council now sends the details of the quote from Paul South at Lambs to the diocese for approval and then commence grant funding, and suggested making an application for a grant from the Big Community Fund. Cllr Cooke reported that he is attending a meeting regarding the application process for the fund, and will contact the Clerk thereafter with more details.
81. To hear update regarding the minibus service, and to consider whether to give a grant(s) The Clerk reported that she has received an email from Stephen Elsden at Compaid asking whether the Parish Council has given more thought to promoting and/or funding Compaid’s Transport service in the area. i. Compaid, who supplied the following numbers: Penshurst parish: 12 regular passengers Hever parish: 4 regular passengers Cowden parish: 2 regular passengers ii. Stangrove Area Community Action Group The service is up and running and going really well. 4 people on a weekly basis from cowden . 2 people from Penshurst VAWK and Age Concern have not responded, despite many requests, so members agreed that the Clerk should advertise the services of Compaid and SACAG again in the parish magazine and on the noticeboards and website, and then consider again whether it would be appropriate to give a grant.
82. To consider various highway matters i. The Clerk reported that KHS has responded to her request for speed reduction at Knotley Hall: ‘KCC receive many requests for reductions in the speed limit, therefore it is essential that all requests are prioritised. The main method of prioritisation used is analysing the personal injury crash record to identify if there is a pattern of crashes. The last 3 years of available data show no evidence of a consistent pattern which could have been prevented by reducing the speed limit. Therefore, this site would not receive prioritisation for a reduction in speed limit, as there are many other roads in Kent which have a quantifiable and recorded safety problem, and the small budgets available must be focused on these locations’. Cllr Cottrell said that it is vital that accidents are recorded and the Clerk should keep a log of accidents. ii. The Clerk advised that Allan Gibbons has still not responded with permission to erect the softwood bollards in Chiddingstone Hoath as he is awaiting approval from his manager. iii. The Clerk reported that she has received a call from Michael Brook at Corner Cottage, Chiddingstone Causeway. Mr Brook has had another lorry demolish his hedge and would like to speak to KHS to see what can be done. Allan’s response was that if Mr Brook takes his hedge back substantially so that there is a gap of 450mm between the hedge and the edge of the highway, he could erect plastic bollards and some kerbstones. iv. The Clerk reported that KHS has notified that there will be a temporary road closure of Compasses Hill Chiddingstone 16th January 2012 for 3 days for carriageway patching.
83. To consider refurbishment of phonebox in Chiddingstone Hoath The Clerk reported that Matt Wheeler, who refurbished the Hever telephone box, has quoted £1,295.50 to refurbish the telephone box in Chiddingstone Hoath. It was agreed that, as the quote is over £1,000, it is necessary for the Parish Council to obtain three quotes, and Cllr Cooke and Cllr Glendinning both knew decorators who might be able to provide a quote. However, Clerk to contact BT in the meantime and ask them to paint it.
84. To consider events to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Cllr Williams reported that he has received a request from Elizabeth Fleming for events to be organised in the parish to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. Clerk to advertise for ideas in the parish magazine.
(Cllr Durrant joined the meeting at 8.45pm)
30 85. To consider adoption of Complaints Procedure The Clerk reported that she has circulated a draft Complaints Procedure, which members were happy with but it needs further consideration as to where a complaint can be escalated if it can’t be handled satisfactorily by the Parish Council. The Clerk reported that she asked Edenbridge Town Council what they are doing, and the Clerk replied that they are going to use SDC, as they were concerned that if they created their own code and took action against a Councillor, they may get a legal claim against them. Clerk to ask KALC whether they provide a complaints handling service.
86. To consider whether the Parish Council can assist further in the redevelopment of Chiddingstone Causeway Village Hall The Clerk reported that a letter has been received from Don Garman, asking whether the Parish Council would willing to: i. Use the pledged £10,000 to purchase a specific item for the project and claim back VAT which would increase the Parish Council’s contribution towards the project. Members agreed. ii. Make any further planning applications to SDC, which would reduce their costs as the Parish Council are charged 50% of the application fee. Members agreed in principle, but Clerk to check with SDC. iii. Make a S.106 request to benefit the hall for any developments in the parish, such as the Duke’s Factory application. Members felt that this development is not large enough. iv. Consider an application to the Public Works Loan Board for a loan if the trustees are unable to raise sufficient funds for the project, repayable over a long term from the hall income and/or precept. Members did not wish to agree to this request at this time.
87. To consider how the following Parish Projects are progressing: i. Chiddingstone Car Park Cllr Durrant reported that he has spoken to Mark Streatfeild and has arranged a meeting to discuss further on 28 th November. Cllr Cooke reported that the Castle Trustees are very keen to promote a connection from the existing Castle carpark and the village. The Charities Commission is worried about developing a carpark on the land near the Castle Inn. Cllr Durrant was concerned that the Parish Council would be spending public money on land that is in private ownership, whether it is upgrading the carpark or a new pathway. Cllr Cooke said that the Trustees are not asking for a contribution at this time, and suggested that representatives of the Parish Council meet with the Castle Trustees to discuss further. Cllr Vicary said that he felt that the existing Castle carpark is too far from the village to be used as a village carpark by visitors, residents and parents at school. Cllr Cooke said that the school is willing to promote the carpark to parents
ii. Allotments, including coppicing woodland, hedge cutting and carpark area The Clerk reported that she met the officer from the Forestry Commission on site last week and he thinks that there will be no problem with coppicing the woodland, providing that the single stem trees (such as oak) are left untouched. He has to consult for a period of four weeks and so the Parish Council should gain approval by the end of the year. The Clerk reported that she has also asked Anne-Marie whether she would like to graze her ponies on the field to eat it down, and she said that she would check the field fencing. The Clerk has sent two copies of the licence agreement with a map to Richard Streatfeild and has suggested that he transfers the water costs to the Parish Council and confirmed that the Parish Council will send Richard a cheque for the first year’s rent upon receipt of the signed agreement, which should be dated either 1 st December 2011, or 1st January 2012. Upon receipt of the signed contract, Cllr Durrant, Cllr Williams and Cllr Cottrell undertook to peg out the plots, and then Clerk to contact the people on the list to see if they are still interested in taking a plot, on a first-come-first-served basis. The Clerk reported that the quote for the car park area is only for 50m2 and the whole area is 440m2. It was agreed that the Clerk should obtain three quotes for this work. The Clerk reported that she has now obtained three quotes for cutting the large hedge/trees: 1. Brodie Hall: £xxx 2. David Chambers/Tim Kemp: £xxx 3. Hever Landscapes: £xxx Members agreed that Hever Landscapes should be given the work as they have provided the cheapest quote.
31 iii. Community Garden The Clerk reported that the cheque is ready for signing for the new oak community garden sign, and that D.Cllr Mrs Cook has suggested that the Parish Council apply for a grant from the Big Community Fund towards work in the community garden. The Clerk reported that she has spoken to Rob McCoy, who has looked at the three quotes for the new doorway in the village hall and will discuss the quotes with the Village Hall Management Committee on 29th November.
iv. Play Area: to view four comparative schemes and associated quotes, and consider next steps The Clerk reported that Cllr Mrs James has arranged to meet a resident who has offered his advice on the play scheme, and she will report further next at the next meeting.
88. Finance i. 2011/12 Accounts: Actual and Year End Forecast Members considered the accounts for the year 2011-12 as circulated by the Clerk. ii. 2012/13 Budget and Precept Requirements Members considered the 2012-13 Budget and Cllr Durrant proposed that the Budget be approved, this was seconded by Cllr Cottrell and all were in favour. Members considered the Precept for 2012-13 and Cllr Cooke proposed that this be set at £28,500, this was seconded by Cllr Glendinning, and all were in favour. This keeps the precept flat on the current year, and represents no increase. iii. To agree transfer to Earmarked Reserves Members considered the Earmarked Reserves and agreed to transfer £250 to the Election Reserve. iv. To approve payment of cheques Cllr Benton proposed that the list of cheques be approved. This was seconded by Cllr Vicary and all were in favour.
89. Items for reporting or inclusion in future agenda i. The Clerk stated that she would like members to consider the Parish Council’s website, and undertook to add to the January Parish Council meeting agenda. ii. The Clerk reported that she has prepared the meetings timetable for 2012, and it was agreed the Planning Committee meetings should be added to the timetable. iii. Cllr Williams asked about the Castle Inn sign at the end of Hampkins Hill as he has been asked by several people whether the sign is allowed. Clerk to check with KHS.
The meeting closed at 9.50pm.
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