Health and Safety Policy
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Responsible Officer: Principal Date: September 2015 Review date: September 2016 (unless preceded by legislation) Procedure available: Cloud Policy Authorised by: Corporation Health and Safety Policy
Checklist: Impact on Students/Staff: High – Health and Safety applies to all staff, students and visitors.
Impact on Diversity: The policy includes all College users.
Impact on Health & Safety: High – Health and Safety applies to all staff, students and visitors.
Impact on Data Protection/Freedom of Information: Policy is available to all staff and students on Cloud.
Impact on Diversity: This Policy applies to all staff, students and visitors.
Link with Strategic Plan: Policy is in line with the Strategic Plan.
Communication/Consultation Plan: To be available on Cloud.
Process of review: The policy is reviewed annually.
Process of review of effectiveness: Health and Safety Committee meet bi-monthly and review Health and Safety practice against policy aspirations.
Legal authority: This policy is based on the - Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and its Regulations - Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 - Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 (Amendment) Order 2011
Responsibility for maintaining this policy rests with: Deputy Principal Corporate Services.
Links to other policies: Links to all other Policies with particular reference to the College Buildings Protocol and the Smoke Free Site Policy.
2 of 11 Aylesbury College Health and Safety Policy
This policy document establishes the Policy, organisation and arrangements for effective health and safety management across the whole of the College activities and business ventures.
This Policy:
sets out the Health and Safety Policy of the College and confirms its objectives,
details the organisation and responsibilities for health and safety at the most Senior Management level within the College,
establishes Core Procedures and Standards that are the foundation of our positive safety culture and are expected to be adhered to in all business activities,
should be read in conjunction with all other College policies, with particular reference to the College Buildings protocol.
1 Policy Statement
1.1 The Corporation of Aylesbury College, Principal, Deputy Principal, Vice Principal, Directors and Senior Managers, recognise that a positive approach to health and safety is a fundamental part of effective and efficient management. The College is committed to its responsibilities to assess and manage risks in the workplace and its learning facilities together with the potential effects on the Community in which it operates. This responsibility is firmly established as a priority throughout the line of management.
1.2 Our safety management strategy is based on the ambition to develop a culture of continuous improvement, on documented procedures and processes that are applied in conjunction with relevant legislation and industry best practices.
1.3 Our statement of general policy is:
1 To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities,
2 To consult with our employees and students on matters affecting their health and safety,
3 To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment,
3 of 11 4 To ensure safe handling and use of substances,
5 To provide information, instruction and supervision for employees and students,
6 To ensure all employees and students are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training,
7 To prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health,
8 To maintain safe and healthy working conditions,
9 To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
1.4 We expect every employee and student to:
1 Ensure their personal safety and the safety of others whilst at work,
2 Plan their work in a manner that prevents damage to plant equipment and buildings,
3 Recognise hazards and control accident and ill health risks, through attention to College documented procedures and standards together with the application of best practice,
4 Maintain effective communication, knowledge sharing and sustained cooperation and commitment.
1.5 We expect every student whilst at College, or on a work based learning programme, work placement, or other activity associated with College to:
1 Act in responsible manner,
2 Demonstrate behaviour that is commensurate with the training and guidance that he or she has received.
2 Strategy for Safety Management
2.1 The College expects to conduct business and business relationships in a manner that ensures that the risks associated with managing a modern and progressive education and training facility are effectively controlled.
2.2 All new staff and students will receive adequate and appropriate induction on Health and Safety together with the Health and Safety Policy requirements of the College.
4 of 11 2.3 All employees and students will develop the necessary skills, achieved through education, training and instruction, to identify and manage the risks in their working and learning environment.
2.4 The College recognises that it has a duty to take reasonable care to ensure that employee’s health is not placed at risk through excessive and sustained levels of stress, and aims to minimise any unnecessary and damaging stress within the working environment.
2.5 Employees and students will be made aware of any health and safety risks associated with their work or study, together with the control and monitoring arrangements required for their protection.
2.6 Employers and students engaged on any work based learning programme will be made aware of, and should conform to, the Skills Funding Agency’s health and safety standards for students.
2.7 All levels of management within the organisation will receive the education and training necessary for them to effectively manage risks associated with their areas of work and responsibility.
2.8 The College will maintain contingency plans to address emergencies such as Fire, Flood, Chemical Spillage or other foreseeable major incidents.
2.9 The College will operate a Health and Safety Committee for the purpose of effective communication and consultation with staff, their representatives and students.
2.10 The College will produce and maintain robust procedures for the effective assessment of the competence of contractors and joint venture partners in relation to health and safety management. No person is authorised to commit the College to sub standard working conditions or procedures.
2.11 The Chairs of the two Local Organisation Arrangement Documentation (LOAD) committees who are accountable to the Vice-Principal - Learning and Quality and the Deputy Principal – Corporate Services respectively, will produce an annual health and safety report in June of each year, together with an Improvement programme for their areas of responsibility in consultation with relevant College Managers. The Improvement Programmes will detail the necessary actions to improve health and safety performance.
2.12 A College wide annual health and safety report will be developed by the Health and Safety Committee for presentation to the Corporation of Aylesbury College normally in July each year.
2.13 Any serious incident which results in fatality or serious injury to employees, students or the public, accidents involving process chemicals, significant fires and explosions, will be reported immediately to the Health and Safety Co-ordinator who will ensure the necessary actions are taken and the necessary reporting procedures (RIDDOR) actioned. 5 of 11 3 Information, Monitoring and Audit
3.1Active and reactive monitoring of health and safety performance will form part of the safety improvement programmes developed by the LOAD committees.
3.2Using the agreed pro forma a detailed internal safety audit will be carried out on an annual basis by the Health & Safety and Sustainability Manager. The results will be made available to the Health and Safety Committee.
3.3The Health & Safety and Sustainability Manager will publicise information updates to meet any new or developing Health and Safety issues.
4 Health and Safety Organisation and Responsibilities
This part of the College Safety Policy Statement establishes the organisation for implementing the Policy. It identifies specific management responsibilities assigned to Senior Managers.
4.1The Chair and Governing Body are responsible for demonstrating a commitment to health & safety and its importance to the organisation by promoting open dialogue with business partners and with the College Executive.
4.2The Chair and Governing Body are responsible for appointing the Principal, the Deputy Principal and the Vice-Principal responsible for the operation of this policy and for ensuring Health and Safety in the College.
4.3The Director of Finance & Resources is responsible for ensuring that the College is provided with adequate insurance to meet its employee, third party and property liabilities, and that the necessary procedures are in place to ensure that Joint Venture Partners and Contractors carry appropriate and adequate cover.
4.4The Principal has overall responsibility for the implementation of this Health and Safety Policy within the College and is the officer responsible for keeping the Board informed about significant health and safety issues. The Principal may delegate chairing of the committee to one of the Senior Postholders.
4.5The Principal, Deputy Principal and Vice Principal/Directors are responsible for providing the required level of leadership and objectivity for ensuring provision of adequate financial and other resources to meet statutory obligations and any Corporate requirement relating to health and safety.
6 of 11 4.6The Executive Director of Human Resources is responsible for ensuring that employment practices and procedures and proposed changes in working practices within the College take adequate account of health and safety requirements. Due consideration in recruitment processes will be given to evaluating the competency, experience and attitude of applicants towards the management of health and safety issues and to ensuring that effective arrangements are in place for pre employment and in-post medical assessments, health surveillance records, training records which include induction training and staff development are held by the Professional Development team.
4.7The Health & Safety and Sustainability Manager is the Responsible Person appointed under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and is responsible for ensuring that a Fire Risk Assessment is carried out and that the Fire Precautions and Provisions remain adequate and robust. In addition s/he is responsible for ensuring that the Principal is kept informed of all health and safety issues.
4.8The Health & Safety and Sustainability Manager is responsible for ensuring the processes for health and safety are in place and are being effectively managed through the Executive. This is achieved by providing competent health and safety advice, developing standards, providing requisite training, conducting safety inspections and working with the Management Team on the implementation and monitoring of standards.
4.9College Managers are responsible for ensuring that all departments within their areas of responsibility have in place, a suitable and sufficient health and safety management system and are proactive in promoting and monitoring implementation of this Health and Safety Policy within their sphere of operation.
4.10 The Chairs of the Local Organisation and Arrangements Documentation (LOAD) committees are responsible for overseeing health and safety management and monitoring the operation of the health and safety strategy for their respective areas of responsibility consistent with this Policy Statement.
4.11 All employees are empowered to influence the direction that health and safety should take and therefore are key to the implementation of these policies and standards. Every employee has a responsibility for health and safety at work, both here in the College, in work placements, and on any other College related activities, whilst recognising that accountability for health and safety performance lies with Deputy Principal, Vice Principal/Directors, Senior Managers and Managers.
4.12 In cases where there is an imminent danger to life or serious risk to the health or safety of any person, any employee has the authority to take any action required to eliminate or minimise the danger involved, by acting within his or her levels of knowledge or skills. Such action shall, wherever practicable, be initiated through the relevant Line Manager.
4.13 Every employee and student is expected to cooperate with the implementation of this policy by:- 7 of 11 1 Demonstrating a care for the health, safety and welfare of themselves, their colleagues and other persons,
2 Complying with instructions and procedures given to ensure that safe working systems are followed, together with making full and proper use of protective clothing and safety equipment,
3 Reporting to their Line Manager, Tutor or any work based Supervisor any observed risks to health and safety including defects to plant equipment, structure or safety procedures,
4 Reporting to their Line Manager, Tutor or any work based Supervisor any incidents, accidents or near misses that have lead, or might lead to injury or damage,
5 Informing their Line Manager, Tutor or any work based Supervisor of any ill health condition, medication taken, or disability that is likely to affect their safety. Workers or students who become pregnant should inform their manager early as possible, in order that risks to mother or baby can be identified,
6 Understanding their role in any emergency plan and participating in emergency exercises when required,
7 No employee or student of the College is authorised to initiate, or continue any activity, that places themselves or others in danger. Any such act or action will be viewed as a disciplinary offence with the appropriate measures taken.
5 Health and Safety arrangements
5.1 Health and Safety arrangements applicable to all areas of the College activities as documented in local organisation and arrangement documents confirm adoption of these arrangements.
5.2 Health and Safety risks arising from our work activities
1 Risk Assessments will be undertaken by Line Managers and their staff (a designated person(s) who hold a Health and Safety Qualification is preferable), 2 The findings of the risk assessments will be reported to the Chair Person of the LOAD group, 3 Action required to remove/control risks will be approved by the Line Manager (acting on advice from the Health & Safety and Sustainability Manager), 4 The Line Manager will be responsible for ensuring the action required is implemented, 5 The Line Manager will check that the implemented actions have removed/reduced the risks, 6 Risk Assessments will be reviewed every year (preferably September) or when the work activity changes, whichever is soonest.
8 of 11 7 When staff embark on a work placement as part of their continuous professional development, (industrial updating), a risk assessment must be completed before the placement begins. The risk assessment must be completed by a competent person and an action plan put in place for any risks identified.
5.3 Safe handling and use of substances
Assess the risks from all substances hazardous to health under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended) COSHH
1 Line Managers and their staff (a designated person(s) who holds a relevant Health and Safety qualification is preferable) will be responsible for identifying all substances which need a COSHH assessment, 2 Line Managers will be responsible for undertaking COSHH assessments, 3 Line Managers (Acting on advice from the Health & Safety and Sustainability Manager) will be responsible for ensuring that all actions identified in the assessments are implemented, 4 Line Managers will be responsible for ensuring that all relevant employees are informed about the COSHH assessments, 5 Line Managers will check that new substances can be used safely before they are purchased, 6 Assessments will be reviewed every year (preferably in September) or when the work activity changes, whichever is soonest.
5.4 Safe Plant and Equipment
All plant and equipment that requires maintenance is identified, that the maintenance is done and that new or second-hand plant and equipment meets all statutory health and safety standards.
1 The College will have all portable electrical equipment tested annually to meet the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 2 The College will have the electrical systems tested every 5 years to meet the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 3 The College will have all gas fuelled equipment tested annually 4 Line managers will be responsible for identifying all equipment/plant needing maintenance, 5 Line managers will be responsible for ensuring effective maintenance procedures are drawn up, 6 Line managers will be responsible for ensuring that all identified maintenance is implemented, 7 Any problems found with plant/equipment should be reported to the Health & Safety and Sustainability Manager, 8 The Health & Safety and Sustainability Manager will check that new plant and equipment meets health and safety standards before it is purchased.
9 of 11 5.5 Competency for tasks and training
1 Induction training will be provided for all employees by HR and relevant Line Manager, 2 Job-specific training will be provided by Line Manager, 3 Specific jobs requiring special training are to be identified by Line Manager, 4 Training records are kept at/by Line Managers, 5 Training will be identified, arranged and monitored by Line Managers.
5.6 Information, Instruction and Supervision
1 The Health and Safety Law poster is displayed in the main foyer, 2 Health and safety advice is available from the Health & Safety and Sustainability Manager, 3 Supervision of young workers/trainees will be arranged/undertaken/monitored by the Line Manager, 4 Line Manager is responsible for ensuring that our employees working at locations under the control of other employers are given relevant health and safety information.
5.7 Monitoring
1 To check our working conditions, and ensure our safe working practices are being followed, Line Managers should institute a regular checking process to ensure all equipment is fit for purpose. Records will be maintained. All equipment must be maintained according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and current legislation, where applicable. 2 The College will monitor driving licences and vehicle insurance and MOT documentation of staff driving for work. 3 Health & Safety and Sustainability Manager is responsible for investigating accidents, 4 HR department is responsible for investigating work-related causes of sickness absence, 5 Health & Safety and Sustainability Manager and/or HR is responsible for acting on investigation findings to prevent a recurrence.
5.8 Accidents, first aid and work-related ill health
1 The first aid box(s) are kept at strategic points throughout the Oxford Road buildings, 2 First aider(s) are the Duty First Aiders and Duty Manager (check at reception), 3 All accidents and cases of work-related ill health are to be recorded on an accident form at main reception, 4 Health & Safety and Sustainability Manager is responsible for reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the enforcing authority (HSE).
5.9 Emergency Procedures – fire and evacuation
10 of 11 1 The Health & Safety and Sustainability Manager is responsible for ensuring the fire risk assessment is undertaken and implemented, 2 Escape routes are checked by the Estates Team daily, 3 Fire extinguishers are maintained and checked by the Estates Team monthly and the External Contractor yearly, 4 Alarms are tested by the Estates Team weekly, 5 Emergency evacuation will be tested at least twice per year.
6 Employee and Student Participation
6.1 Employee consultation on health, safety and welfare matters is a legal requirement and the College demonstrates its commitment to employee participation through the Health and Safety Committee and welcomes the input of employee representatives.
6.2 Student involvement and input on health & safety matters from the student body via the Student Council will be welcomed.
6.3 Before the commencement of learning in the workplace, the Health & Safety Risk Assessment must be completed by a competent person. Actions arising from the risk assessment, if applicable, will be followed up in a timely manner. The safety of our students in the workplace is of paramount importance to Aylesbury College.
7 Notification of Employees and Review
7.1 The Policy Statement, together with those documents that supplement it, are made readily available to all employees through the College intranet. Any amendments that stem from periodical reviews of the Policy or Procedures are similarly notified.
7.2 This Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed and updated if necessary in September 2015, or sooner in the light of changes to legislation or substantial changes are made to the Organisation and arrangements before that date.
(This policy is subject to formal approval by Corporation)
Signed Principal
Signed Chair of Governors
Date September 2015
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