Topic Selection and Refinement Exercises

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Topic Selection and Refinement Exercises

Topic Selection and Refinement Exercises

The following exercises were adapted from a worksheet designed by Professor Elizabeth Korn for students enrolled in ENG 101C/105C.

These exercises are designed to get students thinking about their topics before they participate in a library instruction session. Students are asked to choose a topic, narrow their focus, and in some cases complete some preliminary research and develop a thesis statement. They are also given the opportunity to address general or specific questions to the librarian who will conduct their session.

These exercises go along well with a “traditional” research paper or project – these preliminary activities help them identify their information need, and think about how incorporating new knowledge into their thinking may affect their final product.

We have included two modifications of the same basic theme:

 Research Project Proposal: This worksheet asks students to choose a topic, perform some preliminary research, and narrow their focus based on that research. It may not be suitable for students with no prior research experience. It should be collected from students 1-2 weeks prior to the library instruction session, and if possible, copies should be submitted to the librarian conducting the session.  Research Project Proposal and Topic Refinement Exercise: This version is actually two worksheets, and may be more manageable for students who are unable to start their research before receiving library instruction. The first worksheet asks them to state their topic and the reason for their interest in that topic. It also asks them to suggest a narrower focus and to address questions to the librarian. This should be collected 1-2 weeks prior to the library instruction session, and if possible, copies should be submitted to the librarian conducting the session. The second worksheet asks the students to refine their topic based on preliminary research.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to: 1. Identify an initial research question, that might be too broad or too narrow 2. Use background information sources effectively to gain familiarity with and an understanding of the topic. 3. Locate and retrieve preliminary information on their topic 4. Identify how new information gathered or learned integrates with their previous knowledge on the topic. 5. Determine whether to incorporate or reject viewpoints encountered. 6. Define or modify the information need to achieve a manageable focus.

(ACRL Information Literacy Standards Addressed:  Standard One, Performance Indicator 1, Outcome 3 and Outcome 4  Standard One, Performance Indicator 4, Outcome 1  Standard Three, Performance Indicator 5, Outcome 1 and Outcome 2) Name: ______

Research Project Proposal

Fill out this worksheet and turn it in [1-2 weeks prior to library instruction session].

1. I would like to research the following topic: ______

2. I am interested in this topic because: ______

3. List at least three specific resources that you have found that may be useful to your research. One of these sources may be a website: 1. ______2. ______3. ______

4. Based on my preliminary research, I have chosen to focus on the following aspect of my topic:


5. I have chosen this focus because: ______Your answer to the following question will constitute your argument. Your argument may change as you do more research on and think more deeply about your topic.

6. How is your topic interesting or important? Are there unresolved questions relating to your topic? How might you approach these questions? ______

On [Date of Library Session], we will meet with one of the librarians to discuss research techniques. What questions, general or specific, would you like to ask the librarian about how to proceed with your project? Name: ______

Research Project Proposal & Topic Refinement

Part 1: Research Project Proposal

Fill out this worksheet and turn it in [1-2 weeks prior to library instruction session].

5. I would like to research the following topic: ______

6. I am interested in this topic because: ______

7. I have identified the following research question as a specific focus for my paper: ______

5. I have chosen to focus on this question because: ______

On [Date of Library Session], we will meet with one of the librarians to discuss research techniques. What questions, general or specific, would you like to ask the librarian about how to proceed with your project? Please use the back of this page if you need additional space. Part 2: Topic Refinement Exercise

Fill out this worksheet and fill it in [1 week after library instruction session].

1. For my research project, I have chosen to address the following research question: ______

2. List at least three specific resources that you have found that may be useful to your research. No more than one of these sources may be a website: 1. ______2. ______3. ______

3. Has your research question changed since you began your research? If so, how? ______

Your answer to the following will constitute your argument. Your argument may change as you do more research on and think more deeply about your topic.

4. How have the authors you have read so far answered the question that you wrote down for question 1? Do you agree or disagree with them? ______SB 11/02

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