I. Call to Order: (Lynn Cook) 7:10Pm
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Wilder Elementary School
PTA Meeting
March 12th, @ 7:00pm
I. Call to Order: (Lynn Cook) @7:10pm
Introduction from all parents were given along with the names of their children, grade and their teachers. Another subject was brought up during the introduction was Former NBA and OSU basketball player Mr. Lawrence Funderburke visited the 3rd G earlier today. He shared a message about his love for math and how his teachers told him he could be anything he wanted in life if he put his mind to it. The 3 rd G students came home today and raved about his visit. Mr. Funderburke will be visiting 4th G tomorrow also.
II. Secretary: (Gayle Bey) Introduced the February 12, 2013 meeting minutes. Mrs. Vicki Rich motion to approve the minutes and Mrs. Amanda Gibson second the motion for approval of February 12, 2013 meeting.
III. President: (Lynn Cook) School Mall sent home with students on-line subscription. If one shops on-line through this route the school receives promotions bonus. Students have a chance to win a toy robot by completing the booklets with 10 participates.
Market Day for March. Special month bonus flyer with extra proceeds will go to school, however have to write a separate check for items on special. Top 10 sellers will win movie tickets sponsored by Market Day.
Next Executive meeting 4-7-13 @ 5:00pm @ Wilder. Please come and attend. All parents are welcome.
IV. Treasurer: (Denise Augsburger) Review of monthly budget.
Box Tops – Mrs. Young won the last contest of the box tops. The next competition will be held in April. Teachers will notify parents about contest and it will be posted in newsletter will include the dates. The subject of notifying all teacher/staff by distributing flyers in all mailboxes was addressed.
V. Parent Council: (Deb Austrino)The next Parent Council meeting will be held on Wednesday March 13 th @ 9:45am Early Learning Center. The public is welcome. The meetings are open forum.
Elementary Attendance Boundary Realignment Information link on the district’s website at www.wcsoh.org
WPC Summer Camp / Activites Expo 2013 in held tomorrow evening on March 13th 5:30-8:00pm Westerville North High School. This is a great event to take your children to. Wonderful vendors and fun activities for your children.
1 Wilder 2013 GEM (Great Educator Mentor) Award winner. Congratulations, Mrs. Berwanger! The Great Educator Mentor (GEM) Award is a District-wide Celebration to recognize individuals making a difference in the lives of the students of each school in Westerville. Our other wonderful nominees this year were: Beth Compton / Sandra Duckworth / Dana Harmon / Dr. Victoria Hazlett / Linda Januszewski (Mrs. J) Debbie Miller / Nicole Price / Shelli Speakman / Susan Torlone / Amy Wideman / Sue Young Congratulations to our Winner and ALL our nominees! Thank you also to everyone who took the time to recognize our Wilder GEMS. Wilder nominations will be recognized during the May meeting.
VI. Volunteer Coordinate: (Debbie Joseph) Unfortunately, the Ident A Kid computer (the sign in computer for volunteers crashed several weeks ago. We have lost all our data regarding volunteers’ hours from August to February. PLEASE send an email to Debbie Joseph regarding your volunteer hours. Volunteer hours that are logged are essential. For many reasons….When schools / teachers apply for grants it allows to show how many staff/volunteers that it would take to complete such jobs. (FTE) It allows for additional funds to be granted; because it is able to produce such reports of additional help for the schools. VII. Teacher: Mrs. Duckworth (Guidance Counselor) Mrs. Duckworth distribute several handouts that we were reviewed and discussed. Mrs. Duckworth also spoke about the process of bully report. Mrs. Duckworth and Dr. Hazlett put a lot time and effort in investigating the concern. Conversing with all parties involved / teaching the students to stay positive to one another – what are kind things to say – look at one another and listen to another. Mrs. Duckworth and Dr. Hazlett teach the tools and skills that are needed to maneuver in the school system. These tools should be taught to expect students to know how to handle and converse with others as the grow up. Also teaching the difference between teasing and bullying.
Mrs. Duckworth thank the PTA for the gift card from the beginning of the year. She was able to put that towards pizza for her 4th & 5th G girls club. VIII. Principal: (Dr. Hazlett) Dr. Hazlett commented how closely her and Mrs. Duckworth work together. Mrs. Duckworth also is involved in the morning routines as tardy sign in. Dr. Hazlett continued about the topic of investigating bullying. She commented on how “loosely” bullying term is used. Dr. Hazlett stated we need to help these students how to navigate around friends; teach our students social skills. She reinforced how it takes a lot of time to investigate of what really happened about a complaint. She encourages and states to students to tell adult at home and at school. When students are in her office she refers to the handouts that Mrs. Duckworth distribute. The handout is taped to the back of her office door. Dr. Hazlett stated all students need to feel valued; loved and feel safe.
Attendance Boundary revision: The open enrollment process is extending to June 1st for applications. Dr. Hazlett encouraged parents about open enrollment.
Family Night with NASA. Mission to Mars on Thursday March 14th 6:30-7:30pm @ Westerville Central High School.
Author Visit: David Cuccia will be visiting Wilder on 3-20 – 1st & 2nd (9:30am-10:30) & 3-21 – 3rd, 4th, 5th (9:30- 10:30). Mr. Cuccia will be sharing his inspirations for writing and illustrating his latest book, There’s A Crazy Dog Under The Palace. Mr. Cuccia is a pet adoption advocate and has donated his talents to numerous rescue organizations. In efforts to support local animal shelters the students are participating in special spirit day events this week, students must pay a quarter for each event to help raise funds. The class that has the most participates will win an ice cream sandwiches. The topic was brought up about Thursday is crazy hair day and that particular day is Ident A Kid. Dr. Hazlett stated the switch Thursday to Friday event will be done. Thurs is now sports day and Friday is crazy hair day.
2 The teachers have been doing a lot of review for test or actual testing for different standardized testing. These are the standardized testing….OAA , Tera Nova etc… The teachers and students have been working very hard with all these tests.
There are almost a little over a 100 students that have participated in the past and recent book clubs. The 1st G will be starting their book club of a Junie B Jones book.
IX. Amy Raubenolt: Westerville Elementary Booster. Amy presented a great project for Westerville’s elementary schools. The nonprofit booster group is a community organization committed to supporting elementary education in the Westerville City School District. They support community volunteer corps for our schools, fund enrichment programs for students throughout the district, go after grants for our district and offer teacher training workshops. They provide this support through corporate sponsorships and individual fundraising, pursuing grant opportunities that support academic programming and teacher training, and by building a community volunteer corps for our elementary schools. The Westerville Elementary boosters will be sponsoring Starry Night on April 28th 2-8pm. This is a free event that all members of a family will enjoy. There will exhibits, presentations, live music and plenty of hands on activities for students and families. The event will also have large inflatable Dome Theater, students will have the opportunity to build a giant Stonehenge-like cardboard monolith that alight with the sun; work on Starry Night paintings.
The question was raised how the booster club is different from PTA….the booster club does not contribute to the same fundraising events and go after large grants and form business partnerships.
X. New Business: A decision was determined at this time that a $25 donation is donated by PTA to help raise money for the support of the visiting author of David Cuccia.
Next Executive meeting 4-7-13 @ 5:00pm @ Wilder. Please come and attend. All parents are welcome.
Planning Meeting will be held on 4-30 @ 5:00pm. This meeting will allow parents to get involved and start laying the ground work for next year’s events. The following topics will be addressed. 1) Next Year PTA board. 2) School Supply Sale event. 3) Oktoberfest / Book Fair
These events take place so early in the school year….let’s get a head start and get a lead on these particular events. Pizza will be provided along with babysitting.
Amanda Gibson brought up some excellent questions and ideas. School Supply Sale might benefit with an on-line sale. Oktoberfest- husband bought new tools and would participate in making a new game. Mr. Kevin Bartholomew and Mr. Rich both stated they were interested in planning committee. Furthermore, would it be possible to put PTA minutes on line. Deb Austrino said she would be able to attach the minutes to the Wilder district website….on L hand side on menu PTA link.
Dr. Hazlett commented on the leadership of the PTA board. Lynn Cook and Denise Augsburger came in this past Monday to meet with some teachers. It was wonderful to see the support the parent / teacher connection…to see the conversation of discuss the needs and support of how they can help each other.
3 Furthermore, the fathers at Wilder are huge impact here. It is wonderful to see and she is very anxious to see of how parents involvement are about the explode for next year support.
Meeting adjourned 8:25pm