Romeo & Juliet Family Tree Project

 Using the character information provided in your Romeo & Juliet books, create a FAMILY TREE for both the Capulet and the Montague families.  Make your tree creative, attractive, and colorful. Make certain to include all characters (including servants) we’ve met so far (all of Act 1) for both families. Servants should be included next to their masters, but not attached to the family tree.  All family members must include a name and relationship (ex: Lord Capulet / Father). This project will require you to tape or staple two pieces of paper together, sideways.  Divide the two sheets of paper in half and put the Capulets on one side, and the Montagues on the other. All NEUTRAL parties (meaning, people who haven’t chosen a side between the families—like Friar Lawrence, for example) should be listed (and connected, if necessary) beneath the two family trees. RUBRIC 4 3 2 NP *Correctly *Correctly *Incorrectly identifies and identifies and identifies and labels all family labels family labels most family names and names and names and relationships for relationships for relationships * Student does Family all characters most characters not complete Tree the assignment (The Facts) *Correctly *Correctly *Incorrectly at all identifies all other identifies most identifies most relationships other other (friends, servants, relationships relationships etc.) for all other (friends, servants, (friends, servants, characters etc.) for other etc.) for other characters characters

*Tree is original in *Tree is fairly *Tree is not Creative design. original in design. original in design. *Tree is extremely *Tree is fairly *Tree has no color * Student does Display colorful and colorful and and is not not complete (How it attractive to look attractive to look attractive to look the assignment at. at. at. at all Looks) *Tree is very easy *Tree is fairly *Tree is difficult to read and easy to read and to read and interpret. interpret. interpret.