DATE: Family Support Services Program Update
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TO: Tim Center FROM: Cynthia Valencic RE: May 10, 2016 DATE: Family Support Services Program Update
Family Self-Sufficiency Program National Performance Indicator Goal 1: Low Income People Become More Self-Sufficient
Organizational Standards
The Agency was required to submit documentation to the Department of Economic Opportunity by March 4, 2016 to show that the Agency was meeting the requirements of 59 Organization Standards as require by the Community Services Block Grant. DEO has approved the Agency as meeting all 59 standards. These standards must be met annually and updated by October 2016.
The Agency submitted a copy of its quarterly FOCUS Report for January – March 2016 on April 18, 2016. A copy is attached for Board approval.
Getting Ahead/Staying Ahead
Staying Ahead classes have started in Calhoun/Liberty, Gadsden, Jefferson and Leon Counties.
Below are enrollments in Getting Ahead and FSSP by County for FY 15-16.
Staying Ahead County Enrolled Graduates GA No GA Calhoun 5 0 0 0 Franklin 0 0 1 0 Gadsden 5 5 5 0 Gulf 0 0 0 1 Jefferson 5 8 20 0 Leon 40 16 20 0 Liberty 0 0 0 0 Wakulla 0 0 3 0
Staying Ahead meeting dates for Leon Staying Ahead are May 19 and June 16. In addition, the new Case Manager in Calhoun/Liberty is attempting to contact former Getting Ahead graduates about coming into Staying Ahead. 309 Office Plaza Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32301 850.222.2043 Weatherization Assistance Program National Performance Indicator Goal 2: The Conditions In Which Low-Income People Live Are Improved
Weatherization received a 3-month, $30,000 contract extension from the Department of Economic Opportunity to ensure that there is no gap in funding while the Agency is awaiting receipt of the new weatherization contract.
The chart below tracks the number of weatherized homes for the contract year-to-date beginning May 1, 2015 through the end of the contract on June 30, 2016.
Amount Amount County Allocated* Spent** M J J A S O N D J F M A Total Franklin $20,962 $12,631 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 Gadsden $95,436 $66,557 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 11 Gulf $21,502 $10,227 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Jefferson $25,012 $13,150 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 $388,560 1 Leon $203,668 0 0 0 0 1 4 4 2 2 0 4 7 34 Wakulla $35,785 $23,009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 4 $587,257 1 Totals* $329,242 0 0 6 0 1 4 7 8 4 1 5 9 55 *The amount allocated per county is based on total award. **The amount spent includes the 30% program support.
Emergency Services Program National Performance Indicator Goal 6: Low-Income People, Especially Vulnerable Populations, Achieve Their Potential By Strengthening Family and Other Supportive Environments.
The LIHEAP contract for 2016-2017 began April 1, 2016. The total contract amount is $1,838,829, of which $1,430,519 is direct client assistance. Below is the direct client assistance allocation by county:
Calhoun $57,432 Franklin $28,717 Gadsden $201,021 Gulf $43,076 Jefferson $43,076 Leon $971,042 Liberty $28,717 Wakulla $57,435
Below is the total unduplicated number of households/individuals served for April 2016
County April 2016 Calhoun 18/37 Franklin 8/25 Gadsden 64/167 Gulf 8/24 Jefferson 21/51 Leon 310/871 Liberty 7/20 Wakulla 14/41 Totals 450/1236