What Spiritism Does for Me

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What Spiritism Does for Me


WHAT SPIRITISM DOES FOR ME hits me immediately with guilt, but I appreciate that. I pray for forgiveness and I apologize if Spiritism affects people in many different ways. needed. Being a Spiritist, I know what suffering I We begin our first newsletter of the year sharing go through I deserve. It helps me to not worrying with our readers some thoughts from members about material objects. Objects are nothing when and friends: you return to the spirit world. When you return to the spirit world it is my heart that is tested, what By Ulysses Castillo good I did, and what I could have done. I have learned how powerful prayer is. Prayers help us, For me Spiritism is a way of life, one and remember prayers for others. It is wonderful which I embraced when I was a very young man, to know that we are never alone and we can ask so it is very difficult to express in a few words for help and strength. Spiritism helps me what Spiritism has done for me. However I can appreciate animals and nature. We need to take say this: Spiritism has allowed me to find the care of the beauty God Gave us. We also have answers to the perennial questions we all have our material body to take care of. By knowing about this journey called life, and it has allowed reincarnation, I know being in the spirit world is me to have peace with that unreasonably feared our real home and each lifetime is just a blink. process called death. Spiritism has allowed me to Knowing that, gives me strength to continue my become a more balanced, more joyful, better present life. I feel sorry for the people who do not human being, by having a deeper understanding know Spiritism. We Spiritists are so blessed! Give of God, and by being able to consciously set my knowledge to others when you can. If you know life path according to the high spiritual standards Spiritism and/or have mediumship, do not waste contained in the golden rule: “do unto others what that knowledge or gift. you would have them do unto you.” ****************** ******************** By Mike Tymn By Yvette Eveland Spiritism has offered me sufficient proof I thank God I am a Spiritist. It helps me go that there is a spirit world and that consciousness through Life’s trials. There is a reason for survives in another dimension. Knowing that, I everything in life. It keeps me on track in trying to am able to take life in stride, to deal with be on my best behavior. When I act improperly, it adversity, and to approach the end of my life with The Spiritist Society of Florida, May Newsletter 2006 2 optimism. I find no need to live in the past or in I cherish rewards the future. I now live in eternity, which permits Reflect on losses me to focus more on the present. By Jim Del Vecchio

BELIEF IN SPIRITISM – continued I am a man who does not believe in something easily that cannot be proven or that, at By Rafael Pizano the very least, has a sound basis of evidence to support it. After studying Spiritism, reincarnation Spiritism has given me comfort and and mediumship for several years now, I have understanding of matters in life, which at found both the proof and sound science that moments have appeared too painful to support that belief. I have found through my study comprehend. Through the teachings and loving and learning of these topics that my faith has words communicated, I have felt the universal grown stronger, I am less swayed by turbulent love which connects all things. Spiritism for me events, and I am able to respond more positively means hope, love, and guidance. The sign that and recover more quickly from challenging what may appear as difficulties in the material circumstances. world still leads to progress, that selfless love is eternal and for all. Spiritism has showed me that ******************* in the spirit world there are those who love us, By Ines de Azevedo comfort us through the hard times, and guide us on what may appear at the moment as an This material world makes us think that unwanted unnecessary path. Through love and material things are good and we need to have compassion, Spiritism radiates, I have found, a them…but also we cannot let them take control of deeper meaning of tranquility and higher insight our life. Life is something bigger than a big screen to life as a whole. May all who hear of Spiritism TV, a big house, or new car. Spiritism helps us to approach it with an open mind and heart and have peace of mind…to feel good about enjoy its beautiful eternal wisdom. ourselves…like when we help someone without expecting anything for ourselves. It makes us to ************************** be happy with simple things, like the sun, the By Cesar Crespo beach, a simple car, a picnic with a person you like/love, the talking on the phone with your Spiritism has provided me a feeling of enduring family, or listening to music that brings you some connection to His eternity. It is this connection memories (and you realize how much you have that communicates to my compass of lifetimes. A improved spiritually in life). variety of words come to mind. ******************** Eternal direction Natural law of progression By Joseph Ortiz A soul, in a body Opportunity of growth I’m new to Spiritism, but I feel that it has brought me a sense of peace and control to my Belief in the eternal life. Knowing that this life is not the, be all and A higher plane end all, brings a longing for the day when I go to Anchored with Ownership my true home. Love and faith play a huge part in Worthy of His love my journey, but it is Hope that Spiritism has brought to me in great measure!!! God Bless you, My free will Yvonne, and may the Spiritist Society of Florida All the choices continue to flourish and be Blessed!!! The Spiritist Society of Florida, May Newsletter 2006 3 BELIEF IN SPIRITISM – continued By Michael Limoges

By Antonio Leite I am glad to know why I am here, where I came from, and where I will go when I die. The knowledge of the Spiritist Doctrine ************* brought to me and my family a great deal of By Gina Eveland comfort and understanding, for it helped us to lift the veil intentionally brought down by orthodox I am a person who likes to know religions over the fundamental questions about everything about everything. Spiritism to me has our true nature as human beings and our been able to explain what modern science and relationship with the Creator. Spiritism is a what other religions cannot. doctrine that appeals to mankind and it is absolutely destitute of formalism, dogmatism, or *************** rituals. A serious and persevering study of it will By Alysia Pape enable one to find the answers for the basic existential questions. It also furnishes the tools Spiritism is good for me because it helps that we need in order to cope with all the struggles me to keep myself in check. I know that I have to of everyday life without losing faith, but rather watch what I do, what I think, my intentions, and having, a clear understanding that all these my reactions. I know that I have to help myself struggles are indeed our homework and the and pray for the things that I want. I know to accomplishment of it will render us progress and leave what happens to me up to God and hope that happiness. I can go through it without having to do it again. Things that happen to me that are bad I know that *********************** I am paying for something else I did wrong. The things that I do wrong I feel I’m to blame but I By Julie L. Harper also know the person I did them to is getting theirs back too. I guess I’m helping them pay for As a truth seeker, I am very grateful to the things they did wrong, even though I’m the one universe for bringing Spiritism into my life. The doing the bad. I’m very happy to know these teachings of Spiritism awakened some, of what things no matter how depressing they are because seems be, innate memories of wisdom held asleep some people do not know about these things and within my soul. But further, Spiritism are confused and lost. They don’t know why scientifically demystifies Divine Law, and that things happen. clarity of truth brings me peace within ***************** understanding. Also, the guidelines of conduct are invaluable to me for insight toward attaining the By Nicole Eveland ultimate directed goal of love and peace. Spiritism gives me reassurance and hope. I I give thanks for all of this. My know no matter what, if I make mistakes, I always appreciation would not be fully expressed without have a chance to fix them. And, I know God acknowledging Yvonne Limoges, for it is her always loves me. seasoned and sincere work as a Spiritist that enables her to be an excellent mentor through her (Thanks to all who contributed in expressing their delivery of truths of Spiritism, and also by her meaningful feelings and views about Spiritism!) example. Thank you, Yvonne, all great spirits, and OUR SPIRIT PROTECTOR the Universal Spirit. God Bless All. From our young members: By Jim Pursley The Spiritist Society of Florida, May Newsletter 2006 4 The Spirits Book explains that each of us Ghost Whisperer. He believes in reincarnation has a guardian angel [a morally superior spirit], a and explained this in his book, Reaching to being far purer than we, who is charged with our Heaven – A Spiritual Journey through Life and care and our advancement. It is through the Death first published in 1999. I have been waiting beautiful relationship I have with my guardian with great anticipation to see if this concept would angel that I approach my life. I now have a partner be brought out on the TV show. Well, it finally and guide, a friend and confidante, a protector and happened last Friday! The medium on the show confessor. The love I feel in my heart for this dealt with a spirit who remembered several of his angel is immeasurable and grows in proportion to past lives. I hope this topic is explored further. my receptivity to its subtle urgings. We generally As Spiritists know, the spirit world are not aware of our guardian angel (in most influences mankind and introduces important cases) and we must cultivate our relationship with spiritual truths and ideas when people are more it. To Spiritists, the guardian angel is akin to the willing to accept them. In the last two years, there Guru – the teacher and the one who has the have been TV stories and documentaries, as well responsibility for the moral development of its as articles in magazines and newspapers, about disciple. I have grown more patient since opening reincarnation in general. There have also been myself to the existence of my spirit guide for I stories on specific cases where information know that God indeed prepares the Way. supplied by children provided evidence indicating Spiritism has opened my eyes to the spirit world they had a past life. and has given me, a very easy to understand As the years have gone by, people’s ideas context, in which to improve myself. I am pleased have changed regarding belief in the so-called to begin “repaying” my “guardian angel” for its “paranormal.” Many people now believe in spirit patience with me. phenomena that was once considered ridiculous. Many now know the difference between TRUE FAITH fortunetellers, psychics, and mediums. Mass By Jacqueline Benenati media continues to be a tremendous force in shaping peoples’ ideas. The people who create It is such a simple word, but so complex in these shows, movies, and books are constantly nature. being “inspired” and guided by the spirit world to educate mankind regarding the natural laws of There are many people who claim to have cause and effect, spiritual realties, and the purpose faith until it is tested. Then, it seems, that they of material life. Progress continues! find they truly have little. It is so easy to have *************************************** faith when life is running smoothly but what Newsletter edited by Yvonne Limoges, Director happens when the trials and tribulations come? E-mail: [email protected]

True faith sustains you under ANY Spiritist Society of Florida circumstances. It lifts your spirit, gives you hope 5042 22 Avenue North when there appears to be none, and the strength to St. Petersburg Florida 33710 not only accept your trials and tribulations, but to Website: www.spiritsocietyflorida.com see you through them. If it doesn’t, then it is not true faith. MEDIUM SHOW & REINCARNATION!

By Y. Limoges

James Van Praagh (the popular medium) is the executive producer of the TV show The

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