Ancient Greece: the World of Sophocles Web Quest

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Ancient Greece: the World of Sophocles Web Quest

Ancient Greece: The World of Sophocles Web Quest For this research project, the class will be broken up into groups. Each group will be given a research focus and questions that their projects must address.

Steps to completing the project:

1. Assign members of the group to be responsible for specific parts of the research and presentation (the guiding questions will be helpful for dividing up the work). Remember that every student must have an equal share in both the research AND the presentation. If you pick a certain type of presentation and find that what you find in your research does not fit that particular type of presentation, you can change the type of presentation you want to do.

2. Research your part of the project. Take notes on the information you find, gather the key ideas in the research, organize them, and put them into your own words. Make sure you keep track of where your information is coming from; when you make a note of a fact from a certain website, write down the fact and the website it came from. You will be turning in a bibliography at the end of the project. I will also be collecting each group member’s notes.

3. Meet as a group to discuss your findings. You will do SOME of the research and discussion with your groups in class, but you may also have to meet on your own time to complete the project. Once the group has met and decided on the key facts for the presentation, each individual should be able to plan what he/she will say during the presentation. Plan ahead who will be presenting which parts. Each group member should know what he/she is going to say before the group presents; you want to be prepared.

4. Brainstorm on how to present your material to the rest of the class with an oral presentation that uses a visual aid to clarifies the oral presentation (i.e. not just pictures, not using words that are too small to be read by the audience). Potential options: Powepoint, Prezi, photostory, short film, etc.

5. Create your visual aid as a group.

6. You will have to write up a responsibilities list that clearly shows who did what part of the research and presentation. Every student must have an equal share in the work. If one student doesn’t complete his/her part of the project, make it clear on the responsibilities sheet and it will not be held against the rest of the group. If you try to cover for your friends by being dishonest on the responsibilities sheet, however, the entire group will lose credit for one student’s lack of effort.

7. Presentations will begin on ______. Groups will be chosen to present randomly.

8. All students must have their bibliographies and visual aids turned in by this date, even if they are not presenting on this date. Being absent does not excuse any group or group member from this project. You will still have to present the project if one or more of your group members is absent, and the person who was absent will have present his/her portion alone when they return. (You will only be allowed to do this if your absence was excused; otherwise, you will receive a zero on this assignment.)

9. After your group has presented, each group must turn in its responsibilities sheet, and each group member must turn in his or her notes/talking points. There is no formal written portion of this assignment, but I will be looking at your notes to make sure that each member of the group contributed equally and prepared their presentations carefully. Ancient Greece: The World of Sophocles Web Quest

Each project must contain:

Visual portion: Your visual may include the following: illustrated timelines, posters, 3-D representations, power-point presentations (I once had a group who did a puppet show). This portion of your project will be graded on creativity, effort, and the degree to which it enhances the presentation.

Verbal Portion: All members must participate in the verbal presentation. This portion will be graded on speaking skills (speaking clearly and confidently, expressing ideas in an organized manner, use of clear, vivid, exact language appropriate to the audience), whether it provides the necessary information, clarity, and interest. Each presentation should be 5-10 minutes long.

Bibliography: Each member of the group must compile a correctly formatted MLA style works cited page of the different resources from which he or she gathered information; you must use at least three different sources. For each book, web site, etc.

Research Notes: As you research information, you will need to write down the important facts you find and put them into your own words. These notes will contain the information that you will later present to the class. I will be collecting your notes after your group has presented.

While the other groups are presenting, you will be filling in the information you need from their presentations on your Oedipus study guide. If you’re not paying attention, you will lose critical information that I will not be re-teaching. You will also lost points on your own presentation if you are disruptive during the presentations of others.

By completing this assignment and sharing your results you will accomplish the following objectives:  Locate, organize, and synthesize information from a variety of source materials  Show proficient skills in speaking  Listen critically  Cite sources  Work cooperatively in a group setting  Show ability to organize, brainstorm, and delegate to complete the final product.

Ancient Greece: The World of Sophocles Web Quest In this Web Quest, your group is to take the role of one of the following: Biographer, Actor, Stage Manager, Historian, Theologian, Sociologist, Psychologist, Psychic, Mythologist, Anthropologist, Architect, Philosopher, Tragedian, or Artist. Your job is to divide up the task questions, research the areas given to you, and present your findings to the class. You must have an oral presentation and a visual aid that depicts your topic to the class.

The Task: Your assignment is described below. Research the area outlined below for your group. Biographers Research and present the life of Sophocles.  What was the time period like in which he lived?  What were his accomplishments?  Who were his contemporaries?  Why do we still study his works today?  What was his dramas like and what major changes were made to the theater?  Give any other information that you feel is important.

Below are a few suggested links to get you started in your research:


Actors in the Ancient Greek Theater Describe and present characteristics of Ancient Greek Theater (5th century).  Provide a history of Greek theater  Give physical characteristics of the Ancient Greek Theater  Who went to the theater?  What were the actors like?  What were the costumes like?  How could the audience see and hear in this theater?  What were the plays like?  How was violence portrayed?  Where were the theaters located?  Give any information that seems important.

Below are a few suggested links to get you started in your research:

YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE ANY WIKIS INCLUDING WIKIPEDIA!! Ancient Greece: The World of Sophocles Web Quest Anthropologist 1: Research and present the social aspects of the Ancient Greeks. Research and Explain the following about the ancient Greeks:  beliefs surrounding death  beliefs surrounding burial  Hades  Marriage  Role of women in the society  Daily life in Ancient Greece  Give any other information that you think is important or interesting.

Below are a few suggested links to get you started in your research:


Anthropologist 2: Research and present the importance of the Oracle at Delphi.  What is an oracle?  Explain the Oracle at Delphi.  Who came to this oracle and why?  What did the oracle do?  Give the details of the oracle.  What is a Pythia?  How was the Pythia chosen?  What is the purpose of the Pythia?  Give any other information that you think is interesting

Below are a few suggested links to get you started in your research:


Theologians Focusing on the Cult of Dionysus and other religious cults  Explain the Cult of Dionysus.  What was this god like?  Why is this god so important?  How did the Greeks celebrate this god?  Explain Dionysus' relationship to the other gods.  Explain other religious cults or rituals  Give other important information.

Below are a few suggested links to get you started in your research:


Mythologists and Psychologists Investigate and present both the Oedipus Myth and Complex.  Research the Oedipus myth  Explain this myth from beginning to end.  Explain all the characters in this myth and how they relate.  Define myth and explain how the Oedipus Myth meets this definition  Explain the psychological term Oedipus Complex.  Explain how the psychological term relates to the myth.  Idea for visual would be an illustrative timeline

Below are a few suggested links to get you started in your research:

YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE ANY WIKIS INCLUDING WIKIPEDIA!! World of Sophocles Web Quest Presentation and Research Rubric

Group Criteria: Visual aid is neat and clearly reflects the topic assigned ______/10 Visual aid is creative, shows effort, and enhances presentation ______/10 Presentation provides sufficient/required information to afford the class with a clear understanding of subject ______/10 Presentation is clear ______/10 Presentation is interesting ______/20 Total Group Points ______/60 Individual Criteria: Student is completely prepared and obviously rehearsed (did not simply read from visual aid, delivered information smoothly, correct pronunciations, etc.) ______/10 Student shows a full understanding of the topic. ______/10 Student contributed equally to research and presentation. ______/10 Student has good speaking skills (eye contact, clear loud voice, etc.). ______/10 Total Individual Points ______/40 Total Score: ______/100

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