Borse Di Studio Concesse Dal Governo Italiano a Cittadini Stranieri E Italiani Residenti

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Borse Di Studio Concesse Dal Governo Italiano a Cittadini Stranieri E Italiani Residenti



For deadlines and instructions on how to apply, as well as how to compete for study grants offered by the Italian government to non-Italians and Italian citizens residing abroad please contact the diplomatic representation in your area.

Study grants are awarded by the Italian government on the basis of the stipulations specified in Law no. 288/55 with subsequent amendments and supplements, as well as of the following:

Bilateral agreements, ratified by law by the Italian Parliament as well as executive protocols deriving from them and, if necessary, exchanges of notes;

Multilateral agreements, also ratified by law when they envisage study grants within the context of specific programmes;

Intergovernmental understandings with countries with which multi-year trade relations exist strengthened by international regulations, even in the absence of agreements ratified by Parliament, in which case study grants may be awarded solely in the absence of laws for the containment of public spending.

I – GENERAL PROVISIONS (The complete legal announcement is available at all Diplomatic Representations)


Study grants are awarded by the Italian government to non-Italians as a contribution toward their studies and research in Italy in an effort to encourage international cultural cooperation and the dissemination of the Italian language, culture and sciences, also by promoting Italian economic and technological advances around the world.


Special study grants are available to Italian citizens legally residing in Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Congo-Brazzaville, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Jordan, Mexico, Peru, Syria, South Africa, Tunisia, United States of America, Uruguay and Venezuela. Italian citizens that work in any capacity for the public administration and living temporarily abroad, and their dependents, are not eligible. WHERE TO STUDY

Study grants are awarded for study or research at the following types of State or otherwise legally accredited institutions:

 Universities or university or poly-technical institutes;  Institutes for advanced artistic or musical training;  Restoration institutes;  The National school of Cinema;  University colleges, research labs or centres, libraries, archives and museums associated with graduate and undergraduate university courses in which the candidate is obliged to enrol.

Grants may not be awarded for study in the following contexts:

 Foreign institutions (universities, academies, libraries, schools of any sort) even if they are located in Italy;  Non-accredited private research centres or labs;

The only exceptions are the European University Institute—an intergovernmental university institution linked with community institutions—and legally accredited private universities, for courses leading to educational credentials with legal value in Italy.



LANGUAGE COURSES OF VARYING DURATION: also in preparation for enrolment in university and post-university degree courses in Italy.

INDIVIDUAL UNIVERSITY COURSES: All topics are included; at the conclusion of the course the grant holder will be required to take the related examination.

DEGREE COURSES: Since enrolment in some degree courses involves a selection process, in accordance with Law no. 264/99, candidates are best advised to submit alternative study programmes, even at more than one university, in order to avoid suspension of the grant in the case of non-admission to the course of study chosen. The same type of study and degree must be maintained. Candidates should also keep in mind that their programme of study must be submitted within the period between the admission test and the actual start of the course in order to exercise the right to that grant in that period of time. Finally, it should be specified that, once enrolled in a degree course, changes in type of study or location are no longer admissible, at the risk of annulment of the grant. COURSES IN ADVANCED MUSICAL AND ARTISTIC TRAINING: To be completed at advanced music, art and dance training institutes (academies, conservatories, ISIA, etc.), at institutes of restoration and the National School of Cinema, for which a high school diploma is required.

RESEARCH: in all disciplines, with the obligation of enrolment in and attendance of undergraduate and post-graduate university courses. A letter of acceptance from the dean of the academic institution is obligatory. At course end the grant holder will be required to take an exam; this obligation does not exist for grant holders doing work at the CNR, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and other research bodies of the same level.

POST-GRADUATE UNIVERSITY COURSES: Courses for the Masters I and II level (of at least one academic year’s duration), doctorate in research and specialisations:

A) DOCTORATE IN RESEARCH. Each individual university has its own rules for admission to the doctorate in research, and it is recommended that these be consulted by checking the institution’s internet site. Since this is generally a competitive selection process, it would be advisable to submit an alternative programme remaining within the same field of study or research in order to avoid suspension of the grant in the case of non-admission to the doctorate. In order to increase the chances of success it would be advisable to apply to several universities. Be reminded also that candidates must prepare a programme of study to be carried out in the period between the admission test and the actual start of the course.

B) MASTERS. The diplomatic representations will see to it that grant candidates are informed of the high costs involved and the possibility that the masters programme will require studying in institutions outside of Italy, sometimes for months at a time. Moreover, admission to a masters programme often involves a selection process and a minimum number of students, therefore the grant holder should be informed of the real possibility of enrolling in the course since there is the risk of losing the grant benefit if the masters course is annulled.

C) SPECIALISATIONS. Excluded are the medical disciplines (see Law no. 257 of 08.08.1991).

ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE COURSES FOR TEACHERS OF ITALIAN: Italian language and culture courses are reserved for non-Italian teachers of the Italian language and university students of Italian enrolled for at least 3 years. Grants are awarded for the study of the Italian language, and the teaching of it, at the universities for Foreigners in Perugia, Siena and Rome (Roma Tre) or other accredited institutions that issue certificates of Italian as a Second Language (L2). It should be noted that candidates for grants for post- and under-graduate university courses with a study plan requiring part of the programme to take place outside the principle academic–scientific institution in which the student is enrolled, must specify this when applying in order to allow the Directorate General enough time to arrange for payment through the Provincial Treasury offices.

DURATION The study grants can be only used for the period from October 2007 to September 2008, save exceptions to be arranged in advance through Office VI of the DGPCC.

DURATION OF GRANTS With the sole exception of brief Italian language and culture courses (1,2 or 3 months) the study grants awarded are for 3,6,9 or 12 months. Applications for grants of a different duration cannot be accepted.


To be eligible for study grants, except in the case of language course, students must have the following prerequisites:

1) Knowledge of the Italian language Knowledge of the Italian language is indispensable and must be certified or ascertained in an interview at the Italian Cultural Institute or at the cultural office of the local authorised diplomatic-consular representation or at the Italian studies department of the candidate’s university.

2) Educational Credentials Candidates must have the credentials requested for enrolment in the institution of their choice. All credentials and certificates of study must be submitted along with their Italian translation, which must be certified as conforming with the foreign language texts by the locally authorised Italian diplomatic-consular representation, i.e. by an official translator along with a statement attesting to the authenticity of the credentials prepared by the locally authorised diplomatic-consular representation.

 To enrol in degree courses at Italian universities the candidate must have a secondary school diploma valid for enrolment in university.  To enrol in Masters I or II programmes at Italian universities, candidates must have a degree equal to the Italian baccalaureate, along with any other documentation that may be required by the chosen institution.  To be admitted to individual courses the certificate of enrolment issued by the university for foreigners is normally enough.  Admission to art and music institutes usually requires certification of having concluded a cycle of secondary school studies valid for admission to accredited State academies or conservatories.  For admission to Italian language and culture courses a secondary school diploma is required.

Please note that for the credentials required for admission to Italian universities it is advisable to check the provisions issued annually by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MUIR) at > università >studenti >studenti stranieri >documentazione.

3) Age Limits The age limit for obtaining a study grant is cited in individual Cultural Agreement Executive Programmes. Where not expressly established, grant holders over the age of 35 cannot reapply. This age limit is not applied to candidates who are teachers of Italian, on the condition that they are actively engaged in the teaching of Italian.

With the exception of that which is expressly stated in the Cultural Agreement Executive Programmes, in no case can grants be awarded to anyone who would still be a minor during the period covered by the grant.

Considering the varying age limits established by some institutions it would, in any case, be advisable to check directly with the institution in question in this regard (the National Cinema School, for example, has an age limit of 27).

Candidates unable to satisfy the above pre-requisites are not eligible for grants.



The diplomatic-consular representations and Italian Cultural Institutes will clearly announce the study grants being offered by the Italian government for the academic year 2007-2008.


Please contact the nearest Italian diplomatic representation for the deadlines within which to present applications, compliance with which will be verified by a date- stamp upon receipt.


Application Form - applicants can request the assistance of the diplomatic-consular representation and Italian Cultural Institutes in correctly filling out applications, particularly as regards:

 duration and place of study  type of grant (new or renewal)  monthly stipend  discipline of sudy

Letter of commitment - two originals signed by the applicant and authenticated by the diplomatic-consular representation.

Applicant statement – that he/she is not receiving any other study grants from the Italian government in that same period of time.

A medical certificate attesting to the applicant’s good health (for non-EU grant holders only) written in Italian or accompanied by a translation in Italian from the consulate is also required, also for the purpose of issuing the required insurance policy.

In the case of grants for “open research”, in addition to the normal documentation, a university professor willing to monitor the grant holder must submit a letter specifying the content, timeframe (exact duration) and ways in which the research is to be carried out.

Certificates of the applicant’s nationality and established residence in his/her country of origin where the diplomatic-consular representation authorised for the area is located or operates.


In addition to the documentation mentioned in point number 3 above ("Documentation") Italians with established residence abroad (IRE) are required to submit:

 certificate of residence issued by the Italian diplomatic or consular representation;  certificate of Italian citizenship. Note: The two certificates can be incorporated into one.


Selected applicants will be asked to complete documentation by the dates indicated by the respective locally authorised diplomatic-consular representations.


Grant holder pre-enrolment at any university or other state or legally accredited institution for higher education, including institutions for advanced studies in art, music and dance, must be done through the locally authorised diplomatic-consular representation, which will verify with the institution:  that the courses are actually being offered and their start and end dates;  the date fixed for submission of Italian government grant candidates, with the reminder that, in accordance with Presidential Decree 394 of 31.08.1999, that they be enrolled in excess of the quota foreseen by each institution for other foreign students;  the date of the eventual entrance exam in the case of selective courses, and of the submission of the valid credentials necessary for participation in the selection process;

Applications for pre-enrolment must be submitted along with:

 original transcript of educational credentials with attached Italian translation, certified as conforming with the original foreign text by the Italian diplomatic- consular representation, i.e. done by an official translator;  statement by the local Italian diplomatic-consular representation acknowledging the authenticity of the above credentials;  valid ID document;  2 photographs.

It is recommended, in any case, that the applicant check with the institution in question regarding eventual other forms of documentation that might be required.


Actual enrolment is done upon arrival in Italy of the grant holder, who is obliged to notify the DGPCC – Office VI within 8 days of setting foot on Italian soil by sending an original copy of his/her certificate of enrolment.

Upon arrival at the chosen institution, the grant holder is to make contact with his/her “mentor”, who becomes the point of reference for both the grant holder and the government.

Please note the following:


The period in which the grant can be utilised is limited to the 2007-2008 academic year (01/10/07-30/09/08). Grants are effective as of the 1st day of the month.

VI – DECLINING AND TRANSFERRING The eventual decline of study grants by selected candidates, as well as transfer of period or location of study must be officially communicated in a timely manner (anticipated by fax or e-mail) to the DGPCC-Office VI and, in any case, no later than 30 November 2007.


Where required, each grant recipient must obtain a visa for entry into Italy valid for the entire period covered by the grant. Exempt from this obligation are the citizens of EU member countries and those of the countries with bilateral agreements in such matters with Italy.

With regard to the issuance of entry visas to grant recipients, diplomatic representations are asked to refer to the ministerial circular containing the provisions in force and to those issued by the Visa Centre of the foreign ministry.

Please be reminded that grant holders are obliged to come in person within 8 days of arrival in Italy to the Ufficio Stranieri (Foreigners Office) at the Questura (Police Headquarters) in the city where they plan to study in order to obtain a sojourn permit. In addition to the documentation that will be requested by the Questura, the grant holder must present proof of the awarding of the grant by the Italian government. This document will be issued by the representations to grant holders once they are confirmed by the DGPCC and before their departure for Italy.


Prepaid travel tickets are only provided if so stated in the executive protocol of the cultural agreement or by an exchange of diplomatic notes; for IRE grants only if the grant in question is for at least 8 months

As regards the issuance of prepaid tickets, the Embassies must make a separate ticket request for each individual grant recipient including name and date of departure at least 30 days prior to departure so that the DGPCC can provide for the issuance of a prepaid dated ticket. For the return trip the grant holder will have to contact Office VI of the DGPCC, which will provide for the issuance of the ticket.

Tickets cannot be issued for destinations other than the location where the grant holder is planning to study and it is, in any case, to be pointed out that the airports to be used for arrival and departure in Italy must always be either Rome or Milan in the absence of direct flights from the city of origin to the Italian location chosen by the grant holder.

The grant holder’s right to a prepaid ticket is associated with the period in which the grant is to be used. Therefore, in the case of a period of stay longer than that of the grant, in order to take advantage of the return trip ticket, the grant holder can advise the DGPCC VI, providing the study-related reasons for prolonging the educational experience in Italy. I should be kept in mind, however, that the right to a return trip ticket expires six months after the expiration of the grant.

In cases in which grant holders are entitled to a pre-paid ticket is not recommended they anticipate the cost of the ticket but that they contact the diplomatic representation in order to set in motion the above-the described procedure.


Grant holders are to receive the stipends assigned to them on a quarterly basis, with the exception of grants for Italian language courses of one or two months, for which payments will be made within the period during which they take place. For each quarter it is necessary to submit an updated certificate of enrolment relative to the period of payment to the DGPCC Office VI.

For university degree paths entailing the obligation to attend classes, and for open research and doctorates, it is necessary to submit a certificate of attendance for the quarters subsequent to the first.

The amounts thus distributed can be collected at the Tesorerie Provinciali del Tesoro (Provincial Treasury Office) authorised for the location in which the grant recipient is studying, upon presentation of a valid form of identification.

Grant holders are obliged to provide the DGPCC-Office VI with an original certificate of (pre) enrolment in university courses for which the grant has been assigned as well as certificates of updated enrolment for the quarters subsequent to the first. Submission and collection of certificates of enrolment will take place in the first month of each quarter and payment of stipends during the second month of each quarter.

Delays in submitting the certificates or errors in their formulation will necessarily lead to delays in the payment of stipends. Failure to submit these certificates could result in annulment of the grant.


For the entire duration of the Italian government grant all grant holders, both Italian citizens residing abroad (IRE) and foreigners, are insured by the Ministry under an ASSITALIA policy, and holders are provided with the company’s address and phone number in the “Promemoria del Borsista”.

Excluded from this coverage are refugees with Italian citizenship residing in Italy, who are already covered by the National Health Service. Also excluded from insurance coverage are:

 a) illnesses pre-existing or even remotely the consequence of contagion;  b) dental prostheses;

Exceptions are in accordance with the provisions of the executive programmes of cultural agreements.


Exemption from university fees is limited to university degree path courses. In the subsequent academic years the exemption is on the condition that this Ministry renews the grant (Presidential Decree of 9 April 2001). For enrolment in other courses, each individual university decides on the eventual total or partial exemption from fees on the basis of their regulations. Applicants are advised to check in advance with the university in question.


Requests for grant renewals by foreigners and Italians residing abroad (IRE) are considered only for the purpose of allowing pursuance or completion of a multi-year course of study (university undergraduate degree, masters, doctorate, etc.). Renewal is granted only upon certification by the university or other host institution of the grant holder’s normal pursuance of the curriculum.

Grant recipients requesting renewal for enrolment in the 2nd year of university must pass at least two exams in the foregoing year. Subsequent renewals will be contingent on having passed all the exams required within the curriculum of the previous academic years and two within the current year. In these cases renewals have priority over new candidates.

Unfortunately, it has happened in the past that grant recipients have at times been “forgotten” after their first year. It is fundamental that the diplomatic representatives insist that requests for renewal be submitted well ahead of time.

Grant holders interested in submitting requests to the locally authorised diplomatic representation must do so by 20 April 2006. The representations will propose renewals for the grant holders enrolled in multi-year programmes on the condition that they pass all their exams. Then, by 16 August 2006, the candidate must submit documented proof of the exams sat. In the absence of this documentation the diplomatic representation will propose an appropriate substitute candidate.

For how to submit renewal requests and for deadlines, please contact the locally authorised diplomatic representative. Once again, Office VI of the DGPCC cannot proceed with any renewal in the absence of the Embassy’s proposal accompanied by the afore-mentioned documentation.

For grant renewals the Embassy must have on file:

 copy of the application form;

The following documentation is to be submitted to the DGPCC - Office VI:

 copy of the application form  formal proposal  certificate of exams sat issued by the university registrar;  statement by the candidate declaring that he/she is not benefiting from other grants from the Italian government during the same period

Please note that the letter of commitment signed the first year remains valid throughout all periods of the grant’s renewal.

Be reminded that renewals, in any case, regard the annual quota.


Locally authorised representations are asked to remind their grant holders that anyone who does not keep to the contents of the "Promemoria del Borsista" risks suspension of the grant. In particular, grant holders must:

 obtain the STATEMENT OF ASIGNMENT OF THE STUDY GRANT ISSUED BY THE REPRESENTATION;  communicate, within 5 working days of his/her arrival in Italy, their address, telephone number, e-mail address, fax and any subsequent variation of these to the DGPCC-Office VI, at the risk of suspension of monthly stipend payments;  respect the legal requirements for foreign citizen entry and sojourn on Italian soil by presenting themselves within 8 days of entry at the police headquarters (Questura) of the city where they intend to study or do research along with the document attesting to the assignment of the grant;  contact their TUTOR at their chosen university;  send the original enrolment certificate for the first quarter by priority mail and the updated enrolment certificate within the first month of subsequent quarters;  not receive other study grants from the Italian government during the same period;  not change course of study, location or period of study without having first obtained the necessary authorisation from the DGPCC – Office VI, which will be issued only for serious and proven reasons, at the risk of losing the grant benefit;  not leave Italian soil throughout the period covered by the grant except in particularly serious cases that, in any case, require making formal application to and receiving the authorisation of the DGPCC – Office VI, at the risk of losing the grant benefit;  respect the laws in force and behaviour in such a way as to avoid damage either to Italy or to the grant holder’s country of origin;  submit, in person or by mail, a final report to the DGPCC-Office VI on the activities carried out during the period covered by the grant, as well as a certificate of examination or examinations sat;  return to their countries of origin (excepting as regards the rules for EU citizens) at the end of the period of study in Italy with the aim of placing the knowledge acquired at the disposal of the communities to which they belong.

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