Hatch Town Board Meeting s2

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Hatch Town Board Meeting s2


Hatch Town Board Present: Jim Kabonic, Chad Justus, Tony Dinges & Ben Neilson

Staff Present: Jacie Torgersen & Nikki Dinges

Public Present: Kevin Mackaben & Russell Riggs. Curtis Neilson & associate from Ensign Engineering. Cassie Mack came at 7:30 pm.

1. Meeting Called to Order Councilor Kabonic took charge of the meeting tonight since Mayor Eldredge was not able to be in attendance. The meeting started at 7pm with Jacie Torgersen offering the prayer and Jim Kabonic leading those present in the pledge.

2. Approval of September 20, 2017 Minutes Councilor Justus motioned to approve the minutes and Councilor Dinges seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous.

3. Review September Invoices, checks & financial report The council asked some questions about a few invoices that were for some new ¾ inch water meters and the water repair at 300 N. Councilor Kabonic motioned to approve the invoices and Councilor Justus seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous.

4. Public Hearings 5. Petitions, Remonstrations and Communications 5.1 Ensign Engineering – Funding Options Ensign Engineering would like to know which option the town would like to pursue and then they could put together some funding packages for the town. Councilor Dinges would like to see the town get a backup generator for the fire station and town hall. Russell Riggs would like to see the town put a project together for curb and gutter working with UDOT to get help with funding. Jacie Torgersen had a bid for some new picnic tables for the town. Councilor Neilson suggested that the town use the money to pay down their debt. Councilor Neilson also feels that the roads need to be resurfaced again and Chad Justus suggested finishing the corner on the northwest of town. The town has approximately $89,374 to spend.

Councilor Kabonic motioned that the town buy 5 picnic tables: 1 ADA compliant and the rest regular and then put the rest of the money in a capital projects fund for now. Councilor Dinges seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

5.2 Progress on Hatch Town Sign The rock will be ready to be picked up on Monday or Tuesday. Curtis Neilson is contacting the company to see when the metal will be ready. The town council will need to get together to get cement poured and get the signs installed.


5.3 Hatch Streetscape Plan Proposal The town received a proposal from David Evans and David Bell from USU Extension for a Hatch Streetscape Plan. The plan will cost the town approximately $1,000. Work will begin the week of October 16, 2017 and should be finished up by March 2018. Councilor Kabonic motioned to approve the proposal and Councilor Justus seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous. This will give the town a good starting point.

5.4 Lamar Jones Property Planning & Zoning Chairman Nikki Dinges has had contact with him and given him the information that he needs to there is nothing to discuss at this time.

5.5 Employee Payment Policy Councilor Kabonic motioned to accept the employee payment policy which states that the planning & zoning chairman, fire chief, treasurer and clerk are paid their monthly amount regardless of whether they are in attendance at the town board meeting. If a council member misses more than two meeting in a year then they are not paid for the next meeting. Councilor Justus seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous.

5.6 Ideas for using General Fund Money This was discussed earlier in item 5.1.

5.7 Halloween Party The Halloween Party is on schedule and on budget. There will be a costume contest and trunk or treat will begin at 6pm.

6. Ordinances 7. Report of Officers – boards – committees 7.1 Water Department – Water Usage Water usage for September 2017 is 1,100,000 for well #4.

7.2 Fire Department- The fire department had a meeting. They went out and trained some of the members on how to run the new truck. They also ordered some new hand held radios to be used at the fire department. Councilor Justus suggested that fire department members take the radios home and charge them and be responsible for them so they are ready to use when needed.

7.3 Road Department- Councilor Kabonic needs to go in and talk to the county about getting a cattle guard put in.

7.4 Parks & Recreation- 7.5 Grants-

2 HATCH TOWN BOARD MEETING Lori Talbot from Pang itch is working on switching the Kiosk grant from a federal grant to a state grant. This way they will not have to use Davis Bacon Wages and will help get more contractors to apply.

7.6 Planning & Zoning Commission Kevin Mackaben has 2 projects in mind that he has presented to the planning & zoning commission. On the Mountain Ridge lot he would like to: 1. Construct a laundromat, coffee/ice cream shop and large public restrooms along with second floor staff housing. 2. Behind main building construct 5 RV sites for additional staff housing.

On the Outlaw lot he would like to: 1. Construct 20-24 cabin units or bring in 20-24 park model cabins. 2. Construct new lobby/laundry facility. Nikki Dinges has been looking through the town’s ordinances and right now one of her concerns with the commercial design criteria is 2 access points with a minimum width of 50 feet. She also needs a map that is to scale with specific measurements on the map. Mr. Mackaben said he would get the park model trailers from Panguitch Lake. Mrs. Dinges also needs to check with the county building inspector to see what classification the park model trailers fall under – if it is like a mobile home or not. The town’s ordinances will take precedence over whatever the county has. The town will need to determine whether these would need to be on a permanent foundation or if an anchoring system and skirting would suffice. Once Mr. Mackaben give the planning & zoning commission a detailed map and they can review them they can make a recommendation to the town council.

Russell Riggs feels that the town needs to have a public meeting to inform all those owning property within 500 feet of Mr. Mackaben of the changes. Even though it is commercial property it will be changing from what it has historically been. He feels very strongly that the council should inform the public of the change and give them a chance to voice their opinions about it.

8. Unfinished Business There is a problem with the ballots. Chad Justus and Russell Riggs are both running for the 2 year term position and it says vote for one instead of vote for two. Jacie Torgersen has contacted the county to inform them of the problem since they are running the elections this year. They said they were notified too late and so they cannot change the ballots but they will put something in the paper regarding the error.

9. New Business 10. Adjournment Councilor Kabonic motioned to adjourn at 8:20pm and Councilor Justus seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous.



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