The University of South Africa Invites Suitably
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The University of South Africa invites suitably
qualified service providers to participate in a
Public Tender Process to provide the University with
Shared Services
Security Guarding Services for Gauteng
Tender Specification Document
Tender Ref. No: PT2017/02 Date of Issue: 05 February 2016
TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION A: General Tender Information
1. Overview 4
2. Propriety and confidential information 5
3. Dealing with the University of South Africa 5
4. Compulsory registration and information session 5
5. Tender submission and closing date 6
6. Tender mandatory requirements 6
7. Other requirements 7
8. Environmental Impact 8
9. Pricing 8
10. Payment terms 8
11. Sub-contracting 9
12. Joint arrangement 9
13. Evaluation criteria 9
14. Conditions of tender 11
15. Company information: Experience, functionality & capability 11
16. Schedules of information 12
17. Site Visit / Verification of information 11
18. Contract agreement 12
19. Tender pricing format 12
2 SECTION B: Security Specification
20. Description of Offices/Sites where services need to be rendered 13
21. Minimum and general security service requirements 14
22. Reporting and Management Structure 16
23. Penalty Clauses 16
24. Insurance 17
25. Profile of security service providers 17
26. Uniforms 18
27. Vehicles 18
28. Guard tracking system 18
29. Two way radios 18
30. Human Resource Administration 19
31. Unisa security staff per site 19
SECTION C: Site Specific Postings
32. Muckleneuk Campus and Satellite offices (Gauteng - Pretoria) 20
33. Sunnyside Campus and North Gauteng 28
34. Florida Campus and South Gauteng 36
Please read this document together with each of the site specific documentation you are required to provide this service at.
The University of South Africa invites tenders from suitably qualified companies for the provision of shared security guarding services at all its offices in Gauteng. Unisa will manage the human resources required for the services, and the service provider will manage the non-human resources component, including supply of equipment and inventory management. In the ad-hoc event that the human resources allocated by Unisa to a site is not sufficient to provide an effective security support the service provider must be in a position to mitigate the risk. The service provider will also supply all the necessary and required services and equipment, inclusive, but not limited to, radios, guard tracking equipment, registers, managers, supervisors, vehicles, etc. The appointment of a shared service partner will be for a period of 24 months.
The service providers are required to submit a single tender to include shared services at the following geographical areas:
Muckleneuk Campus and Satellite offices (Gauteng - Pretoria)
Muckleneuk campus
Principals residence
St Patrick Guesthouse
Club 1 (Hazelwood)
Moodey Place (Brooklyn)
Sunnyside Campus and North Gauteng
Sunnyside Campus
Pretoria City Buildings (Robert Sobukwe, Solomon Mahlangu, Little Theatre, CARS)
School of Business Leadership (Midrand)
Irene Park
Florida Campus and South Gauteng
Florida Science Campus
Daveyton Campus (Ekurhuleni)
Johannesburg Learning Centre (CBD)
Lazer Park
4 Vaal
Note: Some of the lease agreements may expire and the service provider will be expected to adjust such service to new leased buildings as and when required.
It is expected from the service provider to develop and submit a skills transfer plan/strategy. Moreover, the service provider is expected to transfer the skills to the operational security staff, and Regional management staff involved in security services, and supervision to ensure continuity after expiry of the contract in 24 months’ time. The skills to be transferred include the scheduling of staff, best practice, procurement and management of equipment, provision of such equipment.
2. PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION All material submitted in response to this tender shall become the property of Unisa. Any confidential information provided by a service provider in response to this Tender will be held in confidence and will only be used for the evaluation of this tender.
3. DEALING WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA Service providers must not contact any member of Unisa with respect to queries they may have with this tender. A compulsory information session will be held during which it is expected that any queries raised, will be answered.
The service provider shall not disclose any such information or specification, whether explicit or implied, to any third party without the written consent from Unisa.
A non-refundable tender registration fee of R700.00 is payable by credit or debit card at the registration session. No cash payments will be accepted.
Prospective tenderers must read the tender specification and bring a copy to the information session
Only service provider representatives who are senior members of a relevant business unit, or are member(s) of the team responsible for tender responses, will be permitted to attend the compulsory Information session
Registration Date: 20 February 2017
Registration Time: 09:30 to 10:00 (Latecomers will not be admitted)
Venue: Senate Hall, Theo Van Wijk Building, Preller Street, Muckleneuk Campus, Muckleneuk Ridge, Pretoria
5 The above-mentioned time frames must be strictly adhered to; latecomers will not be registered and admitted to the information session. The information session will commence immediately after registration.
5. TENDER SUBMISSION AND CLOSING DATE The original and a soft copy of the tender must be submitted into the official tender box in a sealed envelope located in the OR Tambo Administration Building, Fifth Floor room 5-19, Pretoria Muckleneuk Campus, Preller Street, Muckleneuk Ridge. Please quote the tender reference number PT2017/02 on the sealed envelope.
Closing date: 03 March 2017 @ 12:00
Tenders submitted late will not be accepted or considered. Points will be awarded for Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment. The decision of the UNISA Management Committee on awarding a tender is final. Unisa reserves the right to appoint, contract with and monitor the performance of any service provider it deems will offer the best service in line with its requirements, although it may not necessarily be the lowest Tenderer. Unisa also reserves the right, in its sole discretion, not to award a tender, to re-advertise a tender or not to award the tender to a service provider who has more than two existing contracts with Unisa. The tender awarded will be conditional and subject to successful negotiations and signing of a written contract, failing which Unisa reserves the right to withdraw the tender and to award the tender to another Tenderer without repeating the process.
Mandatory requirements will include the following and must be labelled and submitted in the following order. Failure to comply and submit any one of the documents will disqualify the submission:
Annexure A1: Attendance of compulsory information session. (Attach copy of the registration form received at the session.) Annexure A2: Completed and signed Supplier List Application Form (F25) including the PSP form and bank account details from the bank. ( Annexure A3: Resolution to sign on behalf of the tendering unit ( Annexure A4: Current and valid original SARS Clearance Certificate or E-filing SARS certificate Annexure A5: Copy of company registration documents indicating list of shareholders / members from CIPC / CIPRO Annexure A6: Pricing template. (The pricing template must be completed)
Annexure A7: Minimum of three recent (not older than three years from the year of the closing date of this tender) contactable references from customers to which the tenderer has provided or is providing goods/services that are substantially similar to the goods/service required. Only references from the tendering unit will be considered.
Annexure A8: Financial Statements
6 a. One set (2 years comparative figures) of the most recent audited Annual Financial Statements together with a signed an Independent Auditor’s Report or a signed letter from the Accounting Officer for Close Corporations must be submitted. The audited financial statement submitted must be within six months of the financial year-end to qualify for evaluation.
A complete set of Annual Financial Statements including the following:
Independent Auditor’s Report (Letter from an External Accountant/Accounting
Officer for Close Corporations)
Statement of Comprehensive Income (Income Statement)
Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
Statement of Cashflows
Statement of Changes in Equity
Notes to the Financial Statements
No summarized Financial Statements or Extracts of financial statements will be accepted. b. Where the financial statements of the holding company are submitted, a signed letter be included from the holding company, on their letterhead signed by the CEO/CFO, that they would be liable if the subsidiary defaulted. This must be attached to the financials being submitted. Failure to submit such signed letter will disqualify the tender submission. c. The financial statements should be submitted as a separate bound document.
Annexure A9: Unisa General Terms and Conditions to be completed and signed (
Annexure A10: Proof of registration as a Security Service Provider with PSIRA (Private Security Industry
Regulatory Authority), copy to be provided.
Annexure A11: Prove that the company has the capacity and infrastructure to deliver on Unisa’s requirements (Vehicles, human resources, control rooms, capacity to deal with incidents of public unrest, etc.). Please see the scoring criteria in the tender document.
7 Annexure A12: Documentation confirming the location of head and branch offices (list locations in Gauteng).
Annexure A13: Skills transfer plan / strategy applicable to Unisa to be provided
Annexure B1:A valid B-BBEE certificate or proof of exemption from an accredited SANAS /
IRBA verification agency / auditor. An affidavit certifying their total annual income and level of black ownership will be sufficient for EMEs and QSEs. Failure to submit the above will result in a zero score for B-BBEE.
Annexure B2: Company profile including: Services offered Number of staff permanently employed at each branch and in what capacity or grades Emergency manpower and services etc. Annexure B2: Copies of Certificates and/or CV’s for professional training / years’ experience in Management and /or Security related matters of operational Managers and/or Branch Managers (at least three located in the geographical area of the Gauteng) Annexure B3: Provide evidence of ability to provide supporting technology for: a) VHF radio equipment and communication b) ICASA Radio transmission licence c) Guard Tracking solution d) Other technology that can add value Annexure B4: Provide copies of current valid certificates of at least 40 event security officers currently employed in your company who have been trained in terms of SAQA UNIT STANDARD 244335 – “Conduct security at an event”, or PSIRA Special events training registration and provide PSIRA confirmation.
Annexure B5: Evidence of ownership of suitable vehicles to visit sites and to perform monitoring services (attach copy of logbooks in companies’, or proprietor’s name) Annexure B6: Skills transfer plan/strategy including implementation timelines. The service provider must develop and submit the skills transfer plan/strategy that clearly indicates how it will be implemented and the timelines.
Note: All documents submitted in support of this tender must be the documents of the tendering unit and may not pertain to different companies or units within a group. As an example, a tenderer cannot submit its own B- BBEE certificate, but the SARS certificate of its holding company.
8 Set out the detail of the environmental impact of the activities relating to the agreement/contract and the waste generated as a result thereof. Attach a detailed implementation plan by the contractor and/or the person(s) responsible for implementing the agreement/contract, indicating how the environmental impact and the waste generated will be minimized, mitigated and managed.
The tenderer must state whether the price quoted is fixed for the duration of the agreement or whether the price is subject to escalation. In the absence of an indication in this regard the price will be considered as fixed for the full period of the agreement.
All pricing must be quoted in South African Rand (ZAR) including VAT. The pricing must remain valid for 90 days from the closing date of the tender. In instances where the contract period exceeds a year it is accepted that the prices will remain fixed for the first year. Pricing template must be completed (Annexure A6) Any pricing not included in the pricing template will not be considered.
Prices charged by the supplier for goods delivered and services performed under the contract shall not vary from the prices quoted by the supplier in his tender, and any variance will render the contract null and void.
The payment terms of the University are 30 days after receipt of goods and services and upon receipt of the required documentation. No upfront payments will be considered.
The tenderer and/or the contract, or any portion thereof, or any share or interest therein, may not be transferred, assigned or granted to any other company without the specific written permission and conditions of the University.
9 11.1 The University may consider accepting sub-contracting if an agreement is entered into only with the primary supplier, and the agreement, or any portion thereof, or any share or interest therein, may not be transferred, assigned or granted to someone else subject to the following principles:
a) Sub-contracting is allowed, provided that the tenderer has declared upfront at the time of submitting the tender documents that a portion of the contract will be sub-contracted; this is limited to 20% of the work. Subcontracting Annexure must be completed. However, the University reserves the right to allow or not allow sub-contracting. b) The primary supplier takes full responsibility and accountability for the portion of the work sub- contracted. c) The name of the sub-contractor must be declared upfront to ascertain whether the sub-contractor is not blacklisted or has not defaulted.
11.2 The University encourages sub-contracting aimed at empowering exempted micro enterprises (EMEs) and qualifying small enterprises (QSEs), as defined in the B-BBEE Codes. In the event that sub-contracting is to any other than EMEs and/or QSEs which is 51% or more black owned, the sub-contracted supplier must have a B- BBEE status level equal to or higher than the appointed supplier.
12.JOINT ARRANGEMENTS The University of South Africa will accept joint arrangement proposals on condition that the following is adhered to: a) In case of a joint venture
All mandatory requirements and non-mandatory documents must be in the name of the joint venture entity (separate entity established for this purpose) b) In case of a joint agreement
joint operation partners must each submit their own mandatory requirements
the joint operation agreement must be signed by all participating parties.
Pre-qualification: Only tenderers that meet all the mandatory requirements including the financial evaluation will proceed to stage 1 of the adjudication.
Stage 1 - Functional Evaluation
10 Functionality Points Copies (attached) of Certificates and/or CV’s for professional training / years’ experience in 10 Management and /or Security related matters of operational Managers and/or Branch Managers (at least three located in the geographical area of the Gauteng) Degree and above / 10 years’ experience in security management ...10 points Diploma /5 years’ experience in security management……….…………5 points Certificate /2 years’ experience in security management………….…....2 points None …………………………………………………………………..…...... 0 points Evidence of companies ability to provide supporting technology 20 VHF radio equipment and communication …………………………..… 5 points ICASA Radio transmission licence…………………………………..…. 5 points Guard Tracking solution…………………………………………………. 5 Points Other technology that can add value…………………………………… 5 points Risk mitigation strategy 10
(Provide copies of current valid certificates of at least 40 event security officers currently employed in your company who have been trained in terms of SAQA UNIT STANDARD 244335 – “Conduct security at an event”, or PSIRA Special events training registration and provide PSIRA confirmation)
40……………………………………………………………………….….5 points 41+….……………………………………………………………………..10 points
Track record (years of experience in the industry) 20 5 years…………………………………………………………………….10 points 10 years +………………………………………………………………....20 points Ability to provide uniforms timeously Within 20 days…………………………………………………………...10 points 10 20 to 30 days ………………………………………………………..5 point Evidence of ownership of suitable vehicles to visit sites and to perform monitoring services (attach 15 logbooks in companies’, or proprietor’s name) 10 vehicles…………………………………………………………..…15 points 5 vehicles…………………………………………………………….….8 points 3 vehicles………………………………………………………………..5 points Footprint in Gauteng: 10 Head office = 10 points Branch office = 5 points per branch office Skills transfer plan/strategy 5 The service provider must develop and submit the skills transfer plan/strategy that clearly indicates how it will be implemented and the timelines. Prepare and submit the skills transfer plan/strategy addressing the following: a. Required security skills………….. 2 points b. Methodology for skills transfer……..2 points Implementation timelines……………1 point TOTAL 100
Service providers who score 70% or more will be evaluated in stage 2
Stage 2 scoring criteria
11 Criteria Score Price 75% B-BBEE 25%
14.1 Prospective service providers are requested to submit tender prices for the execution of the work as described in this document. The prices must include all the work to be undertaken without any amendments, omissions or additions. 14.2 The price must comply strictly with the conditions as set out in this document. 14.3 One bidder will be allocated (awarded) the contract, and therefore the successful service provider must demonstrate its capacity to service all the Unisa offices in Gauteng. 14.4 Unisa reserves the right to not accept the lowest priced tender. 14.5 The successful service provider is reminded that it will be required to provide all necessary support as determined at the site meeting and the tender specifications prescribed in the tender document. 14.6 Service providers who intend to participate in the tender need to register at the compulsory registration session. Failure to register at this session will exclude the service provider from further participation in the tender. 14.7 Preference should be given to suppliers that are B-BBEE Code-compliant in line with paragraph 3: general principle of the SCM policy:
In the case of all public tenders awarded to suppliers measured in terms of the generic scorecard of the B-BBEE Codes, at least 10%, but not more than 20%, of the contract must be given to EMEs or QSEs, which is 51% or more black owned as part of the enterprise and supplier development initiative. Regional offices should use local EMEs or QSEs to stimulate local trade. Companies with a national footprint do not qualify as local EMEs or QSEs. The SCM directorate is implementing paragraph 29 of the policy to ensure compliance with the policy and development of small businesses. Supply chain must be seen and practically demonstrate its commitment towards contributing to the transformation agenda of the country.
The following must be included with the tender submission and should not exceed 20 pages:
Company profile Services offered Number of staff permanently employed at each branch and in what capacity or grades Emergency manpower and services etc.
12 All particulars as set out in the attached specification must be filled in by service providers. Failure to comply with these requirements will lead to disqualification.
Unisa reserves the right to conduct a site visit to similar sites / contracts of the service provider as and when required. Unisa also reserves the right to verify any / all the information supplied by service providers as part of their tender submissions.
The successful service provider will be required to sign a formal contract with Unisa. Should the successful tenderer fail to enter into a contract with Unisa after requested in writing to do so, the successful service provider will be liable for any loss which may be incurred by Unisa as a result of having to have the service executed at a higher price than the successful service providers tender price. The successful service provider will also be required to sign a service level agreement with regard to the specific security services which need to be rendered.
Tenderers are required to submit their monthly price for the contract indicating:
19.1 Total monthly price including VAT for the shared security service at Unisa in Gauteng 19.2 Wage breakdown of the required security staff for ad-hoc risk mitigation services (Manager, grade A, grade B, grade C, grade D) indicating the difference between night and day shift staff, as well as other benefits and/or deductions. 19.3 Price breakdown of any service, equipment or infrastructure if not included in the monthly service price 19.4 The tender price must make provision for a 24 month contract period. A fixed annual contract price escalation will be negotiated during the contract phase. 19.5 All pricing must be valid for 90 days from date of closing of this tender.
The successful service provider will need to provide shared security services to all Unisa offices and campuses in Gauteng as per the attached specification; however the security staff members are employees of Unisa. In the ad- hoc event that the human resources allocated by Unisa to a site is not sufficient to provide an effective security solution within the framework of the operational requirements, the service provider will be contracted to provide the additional risk mitigation staff to make the service effective. The shared service model would require the service provider to render the following services: Provision of security equipment, and infrastructure as well as the:
Shared Services of security staff and operations (staff and service quality);
13 A detailed table, indicating the staff members allocated per site by Unisa, as well as a breakdown of the operational service which needs to be rendered per site (according to priorities) can be found in SECTION C.
UNISA invites tenders from suitable companies that can provide a comprehensive 24 hours a day shared Security Service solution at ALL of the Unisa Branches / offices / sites in Gauteng. The service provider will be compelled to provide the service at all the offices in Gauteng, and exclusion of portions of the tender will result in immediate disqualification.
Shared Security Services will be required on the following premises:
Muckleneuk Campus and Satellite offices (Gauteng - Pretoria)
Muckleneuk campus
Principals residence
St Patrick Guesthouse
Club 1 (Hazelwood)
Moodey Place (Brooklyn)
Sunnyside Campus and North Gauteng
Sunnyside Campus
Pretoria City Buildings (Robert Sobukwe, Solomon Mahlangu, Little Theatre)
School of Busines Leadership (Midrand)
Irene Park
Florida Science Campus and South Gauteng
Florida Science Campus
Daveyton Campus (Ekurhuleni)
Johannesburg Learning Centre (CBD)
Lazer Park
Vaal Agency
21.1. The shift hours and service requirements per day are stipulated as part of the specification for each office /site individually (see attachment – site breakdown for prioritized guarding requirements in SECTION C), but in general consists of the following, but not limited to: Monday to Friday 06h00 – 18h00 (day shift) Monday to Friday 07h45 – 16h30 dayshift) Monday to Friday 18h00 – 06h00 (night shift) Monday to Saturday 06h00 – 18h00 (day shift) Monday to Sunday 06h00 – 18h00 (day shift) Monday to Sunday 18h00 – 06h00 (night shift) Please see the specification sheet for each office / site attached.
21.2. Unisa employees will be required to work legislative compliant per week, and Service Providers will be required to assist Unisa management to generate duty rosters to ensure compliance to the minimum and maximum working hours and time off. 21.3. A 24-hour security service must be provided with the required number of security personnel as per the specification sheet, allocated to day and night shift (where required). An allocated senior guard (who takes responsibility for the site) must be available on shift. 21.4. Specialised and professional trained unit that are capable in handling student and staff protests and/or unrest must be available on short notice by Unisa Management. The unit must be trained according to recognized PSIRA training and/or SASSETA unit standards. 21.5. Security personnel must at all times be posted as the agreed post allocation list, and in accordance with the service level agreement (to be formalized with the successful service provider during contracting phase). 21.6. The security service provider will be required to assist Unisa with management and supervisory services to ensure that the security function at Unisa in Gauteng is effectively implemented, monitored and sustained. It is compulsory that the security service provider, after perusal of the site specific detail, to provide Unisa with a detail security plan, indication the proposed management structure, equipment and processes which will be used to effectively provide the required security service. This should form part of the tender response. 21.7. Security services must take place in accordance with the Unisa requirements and standards. All faults, defects and incidents must be noted in the applicable registers. 21.8. Management or approved representatives of the service provider must visit the premises on a regular and ad-hoc basis, and in accordance with the service level agreement, but not less than 10 times per month. Access control at all points must be provided in accordance with industry norms and without prejudice to the individual who is entering Unisa property. 21.9. Additional tasks, which might not be directly security related, will be required to be performed by the Unisa security staff from time to time. 21.10. All the relevant equipment to render a professional security service must be provided and maintained by the security service provider, such as:
Quality torches in working order.
15 All the relevant registers, for example:
- Occurrence Book - Visitors Book - Asset control registers - Security Incident Report register (SR) - Post Allocation sheets/forms - Information Book - Pocket Book, etc. 21.11. All the relevant registers shall be perused on a daily basis by the senior member of the shift and a proper shift handover (where applicable) shall take place. All reported faults and deviations from agreed operational processes and procedures must recorded in the applicable security registers (Unisa standard to be adhered to) and be brought to the attention of Unisa representative on the site, or during the first (1st) hour of the next shift. 21.12. Registers on site must be perused and signed at least three times a week. 21.13. A policy and procedure manual for each site must be drafted and presented for input and approval before commencement of the contract. On commencement of the contract the service provider must provide training to security staff, and a copy of the procedure manual must be available to security staff at each site on a permanent basis. This manual must be reviewed annually and then presented to the client representative for approval and signature. 21.14. A copy of Unisa service level agreement must be available on site for staff reference. 21.15. Any deviations or breach of agreed Policies and Procedures by Unisa security employees must be reported in writing (with supporting evidence). Disciplinary action/corrective action will be considered and implemented in accordance with labour legislation, and in line with the Unisa disciplinary code of practice. 21.16. Job descriptions and specific task descriptions for each site / premises will be drawn up in collaboration with the Security Service Provider, and submitted to the Unisa representative on the site for perusal and approval before the start of contract. On commencement of the contract the service provider must provide training to security staff, and a copy of the job and task description’s must be available to security staff at each site on a permanent basis 21.17. A monthly report must reach the office of the Unisa representative of each geographical area by no later than the 3rd of the following month. The monthly report should include at least the following information: Minutes of the meeting with the Unisa representative of the site/office A summary of the incidents (according to the Incident Register) and actions taken Problems/Solutions/Improvements Information required Staff placements and related matters Staff morale and general discipline matters Training/On-job, etc. Visits to Unisa premises with OB references Summary of man power challenges (absence without leave/late arrivals/disciplinary matters found by service provider Number of patrols Number of visitor and vehicle recordings Number of searches per day (persons and vehicles), etc.
16 21.18. Provision of two-way radios (repeaters and base stations where required) on each site 21.19. Provision of guard monitoring systems (database and panic alarm) for site. Electronic reports to be made available to the client representative on a daily basis. 21.20. Ad-hoc requirement: Training provision must be made by the successful tenderer for: Physical Training PR Training Ongoing induction Policies and Procedures of UNISA
22.1. the security staff will report according to policies and procedures as will be determined for each site specifically. Policies and procedures will be developed as mentioned in 14.9.5 of this document, and as approved by Unisa Management. 22.2. The security service provider management structure will report directly to the Unisa Protection Services Director, or his representative, who in turn will report directly to the VP Operations and Facilities.
23.1. By contracting with Unisa the Security Service Provider accepts the responsibility of safeguarding the University’s assets and property, as well as its staff, students, visitors and their respective property. This entails that the contractor will do everything in its power to safeguard not only the University property and assets, but also the University’s staff, students, visitors and their property.
23.2. In order to comply with legislative requirements, as well as requirements of the University regarding the safeguarding of the University’s property and assets, as well as its staff, students, visitors and their respective property, the service provider must ensure that record is kept of legislative requirements with regard to the deployment of all security staff. In the event that individuals do not comply, the service provider must inform Unisa forthwith. The guards must perform their duties according to the following accepted standards: - PSIRA training manual / SASSETA unit standards Written job and task descriptions for contract guards as approved by Unisa Unisa written orders for contract guards Verbal orders legitimately given my Unisa representatives.
23.3. As a measure to ensure that the security staff performs its duties according to the Unisa requirements, and in line with the service level agreement, the Security Service provider agrees that in case of a breach of policies and procedure by security staff that Unisa is informed immediately, or not later than the start of the next shift in terms of the following,
Guard sleeping whilst on duty Guards refusing to obey valid commands Guards not performing in according to site specific procedures, policies, orders, or work standards
17 Guard under the influence of alcohol or drugs whilst on duty Guard leaving his post or designated area of responsibility without permission Guard who arrived late Guards who did not arrive for work – leave without approval Damage and/or losses occurred during guards shift in his area of responsibility Illegal strike actions by security staff Tampering/manipulating/playing games with regards to security access control and CCTV infrastructures Tampering/manipulating with regards to OHS/FIRE related equipment
Once Unisa has been informed, Disciplinary action/corrective action will be considered and implemented by Unisa in accordance with labour legislation, and in line with the Unisa disciplinary code of practice.
23.4. The lack of the Service Provider to inform Unisa of disciplinary matters, (in line with the SLA and disciplinary procedure), penalties might be instituted against the Service Provider
23.5. Any dispute arising out of the execution of this penalty clause will be settled according to the dispute resolution stipulations in the contract between Unisa and the successful Service provider.
23.6. The execution of the penalty clause will not exclude any other claims for damages, incurred by the University, a staff member, student or visitor through negligence or wilful actions by the security service provider. The execution of this penalty clause will further not exclude any action taken by the University in accordance with the service level agreement in case of a breach of contract.
Unisa will be responsible for insurance of all assets belonging to Unisa. Even though Unisa makes provision for insurance of all assets, the contractor will be held liable for all damages or losses due to the negligence or poor management of security staff. The service provider will be responsible for the total cost involved for the repair or replacement of assets.
Unisa will be liable for all public liability claims instituted against their security staff.
The service provider indemnifies Unisa from any damages whatsoever it may suffer as a result of the withdrawal of the tender due to its inability to perform in terms of the requirements of the contract.
Unisa reserves the right to claim any damages it may occur resulting from the withdrawal and re-awarding of the tender, and the service provider accepts full responsibility therefore.
In the Ad-hoc event that the human resources allocated by Unisa to a site is not sufficient to provide an effective security solution, or to address specific risk situations, the service provider will be contracted to provide resources to
18 make the service effective. Resources supplied by the service provider must comply with the following minimum requirements:
25.1 At least a grade 12 / senior certificate. 25.2 Registration with PSIRA. 25.3 Grade A to D qualifications (and other specialized qualifications required by the client) through a training institution accredited with PSIRA and or SASSETA unit standards. 25.4 To be able to read, write and speak effectively in English. 25.5 To have a presentable appearance. 25.6 No criminal record. 25.7 Physically fit and in good general health. 25.8 Energetic, with good posture. 25.9 Mentally and physically alert. 25.10 Self-confident and able to take initiative. 25.11 Able to deal courteously with others.
The service provider will be responsible for the procurement and distribution of uniform to all staff within the shared services model, and cost must be included in the service fee. The following uniform pieces will be provided to the staff on an annual basis: 26.1 2 short sleeve shirts 26.2 2 long sleeve shirts 26.3 3 trousers / Skirts 26.4 1 pair of shoes 26.5 Belt 26.6 3 pairs of socks 26.7 1 jersey 26.8 1 Warm jackets / windbreaker 26.9 Raincoat (every 2nd year)
The successful service provider / tenderer will be required to supply in adequate numbers and in working conditions, motor vehicles to service the shared service sites in Gauteng (minimum 3) are covered.
To ensure compliance it is compulsory for the Service Provider to provide an electronic guard monitoring/tracking system on all sites where the service provider will provide services. The system must provide the University with the following minimum requirements:
Active guard tracking capabilities “Stay awake” functionality at indicated locations.
19 Remote viewing of the movement of guards on site Management reports. Panic alarm functionality Must be durable and tamper proof
29. TWO WAY RADIOS In consultation with Unisa on all Unisa sites must be provided with two way radios, either to be linked to the Unisa control room (Muckleneuk and/or Florida), or alternatively to the closest control room of the Security Service Provider. This should include a full two way radio service, inclusive of equipment, licensing, etc. It is a requirement that radio links be established between geographical areas in Gauteng, and therefore licencing and infrastructure must be supplied accordingly.
30. HUMAN RESOURCE ADMINISTRATION Unisa’s Human Resources Department will administer the following human resources administration, but it might be required by the service provider to assist at a pre-determined cost, acceptable to both parties (if / when required) with the following: 30.1 Leave Administration – The service provider must with the process to consider, approve and administer all forms of leave, in accordance with official Unisa policies, procedures and employment benefits. Specific access will be allocated to the service provider to assist with this function 30.2 Salary administration – All salary administration will be executed by Unisa Salary Department. In the event that security staff is required to work overtime (must be approved in advance) the service provider must assist consolidate the overtime hours and then inform the Unisa Salary Department once a month on a predetermined date. 30.3 Other fringe benefits – The Unisa human resources Department will be responsible for the management of all fringe benefits. 30.4 Performance Management – The service provider must assist with compilation of bi-annual performance assessment, based on performance records during the performance period. This should be done in conjunction with the relevant Unisa representative
Region Total Location/site Total Guarding Guarding Guarding Guards guards grade grade grade per per site “A” “B” “C” Region Gauteng 144 Daveyton 20 1 7 12 South Florida Campus 84 4 17 63 JLC 25 1 7 17 Honeydew 4 - - 4 Ormonde 4 - 1 3 Lenasia 3 - - 3 Vereeniging 4 - 1 3
Gauteng 133 Sunnyside Campus 81 2 5 74 North Mamelodi 3 0 0 3 S Mahlangu / R 27 0 3 24 Sobukwe SBL Midrand 18 0 7 11
20 Irene Park 4 0 0 4
Muckleneuk 126 Muckleneuk campus 115 3 112 Campus Club 1 3 1 2 Brooklyn 4 1 3 Principals residence 4 4
32. Muckleneuk Campus and satellite offices
32.1 Muckleneuk Campus Total Number of guards available for the site – 126
Post / Position Function /Job Risk Priority of Duration Number of Grade of Describe the description which will be the of work guards per the name of the Indicate what addressed by position hours location guard/s position, relevant the person will deploying a C = Critical Number of (if more than What is the to location and be doing(full security I = hours per one guard is required function J/D required officers at Important day a required at a PSIRA for each this S = guards is location/post grade for position, but post/position Standard required to the person highlight the L = Low work (linked to perform important to the task tasks) functional task) 1. Kgorong Access control Theft C 12 (24/7) 4 = C 6 x C Vehicle Vehicle Arson 2 = S Entrance searches Trespassing Client service Enquiries. Emergency response 1 = C 2 x C 2. Kgorong Access Control 1 = S Reception Patrols Searches Security Administration 1 = C 1 x C 3. Access Control KgorongTurnstil Patrols es Searches Security Administration 1 = L 1 x C Access Control Patrols 4. Kgorong Level Searches 2 entrance Security Administration
21 2 = C 2 x C Card Issuing and client service 5. Card issuing
1. TvW Building Theft C 12 (24/7) 2 = C 3 x C main entrance Asset losses 1 = S trespassing
1 = I 2 x C 2. Goldfields 1 = L entrance
1 = C 1 x C 3. Chemistry
4. TvW 4th Level 1 = I 2 x C Entrance 1 = L
1 = C 1 x C 5. Lucifer Entrance
1 = C 1 x C
6. Central Delivery Store (B-Block)
1 = L 1 x C
7. Roller Door Goldfields
1 = L 1 x C
22 8. TvW Level 5 Turnstiles 3 = C 3 x C
9. TvW CCTV Control room
1. CvV Building Security Theft 2 = C 3 x C Main Entrance Administration Asset losses 1 = I Access control trespassing Searches Client service Enquiries Key control Emergency response
2. CvV 1st Level Access control 1 = S 1 x C Entrance Searches Client service Enquiries Emergency response
3. CvV Door 3-32 Access control 1 = L 1 x C Searches Client service Enquiries Emergency response
4. CvV Door 2-09 Access control 1 = I 1 x C Searches Client service Enquiries Emergency response
5. CvV Door 2-28 Access control 1 = L 1 x C Searches Client service Enquiries Emergency response
6. CvV Door 1-62 Access control 1 = I 1 x C Searches Client service Enquiries Emergency response
7. CvV Door 0-11 Access control 1 = L 1 x C Searches Client service Enquiries Emergency response 1. RR Maluleka Access control Theft 2 = L 1 x C Building Main Searches Asset losses
23 Entrance Client service trespassing Enquiries Key control Emergency response
2. RR Maluleka Access control 1 = L 1 x C Workshop Searches Client service Enquiries Emergency response
3. RR Maluleka Access control 1 = L 1 x C Ground Level Searches Entrance Client service Enquiries Emergency response
1. Samuel Pauw/ Security Theft 4 = C 6 x C Library Main Administration Loitering 2 = I Entrance Access control Searches Enquiries Emergency response Patrols OHS inspections Client Services 2. Finger 1 = C 2 x C Entrance Access control 1 = L Searches Client service Enquiries Emergency response
3. Seminar Access control 1 = C 1 x C Rooms Searches Entrance Client service Enquiries Emergency response
Access control 1 = C 1 x C 4. Duty Room Searches Delivery Client service Entrance Enquiries Emergency response
1. ORT Building Security 2 = C 3 x C Main Entrance Administration 1 = I Access control Searches
24 Enquiries Emergency response Patrols OHS inspections Client Services 2. ORT 1st Level 1 = S 1 x C Entrance Access control Searches Client service Enquiries Emergency response 3. ORT 5th Level 1 = L 1 x C Entrance Access control Searches Client service Enquiries Emergency response 4. ORT Production 1 = C 2 x C Entrance Access control 1 = I Searches Client service Enquiries Emergency response 5. Examination 1 = C 1 x C Receiving Access control Entrance Searches Client service Enquiries Emergency response 1. Club1 Building Supervision 1 = C 1 x C Reception Area Security Hazelwood Administration Access control Searches Enquiries Emergency response Patrols OHS inspections Client Services 2. Club1 1 = C 2 x C Basement Access control 1 = S Entrance/ Vehicle Reception searches Client service Enquiries. Emergency response
1. Brooklyn Supervision 1 = C 1 x C Building/ Legal Security Reception Administration Entrance Access control
25 Vehicle Searches Enquiries Emergency response Patrols OHS inspections Client Services 1 = C 3 x C 2. Brooklyn Main 2 = I Gate Access control Entrance/Recep Vehicle tion Area searches Client service Enquiries. Emergency response
1. AJH v/d Walt Security 1 = C 3 x C Building Main Administration 1 = I Entrance Access control 1 = L Searches Enquiries Emergency response Patrols OHS inspections Client Services 2. AJH v/d Walt/ 3rd Level Access control 1 = C 2 x C Entrance Searches 1 = L Client service Enquiries Key control Emergency response
3. AJH v/d Walt Access control East Entrance Searches 1 = S 3 x C Client service 2 = L Enquiries Key control Emergency response 1. Principal Security 2 = C 2 x C House/ Administration Control/Recepti Access control on Room. Vehicle Searches Enquiries Emergency response Patrols OHS inspections Client Services 1 = C 1 x C
Access control 2. Cottage House Vehicle
26 Searches Enquiries Emergency response Patrols OHS 1 = C 1 x C inspections Client Services 3. Mears Street Guards House Access control Vehicle Searches Enquiries Emergency response Patrols OHS inspections Client Services 1. Campus and Supervision 2 = C 2 x A Building Security Control Administration Supervision Access control Vehicle Searches Enquiries Emergency response Patrols OHS inspections Client Services
15 = L 15 x C 2. Muckleneuk Traffic Control Campus Patrolling Controllers Information Services Vehicle Searches Accidents Report Emergency Response NIGHT SHIFT
Post / Function /Job Risk Priority of Duration of Number of Grade of Position description which will be the work hours guards per the Describe the Indicate what addressed by position Number of location guard/s name of the the person will deploying a C = Critical hours per (if more than What is the position, be doing(full security I = day a guards one guard is required relevant to J/D required for officers at this Important is required required at a PSIRA grade location and each position, post/position S = to work location/post for the function but highlight Standard (linked to person to the important L = Low functional perform the tasks) task) task 1. Campus Supervision Theft C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x A supervisor Security Arson Administration Trespassing Access control
27 Vehicle Searches Enquiries Emergency response Patrols OHS inspections Client Services 2. Kgorong 4 = C 4 x C Vehicle Access control Entrance Vehicle searches Client service Enquiries. Emergency response
2. ORT Access control Theft C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C Building Searches Asset losses Entrance Patrols trespassing Client service Enquiries 1 = C 1 x C ORT Key control Production Emergency response 3. AJH Access control Theft C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C Building Patrols Asset losses Main Searches trespassing entrance Client service Enquiries Key control Emergency response 4. SP Building Access control Theft C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 2 x C Main Patrols Asset losses 1 = I Entrance Searches trespassing Client service Enquiries Key control Emergency response 5. TvW Patrols Theft L 12 (24/7) 8 = I 8 x C Building OHS Loitering main inspections entrance / Client Services Campus Access control operations Searches Client service 3 = C 3 x C Client service Enquiries TvW CCTV Key control Control Emergency Room response Enquiries Key control Emergency response 6. CvV Main Access control 1 = C 2 x Entrance Patrols 1 = S C Searches
28 Client service Enquiries Key control Emergency response 7. Brooklyn Security 2 = C 2 x House Administration C Access control Vehicle Searches Enquiries Emergency response Patrols OHS inspections Client Services
8. Club1 Security 2 = C 2 x Administration C Access control Vehicle Searches Enquiries Emergency response Patrols OHS inspections Client Services
9. Principal Patrols 4 = C 4 x C House OHS inspections Client Services Access control Searches Client service Client service Enquiries Key control Emergency response Enquiries Key control Emergency Response 10. RR Searches 2 = C 2 x C Maluleka Enquiries Emergency response Patrols Client Services
33. Sunnyside Campus and North Gauteng
33.1 Sunnyside campus Total Number of guards available for the site – 85
29 DAY SHIFT Post / Function /Job Risk Priority Duration of Number of Grade of Position description which will be of the work hours guards per the Describe the Indicate what the addressed by position Number of location guard/s name of the person will be deploying a C = hours per (if more than What is position, doing(full J/D security Critical day a guards one guard is the relevant to required for each officers at this I = is required to required at a required location and position, but post/position Important work (linked location/post PSIRA function highlight the S = to functional grade for important tasks) Standard task) the L = Low person to perform the task BLD – 8 Managing staff Theft C 12(24/7) 2 2 x C Control room attendance Robbery report. Ml damage to Key control property Patrols Asset losses Emergency Trespassing response Arson Recording Poor service buildings patrols delivery Managing daily incident reports Enquiries Good service delivery E Mphahlele Supervise Theft C / I 12 (06:00 – Boom gate: 1 = 1 x B building guarding staff Arson 18:00) C 7 x C Access control Trespassing Enquiries Asset losses Hall A#1: 1 = C Egress control Poor service Assist staff with Delivery Hall A#2: 1 = I requests at Robbery reception desk Ml damage to Hall B: 1 = I Unlocking of property venues/offices Hall B (Upper Emergency floor): 2 = I response Key control Card Issuing: 2 = Patrols C Ensure good service delivery (Total: 6) BLD 15 Access and Theft C / S / L 12(24/7) Turnstiles: 1 = C 3 x C egress control Trespassing Enquiries Arson Study area: 1 = Searches Robbery S Emergency Poor service response delivery Staff parking: 1 Patrols Ml damage to = L Key control property Unlocking and (Total: 3) locking of building Ensure good service delivery BLD 14 Access and Theft C / I / S 12 (06:00 – Reception: 2 = C 1 x B egress control Arson 18:00) 4 x C Enquiries Trespassing Basement Searches Asset losses parking: 1 = L Emergency Poor service
30 response delivery Library: 1 = I Unlocking of Robbery study venues and Ml damage to East section offices property (SRC turnstiles): Patrols 1 = S Key control Ensure good (Total: 5) service delivery BLD 13 Access control Theft C / I 12 (24/7) Reception: 1 = C 2 x C Egress control Arson 1 = I Searches Trespassing Client service Asset losses (Total: 2) Enquiries Service Patrols Delivery Emergency Ml damage to response property Unlocking study Robbery venues Poor service Ensure good delivery service delivery BLD 12B & C Access and Theft C 12(24/7) Reception: 1 = C 2 x C egress control Arson Studio: 1 = C Client service Trespassing Enquiries Asset losses (Total: 2) Emergency Poor service response Delivery Ensure good Ml damage to service delivery property Robbery BLD 12 A Access control Theft C / S 12(24/7)) Reception: 1 = C 2 x C Searches Arson Turnstiles: 1 = S Enquiries Trespassing Patrols Asset losses (Total: 2) Emergency Poor service response Delivery Ensure good ML damage to service delivery property Closing and Robbery opening of building BLD 10 Access and Theft C / I / S 12 (24/7) Basement 3 x C egress control Arson entrance: 1 = S Searches Trespassing Reception: 1 = C Enquiries Asset losses 1 = I Patrols Robbery Emergency Ml damage to (Total: 3) response property Opening and Poor service closing of delivery building Closing of windows BLD 4 Access and Tress passing C / I 12(24/7) Reception: 2 x C egress control Arson 1 = C Patrols Theft 1 = I Enquiries Asset losses Client service Robbery Emergency Poor service response delivery Searches BLD 3 Access control Theft C 12(24/7) Reception: 1 = C 1 x C
31 Searches Arson Client service Trespassing Enquiries Asset losses Patrols Poor service D Opening and delivery closing of Robbery building BLD 1 Access and Theft C 12(24/7) Reception: 1= C 1 x C egress control Arson Patrol Trespassing Enquiries Asset losses Searching Poor service Emergency delivery response Robbery Opening and closing of building Ensure good service delivery Gate one Access and Theft C / I 12(24/7) 1 = C 2 x C (Rissik street) egress control Trespassing 1 = I Enquiries Arson Searches Robbery Emergency Ml damage to response property Opening and Service closing of delivery campus Gate two Access and Theft C / I 12(24/7) 1 = C 2 x C (Justice egress control Trespassing 1 = I Mahomed Enquiries Arson Street) Searches Robbery Emergencies Ml damage to response property Opening and Service closing of delivery campus Student Guarding Theft L 12(24/7) 1 = L 1 x C parking north Traffic control Trespassing side zone 1 Emergencies Robbery response MI damage to property Service delivery Student Guarding Theft L 12(24/7) 1 = L 1 x C parking north Traffic control Trespassing side zone 2 Emergencies Arson response MI damage to property service delivery Student Guarding Theft L 06:00- 2 = L 2 x C parking south Traffic control Trespassing 18:00(Monda side zone 1 Emergencies Robbery y to response MI damage to Saturday) property Service delivery
Guarding Theft L 06:00- 2 = L 2 x C Student Traffic control Trespassing 18:00(Monda
32 parking south Emergencies Robbery y to side zone 2 response MI damage to Saturday) property Service delivery Bridge Access and Theft S 06:00- 1 = S 2 x C turnstile egress control Trespassing 18:00(Monda Enquiries Robbery y – Saturday) Emergencies MI damage to response property service delivery Green trees Access and Theft C / L 06:00- 1 x C 2 x C gate egress control Trespassing 18:00(Monda 1 x L Enquiries Robbery y to Friday) Searches MI damage to Emergencies property response Service Opening and delivery closing of campus Central boom Access and Theft C / L 06:00- 2 = C 3 x C egress control Trespassing 18:00(Monda 1 x L Enquiries Robbery y to Friday) Searches Ml damage to Emergencies property response Service Opening and delivery closing of campus Mamelodi Access and Theft C 06:00- 1 = C 1 x C egress control Trespassing 18:00(Monda Enquiries Robbery y to Friday) Searches Ml damage to Emergencies property response Service Opening and delivery closing of campus Irene Access and Theft C / L 06:00- 1 = C 2 x C egress control Trespassing 18:00(Monda 1 = L Enquiries Robbery y to Friday) Searches Ml damage to Emergencies property response Service Opening and delivery closing of campus
Post / Function /Job Risk Priority Duration of Number of Grade of Position description which will be of the work hours guards per the Describe the Indicate what the addressed by position Number of location guard/s name of the person will be deploying a C = hours per (if more than What is position, doing(full J/D security Critical day a guards one guard is the relevant to required for each officers at this I = is required to required at a required location and position, but post/position Important work (linked location/post PSIRA function highlight the S = to functional grade for important tasks) Standard task) the
33 L = Low person to perform the task E Mphahlele Supervise Theft C / S / L 12 (24/7) Boom gate: 2 = 4 x C building guarding staff Arson C Access control Trespassing Enquiries Asset losses Hall A: 1 = S Egress control Service Assist staff with Delivery Hall B: 1= L requests at Robbery reception desk Ml damage to (Total: 4) Unlocking of property venues/offices Emergency response Key control Patrols BLD 15 Access and Theft C / L 12 (24/7) Turnstiles: 1 = C 2 x C egress control Trespassing Enquiries Arson Study area: 1 = Searches Robbery L Emergency Service response delivery (Total: 2) Patrols Ml damage to Key control property Unlocking and locking of building BLD 14 Access and Theft C / S / L 12 (18:00 – Reception: 2 = C 4 x C egress control Arson 06:00) Enquiries Trespassing Basement Searches Asset losses parking: 1 = L Emergency Service response Delivery East section Unlocking of Robbery (SRC turnstiles): study venues and Ml damage to 1 = S offices property Patrols (Total: 4) Key control BLD 13 Access control Theft C 12 (24/7) Reception: 1 = C 1 x C Egress control Arson Searches Trespassing Client service Asset losses Enquiries Service Patrols Delivery Emergency Ml damage to response property Unlocking study Robbery venues BLD 12B & C Access and Theft C 12 (24/7) Reception: 1 = C 2 x C egress control Arson Studio: 1 = C Client service Trespassing Enquiries Asset losses (Total: 2) Emergency Service response Delivery Ml damage to property Robbery BLD 12 A Access control Theft C 12 (24/7)) Reception: 1 = C 1 x C Searches Arson Enquiries Trespassing
34 Patrols Asset losses Emergency Service response Delivery Closing and ML damage to opening of property building Robbery BLD 10 Access and Theft C 12 (24/7) Reception: 1 = C 1 x C egress control Arson Searches Trespassing Enquiries Asset losses Patrols Robbery Emergency Ml damage to response property Opening and closing of building Closing of windows BLD 4 Access and Tress passing C 12 (24/7) Reception: 1 = C 1 x C egress control Arson Patrols Theft Enquiries Asset losses Client service Robbery Emergency Service response delivery Searches BLD 3 Access control Theft C 12 (24/7) Reception: 1 = C 1 x C Searches Arson Client service Trespassing Enquiries Asset losses Patrols Service Opening and Delivery closing of Robbery building BLD 1 Access and Theft C 12 (24/7) Reception: 1 = C 1 x C egress control Arson Patrol Trespassing Enquiries Asset losses Searching Service Emergency delivery response Robbery Opening and closing of building Gate one Access and Theft C / L 12 (24/7) 1 = C 2 x C (Rissik Street) egress control Trespassing 1 = L Enquiries Arson Searches Robbery Emergency Ml damage to response property Opening and Service closing of delivery campus Gate two Access and Theft C / L 12 (24/7) 1 = C 2 x C (Justice egress control Trespassing 1 = L Mahomed) Enquiries Arson Searches Robbery Emergencies Ml damage to response property Opening and Service closing of delivery
35 campus Student Guarding Theft L 12 (24/7) 1 = L 1 x C parking north Traffic control Trespassing side zone 1 Emergencies Robbery response MI damage to property Service delivery Guarding Theft L 12 (24/7) 1 = L 1 x C Student Traffic control Trespassing parking north Emergencies Arson side zone 2 response MI damage to property service delivery Student Guarding Theft L 06:00- 2 = L 2 x C parking south Traffic control Trespassing 18:00(Monda side zone 1 Emergencies Robbery y to response MI damage to Saturday) property Service delivery Guarding Theft L 06:00- 2 = L 2 x C Student Traffic control Trespassing 18:00(Monda parking south Emergencies Robbery y to side zone 2 response MI damage to Saturday) property Service delivery Bridge Access and Theft S 06:00- 1 = S 1 x C turnstile egress control Trespassing 18:00(Monda Enquiries Robbery y – Saturday) Emergencies MI damage to response property service delivery
Mamelodi Access and Theft C / L 06:00- 1 = C 2 x C egress control Trespassing 18:00(Monda 1 = L Enquiries Robbery y to Friday) Searches Ml damage to Emergencies property response Service Opening and delivery closing of campus
Irene Access and Theft C / L 06:00- 1 = C 2 x C egress control Trespassing 18:00(Monda 1 = L Enquiries Robbery y to Friday) Searches Ml damage to Emergencies property response Service Opening and delivery closing of campus
33.2 SBL - Midrand
36 Total Number of guards available for the site – 18
Post / Function /Job Risk Priority of Duration of Number of Grade of Position description which will be the work hours guards per the Describe the Indicate what addressed by position Number of location guard/s name of the the person will deploying a C = Critical hours per day a (if more than What is the position, be doing(full security I = guards is one guard is required relevant to J/D required officers at Important required to work required at a PSIRA location and for each this S = (linked to location/post grade for function position, but post/position Standard functional task) the person highlight the L = Low to perform important the task tasks) Reception Supervise Theft C / I 12 (Monday, 1 = C 1 x B desk (Main guarding staff Arson Wednesday, 1 = I 1 x C Building) Access control Trespassing Friday 06:00 – Enquiries Asset losses 18:00, Tuesday, Assist staff Service Thursday 06:00 with requests Delivery – 20:00, ad hoc at reception functions) desk Unlocking of venues/offices Emergency response Key control Patrols New Access control Theft C 12 (06:00 – 1 = C 1 x B reception Enquiries Arson 18:00) building Searches Trespassing Asset losses Service Delivery Main gate Access control Theft C 12 (24/7) 2 = C 2 x C Searches Arson Client service Trespassing Enquiries Asset losses Patrols Service Delivery Personnel Access control Theft S 12 (Monday, 1 = S 1 x C boom gate Vehicle Arson Wednesday, searches Trespassing Friday 06:00 – Client service Asset losses 18:00, Tuesday, Enquiries Service Thursday 06:00 Delivery – 20:00, ad hoc functions) Staff Access control Theft S 12 (Monday, 1 = S 1 x C entrance Searches Arson Wednesday, (back door) Enquiries Trespassing Friday 06:00 – Patrols Asset losses 18:00, Tuesday, Service Thursday 06:00 Delivery – 20:00) CCTV Monitoring of Theft C / S 12 (24/7) 1 = C 2 x B CCTV Arson 1 = S Trespassing Asset losses Auditoria Access control Theft C Study schools/ 1 = C 1 x C Searches Arson classes/function
37 Client service Trespassing s Enquiries Asset losses Patrols Service Delivery
Post / Function /Job Risk Priority of Duration of Number of Grade of Position description which will be the work hours guards per the Describe the Indicate what addressed by position Number of location guard/s name of the the person will deploying a C = Critical hours per (if more than What is the position, be doing(full J/D security I = day a guards one guard is required relevant to required for officers at this Important is required required at a PSIRA grade location and each position, post/position S = to work location/post for the function but highlight the Standard (linked to person to important tasks) L = Low functional perform the task) task Main gate Access control Theft C / S 12 (24/7) 1 = C 3 x C Searches Arson 2 = S Client service Trespassing Enquiries Asset losses Patrols Service Locking/unlockin Delivery g of building Emergency response CCTV Monitoring of Theft C / S 12 (24/7) 1 = C 2 x B CCTV Arson 1 = S Trespassing Asset losses
33.3 Robert Sobukwe / Solomon Mahlangu / IARS / Little theatre Total Number of guards available for the site – 27
Post / Function /Job Risk Priority of Duration of Number of Grade of Position description which will be the work hours guards per the Describe the Indicate what addressed by position Number of location guard/s name of the the person will deploying a C = Critical hours per (if more than What is the position, be doing(full security I = day a guards one guard is required relevant to J/D required for officers at this Important is required required at a PSIRA grade location and each position, post/position S = to work location/post for the function but highlight Standard (linked to person to the important L = Low functional perform the tasks) task) task Reception Supervise Theft C / I / S 12 (24/7) RS: 1 = C 1 x B desks (all guarding staff Arson 1 = I 7 x C buildings) Access control Trespassing 1 = S Enquiries Asset losses Assist staff with Service requests at Delivery SM: 1 = C reception desk 1 = I Unlocking of 1 = S
38 venues/offices Emergency response Key control IARS: 1 = C Patrols Little theatre:1 = C
(Total: 8) Main gate (all Access control Theft C / L 12 (24/7) RS: 1 = C 7 x C buildings) Searches Arson 1 = L Client service Trespassing Enquiries Asset losses SM: 1 = C Patrols Service 1 = L Delivery
IARS: 1 = C 1 = L
Little theatre:1 = C
(Total: 7) Skinner Access control Theft I 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C Street gate Vehicle Arson searches Trespassing Client service Asset losses Enquiries Service Delivery
Post / Function /Job Risk Priority of Duration of Number of Grade of Position description which will be the work hours guards per the Describe the Indicate what addressed by position Number of location guard/s name of the the person will deploying a C = Critical hours per (if more than What is the position, be doing(full J/D security I = day a guards one guard is required relevant to required for officers at this Important is required required at a PSIRA grade location and each position, post/position S = to work location/post for the function but highlight the Standard (linked to person to important tasks) L = Low functional perform the task) task Main gate Access control Theft C / L 12 (24/7) RS: 1 = C 1 x B Searches Arson 1 = L 5 x C Client service Trespassing Enquiries Asset losses SM: 1 = C Patrols Service 1 = L Locking/unlockin Delivery g of building IARS: 1 = C Emergency response Little theatre:1= C
(Total: 6) Skinner Access control Theft C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C Street gate Vehicle searches Arson Client service Trespassing Enquiries Asset losses Service
39 Delivery
34. Florida Science Campus and South Gauteng
34.1 Florida Science Campus Total Number of guards available for the site – 84
Post / Function /Job Risk Priority of Duration of Number of Grade of Position description which will be the work hours guards per the guard/s Describe Indicate what the addressed by position Number of location What is the the name of person will be deploying a C = Critical hours per (if more than required the doing(full J/D security I = day a one guard is PSIRA grade position, required for each officers at this Important guards is required at a for the relevant to position, but post/position S = required to location/post person to location and highlight the Standard work (linked perform the function important tasks) L = Low to functional task task) CONTROL Maintain 24hrs Loitering- C 12 (24/7) 3 = C 2 x C ROOM Communication Report of all 1 x B OPERATORS with all sites- malfunctionin Monitoring of g CCTV cameras- equipment’s- Recording of Attendance KEY critical situations Register- 1 = C 2 x C CONTROL and information- Ensure hourly 1 = S Ob entries -key Reports are Control Ground maintained- control, See all posting Emergency are covered services see it that the CARD Monitoring of all building is ISSUING fire alarms within open and 2 = I 2 x C the facility functioning. MAIN Access control Declaration C 12 (24/7) 2 = C 4 x C ENTRANCE Vehicle searches and 2 = I PIONEER Client service Identification. Enquiries And Exit Theft/ Arson Trespassing
MAIN Access control Declaration C 12 (24/7) 3 = C 5 x C ENTRANCE Vehicle searches and 2 = I CHRISTIAAN Deliveries Identification. DE WET Client service Theft/ Arson Enquiries And Exit Trespassing Proper Directions
DESLIN Access control Declaration L 9 (MON-FRI) 1 = L 1 x C GATE Vehicle searches and Client service Identification. Enquiries And Exit Theft/ Arson Trespassing Proper Directions
40 LIBRARY Client service Theft C 9 (MON-FRI) 1 = C 2x C ACCESS Enquiries Asset losses 1 = S CONTROL Emergency trespassing response Loitering Access control Directions Searches Key control
MAIN Client service Declaration C 9 (MON-FRI) 1 = C 2 x C ENTRANCE Enquiries and 1 = S BARNY Emergency Identification. PITYANE response Theft/ Arson Access control Trespassing Searches Proper Key control Directions Registers
STUDENTR Access control Asset losses C 8(Mon – Fri) 2 = C 4 x C REGISTRATI Client service trespassing 2 = S ON AND Enquiries Proper ADMINISTRA Emergency Directions TION. response Key Loitering (PHAPHA control Bld)
MAIN Access control Declaration C 8 (Mon – Fri) 2 = C 4 x C ENTRANCE Client service and 2 = S EUREKA Enquiries Identification Emergency Theft response Loitering Key control Damages to property Staff protection. Emergency response
MAIN Access control Declaration C 8 (Mon- Fri) 1 = C 2 x C ENTRANCE Client service and 1 = S CALABASH Enquiries Identification Emergency Theft response Loitering Key control Damages to property Staff protection. Emergency response MAIN Access control Declaration C 8 (Mon- Fri) 1 = C 3 x C ENTRANCE Client service and 2 = S GJ GELRWEL Enquiries Identification Emergency Theft response Loitering Key control Damages to property Staff protection. Emergency response MAIN Access control Declaration C / S 8 (Mon- Fri) 2 = C 4x C ENTRANCE Client service and 2= S
41 DISPACH Enquiries Identification Emergency Theft response Loitering Key control Damages to property property Staff protection protection. Emergency response MAIN Access control Declaration C 8 (Mon- Fri) 1 = C 2 x C ENTRANCE Client service and 1 = S ENGINEERIN Enquiries Identification G Emergency Theft BUILDING response Loitering (EUCLID Key control Damages to Bld) property property Staff protection protection. Emergency response MAIN Access control Declaration s 8 (Mon- Fri) 1 = S 1 x C ENTRANCE Client service and PRINT Enquiries Identification PRODUCTIO Emergency Theft N response Loitering Key control Damages to property property Staff protection protection. Emergency response HORTICULT Access control Theft I 8 (Mon- Fri) 1 = C 2 x C URE AREA Client service Loitering 1 = S (CERES Bld) Enquiries Damages to Emergency property Staff response protection. Key control Emergency property response protection MAIN Access control Theft C 8 (Mon- Fri) 2 = C 3 x C ENTRANCE Client service Loitering 1 = S TSWELOPEL Enquiries Damages to E Emergency property Staff response protection. Key control Emergency STUDENT Access control Theft I 8 (Mon- Fri) 2 = C 4 x C PARKING Client service Loitering 2 = S (Pioneer Enquiries Damages to street) Emergency property Staff response protection. Key control Emergency property response protection Searches PHILIPS Access control Theft I 8 (Mon- Fri) 1 = C 2 x C STAFF Client service Loitering 1 = S PARKING Enquiries Damages to (Shuttle Emergency property Staff parking) response protection. Key control Emergency property response protection GUEST Key control Theft S 12 (24/7) 1 = S 2 x C HOUSES property Loitering 1 = L 1,2,3,4 protection Damages to
42 PATROL property Staff protection. Emergency response GATEWAY Access control Theft I 8 (Mon- Fri) 1 = C 2 x C Client service Loitering 1 = S Enquiries Damages to Emergency property Staff response protection. Key control Emergency property response protection GENERAL Access control Theft L 8 (Mon- Fri) 5 = L 5 x C PATROLLER Client service Loitering S / Enquiries Damages to DAYSHIFT Emergency property Staff STAFF response protection. Key control Emergency property response protection Searches
Post / Function /Job Risk Priority of Duration of Number of Grade of the Position description which will be the position work hours guards per guard/s Describe Indicate what the addressed by C = Critical Number of location What is the the name of person will be deploying a I = hours per (if more than required the doing(full J/D security Important day a one guard is PSIRA grade position, required for each officers at this S = guards is required at a for the relevant to position, but post/position Standard required to location/post person to location and highlight the L = Low work (linked perform the function important tasks) to functional task task)
CONTROLL Maintain 24hrs Loitering- C 12 (24/7) 2 = C 2 x C ROOM Communication Report of all with all sites- malfunctionin Monitoring of g CCTV cameras- equipment’s- Recording of Attendance critical situations Register- and information- Ensure hourly Ob entries -key Reports are Control Ground maintained- control, Emergency Emergency Response services MAIN Access control Theft C 12 (24/7) 2 = C 2 x C ENTRANCE Vehicle searches Arson CHRISTIAAN Client service Trespassing DE WET enquiries loitering
CAMPUS 1 = C 1 X B SUPERVISO R MAIN Access control Theft C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C ENTRANCE Vehicle searches Arson PIONEER Client service Trespassing
43 GATE enquiries loitering
MAIN Patrols Theft C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C ENTRANCE OHS Inspections Asset losses BARNY Emergency trespassing PITYANE response Opening Security of the building breach Arson
MAIN Patrols Theft C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C ENTRANCE Opening of the Asset losses GJ GERWEL building trespassing OHS inspections Security Client Services breach MAIN Patrols Theft C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C ENTRANCE OHS Inspections Asset losses CALABASH Emergency trespassing response Opening Security of the building breach Arson
EUCLID Patrols Theft C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C OHS Inspections Asset losses Emergency trespassing response Opening Security of the building breach Arson
EUREKA Patrols Theft C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C OHS Inspections Asset losses Emergency trespassing response Opening Security of the building breach Arson
GJ GERWEL Patrols Theft L 12 (24/7) 1 = L 1 x C EAST OHS Inspections Asset losses ENTRANCE Emergency trespassing response Opening Security of the building breach Arson
MAIN Patrols Theft C 12 (24/7 1 = C 1 x C ENTRANCE OHS Inspections Asset losses ANTON Emergency trespassing LEMBEDE response Opening Security of the building breach Arson
MAIN Patrols Theft C 12 (24/7 1 = C 1 = C ENTRANCE OHS Inspections Asset losses PHAPHA Emergency trespassing response Opening Security of the building breach Arson
DESLIN Patrols Theft C 12 (24/7 1 = C 1 = C ENTRANCE OHS Inspections Asset losses Emergency trespassing response Opening Security of the building breach
44 Arson
HELEN Patrols Theft C 12 (24/7 1 = C 1 = C JOSEPH OHS Inspections Asset losses Emergency trespassing response Opening Security of the building breach Arson
MAIN Patrols Theft L 12 (24/7) 2 = L 1 x C PERIMETER OHS Inspections Asset losses PATRLOLER Emergency trespassing S response Security OVERROLL breach Arson Security breach Loitering GENERAL Access control Theft L 12 (24/7) 5 = L 5 x C PATROLLER Client service Loitering S Enquiries Damages to Emergency property Staff response protection. Key control Emergency property response protection Searches
34.2 ORMONDE Total Number of guards available for the site – 4
Post / Function /Job Risk Priority of Duration of Number of Grade of the Position description which will be the position work hours guards per guard/s Describe Indicate what the addressed by C = Critical Number of location What is the the name of person will be deploying a I = hours per (if more than required the doing(full J/D security Important day a one guard is PSIRA grade position, required for each officers at this S = guards is required at a for the relevant to position, but post/position Standard required to location/post person to location and highlight the L = Low work (linked perform the function important tasks) to functional task task)
MAIN Access control Declaration C 12 (24/7) 2 = C 2 x C ENTRANCE Vehicle searches and AND Client service Identification. BUILDING Enquiries And Exit Theft/ Arson Opening of the Trespassing building Loitering
Post / Function /Job Risk Priority of Duration of Number of Grade of the
45 Position description which will be the position work hours guards per guard/s Describe Indicate what the addressed by C = Critical Number of location What is the the name of person will be deploying a I = hours per (if more than required the doing(full J/D security Important day a one guard is PSIRA grade position, required for each officers at this S = guards is required at a for the relevant to position, but post/position Standard required to location/post person to location and highlight the L = Low work (linked perform the function important tasks) to functional task task)
MAIN Access control Theft S 12 (24/7) 2 = C 2 x C ENTRANCE Vehicle searches Arson AND Client service Trespassing BUILDING Enquiries- Loitering Patrolling
34.3 Lenasia Total Number of guards available for the site – 3
Post / Function /Job Risk Priority Duration of Number of Grade of the Position description which will be of the work hours guards per guard/s Describe Indicate addressed by position Number of location What is the the name of what the deploying a C = hours per (if more required PSIRA the person will security officers Critical day a guards than one grade for the position, be doing(full at this I = is required to guard is person to perform relevant to J/D required post/position Importan work (linked required at the task location and for each t to functional a function position, but S = task) location/pos highlight the Standard t important L = Low tasks) MAIN Access Declaration and C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C ENTRANCE control Identification. AND Vehicle Theft/ Arson BUILDING searches Trespassing- Client Loitering service Enquiries And Exit Key control Emergency response
Post / Function /Job Risk Priority Duration of Number of Grade of the Position description which will be of the work hours guards per guard/s Describe Indicate addressed by position Number of location What is the the name of what the deploying a C = hours per (if more required PSIRA the person will security officers Critical day a guards than one grade for the position, be doing(full at this I = is required to guard is person to perform relevant to J/D required post/position Importan work (linked required at the task location and for each t to functional a function position, but S = task) location/pos highlight the Standard t
46 important L = Low tasks) See definitio n below MAIN Access Declaration and I 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C ENTRANCE control Identification. AND Vehicle Theft BUILDING searches Arson Client Trespassing service Enquiries- Emergency response
34.4 Honeydew
Total Number of guards available for the site - 4
Post / Function /Job Risk Priority Duration of Number of Grade of the Position description which will be of the work hours guards per guard/s Describe Indicate addressed by position Number of location What is the the name of what the deploying a C = hours per (if more required PSIRA the person will security officers Critical day a guards than one grade for the position, be doing(full at this I = is required to guard is person to perform relevant to J/D required post/position Importan work (linked required at the task location and for each t to functional a function position, but S = task) location/pos highlight the Standard t important L = Low tasks) See definitio n below MAIN Access Declaration and C 12 (24/7) 2 = C 2 x C ENTRANCE control Identification. Vehicle Theft/ Arson searches Trespassing Client Loitering service Enquiries And Exit Opening of the building
Post / Function /Job Risk Priority Duration of Number of Grade of the Position description which will be of the work hours guards per guard/s Describe Indicate addressed by position Number of location What is the the name of what the deploying a C = hours per (if more required PSIRA the person will security officers Critical day a than one grade for the position, be doing(full at this I = guards is guard is person to perform relevant to J/D required post/position Importan required to required at the task location and for each t work (linked a function position, but S = to functional location/pos
47 highlight the Standard task) t important L = Low tasks) MAIN Access Theft C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C ENTRANCE control Arson Vehicle Trespassing searches Loitering Client service Enquiries
MAIN Patrols Theft s 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C PATROLLER OHS Asset losses Inspections trespassing Emergency Security breach response
34.5 Vereeniging Total Number of guards available for the site – 4
Post / Function /Job Risk Priority Duration of Number of Grade of the Position description which will be of the work hours guards per guard/s Describe Indicate addressed by position Number of location What is the the name of what the deploying a C = hours per (if more required PSIRA the person will security officers Critical day a than one grade for the position, be doing(full at this I = guards is guard is person to perform relevant to J/D required post/position Importan required to required at the task location and for each t work (linked a function position, but S = to functional location/pos highlight the Standard task) t important L = Low tasks) MAIN Access Declaration and C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C ENTRANCE control Identification. Vehicle Theft/ Arson searches Trespassing Client service Enquiries And Exit
MAIN AREA Client Theft S 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C PATROLER service Asset losses Enquiries trespassing Emergency Loitering response
Post / Function Risk Priority of Duration of Number of Grade of the Position /Job which will be the work hours guards per guard/s Describe description addressed by position Number of location What is the the name of Indicate deploying a C = hours per (if more required PSIRA
48 the what the security officers Critical day a than one grade for the position, person will at this I = guards is guard is person to perform relevant to be doing(full post/position Important required to required at the task location and J/D required S = work (linked a function for each Standard to functional location/pos position, but L = Low task) t highlight the important tasks) MAIN Access Declaration and C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C ENTRANCE control Identification. Vehicle Theft/ Arson searches Trespassing Client service Enquiries
MAIN Patrols Theft- Arson s 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C PATROLLER OHS Asset losses- Inspections Loitering Emergency trespassing response Security breach
34.6 Daveyton
Total Number of guards available for the site – 20
Post / Position Function Risk Priority Duration of Number of Grade of Describe the name /Job which will be of the work hours guards per the of the position, description addressed by position Number of location guard/s relevant to location Indicate deploying a C = hours per (if more What is and function what the security Critical day a guards than one the person will officers at this I = is required to guard is required be post/position Importan work (linked required at PSIRA doing(full t to functional a grade for J/D required S = task) location/pos the for each Standard t person position, L = Low to but See perform highlight definitio the task the n below important tasks) MAIN CAMPUS Access Declaration and C / S 12 (24/7) 3 = C 1 x A ENTRANCE control Identification. 2 = S 1 x B (INCLUDING Vehicle Theft/ Arson 3 x C SUPERVISOR) searches Trespassing
49 Client service Enquiries And Exit
LIBRARY IN Client Theft C / S 9 (MON-FRI) 1 = C 2 x C service Asset losses 1 = S Enquiries trespassing Emergency Loitering response LIBRARY STUDY Access Theft L 9 (Mon-Fri) 1 = L 1 x C CENTRE control Asset losses Searches trespassing Client Directions service Enquiries Key control Emergency response
REGISTRATION AND Access Asset losses C 8(Mon – Fri) 1 = C 1 x C ADMINISTRATION. control trespassing Client Directions service Enquiries Emergency response
AREA PATROLLER Patrols Theft L 8 (Mon – Fri) 3 = L 3 x C Opening of Loitering the building Damages to OHS property Staff inspections protection. Client Services
WATER TANK Perimeter L 8 (Mon- Fri) 1 = L 1 x C (FENCE PATROLER) Patrols Security breaches. Intrusion.
Post / Position Function Risk Priority of the Duration of Number of Grade of Describe the /Job which will position work hours guards per the name of the description be C = Critical Number of location guard/s position, Indicate addressed I = Important hours per day (if more than What is relevant to what the by S = Standard a guards is one guard is the location and person will deploying a L = Low required to required at a required function be security See definition work (linked to location/post PSIRA doing(full officers at below functional grade for J/D required this task) the for each post/positio person to position, n perform but the task
50 highlight the important tasks) MAIN Access Theft C 12 (24/7) 3 = C 1 x B ENTRANCE control Arson 2 x C AND Vehicle Trespassing SUPERVISOR searches Client service enquiries LIBRARY Emergency Theft I 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C STUDY AREA response Asset losses Area patrol trespassing Loitering
MAIN Patrols Theft s 12 (24/7) 3 = L 3 x C PATROLLER OHS Asset losses Inspections trespassing Emergency Security response breach
34.7 Johannesburg Learning Centre
Total Number of guards available for the site – 25
Post / Position Function Risk Priority Duration of Number of Grade of Describe the name /Job which will be of the work hours guards per the of the position, description addressed by position Number of location guard/s relevant to location Indicate deploying a C = hours per (if more What is and function what the security Critical day a guards than one the person will officers at this I = is required to guard is required be post/position Importan work (linked required at PSIRA doing(full t to functional a grade for J/D required S = task) location/pos the for each Standard t person position, L = Low to but See perform highlight definitio the task the n below important tasks) MAIN BUILDING Access Declaration and C / S 12 (24/7) 3 = C 1 x A ENTRANCE control Identification. 2 = S 1 x B (INCLUDING Vehicle Theft/ Arson 3 x C SUPERVISOR) searches Trespassing Client service Enquiries And Exit CCTV OPERATOR CCTV Theft C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 2 x C Surveillance OHS 1 = I CARD ISSUERS Card issuing Access control C 9 (MON-FRI) 2 = I 2 x C Client services LIBRARY Client Theft C / S 9 (MON-FRI) 1 = C 2 x C
51 service Asset losses 1 = S Enquiries trespassing Emergency Loitering response STUDY CENTRE Access Theft L 9 (Mon-Fri) 1 = S 2 x C control Asset losses 1 = L Searches trespassing Client Directions service Enquiries Key control Emergency response REGISTRATION AND Access Asset losses C 8(Mon – Fri) 1 = C 1 x C ADMINISTRATION. control trespassing Client Directions service Enquiries Emergency response AREA PATROLLER Patrols Theft L 8 (Mon – Fri) 3= L 3 x C Opening of Loitering the building Damages to OHS property Staff inspections protection. Client Services
Post / Position Function Risk Priority of the Duration of Number of Grade of Describe the /Job which will position work hours guards per the name of the description be C = Critical Number of location guard/s position, Indicate addressed I = Important hours per day (if more than What is relevant to what the by S = Standard a guards is one guard is the location and person will deploying a L = Low required to required at a required function be security See definition work (linked to location/post PSIRA doing(full officers at below functional grade for J/D required this task) the for each post/positio person to position, n perform but the task highlight the important tasks) MAIN Access Theft C 12 (24/7) 3 = C 1 x B ENTRANCE control Arson 2 x C AND Vehicle Trespassing SUPERVISOR searches Client service enquiries CCTV CCTV Theft C 12 (24/7) 1 = C 2 = C OPERATOR Surveillance OHS 1 = I LIBRARY Emergency Theft I 12 (24/7) 1 = C 1 x C STUDY AREA response Asset losses Area patrol trespassing Loitering
52 MAIN Patrols Theft S 12 (24/7) 2 = L 2 x C PATROLLER OHS Asset losses Inspections trespassing Emergency Security response breach
- End -