City of Pass Christian, Mississippi s3
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R E G U L A R M E E T I N G MARCH 3, 2015
BE IT REMEMBERED that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Pass Christian, Mississippi met on the above date at the Municipal Court Bldg., 105 Hiern Avenue, Pass Christian, Mississippi, at 6:00 p.m., same being the time and place for said meeting.
PRESENT: Mayor Chipper McDermott, Alderman Buddy Clarke, Alderman W. Earl Washington, Sr., Alderman Kenny Torgeson, Alderman Anthony Hall, Alderman Victor Pickich, Assistant Chief of Police Lally, City Attorney Malcolm Jones and City Clerk Marian Gest.
There being a quorum present to transact the business of the City, the following proceedings were had and done.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, the minutes of the February 18, 2015 Regular Mayor and Board of Aldermen meeting as requested by Dawn Sanders, Deputy City Clerk. A-1.
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, the minutes of the February 24, 2015 Special Mayor and Board of Aldermen meeting as requested by Dawn Sanders, Deputy City Clerk. A-1.
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Alderman Clarke recused himself at this time during the meeting.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, renewal contract with Beatline Storage Rental in the amount of $1155.00 from 10/01/2014 through 09/30/2015, as requested by Myong Lane, Purchasing/Finance Clerk. A-2.
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At this time, Alderman Clarke returned to the meeting.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, to table the O&M and Utility Billing contracts between WPSCO and the City of Pass Christian until the March 17, 2015 Board of Aldermen meeting, as requested by Chipper McDermott, Mayor. A-3.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, agreement between Clear Services and the City of Pass Christian in the amount of $547.20 per month, to allow background searches to locate suspects, defendants to serve warrants, and property owner searches, as requested by Chipper McDermott, Mayor. A-4.
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, awarding 36 month contract (best & lowest Bid) in the amount of $269.28 quarterly, to 1 CITY OF PASS CHRISTIAN, MISSISSIPPI MINUTE BOOK 97
R E G U L A R M E E T I N G MARCH 3, 2015
Mail Finance/Neopost USA for Mailing Equipment Rental Contract for City Hall and Water Department, as requested by Myong Lane, Purchasing/Finance Clerk. A-5.
* * * Alderman Hall recused himself at this time during the meeting.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, to hear from Minister Patricia Hall in reference to the City of Pass Christian sponsoring a student trip to New York City, this bringing favorable notice to the resources of the City, as requested by Anthony Hall, Alderman. A-6.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board voted, on the motion for the City of Pass Christian to donate $200.00 to sponsor a student trip to New York City, this bringing favorable notice to the resources of the City, after further discussion Alderman Washington and Alderman Torgeson withdrew their motions and no action was taken, as requested by Anthony Hall, Alderman. A-6.
. Alderman Clarke: Nay . Alderman Washington: Aye . Alderman Torgeson: Aye . Alderman Pickich: Nay . Alderman Hall: Rescued
* * * At this time, Alderman Hall returned to the meeting.
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, to accept donation in the amount of $1157.91 from Pass Christian Main Street for parade day parking, as requested by Jennifer Burke.
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, request from Krewe of Blarney Walking Club for barricades and trash cans for their parade Saturday, March 14, 2015. They will provide their own security, this bringing favorable notice and resources to the City, as requested by Chipper McDermott, Mayor
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Upon motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, nunc pro tunc minutes for the following Mayor and Board of Aldermen meetings, as requested by Dawn Sanders, Deputy City Clerk. A-9.
September 5, 2013 Public Hearing September 12, 2013 Special Meeting October 4, 2013 Special Meeting October 25, 2013 Special Meeting
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R E G U L A R M E E T I N G MARCH 3, 2015
Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, revised and restated lease with Pass Purchasing Company, INC, for Ice House and Pavilion in New Harbor, as requested by Malcolm Jones, City Attorney. A-10.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, approving assignment of lease with Pass Purchasing Company, LLC, for Ice House and Pavilion in New Harbor, as requested by Malcolm Jones, City Attorney. A-11.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board agreed unanimously, authoring City Attorney to retain an appraiser and surveyor to serve as expert witnesses in litigation styled Russell Real Property Services vs. City of Pass Christian, as requested by Malcolm Jones, City Attorney.
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved unanimously, adopting formal policy for FEMA/MEMA regarding proper oversight of all Federal Grants and to ensure timely filing of single audits for same. [This is being done at the request of FEMA regarding the finding in the FY2011 audit regarding previous late filings of audits.] A-13.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, to take no action after discussing agreement with Laurence Leyens, Urban Development Toolbox, LLC, for future economic development, as requested by Malcolm Jones, City Attorney. A-14.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, adjustment of excess sewer only for Mr. Davis in the amount of $49.50 for sewer charges for 10,000 gallons of water usage that resulted from "my copper pipes froze and busted under my house". The leak poured water onto the ground. Billy Bourdin made repairs on 1-9-15. The excess water apparently ran into the yard and did not enter the City sewer system, as requested by Bruce Anthony, WPSCO/Utilities Manager. W-1.
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved unanimously, ratifying the resignation of patrolman Eric Loveless, effective March 2, 2015. Please pay him for any comp-time or vacation time he may have accrued in accordance with City Policy, as requested by Chief John Dubuisson. P-1.
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R E G U L A R M E E T I N G MARCH 3, 2015
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved unanimously, request to reimburse Officer Michael Burkett $93.90 for personal funds used to purchase two uniform shirts, as requested by Chief John Dubuisson. P-2.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, declaring the following vehicle as surplus and to be sold in Public Auction at the Long Beach Auction, with the same terms, conditions, and contract as last sale by Auction and removed from the City’s insurance, as requested by Chief John Dubuisson. P-3.
1997 Ford Crown Victoria 2FALP74W2VX225941
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved unanimously, to evict the following customer from the Pass Christian Harbor for non-payment of boat slip rental in excess of 60 days past due on pleasure pier and 120 days past due on the commercial pier if they are not paid by March 1, 2015. Accounts will be submitted to a collection agency if not paid in full after vessel has vacated the harbor, as requested by Willie Davis, Harbormaster. H-1.
. #00422
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, authorizing the following requests for Art in the Pass (April 11-12, 2015), this bringing favorable notice to the resources and opportunities of the city as requested by Jennifer Burke, Executive Director, Pass Christian Main Street.
. Closing Scenic Drive from Fleitas Avenue to just east of the Pass Books parking lot (Access will be allowed for residents living within this area.) . Police and Fire Department presence throughout the event (Evening security will be hired) . Traffic control/pedestrian crossing assistance at US 90 and Davis Avenue as needed during festival hours (10 am – 5 pm) . Use of digital sign at US 90 and Davis Avenue . Permission to designate parking areas North of the tennis courts along Fleitas; primarily for Artist parking area . Permission to mark “Handicap Parking Only” along NE corner of the Park and in front of the Boy Scout hut. . Barricades . Trash receptacles with bags, and replacement bags . Transporting and set up of wooden stage . Use of City dumpster for trash disposal . Sound system . Permission to place festival signs around the City beginning on March 28, 2015 . Permission for festival committee to use several golf carts/utility carts on and around the Park grounds (consideration will be given to weather conditions)
R E G U L A R M E E T I N G MARCH 3, 2015
. Mowing the Park a day or two prior to tent set-up on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 . Marking sprinkler heads and lines for the larger tent sites no later than Tuesday, April 7, 2015 . Sprinklers turned off during the event . Fire ant treatment of the entire park up to a month in advance of the Festival . Use of East Harbor parking lots and Pavilion parking lot for Festival parking (sufficient parking will be reserved for harbor business/boat owners/fishermen) . Installation of water/hose connects on fire hydrants along Fleitas. . Other resources as needed and approved by the Mayor
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, authorizing the Department of Marine Resources', Celebrate the Gulf Festival, to be held in conjunction with Art in the Pass on April 11, 2015 (Saturday only) and the following requests, this bringing favorable notice to the resources and opportunities of the City, as requested by Jennifer Burke, Executive Director, Pass Christian Main Street.
. Permission to hold a youth fishing rodeo from 8-10 am at the West harbor . Use of pier/slips to dock and board two vessels in the harbor (one schooner and one GCRL boat)
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, refund for Kona Ice of Hattiesburg, LLC in the amount of $50.00 for Mardi Gras Pavilion Rental. Kona Ice rented vendor location #2. When they arrived to set up, the location was blocked by vehicles and they were unable to use the rented location, as requested by Jennifer Burke, Executive Director, Pass Christian Main Street. MS-3.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, request to send Inv. Tim Siddens and Sergeant Kyle Broadus to a six-day MS Command College course totaling $1656.00, held on July 26,-31, 2015, on the campus of the University of Mississippi in Oxford, MS, as requested by Chief John Dubuisson. CA-1.
. Registration Fee $350/each . Lodging $576.00 . Per Diem $190/each . Use of City Vehicle
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, request to send Deputy Chief Michael Lally to attend a five-day Leadership Institute Conference, held on April 13-17, 2015, at the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Department Training Center, Gonzales, LA, as requested by Chief John Dubuisson. CA-2.
. Registration Fee $525.00 . Lodging $429.75 . Per Diem $160 * * *
R E G U L A R M E E T I N G MARCH 3, 2015
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, payment in the amount of $4454.04 for the following A. Garner Russell invoices, as recommended by Bob Escher, Project Engineer. CA-4.
Invoice 12369: $1011.54 Invoice 12370: $1,625.00 Invoice 12371: $1817.50
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, request to send FF James Ellington to Gulfport Fire Dept., for a 12-day Fire Officer class, held March 16-27, 2015, as requested by Fire Chief Dwight Gordon. CA-4.
. Cost of Class $130.94
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, authorizing the following refunds for Basketball Registration in the amount of $120.00, as requested by Brett Bentz, Recreation Director. CA-5.
. Adrianna Hawkins & Amira Bridgett $80.00 (Personal) . Preylin Lewis $40.00 (Moving out of town)
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, request to send Deputy City Clerk, Dawn Sanders, to a three-day Municipal Clerks, Tax Collectors, and Deputies Course, held March 31, 2015 through April 2, 2015, in Hattiesburg, MS, as requested by Marian Gest, City Clerk. CA-6
. Registration Fee $200.00 . Lodging $255.00 . Per Diem $80.00
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, Claims Docket in the amount of $937,809.41. CD-1.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, to amend agenda.
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, to accept Addendum items. * * *
R E G U L A R M E E T I N G MARCH 3, 2015
Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, building permit refund for Mr. Thomas Miller at 414 Bayview Street in the amount of $313.00. Building Permit #121099 was issued on September 26, 2014 and is valid for 6 months. There was no commencement of construction at this site and therefore no inspections were performed, as requested by Shad Jeanfreau, Building Code Official. AD-1.
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, authorizing All South Electric, INC. to install new service to conveyor, vacuum pump system, air compressor, and connect, in the amount of $3,150.00 and to amend the budget accordingly. Conduit, wire breakers, and fittings to be all new. Existing conduit and wire on West side is being used to feed gas pumps, as requested by Willie Davis, Harbor Master. AD-2.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved unanimously, to amend agenda.
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Upon motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, authorizing the work and issuing Purchase Orders to B A Concrete Construction, $16,076.00 for construction of secondary containment dike for Fuel Dock in New Harbor and to Gulf Coast Petroleum, $23,924.00 for moving the fuel tanks and fuel dispensing equipment from the Old Harbor to the new Harbor and for installation of existing fuel tanks and all equipment at New Harbor, with such bid being the lowest and best bids of two quotes received by the City after solicitation as requested by Malcolm Jones, City Attorney. AD-3.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved unanimously, motion to recess.
______Mayor Date
______City Clerk Date