Sinagua Middle School 6Th Grade Social Studies
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Ms. Villegas Sinagua Middle School – 6th Grade Social Studies 2014 - 2015 Course Syllabus & Classroom Management Procedures
August 7, 2014
Dear Students & Parents/Guardians:
Welcome to 6th grade Social Studies at Sinagua Middle School! My name is Ms. Villegas and I will be your teacher. This will be my 12th year teaching, my seventh in FUSD. I am very excited to be working with you! In this packet, you will find information about my class and classroom management procedures. After you have read the information, please fill out the bottom portion of this sheet, as well as the homework expectations sheet on the next page & the House 3 movie permission form on page 3 and return them to me.
There are a few very important items that I would like to bring to your attention as we begin the year. First, students are required to bring the following items to class daily:
1. An agenda/planner 2. A composition book (for Social Studies ONLY) 3. A double pocket folder (for Social Studies ONLY – this can be a binder or in a binder) 4. A pencil 5. Lined paper 6. Completed homework
Next, students are expected to complete homework in their composition book daily. Parents, please check your student’s agenda daily and sign the agenda each Friday. In addition, I will post daily assignments on my FUSD webpage at:
Finally, if you would like to contribute to our classroom supplies, a supply list can be found on page 4 of this packet. I’m asking each student to please bring a ream of copy paper. We also need lined paper and large sheets of construction paper. If you have any questions or if you would like to visit or volunteer in my class, please feel free to contact me at (928) 527-5500 or at [email protected]. I look forward to an excellent year and have no doubt that all of my students will be successful!
Veronica Villegas (Please fill out and sign this portion and have your student return it.)
I have read and understand the information given to my student and me regarding Ms. Villegas’s course and classroom management procedures.
Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Address: ______
Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______Work Phone: ______Homework Expectations
Dear Students and Parents/Guardians:
Students are required to complete homework daily and get agendas/planners signed weekly for my class. Homework is necessary to review the day’s learning and critical to students’ meeting state and district performance objectives. Homework is an essential component of learning and mastering the curriculum.
Here are the homework steps students must follow:
1. Students will write the homework assignments in their agendas/planners at the beginning of each class. 2. The teacher will initial the students’ agendas/planners daily. Parents will check agendas/planners daily. 3. Students will complete the homework assignments at home in their composition books (unless otherwise directed). 4. The teacher will check that the homework is complete the next school day when students enter class. If homework is not complete, the student will be assigned to ETL that day after school. *Students must complete their missing homework in ETL. 5. Students will have parents/guardians review and sign their agendas/planners every Friday.
As stated in this syllabus/classroom management packet under Additional Classroom Expectations:
In Class & Homework Assignments AND Late Work - Students will be required to complete all daily in-class and homework assignments. All homework assignments must be completed before the student comes to class. Failure to successfully complete all assignments will result in fewer overall points and a lower grade. Students will have up to 5 days to turn in late homework assignments. After 5 days, late work will not be accepted. In addition, students will lose 10% per day on each late assignment.
Please sign and return the slip at the bottom of this page which states that you and your student understand the homework and agenda requirements for my class. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (928) 527-5500 or at [email protected] or visit me at the school. Thank you for your support. I know that with your help and their effort, all of my students will be successful!
Ms. Villegas *I have read and understand the homework and agenda requirements for Ms. Villegas’s class.
Student Name ______
Student’s Signature ______Date ______
Parent Name ______
Parent’s Signature ______Date ______
Movie Permission
Dear Parents:
Welcome to House 3 at SMS. Throughout the year we will periodically show appropriately selected G and PG rated films for academic purposes. We may also show movies for classroom celebrations and/or reward days. Please sign below if you give your permission for your student to view these films. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me anytime. Thank you!
Ms. Villegas SMS Social Studies [email protected] (928) 527-5500 ______
*I give permission for my student to view appropriately selected G and PG films this year in Miss Esparza , Mr. Hershey, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Nelson and Ms. Villegas’s class.
Student Name ______Parent Signature ______Date ______Supply List
1. A student agenda/daily planner (First 1 provided by the school)
2. Composition books (Students will probably need 3-4 for the year)
3. Double-pocket folders (Students will probably need 2-3 for the year)
4. Pencils
5. Lined paper
6. I am asking all students to contribute 1 ream or packet (500 sheets – 8.5”x11”) of white copy paper
7. Glue or glue sticks
8. Markers
9. Colored Pencils
10. Highlighters
11. Construction paper (Large sheets approx. 12”x18”, any color, available at Michael’s)
We would appreciate any school supplies you can donate including: extra lined paper, extra copy paper, construction paper, binders, folders, pencils, spiral notebooks, pencils, Kleenex, hand sanitizer, glue, crayons, colored pencils or markers, tape. Thank You!
Sinagua Middle School 6th Grade Social Studies Course Description
This course focuses on learning and mastery of Arizona State Standards and Common Core Standards with an emphasis in World History from its earliest cultures through Enlightenment.” Students will: develop research skills by participating in National History Day. Students will use TCI textbook resources and hands on activities to describe lifestyles of humans in the Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages, ancient civilizations and early cultures (including Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Greece, Rome and the Americas). Review and Discuss current events; study civics and government; study geography and economics. Students will be expected to use school-wide literacy strategies. In Addition, students will be taking a 6th grade social studies common assessment. This will be taken at the beginning of the year and again at the end of the year to measure student learning.
Students are expected to: complete all assignments to the best of their highest ability levels using correct mechanics, usage and grammar; turn in all assignments on time (late work will only be accepted according to class policies); attend class daily per state and district policies; conduct themselves appropriately as speakers and active listeners; actively participate in discussions; support your position with evidence from the text and cite your sources when writing; develop and maintain good organizational skills.
6 th Grade Curriculum List 2014-2015
Quarter 1
Classroom Management Research Skills -Rules & Procedures -Historical Narratives; My Personal History -Personal Code of Conduct -Citizenship & Bullying Geography Review -Learning Styles & Metacognition -Portfolios (Review Process) Start National History Day Projects (NHD)
Common Assessment Pre-Test Stone Ages (Paleolithic & Neolithic Eras)
Quarter 2
Ancient Mesopotamia Ancient Americas – Aztec, Maya, Inca, North American Tribes/Groups
Ancient Egypt Ancient India & China
SMS National History Day (NHD) Quarter 3
Ancient Greece (NHD Regionals @ NAU)
Ancient Rome
Quarter 4
Ancient Arabia/African Kingdoms Geography Review
Middle Ages, Renaissance Common Assessment Post-test
Classroom Rules, Expectations & Responsibilities
***Remember ALL Rules & Procedures can be summed up in these 4 words (our class motto): BE NICE – WORK HARD!!!!
Classroom Rules
1. BE RESPECTFUL – This will always be our #1 Rule. Students will always treat the teacher and all other students will respect and dignity through their words and actions. Students will respect the teacher’s right to teach and the students’ right to learn.
2. Be Prepared – Students will bring all required materials to class daily and be ready to give their best effort.
3. Be On Time – Students will be in their assigned seat when the bell rings.
4. Raise Your Hand –Students will raise their hand to be acknowledged if they wish to speak or ask questions. Students will listen and not talk when others are talking.
5. Listen To And Follow Instructions the First Time They Are Given
Classroom Procedures
1. Students will enter the class and sit quietly.
2. Students will write the daily homework assignments in their agendas and begin bell work immediately.
3. Students will remain in their seats until the teacher excuses them during class and when the bell rings. Students will raise their hands to get permission to leave their seat during class.
4. Students will “Give Me 5” when asked.
1. Stop what you are doing. 2. Be quiet 3. Find your seat 4. Look at the teacher 5. Listen to and follow instructions
5. Students will clean up after themselves and be respectful to our learning environment.
Teacher Responsibilities Student Responsibilities
1. To treat each student with respect and dignity 1. To treat other students and the teacher with respect and dignity 2. To provide an orderly classroom 2. To attend class regularly 3. To provide the necessary discipline 3. To be cooperative and not disruptive 4. To provide the necessary motivation 4. To study and do all of your work (Success=Effort) 5. To teach the required content 5. To learn and master the required content Additional Classroom Expectations
1. Seating – Students will be assigned to a specific seat. Only the teacher may move your assigned seat.
2. Tardiness – Students will be tardy if they are not in their assigned seat when class begins. Tardy students must stop to sign in and fill out an admit slip when they enter class. Tardy students will be assigned ETL.
3. Attendance and Make-up Assignments – Students are expected to attend class daily according to state, district and school policies. If a student is absent for 3 or more consecutive days, he or she will be referred to the administration. If students are absent they are required to complete all make-up (missing) assignments. Students will be allowed as many days to complete the make-up work as they were absent (i.e. If a student is absent 3 days, he or she will have 3 days to complete the make-up work).
4. Folder, Notebook & Agenda Requirements - Students are required to bring their folders, composition books and agendas (planners) to class daily. Students are required to write the homework assignments in their agendas daily and have their parent or guardian check their agendas daily. In addition, parents must sign agendas/planners every Friday.
5. In Class & Homework Assignments AND Late Work - Students will be required to complete all daily in-class and homework assignments. All homework assignments must be completed before the student comes to class or the student will be assigned ETL. Students must complete their missing homework in ETL. Failure to successfully complete all assignments will result in fewer overall points and a lower grade. Students will have up to 5 days to turn in late assignments. After 5 days, late work will not be accepted. In addition, students will lose 10% per day on each late assignment.
6. Quizzes, Reviews & Tests – Students will be required to complete unit quizzes, reviews and tests. All reviews must be signed by a parent or guardian prior to each test. Failure to successfully complete all quizzes, reviews and tests will result in fewer overall points and a lower percentage grade.
7. Curriculum & Daily Performance Objectives – Classroom curriculum (what the students are taught) follows Arizona state and FUSD standards requirements, which can be found at Daily lessons will be designed to meet performance objectives (P.O.’s), which will be posted daily on the Objective Posters in the classroom.
8. Bell Work – After students enter and sit quietly and copy the daily homework assignments into their agendas, they will begin the Bell Work assignment listed on the board. These are short assignments designed to review the previous day’s lesson, homework or performance objectives. The Bell Work will be graded and included in the students’ overall class grade.
9. Grades – The following grading scale will be used for all assignments in my class: 90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D 59% & Below = F
In addition, we will be using the Synergy grading program. Assignments will be weighted. Practice assignments (homework, class work, reviews) will be worth 20% of the student grades; Performance assignments (papers/essays, projects, presentations/demonstrations) will be worth 20% of student grades; Measurement Assignments (quizzes, tests) will be worth 60% of student grades.
I do not grade on a curve. Students earn their grades; I do not give them. Students may visit me any day before or after school to review their grades or to get a copy of their progress report. In addition, you may track student grades and progress through Synergy ParentVue & StudentVue online.
10. No sodas, energy drinks, candy or gum will be allowed (except in the event of a classroom celebration).
11. Students will be expected to use the bathroom and drinking fountain before entering the classroom in the morning and after lunch.
12. Computers – Students are not allowed to touch or be on classroom computers without permission.
Students who are not in dress code (including their lanyard and ID), tardy, or not prepared and do not bring their required materials to class (agenda/planner, spiral notebook, folder, homework, etc) will be assigned to ETL after school. Discipline Procedures
All students have the right to due process. We will be following state, FUSD and school procedures.
Step 1 – Review of Classroom Rules & Procedures
The teacher and students will review classroom rules and procedures throughout the year. Parents will also be given a copy of the classroom rules and procedures to review and keep. Students will be acknowledged when they follow the rules and procedures.
Step 2 – 1st Occurrence/Disruption – Redirection
If the student does not follow the rules and procedures, the teacher will redirect the student through verbal and nonverbal cues and review the rules and procedures with the student.
Step 3 – 2nd Occurrence/Disruption – Responsible Thinking Intervention (RTI)
If the student continues to not follow rules and procedures, the teacher and student will have a conference and quietly discuss the inappropriate behavior(s). The teacher and student will review the correct behavior(s).
Step 4 – Responsible Thinking Classroom (RTR)
If the student continues to not follow rules and procedures, the student will be sent to the RTR. There, the student will complete a RTR Plan. The student may return to class when they complete the plan. When the student returns to class, the teacher and student will review the plan and negotiate. If the negotiation is successful, the student will be allowed to remain in class. The student’s parent/guardian will be contacted.
Step 5 – Administrative Referral
If the student continues to not follow rules and procedures or if the student does not cooperate in the RTC, he or she will be given a Discipline Referral to the Principal. The student’s parent/guardian will be contacted.