Sophie the monkey Cast:

1. Narrator: ………………… 5. Giraffe: ………………… 2. Lion: ………………… 6. Sophie: ………………… 3. Zebra: ………………… 7. Bird: ………………… 4. Rhinoceros: …………………

Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a lion.

Lion: Grrrr! I am a lion, I am the king of the jungle, grrrh!

Narrator: He lived in the jungle.

Sound effects: jungle noises

Narrator: He had a lot of friends.

Zebra: Hello, I am a zebra.

Rhinoceros: Hello, I am a rhinoceros.

Giraffe: Hello, I am a giraffe.

Lion, zebra, rhino, giraffe: We are strong, we are brave and we can run very fast.

We are strong, we are brave and very fast We are strong, we are brave and very fast We live in the jungle We live in the jungle We are strong, we are brave and very faaaaaast!

Narrator: One day, a monkey came along.

Sophie: Hello, my name is Sophie. I am a monkey. Hello!

Lion, zebra, rhino, giraffe: Hello.

Sophie: This is a beautiful jungle. Can I live here?

Lion: Are you strong?

Sophie: No, I’m not.

Giraffe, rhinoceros: Are you brave?

Sophie: No, I’m not.

Zebra: Can you run fast?

Sophie: No, I can’t.

Lion, zebra, rhino, giraffe: What can you do?

Sophie: I can juggle. Dominic Streames © 2011 1 Lion, zebra, rhino, giraffe: Ha, ha, ha, that’s nothing. Go away.

Narrator: Sophie the monkey was very sad.

Sophie: I am so sad.

Narrator: The next day, a little bird came along.

Bird: Cheep, cheep, cheep.

Narrator: It landed in a tree.

Bird: Cheep, cheep. Oh, no, I’m stuck, help, help.

Narrator: Along came the zebra.

Zebra: I can help. I am strong, I am brave and I can run very fast.

Lion: Yes, you are strong, you are brave and you can run very fast, but you can’t climb trees!

Narrator: Along came the zebra.

Zebra: I can help. I am strong, I am brave and I can run very fast.

Lion: Yes, you are strong, you are brave and you can run very fast, but you can’t climb trees!

Narrator: Along came the rhinoceros.

Rhinoceros: I can help. I am strong, I am brave and I can run very fast.

Lion: Yes, you are strong, you are brave and you can run very fast, but you can’t climb trees!

Lion, zebra, rhino, giraffe: Oh, no! What can we do? What can we do?

Narrator, Lion, zebra, rhino, giraffe: Who can help the bird?

Audience: Sophie the monkey!

Narrator, Lion, zebra, rhino, giraffe: Pardon?

Audience: Sophie the monkey!

Narrator, Lion, zebra, rhino, giraffe: Sophie the monkey?

Sophie: Yes, I can help. I can climb trees.

Narrator: Sophie the monkey climbed the tree and saved the bird.

Bird: Thank you, thank you.

Lion, zebra, rhino, giraffe: Thank you, thank you.

Lion: You are a very brave monkey. Please be our friend and live in our jungle.

Everyone: And they all lived happily ever after. The end.

Dominic Streames © 2011 2