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University of Southern Maine School of Social Work
Agency Profile for Undergraduate/Graduate Student Placements
Date: 12-11-2006
Name of Agency: 21st Century Community Learning Center; Restorative Learning Program (RLP)
Agency Address: Westbrook-Windham: The REAL School, 55 High St, Windham 04062 located at Windham High School
Agency Telephone Number: 207-892-1810 ext 226
In arranging for field placements, whom should the student contact?
Sarah Anderson- Program Director; [email protected]
Name of Field Instructor:
Sue Austin, MSW
Field Instructor Contact Information
Telephone number: 207-892-1810 ext 226
Email Address: [email protected]
Agency director and/or key administrative personnel:
Name: Sarah Anderson; Pender Kimball
Position: Program Director, REAL School Director
Student’s agency is able to handle: BSW __X___ MSW /Foundation year __X___ (1st year)
MSW/Concentration year _X___ (2nd year)
How many students can your agency accommodate? 1
Briefly describe the basic services/programs of the agency, client population served, and the size of your staff.
The Westbrook/Windham 21st Century Community Learning Center serves students who are struggling with reaching their full potential in a mainstream school. Students who attend the programs generally have a multitude of social, emotional, environmental, and academic factors that negatively impact their ability to be successful in school. Many students who attend the programs have been expelled, suspended, or refuse to attend school. The Restorative Learning Program serves as a short-term intervention for these students with the hope of breaking the cycle of negativity that the student is experiencing in school. Students are offered academic and behavioral support while attending the program.
The Restorative Learning Program (RLP) serves 14 students t one time and up to 50 different students throughout the course of the year. Direct programming takes place Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 1-4pm. Planning and prep time occurs between 10-5pm. The staff consists of 2 tutors, a case manager, and the program director. The director of the REAL school serves as the program advisor.
When are agency staff and other important meetings held?
Regular staff meetings are Mondays at 10am. Staff development meetings are once a month usually on Thursday from 10am-2pm.
What characteristics or qualities would be helpful for a student to have to best utilize the placement as a learning opportunity?
Compassion, understanding, flexibility, extreme patience, and a willingness to tackle challenges head-on. Students who are interested in social work within the school environment would be the best fit for this placement.
Would a student who needs a highly structured learning environment do well in this placement?
Yes ____ No _____ Comments:
List the learning opportunities available for the student in your setting:
In this placement students would be offered a unique mix of social work experiences and exposure to alternative education. Students would be included in the intake meeting process, have an opportunity for individual counseling with students, connect with other service providers, and facilitate group activities to promote pro-social skills development. Students would attend staff meetings and monthly advisory council meetings.
Is there adequate physical space for the student(s)? Yes
Does the student need a car? Yes _X_ No __ Is mileage reimbursable? Yes __ No _X_
Can your agency provide an opportunity for students to fulfill part of their required placement hours on evenings or weekends?
Does your agency require any formal training for interns? Yes ____ No ____
If yes, how many training hours are required?
When is the training offered?
Can the training be completed online? Yes ___ No ___ Is the agency handicapped accessible? Yes ___ No ___
Agency Requirements:
Background check (SBI) Yes _X__ No __ (fingerprinting)
Physical exam Yes ___ No _X_
Immunizations Yes _X__ No __
If yes, what immunizations are required?
Other pertinent information: