Wpclf/Wsrla Contract Documents Review
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WPCLF/WSRLA CONTRACT DOCUMENTS REVIEW Funding Applicant: Project Name: Project Number: Date Bid Advertisement will start: Date Bids will be opened: Engineer’s estimate of construction cost:
Please provide the Section/Page number from the contract documents that corresponds with each item below. Any item checked as “No” must be explained on a separate sheet.
Ohio Revised Code Requirements - The following may be superseded by local charter requirements Yes No Bid Guarantee in the form required by ORC 153.54 Section/Page #______ Yes No Payment and Performance Bonds in the form required by ORC 153.54 Section/Page #______ Yes No Provisions for payment retention in conformance with ORC 153.12 Section/Page #______ Yes No A specific time for completion of the work Section/Page #______
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Funding Requirements – Include the following if ARRA funds are used as part or all of the project funding. Yes No Buy American requirements Section/Page #______ Yes No Davis-Bacon wage rate requirements Section/Page #______ Yes No OhioMeansJobs.com job posting requirement Section/Page #______ Yes No ARRA reporting requirements Section/Page #______ Yes No ARRA project signage requirements Section/Page #______
Program Requirements Yes No State prevailing wage rate requirements Section/Page #______ Yes No EEO Certification Section/Page #______ Yes No Certification Regarding Debarment & Suspension Section/Page #______ Yes No Violating Facilities clause Section/Page #______ Yes NoInsurance for both the contractor and all subcontractors: Section/Page #______ Yes No Workers' Compensation Yes No Public Liability Yes No Property Damage Yes No Vehicle Liability Yes No Flood (if appropriate) Yes No Builders Risk (can be held by owner instead) Yes NoSmall Business in Rural Areas instructions Section/Page #______ Yes No WPCLF/WSRLA Change Order form Section/Page #______ Yes NoInstructions to for use of Change Order form Section/Page #______ Yes NoContract provisions describing DBE requirements Section/Page #______ Yes NoDBE data sheets I, II and III Section/Page #______ Yes No Overall statement regarding Materials Testing responsibilities Section/Page #______ Yes No Project-specific continuous treatment provisions Section/Page #______
Other Contract Requirements Yes No Text of the bid advertisement Section/Page #______ Yes No Engineer’s estimate of cost for construction Section/Page #______ Yes No Bid proposal forms Section/Page #______ Yes No Description of how the bid price, including any alternates, is determined Section/Page #______ Yes No Notice to Proceed form Section/Page #______Is any material or equipment designated from a “sole source?” If yes, attach a description and justification for each item.
The following should be considered, but are not required: Yes No Local protest procedure Section/Page #______ Yes No Basis and Method for Award Section/Page #______ Yes No Payment Methods Section/Page #______
Checklist Prepared by: Phone or E-mail revised June 16, 2009