Staging Hints Brought to you by Bridget Walthers, Realtor

Make a Good First Impression

In today's age of consumerism, every buyer is comparative shopping. Make a small investment in time, money and effort to give your home a solid advantage over competing properties.

Pay attention to detail now because first impressions count with buyers. You only have one chance and it starts with what often referred to as "curb appeal". Some tips to create a better curb appeal are:

Create A Buying Mood. 1. Turn on lights. 2. Turn on air conditioner/heater. 3. Open the drapes. 4. Light the fireplace.

Exterior Appearance 1. Keep lawns cut. 2. Trim hedges and shrubs. 3. Weed and edge gardens. 4. Clear driveway and clean up oil spills. 5. Clean out garage. 6. Touch up paint. 7. Make repairs where needed Create Space. 8. Clear halls and stairs of clutter. 9. Store surplus furniture. 10. Clear kitchen counter and stovetop. 11. Clear closets of unnecessary clothing. 12. Remove empty boxes and containers.

Maintenance 1. Repair leaking taps and toilets. 2. Clean furnace and filters. 3. Tighten doorknobs and latches. 4. Repair cracked plaster. 5. Touch up paint. 6. Clean and repair windows. 7. Repair seals around tubs and basins. 8. Replace defective light bulbs. 9. Oil squeaking doors. 10. Repair squeaking floorboards. Squeaky Clean 1. Clean and freshen bathrooms. 2. Clean fridge and stove (in and out). 3. Clean around heating vents. 4. Clean washer and dryer. 5. Clean carpets, drapes and window blinds.

At The Front Door 1. Clean porch and foyer. 2. Ensure doorbell works. 3. Repair screen on door. 4. Fresh paint or varnish front door. 5. Repair door locks and key access