Join Us Jackson, Mississippi , January 20-22, 2013, for the 40Th Memorial of Roe V. Wade!
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January 2013
Join Us – Jackson, Mississippi , January 20-22, 2013, for the 40th Memorial of Roe v. Wade! And guess who wants to join us – our lovely pro-death ladies who are madder, older, uglier, and fewer! That’s right. Here is a plea for their followers (maybe two or three) to come to Jackson. TAKE THE DAY OFF -- MAKE A FLIGHT TO JACKSON. Jackson Women's Health Organization (JWHO) is the last standing women's healthcare clinic that provides abortions. In 2011, a personhood amendment proposed by anti-abortion extremists was defeated with 56% of the vote. In that same election, anti-abortion, anti-woman Governor Phil Bryant was elected. In the face of the voters -- he PUBLICLY touted that the last standing clinic would close. His first legislative session as the gov, 30 some anti-woman bills were introduced. All were killed or defeated EXCEPT for HB 1930. HB 1390 targets only ONE BUSINESS IN THE ENTIRE STATE, Jackson Women’s Health Organization. This law requires the abortion providers at (JWHO) to have admitting privileges at a local hospital. All hospitals have denied (JWHO) doctors’ privileges. The law has been challenged and we are waiting on the Judge’s decision to permanently block the law or allow it to go into effect. THIS DECISION COULD FOREVER CHANGE THE FATE OF MISSISSIPPI WOMEN! Join us in sending a strong message to the anti-women bullies from the streets to the Capitol that we won’t go back. This war on women is a war on families. WOMEN ARE RESPONDING. Operation Save America Video from Iron Kite films: Iron Kite Films made a three and a half minute video of OSA in Charlotte this past summer: This is what they said:
What a challenge…pulling together the intensity, passion, and importance of what you do. Praise God, though, I believe there is something special on this film. There was a grace that I felt when I was working on it these past few days, and I really felt the presence of God while I was working on it. There are certain films that just have a different anointing on them…I believe this is one of those (not because of anything I did!! but because life, and the defense of the unborn, is the heart of the Father). God bless you brother and thank you so much for the kind words. I was truly honored to be able to spend time with you and all of the brothers and sisters in OSA. I came home that afternoon different from when I left in the morning; I'm glad that what I wrote reflected some of that change. The feedback that I've gotten so far has been incredible. People are being moved by the work that you are doing and are asking me for more info!! This is just one quote that I received; "I can't stop crying. Your video has burdened my heart deeply and I HAVE NEVER WANTED TO FIGHT FOR THIS CAUSE AS MUCH AS I DO RIGHT NOW". Praise God! He is opening the eyes of the sleeping church. Below is Neil’s introduction to the video and what he thought of the folks of OSA. I had the privilege of spending a day with a national pro-life organization called Operation Save America. Unashamedly taking up the cause of preborn children in the name of Jesus Christ, OSA passionately seeks to both expose the horror of abortion and provoke the Church to not sit silent as more than 1 million babies are killed each year. Over the course of the day, we assembled outside of 3 abortion clinics, encountering pro-choice groups, police, and young women on their way to have an abortion. At noon, we gathered in the center of downtown Charlotte for a memorial service. A stand-in for the 55 million babies that have been killed since 1973 (Roe v Wade) was "Baby Choice", an actual baby that was aborted in her 22nd week. The open-casket service was shocking. It was the reality of abortion lying naked and exposed in the city square. Just as I thought the day had reached its peak, I was told we needed to head out in order to reach our next destination in time; Friday prayer at the Mosque. The Mosque? What does that have to do with abortion? I soon realized that OSA is first and foremost about the Gospel and the glory of God, and anything that stands against these principles are strongholds that need to be torn down. Worshipping the god of Islam is just as contrary to Biblical principles as killing a child. So the pro-life signs were traded for "Islam is a Lie" signs. The bullhorn preaching changed from "life" and "creation" to "false idol" and "repent". But while the signs and the slogans may have changed, the underlying theme was the same; Jesus. For OSA, everything always goes back to Jesus. For OSA, everything always goes back to Jesus. I saw that these families I had spent all day with are jealously determined to see Jesus glorified. Whether you agree with their methods or not, the fact is these God-fearing families are exalting the name of Christ on the battlefield and standing in the gap for righteousness. Is it offensive? You bet. Do they say things that most people only think? Yup. But while the anti-septic gospel remains ineffectively kept in museums (dead churches) there is a remnant that is taking up the razor sharp Sword of the Spirit and daring anyone to stand in opposition to it...churches included.
OSA Press Release – The Interfaith Memorial Service from Hell CHARLOTTE, Dec. 17, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Watching the Memorial service for the twenty-six precious lives taken from us in Newtown, Connecticut was painful. But it was far more painful to God. The city of Newtown took down all of its Christmas decorations so it could properly mourn. How foolish, yet typical of governmental strategy to replace God. The "Interfaith" service on Sunday evening was an affront to true Christianity. Those claiming to be His priests (they were no more Christian than they were poached eggs) barely mentioned Jesus’ Name. How could they – they don’t know Him. Yet these were Newton’s pastors. "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children." Hosea 4:6. Can there be any doubt in anyone's mind today that America is in deep trouble? God said it would be this way. We are losing our kids. Blood is coursing down the corridors of our schools, workplaces, and streets and we look at each other with awkward amazement wondering what has happened to us. We are being drained of our wealth. We are losing our kids to gangs, drugs, violence, suicide, murder and every imaginable trivial pursuit. Our schools have become veritable jungles where survival of the fittest is the law of the hallway. What happened? We have violently removed the fear of Almighty God from the hearts of our children. We expelled God from school and banished Him from the schoolyard. He has been replaced with metal detectors, condoms, policemen, anti-bullying policies, No-gun zones, and violence. “Political strategy” has replaced God's Truth. We are losing our kids because we are ignoring God's Law. Our government cannot fix us! What would Jesus say if He had spoken at this interfaith abomination in Newtown, Connecticut? What did He say when He was confronted with mass murder and natural disaster in His day (Luke 13:1-9)? He answered the questions, "Why did this happen?" and "Where was God in all of this?" with a simple phrase, "…I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will perish…" Luke 13:3. His was neither a message of false comfort nor a call to new “political strategy,” but a call to repentance. We are being destroyed, we are losing our freedom, and our children because we have forsaken God – Jesus! He will return if we will repent and call on His Name! Abortion Clinic in New Orleans Closes for Good I just received this report from Dale Sochia. Another abortion mill in New Orleans has shut down bringing the number of abortion mills remaining in the city to one. When we first arrived in New Orleans in 1995 for our National Event, there were seven free standing abortion mills in and around the city. Today there is only one. The saints in New Orleans did not wait for the election of a new president, or the stacking of the Supreme Court, nor the House or Senate in Washington, D.C. They simply began storming the gates of hell by allowing the theology of the church house to become biography in the streets and God began winning battles for them. Brother Bill Shanks, the real “Mayor” of New Orleans, and his powerful little church have been fighting the gospel battle for the lives of preborn children in the streets of New Orleans since 1988. They have been faithfully pleading the case of the fatherless to win it! God raised up Brother Dale Sochia and King Jesus Ministries to come alongside and help Brother Bill in the battle and now, “LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE!” Here is Dale’s report: Well, God is on the move again (like He never is…). God is always doing above and Way beyond anything we could ever imagine! I received a phone call last week from Pastor Bill Shanks who shared with me the most incredible news! He said, “Dale, the manager from the Uptown (abortion mill) just came outside and approached me and told me, ‘Better get your red marker out.’” If you’re not sure what she was talking about – neither was I. But Brother Bill has a sign that lists the names of four “doctors” who have been doing abortions at the Uptown abortion mill that opened shortly after hurricane Katrina. Since that time two of these doctors have quit killing babies and last year, abortionist Adrian Coleman died suddenly at the age of 37. Pastor Bill has put a red line through the names of the three abortionists that are no longer killing babies. Today, the manager of Uptown proceeded to tell Pastor Bill that the last remaining Abortionist, Dr. Kiat Varnishung, also has died. That’s right, he DIED! The last two remaining abortionists have passed-on to judgment. (I do hope that this doctor’s heart turned toward God and he repented of killing all of those babies, as well as his other sins, before he died). OK … and now for the incredible news: the manager then went on to tell Pastor Bill that THEY WILL BE CLOSING DOWN THE CLINIC!! Praise God! This is incredible! This is no ordinary clinic – this clinic is the one located at 3500 St. Charles Avenue and used to be a CHURCH! That’s right, a Church. I posted a few years back a prophetic word that God would turn this house of horror back into a house of holiness! Now, God has done His part by removing the last remaining abortionist (in not so nice of a way). God is not nice, HE IS HOLY and RIGHTEOUS, and HIS JUSTICE is JUST! In 1995, New Orleans had seven abortion mills in the surrounding area. Today, with the closing of this mill, only one mill remains!!! We are shouting GLORY all the way! It is important to note that this was not done by any legislating, but by the faithful saints of God on their knees in prayer … not just in the churches and homes, but out in the streets in front of these places of death! The gates of hell cannot prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ. Thank you Brother Bill, Brother Dale, the faithful saints, and, especially, THANK YOU JESUS for doing something way beyond what our mind can conceive (closing this mill down)! “ Pastor Nails “Seeker Friendly” Ministries with Compromise!” by David Benham Caveat: My son David wrote a critique of an article written about a former NFL player and now Pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, Washington. Compromise is an enemy of the proclamation of God’s Truth! I read an excellent article this morning by a former NFL player, Ken Hutcherson, on the political correctness of many evangelical organizations in America today. I share his sentiment when it comes to Christian ministries appeasing evil instead of resisting it. In a desperate attempt to appear attractive and not "offensive", many Christian organizations in America have adopted a politically correct policy of appeasement in the face of evil instead of standing at the mid-point of biblical tension on the social issues of our day. The article appears below, but first I wanted to share a couple of thoughts about Mr. Hutcherson, his recent political stand, and his willingness to fight God's battles. First of all, it's interesting that Ken is a former NFL football player. This is an aggressive sport. He got paid to smack dudes in the mouth. I played football, and I love watching it too. The reason men in America love this sport is because it's aggressive. Aggression is in our DNA, God put it there. When men get saved God doesn't change our DNA, He redeems it. The same aggression we once had for evil is now used for good. This means standing against evil, even if it's not easy. We're men – this is what we are supposed to do. In terms of Ken's take on Referendum 74 (same sex marriage vote), if evil is being accepted and appreciated at the national level, aggressive Christian men must lead the charge against it. In the late 1940's England realized this truth with Neville Chamberlain's Policy of Appeasement and the Nazi regime. Chamberlain thought he could somehow "appease" the Furor, yet Winston Churchill aggressively stood against this policy and proclaimed that they must kill Hitler and destroy the regime in its entirety. It wasn't long before Chamberlain's "politically correct" policy fell flat on its face, and Churchill – the more aggressive man – took the reins and joined America in defeating the beast called, Nazism. My dad taught me to be aggressive for righteousness and to be a man willing to let the Lion roar when He needs to roar (remember the statement by C.S. Lewis - "Aslan is not a tame lion"). He taught me seven biblical characteristics of King David's fighting men (see OSA 2013 Bible Reading Schedule) – Ken is living these. Dr. Kenneth L. Hutcherson, senior pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, Washington, is no longer zeroing in on NFL quarterbacks. Instead, he's set his focus on pro-family groups that he believes were responsible for letting both the homosexual agenda and Obama win at the ballot box last week. With a heavy lineup of pro-family groups coming to The Evergreen State to join the effort to protect traditional marriage, the co-founder of Antioch Bible Church soon found out that they weren't operating out of the same playbook. "Their intention was to be moderate and non-controversial," Hutcherson told OneNewsNow. The National Organization for Marriage, Focus on the Family and Family Policy Institute's unbiblical strategy was a severe departure from the state's churches' aggressive campaign to stop same-sex marriage using the weight of family values and Scripture. The groups essentially told him and other local Christian leaders' that their message on marriage and social issues was too offensive. "They did not want me involved basically in the top leadership, so I took a back seat and let them run with it," Hutcherson shared. "And that really hurt our unity out here." Politically correct, fundamentally wrong! [Hutcherson] says that same-sex marriage isn't the only battle Christians lost this election year to the infiltrating political correctness by pro-family groups. "Their coordinated message was for the Republican Party to be more loving and middle of the road," the pastor reports. The pastor had a unique take when he posed the question as to whether or not America was slipping from her Christian values when it comes to presidential candidate’s stance on moral issues. “Evidently biblical principles are important, because fewer people are voting,” Hutcherson expressed. “Values voters have to see a difference between candidates or they will stay home, which is what they did this last election.” And how will another four years of an Obama administration affect Christian rights? Hutcherson believes it will be “… tremendously negative, with a progressive loss of religious freedom. Until national pro-family ministries start acting more biblical and God-fearing and less like their color and culture, we will not win any more elections,” the uncompromising pastor concludes. Have you noticed our ever increasing move away from truth? Strategy has replaced truth. The Bible tells us that we have been drawn away by cords of sin. It is an inexorable movement away from truth unless someone is daring enough to confront it. Of course this would be judgmental and no one wants to be accused of that. What took place in Newtown, Connecticut, this past week is another evidence of America’s inexorable slide away from truth, into sin. Truth has become…well, not so important anymore. It’s so yesterday! So now we have an interfaith (all gods welcome) service to assuage our national guilty conscience. It is our new strategy.
We all know that something in America is deeply wrong. Good is being called evil and evil called good. None dare call it treason, but treason is exactly what it is. A rebel from heaven, the devil with his legions of demons, is having his way. No pastor, prophet, or priest dare expose it, or he will suffer the consequences.
We witness the aftermath of the devil’s carnage yet none dares point a finger at him. We strategize how to reduce the harm he is doing all in the name of our new strategy – “Harm Reduction.” Sounds so kind doesn’t it? But it is devastating. It is the devil’s shrewd compromise so he can continue robbing, killing, and destroying.
In Switzerland their new strategy to reduce the harm of heroin addiction is to dispense free preloaded syringes of pure heroin to folks so that they will at least have clean needles. Man’s strategy to reduce the harm of sin knows no bounds. Condoms, clean needles, TSA, Homeland Security, Quantitative Easing, No Gun Zones, ad nauseam – Feel more secure yet? God has more disaster than our federal government has relief.
Jesus came to bring an end to sin and to crush the head of the devil and tear down all of his strongholds. Let’s turn the Lion of Judah loose this year. For with God all things are possible!