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- (punch) Linda B If you find you are not able to bring what you volunteered to contribute, please contact Pat or President’s Message Rosie- one of us will gladly be there to fill your Jill M. spot.
By the time you receive this newsletter many of you/us will Welcome New Members be up to our eye-balls in classes and preparing to help at the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Please welcome and introduce yourself to our Show. It’s such a wonderful week of fun, chaos, newest Guild members: and creative overload! I look forward to seeing Jane Billingsley all your projects (most not finished yet) at our July meeting! Remember to bring them….even if it’s only a small block……everyone wants to see Membership the project and hear about the class. Judy W, Ruth P, Marion M, Pam B
Also, at our July meeting, we will be VOTING on Membership has a table at our Quilt Show, and I proposed changes to the Guild’s bylaws and am looking for members to spend an hour standing rules. We had intended to do this in attending to that table. You will be able to sit in June but thought it would be better in July. the shade for that hour and have a cool drink (That’s my story….and I’m sticking to it!) So, (you will provide the drink), answering questions please review the documents that were sent out people might have and signing them up to be to you in the last few days. If you have any members. It will be a quite pleasant job, questions, please do not hesitate to contact especially if you and a friend share the chore. anyone on the committee or me. Please talk to me at the Membership Table when you arrive at the July meeting and let me know if you are willing to help out. Thank you And, if you are participating in the …. "Page 38” Challenge …. we are all looking forward to enjoying your challenge quilt. Please see Door Prize Winners elsewhere in this and last month’s newsletters Lynn H. for details on how to turn your quilt in. Quilt Shop Drawings: June
See you July 11! Fat quarter drawing: Rena T Community Quilts: Kim M, Barb P, and Marcy M BJ’s Quilt Basket: Jill M Hospitality Cynthia’s: Carol S Pat K., Rosie S. High Mountain Fabric: Sally F Homestead Quilts: Sue W Dear Quilters, Morrow’s: Jan D Thank you for volunteering to bring snacks and Quilt Shack: Toni M beverages to the MBQG meeting on Monday July QuiltWorks: Billie K 11th. Sew Many Quilts: Linda N Snack Crew Stitchin’ Post: Libby S - Louise T. Thread Dancing by Julia Jeans: Jane G - Suzi T. Gag Gift: Lani S - Suzette S - Jill M. Beverages Treasurer's Report - (water) Rosie S. July 2016 Page 1 1/1/16 Starting Balance: $17,176.16 Community Quilts workday will be Wednesday, YTD Income 12,652.81 July 13th from 11:00-2:30. We will have a salad YTD Expenses (16,115.30) and dessert potluck. Bring something to share. Cash Balance $13,713.67 Utensils and drinks will be provided. We will We've sold $1,776.00 in Raffle Quilt tickets...just meet, as usual, at Nativity Lutheran Church which as we approach the 4th of July! is at the corner of SE Knott and Brosterhaus in Bend. Bring a Community Quilts project to work Sunshine/Community on, potluck dish and machine/notions for your project. If you don’t have a CQ project, we have Bulletin Board plenty at the church along with lots of nice fabric Linda G. and batting. Contact one of us if you have any questions. If you have anything you'd like to share, including general news about your fellow quilters or any JULY: Salad/dessert potluck on the 13th. guild members who need some cheering or have AUGUST: There will be no quilting on August 3rd something to cheer about (including yourself), due to Vacation Bible School at the church. Our please pass the information on to Linda G. Community Quilts day will be on the 10th. Birthday Wishes The patterns for our two group projects in 2016 are now on MBQG blog. Look at the bottom of Happy Birthday to All!! the Community Quilts page to download or print. Debbie B. 7/26 Carol C. 7/13
Lynn H. 7/8 Janice J-N. 7/14 If you made a quilt at our group project day in Toni M. 7/15 Lisa N. 7/29 May, please bring it to show at the July guild Rosie S. 7/13 Mary T. 7/7 Phyllis V. 7/28 Sally W. 7/27 meeting, whether quilted or not. This was the Bev’s special floral project with square and rectangles. If you have already turned in your quilt, I will be bringing all of them to the meeting. Guild Library It will be fun to show all the quilts at once. Julia J. If you are thinking about making a Community For library book requests, email or call Julia Jeans Quilt, please consider making a “guy” quilt. We at: [email protected] or (541) 7289- support both J Bar J Ranch and Cascade Youth 1286. You may arrange to pick books up at her which need male themed quilts. J Bar J has boys shop Thread Dancing or at the following Guild from 11-17 and Cascade Youth has teens--boys meeting. and girls. We could use more “guy” quilts about 60”x72” in size. Community Food Drive Jane Davis Raffle Quilt 2016 Dottie K. The Nativity Lutheran Church Food Pantry serves families year round. The pantry is open every We are within $700 of our goal and on the home Tuesday from 1-3. In May, 173 families were stretch. Keep selling those tickets. The July 11 helped--which added up to 600 people over all. meeting will be your last opportunity to buy Contributions of food and money are always tickets at a guild event. We will be showing the welcome. quilt & selling tickets at Quilt Works in conjunction with the Sisters show, on July 7 & 8, Community Quilts at the Mt Meadows show in Sunriver on August Diana L., Sue W., Cathy C. 6, and finally, at our show on August 20. July 2016 Page 2 For Board and Committee Members, please have Raffle Quilt 2017 your submissions for the August Newsletter to Kayla H. me on or before Monday, July 25th. Thank you!
2017 raffle quilt: if you are interested in helping plan the quilt please contact Kayla Herriman Workshops ([email protected]). If you are Suzanne M. and Corni Q. interested in helping with the piecing- stay tuned for news about a sew day. As of today, there is still room in the class with Janet Fogg, on September 14. She will be offering your choice of 13 of her animal wall-hanging size “Page 38 Challenge” kits (check her website). The cost is the price of Shannon P. the kit you choose. And October 12 is the Zendoodling class with Joanna Price, which is The due date for these quilts has changed to the almost full, cost $25. Both of these instructors July meeting. A few things to remember: bring are eminently talented, and so much good stuff quilt in a brown bag so it's anonymous, quilt must rubs off on us when we take classes! Check your have a label (so I know whose is whose- and schedules and sign-up now! required for entry into the quilt show. You can Sign-ups are available at the meetings, or call or iron on wax paper to cover the label temporarily), email Suzanne M. I will collect all quilts that will be entered in the show in August and deliver them to the quilt drop off the Friday before the show. If you want to Sisters Outdoor Quilt take your own, that's fine also. Show Martha S. Requirements for the challenge: The show office is processing over 1400 quilts, Find a magazine, NON-Quilty or Crafty. Turn to and over 1/3 of these are from quilters who have page 38. Use that page as inspiration for a quilt. never displayed a quilt in this show. Included are Quilt dimensions must relate to the 8 1/2 x 11 32 special exhibits of quilts with a variety of size page. So, you can multiply those numbers by themes. YOU make the difference in how the 2, 3, 4, 45, etc. to get your finished quilt size. show is presented to the 12000 visitors on quilt show day when you volunteer to fill so many Most importantly, HAVE FUN!!! needed and fun roles. There’s lots of positive changes in store for this year’s show! Volunteers will sign in for their shifts on quilt show day at a tent set up near US Bank and the log cabin building on Hood Ave. Programs This is a new location from past years and is a Kathleen G. more central to the entire show. Volunteers will July is quilt emersion mouth, one big sew-in! So have training! A consolidation information sheet if you are taking any classes, anywhere, please and verbal instructions is provided both in bring it for our July meeting show & tell in any sessions that were held at the end of June and on phase of construction or finish. Share it, we want the day of the show. The reception on July 21st to see it! for all volunteers will be held at the Three Creeks Brewers’ Distribution center with delicious appetizers, beverage, music and fun. There are still lots of opportunities to sign up on the Newsletter website. June B. The information booth for general show inquiries will still be behind the Stitchin’ Post. All quilts for sale, with the exception of those in special July 2016 Page 3 exhibits that might be for sale, will have a gallery- bring a lunch and stay all day---it's fun to see like setting in Town Square. I think this idea is everyone enjoy the display of color. genius! So many visitors come specifically to buy Sign-ups for helping are almost full, but if you're a quilt or might be inspired to make a purchase if willing to help and haven't chosen a time slot, the quilts for sale are showcased as they will be please email or call me---info in the roster. this year. A portion of the proceeds of each sale Thank you all for helping with all the details---it supports the show. The quilt show sales office truly helps things run smoothly for the show! will now be at the year-round quilt show office Don't forget to get those items ready for the location on Hood Ave. making it easier for buyers Sales Tables and choose your favorite quilts to to complete their sale in a central location, easy display. to find. I’m looking forward to the show, meeting folks from around the world and being inspired by the Boutique beautiful work of so many fiber artists. Yes, Louise T. artists. You are all artists whether you follow a pattern, use a kit, or create your own design. Thank you to all who helped fill the Boutique See you at the show! Basket at the June meeting! We’ve made a good start but need many more of your hand-made 2017 Guild Retreats creations in order to have an eye-catching variety Toni M. of “gotta-have-that” items for sale.
Our 2017 retreat will be March 3-5 and again be I will be collecting boutique donations at the July at Mt. Bachelor Village. It is a wonderful location meeting and also at Community Quilts on the 2nd and everyone enjoyed the 3 days of sewing, and 4th Wednesdays in July and the 2nd eating, and being together without chores! The Wednesday in August (July 13 and 27, August 10). food was great, demos informative, sewing There are several patterns on the MBQG website blocks were popular, and the BINGO was fun. under the Boutique link or just come up with MBQG members will be able to begin registering your own ideas. Either way, please plan to donate for the retreat at the July 2016 meeting, where a few items to make our Quilt Show Boutique there will be forms to fill out. There is also a successful. Thanks registration form on the website. Members have first priority but if the retreat does not fill, guests BAD HABITS QUILTERS NEED TO QUIT will be on a waiting list to register. Members who From Superior Threads Website . . . register and cannot attend can find a replacement to fill their spot, or the committee Have you heard the story about the woman that will try to fill the spot from a waiting list. Come every time she makes a roast she cuts off the join us next spring for a fun weekend! ends because that’s the way she saw her mother cook it? The truth was the mother had too small of a cooking pan and cut the ends to 2016 MBQG Quilt Show in accommodate. the Park Sewing can be like this too. You’re taught or Susan M. observe someone doing something and figure that’s the way to do it. But there are some We are getting closer and closer to our wonderful sewing and quilting habits that could be Quilt Show in the Park. hindering your sewing experience. Here are 10 It's a special day for our guild---time to show and habits we recommend quitting: share beautiful quilts, gather with many Not organizing your fabric scraps members for the day and check out our fabulous Will you ever use fabric scraps if you can’t even Sale Tables! tell what you have? Our favorite thing is to Please plan on being at the park at 7 a.m. to help organize scraps by colors. If you don’t have them with set up for the day. You'll want to organized, you might as well throw them out because they won’t be used and they’re taking up July 2016 Page 4 precious space! Using low-quality thread and fabrics Overly criticizing your work You knew this was coming! Low quality threads Do you nit-pick and over analyze your stitches shed lint, break, and may not stand the test of and points? Stop it. Seriously, just stop. You’re time. Similarly, fabric quality will affect how long not doing anyone any favors and especially your quilt will last. We recommend buying the yourself by trash talking. Why not celebrate that highest quality you can afford. This will make you actually made time to sew? Congratulate sewing and quilting much more enjoyable. that you finished a project. Be happy that you created something that didn’t exist before. Officers/Chairs: That’s pretty cool. President: Jill M. Putting water in your iron 1st Vice President (Programs): Kathleen G. We might all be guilty of this one. Water in the iron (with the exception of distilled) can corrode 2nd Vice President (Workshops): Suzanne M. your iron. Or worse, a leak could leave a spot Secretary: Lynn H. stain on your fabric. Get a spray bottle of water Treasurer: Linda G. to help with misting needs. Parliamentarian: Shannon P. Cutting the same place on your mat Community Quilts: Diana L., Sue W., Cathy C. Want a quick way to wear out your mat? Always Hospitality: Pat K., Rosie S. cut at the same place. Mats need time to heal. Membership: Judy W, Ruth P, Marion M, Pam Sewing over pins B. Sewing over a pin causes problems. Needles bend, dull, or worse—break. If you have a habit Newsletter: June B. of sewing over pins because you haven’t Nonprofit Coordinator: Linda M. experienced issues yet, please stop now. Quilt Show: Susan M., Gwen B., Sylvia K. Not maintaining your machine Raffle Quilt Design/Construction 2016: Patti Clean your machine regularly. Change the needle S., Donna C. & Suzanne M. 2017: Kayla H. when you see stitch quality decrease or hear a Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales 2016: Dottie K gentle thud sound. Take your machine to the e-MBQG Publisher: Kristin S., Corni Q. mechanic once in a while. Be good to your machine and she’ll be good to you! Not completing your projects Specially Appointed Committees and Having too many unfinished projects is Positions: discouraging. If you find you have a project you Audit: (seasonal) started, but haven’t returned to in years, Boutique: Louise T probably you’re discouraged or simply not Budget: (seasonal) interested. This is a great opportunity to donate Bylaw Review: (seasonal) your half-done project to your guild or a friend Challenge Quilt: Shannon P. who might love a head start on a new project! Community Outreach: Lisa N. Unthreading the machine incorrectly When you change a spool color, the first thing we Fundraising: TBD normally do is just pull the spool off the machine Historian: and pull the thread backwards through the Media Resources: Diane B. tension discs. Easy? Yes. Bad for your machine? Nominating: (seasonal) Yes. Time to break the habit and cut the thread Quilt Show Research: Lynn H., Martha S, Patti at the spool and pull it out through the needle. S. Using dull cutting tools Retreat 2016: Patti S., Anita F., Lynn H., This is a no brainer, but sometimes you just hope Suzanne M., Toni M. our rotary cutter will make it a few more squares or that the frayed fabric edges from your shears Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show Liaison: Martha S. aren’t that bad. Sewing is much easier with crisp Comfort Corner: Linda G. edges and choosing to use high quality sharps can help alleviate a lot of frustration and save time. July 2016 Page 5 Member Quilting Services Quilt Finishing and Repair Creative Finish Long Arm Quilting Member: Diane Ottenfeld Email: [email protected] Member: Terri Allender Phone: (541) 318 - 7425 Email: [email protected] Quilt finishing binding and repair Phone: 541-390-4048 Statler and hand guided long arm quilting. All over Thread Dancing by Julia Jeans designs for the budget minded to block/border and applique fills. “A solution for every quilting budget” Member: Julia Jeans Email: [email protected] Corni Quilts! Phone: 541-728-1286 Member: Corni Quinlivan Free motion long arm quilting services from simple all Email: [email protected] over designs to complex custom design and art Phone (cell): 714-686-8604 quilting. Long arm classes and rentals are also Computer assisted Gammill/Statler Stitcher longarm available. quilting from edge-to-edge overall to custom designs. Thousands of patterns available! Windswept Quilting Member: Kim McCray "Completing Your Quilts With Prairie Dog Hill Care.” Hand Guided Long Arm Machine Quilting. Learn to Sew Email: [email protected] Member: Elizabeth Robertson Phone: 541-390-1696 Email: [email protected] Phone: 503-686-3377 honor our Featured Quilter and Donna Day our other exhibitors. The With Many reception is from 5 to 7PM. We’ll Cynthia’s Sewing have refreshments, door prizes and an all-day sale. Thanks to Our Center 1245 SE Hwy 97 (Division & Row by Row Experience Starts Sponsoring Third St.) behind Zooka June 20! - Almost every quilt Dental, Bend; 541-383-1999 shop in the U.S. and Canada are Shops! participating in the Row by Row Experience! This year the theme Morrows Sewing & is Home Sweet Home and we, Vacuum Center QuiltWorks, have a very cute 304 NE 3rd Street QuiltWorks Home Sweet Home row to share with you. Visit any quilt shop that Bend; 541-382-3882 926 NE Greenwood Avenue is participating, ask for a set of Bend; 541-728-0527 www.morrowsewingandvacu free directions, make your quilt and then bring it into any participating shop and show it QuiltWorks Gallery - Our off. If you are the first one to High Mountain Fabric Featured Quilter for July is bring in a quilted, bound, (Behind Carpet Co. Warehouse) Jeanne Selgren from Sisters. finished quilt with at least 8 1542 S Hwy 97, Redmond Jeanne has sewed all her life and rows, you will win a stack of 25 541-548-6909 quilted for about 25 years. Our fat quarters! Store Hours: Mon/Sat 10:00- July theme exhibit is “Animals” 2:00; Tues thru Fri 10:00-4:00 and we’ll have about 15 fabulous Second Saturday Strip Club – Our (and I really mean it) animal- next Strip Club won’t be until I hope you all enjoy quilt show themed quilts. September 10. Marilyn will week! Stop by and see us. We probably continue to be almost July First Friday - Mark your inappropriate! Each month we’ll have a lot of new fabrics. Have a calendars for July 1 and join us share new quilt projects, good summer. for our First Friday Gallery everyone gets a Tease Bag, Show Reception and sale. We love to July 2016 Page 6 and Tell is encouraged and lots of www.homesteadquiltsonline. Please join us on July 5th, from 5- fun door prizes. The cost is $10 a com 7 pm for our annual open house. month and you’ll love the fun, We will have refreshments and education and community with It's finally summer in La Pine. We door prizes! It gives you a chance each month's Strip Club. have lots of new lines of fabric, to see all the new items before please come and see all of them. the crowds start. Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show - We will help you get inspired. We Saturday, July 9 is the world are participating in the Row By We look forward to seeing you famous Sister’s Outdoor Quilt Row experience and you can see soon at Sew Many Quilts! Show. All the shops are stocking our Row By Row on our website up on the best fabric the world www.homestead or Sharon, Gail and our wonderful has to offer and more. Visit your on our Facebook. We have fabric staff local quilt shops and welcome all kits available and our pattern will of the quilters that come from include the easy way to appliqué Stitchin’ Post around the world that week. using "QuiltSmart" 311 W. Cascade, Sisters 541-549-6061 August Gallery - Tina Witherall The HQ Fusion quilting machine from Pendleton will be our is available for your use. All you Featured Quilter in August. Tina’s need to do is take a lesson and All of our Sisters Quilt Show miniature “Bear Paw” quilt was you can start quilting all of your memorabilia has arrived, so now the top vote-getter in our 2015 Projects. We hope to see you is the time to get your t- November Inspirations Small soon. shirts, posters, silver charms, Quilt Show. The group exhibit calendars, and other Quilt Show will be the Redding Sew-ciety Best Cathy and Staff goodies, before the crowds arrive Quilt Guild with quilts from the and we sell out. A few items have theme “Feather Your Nest with Sew Many Quilts and already sold out, so stop in Quilts”. Both exhibits are sure to before Quilt Show week if you be crowd-pleasers. Bernina Center can! 1375 SE Wilson #170, Bend Monthly Get-Togethers open to 541-385-7166 Tamra and our “Folding Fairies” all: (Call first for summer get- have been hard at work, and we togethers, some groups take a have literally hundreds of charm break) Wow! We're well into summer packs, jelly rolls, batik strip rolls, Woolie Mammoths - 2nd & already! As you can imagine, we fat quarter bundles, and loads of 4th Tuesdays, Noon to 4PM are in full swing finishing new new quilt kits on the shelves, just Central Oregon Modern samples and revamping the shop. in time for the show. Quilt Guild - 1st Tuesdays We have more new fabric than from 5 - 8PM we can list (as well as have space The new “Men Behind the Quilts Days for Girls - Meets the 1st in the shop for). 2017” calendars have arrived, as and 3rd Mondays from 1 to well as the 2016 Sisters Outdoor 4PM Our classroom is closed until the Quilt Show tote bags—both the Applique Group - Meets the end of July. For those of you that poly and canvas versions. 1st Tuesday of every month, missed the Quilting with Rulers 10 to 12 noon- will not meet Class, come in the end of the We are featuring a selection of July 5 second week of July, and we will knitting and fiber art classes in be demonstrating them. Look for the shop during Quilter’s Thanks for being great emails with date and times. Affair/Quilt Show week. customers! Information and signups are We have our Bernina sewing available on our website: Marilyn and everyone from machines on special (best prices QuiltWorks of the year). Now is the time to Sara Peery is teaching four buy! We have the Bernina Q20 classes-- sit-down long-arm and table in Homestead Quilts TUESDAY July 5: Improv Knitting- stock. Come in and test drive Painting with Yarn and Knitting 51425 Hwy. 97 this amazing machine! Needles La Pine; 541-536-2360 WEDNESDAY July 6: Colorful Adventures with Invisible- July 2016 Page 7 Stranded Knitting Basket torch. owning a quilt shop off of my THURSDAY July 7: Wet-felt Soap bucket list! Wink Cozy (AM); Wet-Felt Brooch/Pin I have found the perfect (PM) individual to take over the BJ’s Having said that, I have no real Quilt Basket Empire. Kathy deadline for clearance sales, etc.; Paula Johnson is also teaching Shaker has been working for BJ’s just a general feeling that I will two classes-- since October of 2015, she has be finished by the end of the THURSDAY July 7: Crochet been quilting for almost 25 years, summer. Watch the website for Beaded Jewelry (AM); Knitted she is a master quilter, and a further information! Beaded Jewelry (PM) member of the Sunriver Guild. I know you will come to love I hope you are all enjoying your Coming this fall, we have three having her as your new leader in summer - it is here in full swing! art quilting workshops coming up fabric selection!! Kathy took over Many of you have begun from Rosalie Dace: “Dancing on effective June 20th!! collecting your Row by Row the Tightrope,” Monday - Friday, patterns and thank you for August 22 – 26, 2016 Thank you again for your support stopping by to see mine. I am “Walking The Line,” Monday - and friendship, I will truly miss excited about this year's rows - Wednesday, August 29 – 31, seeing you all on a regular basis!! many of them reflect the lifestyle 2016 and importance of place - aah, “Pattern, Rhythm and Quiltingly, home truly is where the heart is. Repetition,” Thursday - Friday, Vicki Jensen September 1 & 2, 2016 Happy quilting and I hope you Watch for our “Christmas in July” have the best day ever! Also, don’t miss the Low challenge, and come be a part of Immersion/Ice Dyeing and Indigo our July Festival of Classes. LaDona Dyeing workshops this Kathy & the Inspiration Team September from Carlene Keller— The Quilt Shack the students that took her classes last summer absolutely Material Girl Fabrics 1211 NW Madras Hwy. loved them! You can sign up for 307 NW 7th Street Prineville; 541-447-1338 these workshops on our website. Redmond; 541-923-1600 Twigs Gallery: Opening on Friday, Good day Everyone, June 24th: “Mt. Bachelor--Keeper of Secrets,” from artist Judy Quilters Attic Summer and Quilt Shows are on th Hoiness, and “Earth Stories,” by 8154 11 Street, Suite #1 the way and we can't wait to see Jean Wells. Our August show Terrebonne; 541-548-8119 you all, just a reminder that the opens on the 4th Friday of July, Crook County Guilds will not be the 22nd, and will feature a having a Quilt Show this year. group of amazing fiber artists: Hi Everyone! They are going to be doing a Chris Brown, Quilt Show every other year. So, Terry Grant, Mary Goodson & First and foremost, I would like we will see you next year 2017 Laura Jaszkowski to express my utmost admiration for the Prineville Crook County and eternal gratitude to those of Quilt Show. We’ll see you at the Quilt Show, you who run a business. You are if not before! special people, and I wish only The Quilt Shack has some great for your continued success and western, batik, novelty, floral, --Jean, Valori, and the Stitchin’ happiness. I begin this farming, outdoorsy fabrics in and Post staff newsletter with this, because I the flannels are always beautiful have come to realize through my and stocked. Don't forget we grand experiment that this is just have our summer hours posted, BJ’s Quilt Basket not for me. So, it is time to stop Tuesday - Friday 10-5, and 20225 Badger Road, Bend beating around the bush and Saturday 10-2. This is just for the 541-383-4310 move on to the next chapter. No summer: Memorial Day to Labor regrets, just thankfulness that I Day. had the opportunity to meet one It is time to pass on the BJ’s Quilt of my goals. I can now cross Happy Quilting, July 2016 Page 8 Rhonda, friends, & family Your friends,
July Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 QuiltWorks 1st Friday
3 4 5 NO 6 7 8 9 Guild Sister’s Applique Quilt Show Group meeting 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Guild Community Meeting Quilts workday 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Board Meeting
UPCOMING EVENTS: July 9- Sister’s Quilt Show August 20 – MBQG Quilt Show in Pioneer Park
CLASSIFIED ADS: July 2016 Page 9