Look at the picture above and answer the questions below in complete sentences.

1. Where does the story take place? 11. What other animals might they find?

2. What can you see in the background? 12. What clothes are the men wearing?

3. Who are the main characters? 13. What equipment do they have?

4. Where is the man on the left looking at? 14. What is on the front of their helmets?

5. What do you think he is going to do next? 15. Why do they wear helmets?

6. What color are the gems? 16. Why do you think they are exploring the cave?

7. What is the man on the right looking at? 17. What dangers might they face?

8. Do you think he is afraid? 18. Have you ever been inside a cave?

9. What do you think he is going to do next? 19. Are you claustrophobic?

10. Describe the bat. 20. Would you like to explore this cave?

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