Midwestern State University Health Administration Graduate Program Degree Plan (MSN-HSA)

Date: Catalog Date:

Name: Last (Prefix) First Middle

Home Phone: Work Phone: Degree:

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Statistics, Finance, Research Course Completed: Yes: No: Expected Completion Date: MSN-HSA Courses: (40 Credits) Course Grade Completion Date NURS 5023 Research in Nursing NURS 5053 Contemporary Perspectives NURS 5103 Theoretical Foundations in Nursing HSAD 5133 Health Systems Analysis HSAD 5113 Health Care Financial Management I HSAD 5123 Health Care Personnel HSAD 5143 Health Care Law and Bioethics HSAD 5153 Managed Health Care HSAD 5223 Health Informatics HSAD 5293 Managerial Epidemiology and Biostatistics NURS 6224 Nursing Administration: Synthesis & Application Thesis NURS 6983 Thesis NURS 6993 Thesis Or Alternative Option: Research Paper NURS 6883 Research Paper I NURS 6893 Research Paper II Student Signature Date Advisor Signature Date

Pass Fail

Oral Exam Date Pass Research Paper Title Pass with Fail Changes Committee Chair Signature Date 2nd Reader Date
